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Guide for beginners in paid EDIT

Machine Translate
traffic arbitrage. Part 3
@aksholt • June 27, 2021

first part • second part • third part

Let's watch

After the start, all our campaigns go to the "Active" tab in Push.House. Let's quickly run through the most

important data in the table:

Campaign ID. A unique number that we need, for example, to contact support.

Name - the name of the campaign.

Watch. Clicking on the eye opens a preview of your creative.

Status - a color label that tells you what's going on with your creation. Decoding above the table.

Limit, $ - if we set the limit in dollars, it would be displayed here

spending limit.

CPC - cost per push. If you click on the amount, you can change

current value on the fly.

Place - your place in the auction. The higher, the better, in theory. Builds up

from the cost per click and the number of clicks on advertising.

Country - GEO for which the campaign is launched

Impressions - the number of times your ad was shown in real time

Clicks - the number of clicks on the ad in real time

CTR - Click-Through Rate - an indicator of the click-through rate of your creative. The ratio of

transitions and impressions. The higher, the better.

Cost - campaign costs. Clicks * price

We do not need the rest of the metric, we have a tracker. Let's go there and go.

Let's go through the basics:

"Refresh" button - updates the tracker's statistics. Spam as often as

want to.

ID - campaign number

Source - our traffic source

U.Visits - the number of unique clicks on the ad.

Visits - the number of non-unique clicks

CONV - conversions. favorite column)

CR - conversion rate. Visits to conversions ratio

INCOME, EXPENSE - needs no explanation. If we set everything up correctly, it displays our financial + and -

ROI is a critical indicator of the success of your advertising campaign. The higher the better. Formula: (income
- expenses) / expenses 100.

Strategies and scaling

While our campaigns are spinning and our first optimization data is being collected, let's talk about

push traffic growth strategies.

Usually, all affiliates are divided into two camps. Having found a bundle that converts and has an

acceptable ROI, the first ones create 30-50-100-1000 campaigns with

different creatives, subsequently filtering out poorly converting ones and creating

instead of them, new ones, in the likeness of the best ones, squeeze the bundle to the end.

The second - find a link with possibly a small income, but the maximum stable daily ROI, create 1-3

campaigns for an offer, take 3-5-7$ / day from it, simultaneously testing similar links for another GEO and put

them into operation, creating themes the most pull of bundles with minimal costs and risks and a stable income.

These two camps will never make friends. True, both of them have it, but in the second case you risk

practically nothing, in the first you put everything at stake.

I am a supporter of the second approach. I will explain with my example.

I'm looking for links like this:

During the week

ROI of 86% is far from the best indicator, but it is stable like rails.

Someone will say "fu, $26 a week net - a penny", but if there are 5 such bundles, it's already $130/week, or 1300ÿ/

day (at the exchange rate on June 27, 2021) and at the same time you risk nothing at all , just throw money on

the balance. Turnover is only $150 per week!

Since the costs are minimal, you can test for self-sufficiency and scale up to 10-15-20 similar bundles, creating

essentially passive income. You do not need to unscrew huge budgets, you do not have to twitch that if something

burns out, you will fall into a severe minus, no hassle - self-sufficiency and relaxation with a minimum of body

movements. At the same time, you have only 5 * 2 creatives spinning, they are easy to maintain, monitor, change,

etc. In the tracker, you always have everything at a glance ... In short, solid pluses, and not "PX left for

maintenance in the evening and you minus $ 100."

It's like in shareware traffic: some find the source and squeeze it to zero, others slowly and steadily milk it

for years. Decide for yourself what you need.

To build your pull from such bundles, it is important to understand how to look for them. Simply put, we

proceed from the principle of "find the best ROI". To do this, you need to find an offer that consistently

converts at a low cost per click and a high payout relative to costs. For this, it is almost always better to use tier

2-3 countries. There, the competition is lower and the above principle works with a bang. The exception is Asian

countries, they are better

do not touch.

Strictly speaking, the checklist looks like this:

We went to Push.House, opened "Network volume", sorted by the minimum cost per

We chose the GEO that interested you, made sure that there were enough clicks on it

We opened Traforce, found an available offer for this GEO, looked at

what is the payout for it

• Estimate how many clicks will pay off the conversion (the more, the better)

• Understood what would suit us

We analyzed the interests and needs of men in the selected country. We created 1-2 creatives

based on this.

• Added a campaign with an offer to the tracker

• Added a campaign with a link from the tracker to the PH

• Set a campaign click limit equal to 1-2 conversions

• Launched and hid.

If during the campaign we received 1-2-3 conversions, we continue to twist until it is positive. We collect

statistics on sites and creatives,


If we didn't get anything, we stop the campaign in the PH, there is no tracker

we stop at least a day - leads can fly.

Always pay attention to CTR. If this indicator is high enough, there are a lot of clicks, but there are no

conversions - there is a high chance that you simply did not guess right with the creative. People were hooked,

but at the transition they realize that they are not being sold what they were waiting for. In this case, you can

duplicate the campaign and test another creative with a different message. If it comes in, great. If not, perhaps

the reason lies in the difficult registration on the site, the hackneyedness of the offer, its reputation, etc. You can

try to add another offer to the campaign in the tracker for this GEO and split it, or even replace the old one with a

new one. Test.

And one moment. Creatives tend to fade. change them


Campaign optimization
One of the most important stages in the work is optimization. This is how you can stretch the notorious ROI

and get a minimum of expenses with a maximum of income. If everything is done correctly, our output will

increase significantly, and the risks

will be reduced to zero.

In order to optimize the campaign, you need to collect enough data for this. We do not use the tracker in

vain, it writes everything. Let's go to PeerClick. Check the box next to the campaign and click the "Report"


We can see a menu that will allow us to see a bunch of all sorts of statistics: from the provider who

clicked to the token of the transmitted PX.

We will not consider everything completely, we will focus only on the important ones for us. When you created

a campaign in PX, you set the language, device, time and OS version - these are the main visible settings that

allow you to save traffic. For example, if we select "OS Versions" in the reports, we will see the following:

When creating a campaign in PX, I didn’t put Android devices according to the version on my own, so that it

would be clearer to you. You should only have 4 OS versions.

Although the data is still very, very small, we see that the most clicks are from ten, then comes the eleventh,

and so on. When we collect enough information, to save the budget, we will turn off those that do not bring

leads, or they show a negative ROI, saving ourselves from unnecessary spending on clicks. I'll show you with

my example:

We see that only 10.9 and 8 versions of the OS are plus for me. Go to PX in the campaign settings

and leave only them.

We do the same with the rest of the parameters. But that's not all. Let's remember what we get in the link from

PX. Go to the menu "tokens"

Camp and site_id are important to us. What is it and how will we use this information?

SITE_ID is a list of site IDs from which users come to your ad. Just as in the case of the OS,

we leave only the converting ones, we add the rest to the black list.

This can only be done when we collect sufficient statistics, from about 30-50 leads, otherwise you can block all

traffic. At 100 or more conversions, you can try the whitelist. We save all these IDs and transfer them to the PX

campaign settings, here:

Select the blacklist and add them separated by commas. Now they won't show ads. We save the


CAMP - ID of our advertising campaigns, creatives in this case. All the same. We analyze and see

which creative has more conversions. We turn off empty and minus ones in PX, we analyze plus ones and

make similar ones


ONCE AGAIN: First we collect sufficient statistics, then we start optimization, not vice versa.

Otherwise, nothing good will come of it.

Let's look at the intermediate result.

All in real time, right now as I write this:

There are no conversions yet. Creo performs best in the auction: You and me like and . He has the highest
CTR and, accordingly, a higher place.

I decided to experiment and add the first two creos with Lana Del Rey wearing a soccer scarf and "one unknown

porn star". Let's see what happens. It is possible that they will come, given that we made them in accordance

with the pornhub analysis and provided them with good trust


In the afternoon, the first penny arrived to us:

We see that for the spent $0.44 we have $1.8 of income with an ROI of 309% - a good indicator, but one

reg does not give anything. There may not be more of them. Can

leave it to be tested further, but I advise you to turn off campaigns and

try tier-2 countries.

By the way, Lana Del Rey shot, for which many thanks to her! The hypothesis on Creo was confirmed by a

single lead ))

In fact, in order to draw conclusions, you need to score at least a dozen conversions. One is an accident. Open

Traforce, look for offers, launch, test - you already know everything, and if not, re-read this guide again.

I congratulate you! Now you are ready to fly on your own!


Here we have reached the end. A lot of work has been done, and if you did not give up halfway

through, this causes great respect!

As part of the guide, we examined the very basics and basics. Remember, most knowledge will come to you

with experience. The more you test, the more understanding


A link that works today can go into the red tomorrow, just like a link that doesn’t work can start to add.

Check it out and don't lose heart if it doesn't work right away. I have given you a low cost, low risk strategy -

use it.

You can play with bets, you can change affiliate programs and sources, you can

come up with your own unique creatives or pour on other verticals - all in

your hands! You can never stop, you can never give up. I believe in you generation of smart people!

~ p.s. ~

The guide is written and distributed absolutely free of charge.

Referral links. If there is a desire to throw me $ in gratitude - write
to the cart. I personally do not conduct consultations, I will probably
supplement the guide.

=========={ ÿ }==========

Thank you all, all the best, Jah hears everything, kids!

Sun, Summer, Festivals!

Hug and lift


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