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Learner's Module in English 9
Quarter 3 ● Module 5

Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
No. 82 Military Cut-off Road, Baguio City

Published by the
Learning Resource Management and Development System
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Baguio City


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What I Need to Know
This module was designed and crafted to help you deepen your
understanding on determining the relevance and truthfulness of ideas in
materials you are viewing.

Learning Objectives

1. Recognize the ideas presented in a material viewed.

2. Determine the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas presented in the
What I Know
General Instruction: Follow the instructions indicated in each task. Write the
answers on a separate sheet of paper.
I. Identification: Determine if the situations presented apply to relevance or
truthfulness. Write R for relevance and T for truthfulness.
____1. Juan Dela Cruz chooses to watch a news report instead of
entertainment because this is useful to his assignment.
____2. Physics tends to be less than fascinating to you, but for people who
want to be an engineer, Physics is interesting. They learn it for their future
____3. A student searches for other sources to check whether the information
is factual or not.
____4. After viewing a video focusing on baking, a person might be learning
on how to bake.
____5. People from different cultural backgrounds might watch videos from
the standpoint of their racial, ancestral, or cultural heritage.
II. True or False. Write True if the statement is correct. Otherwise, False if
the statement is wrong.
____6. Gossips are truthful.
____7. Relevance is conformity with reality.
____8. All information found on the internet is truthful.
____9. Personal relevance includes individual choices.
____10. An information can be truthful if it is posted on Facebook.
____11. Relevance is the importance or significance of the situation to the
____12. A credible news story includes plenty of facts – quotes from experts,
survey data and official statistics.
____13. Personal relevance is connected to learning experiences that are
connected in some way to real-world issues, problems, and contexts.
____14. The material viewed or read is relevant if learning experiences are
either directly applicable to the personal aspirations, interests, or cultural
experiences of viewers.
____15. Life relevance is generally intended to equip people with practical
skills, knowledge, and dispositions that they can apply in various educational,
career, and civic contexts throughout their lives.

What’s In
People watch materials such as news, movies, television programs,
and the like. At some point, viewers assess these based on relevance and
truthfulness. It is important to determine viewing materials’ relevance and
truthfulness because they can help you in one way or another. For instance,
relevance can help you realize how useful all knowledge can be. The
information you have watched and listened to can help you in your studies,
future career, or daily lives. Meanwhile, truthfulness equips you to determine if
the information presented is true and accurate. This now prevents the spread
of fake news.
Viewing refers to perceiving, examining, interpreting, and construction
meaning from visual images and is crucial to improving comprehension of
print and non-print materials (Barrot, 2016). With this definition, viewing
requires various skills. Viewers, for instance, critically analyze information
watched and listened to. The ability to think critically about a matter now helps
people to determine a video’s relevance and truthfulness.

What’s New
Activity 1: Am I relevant?
Choose two pictures that have relevance to you as a learner. Write the letters
that correspond to your chosen pictures. After which, write down information
that you have read, watched, or listened to about each picture. Then answer
the process questions.


1. Picture: _____
2. Picture: _____

Process Questions:
1. Why do you consider these pictures relevant to you as a student?
2. Do you think the information that you have read or heard about these
are truthful? Explain your answer.

What Is It

Relevance is the quality or state of being closely connected or

appropriate. Some thing’s relevance to a situation or person is
its importance or significance in that situation or to that person.
It also refers to learning experiences that are either directly applicable
to the personal aspirations, interests, or cultural experiences of people
(personal relevance) or that are connected in some way to real-world issues,
problems, and contexts (life relevance).
Personal relevance can be illustrated in some scenarios. If you are
asked to watch any video, you will watch a news report since you have
personal interest in knowing what is currently happening. This is called
individual choice where people have the right to choose what they want, their
interests, for example. Another form of personal relevance is cultural
connection. In a history class, for example, a teacher might allow students to
investigate certain historical topics or time periods through a culturally
relevant connection. Students from different cultural backgrounds might watch
videos from the standpoint of their racial, ancestral, or cultural heritage.
Meanwhile, life relevance is generally intended to equip people with
practical skills, knowledge, and dispositions that they can apply in various
educational, career, and civic contexts throughout their lives. For example,
after viewing a video focusing on baking, a person might be learning on how
to bake. In another instance, Physics tends to be less than fascinating to you,
but for people who want to be an engineer, Physics is interesting. They learn
it for their future career.
On the other hand, truthfulness is conformity with fact or reality. It
denotes complete sincerity and accuracy in all details.
Here are some ways to determine if a statement is truthful:
1. Develop a critical mindset.
It is essential that you keep your emotional response to such stories in
check. Instead, approach what you see and hear rationally and critically . You
do this by determining the reason the story was created and identifying its
2. Check the source.
Check the web address for the page you are viewing. Spelling errors in
company names, or strange-sounding extensions like ".infonet" and ".offer,"
rather than ".com" or "," may mean that the source cannot be trusted.
Sources that are credible for example are websites registered by
government and educational institutions (.gov, .edu, .ac) and academic
databases (i.e. Academic Search Premier or JSTOR).

3. See who else is reporting the story.
Reports coming from professional global news agencies such as
Reuters, CNN and the BBC are considered reliable. These news agencies
have rigorous editorial guidelines and extensive networks of highly trained
4. Examine the evidence.
Evidence is the proof that the sources offer for what they know. It
overlaps with how close someone is to an event. A credible news story
includes plenty of facts – quotes from experts, survey data and official
statistics, for example, or detailed, consistent and corroborated eye-witness
accounts from people on the scene. You will trust the material that offers more
evidence and is more specific and more transparent about the proof being
5. Examine the images.
Not all images that you see are real. Some of them are fake but looked
real due to modern editing software. On another point, images can also be
100 percent accurate but used in the wrong context. For example, photos of
litter covering a beach could be from a different beach or from 10 years ago,
not the recent alleged event.


What’s More

Activity 2: Inspect the Text

Study the graphic text below then answer the questions that follow. Write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.

____1. Which has the highest percentage in the COVID-19 summary?

A. deaths B. recoveries C. active cases
____2. What is true about the COVID-19 cases summary?
A. Death cases have the least number of percentage.
B. There are more active cases than recoveries.
C. The percentage of deaths is higher than active cases.

____3. What makes the information relevant?
A. It is about the past.
B. It requires a solution.
C. It directly affects people’s lives.
____4. When can we say that the graph has personal significance to you?
A. The content deals with an issue.
B. The content affects me directly.
C. The content affects the people around me.
____5. What makes the text truthful?
A. It shows information.
B. There are numbers involved.
C. The source is indicated and is reliable.

Activity 3: Determining Relevance and Truthfulness

Read and analyze the content of the infographic below. Then answer the
questions that follow.

____1. How many ways to maintain good mental health are mentioned in the
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6
____2. Do you think the ideas in the text are relevant? Explain your answer.

3. Do you think the ideas in the text are truthful? Explain your answer.

Activity 4: Study the Dialog

Read and analyze the dialog below and determine its truthfulness and
relevance. You may ask one of your family members to read it and tell his/her

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ideas on the text’s truthfulness and relevance. Summarize the responses in
the Venn diagram on the next page.

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My Own Ideas My Family
Member’s Ideas

What I Have Learned

Activity 5: Sum It Up!
Fill in the blanks in the scroll with what you have learned from the lesson.

A viewing material is relevant if it is ___________ to a

person. Relevance has two types. First, ___________
relevance pertains to one’s interests, aspirations, or
cultural experiences. Another is ___________
relevance which equips people with practical skills,
knowledge, and dispositions that they can apply.
Meanwhile, _____________ involves facts or reality.
You can do five ways to examine if a statement is
truthful. First, ________________________________.
Second, ________________________________.
Third, ________________________________. Fourth,
________________________________. Fifth,
I realized that ___________________________

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What I Can Do
Activity 6: Reflect!
Analyze the illustrations below then answer the questions that follow.

1. Which of the two pictures is relevant to you? Why?
2. Do you think the information is truthful? Explain your answer.

General Instruction: Follow the instructions indicated in each task. Write the
required answers in your paper.

I. Multiple Choice. Determine if the situations presented apply to relevance

or truthfulness. Write R for relevance and T for truthfulness as answers.
____1. A researcher gets information from a credible source.
____2. A student checks whether the evidence presented is factual.
____3. After viewing a video on fitness, a person becomes fascinated on
____4. A person who watches a news report finds how its content is
significant to him or her.
____5. Speaking English is not appealing to you, but for people who want to
be reporters, it is interesting.
II. True or False. Write True if the statement is correct. Otherwise, False if it
is wrong.
____6. Not all information is truthful.
____7. Relevance refers to stating what is true.
____8. A report is credible if it has an unverified source.

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____9. Determining significance is connected to relevance.
____10. One way of determining relevance is examining evidence.
____11. Life relevance is connected to the personal beliefs of people.
____12. To say that something is truthful, it should be based on facts.
____13. Personal relevance covers knowledge and skills for future career.
____14. Life relevance includes having individual choice and culture-related
____15. When you check if the details are accurate, you are determining a
text’s truthfulness.
Additional Activities
Activity 1: Think Twice
Read and analyze the two infographics. Determine the relevance and
truthfulness of these most especially this time of pandemic. Write your
answers in the box provided. Be guided by the rubric in the next page in doing
this activity.



- 14 -
10 9 8
Justifies key ideas Justifies some ideas and Regardless of the
and explains reasons explains reasons evidence or reasons,
maintains or defends
views based on self-
interest or

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Answer Key
What I Know What I Can Do
I. Activity 6
1. R Answers may vary.
2. R
3. T Assessment
4. R I.
5. R 1. T
II. 2. T
6. False 3. R
7. False 4. R
8. False 5. R
9. True II
10. False 6. True
11. True 7. False
12. True 8. False
13. False 9. True
14. True 10. False
15. False 11. False
12. True
What’s New
13. False
Activity 1
14. False
Answers may vary.
15. True
What’s More
Activity 2 Additional Activities
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C Activity 1
Activity 3 Answers may vary.
1. C
2-3. Answers may vary.
Activity 4
Answers may vary.
What I Have Learned
Activity 5
A viewing material is relevant if it is
significant/important to a person. Relevance has two
types. First, personal relevance pertains to one’s
interests, aspirations, or cultural experiences. Another
is life relevance which equips people with practical
skills, knowledge, and dispositions that they can apply.
Meanwhile, truthfulness involves facts or reality. You
can do five ways to examine if a statement is truthful.
*Answers in any order for five ways to examine if a
statement is truthful.
1. Develop a critical mindset.
2. Check the source.
3. See who else is reporting the story.
4. Examine the evidence.
5. Examine the images.
I realized that ______________________________.
* Answers may vary for this statement.

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Baguio City COVID-19 monitoring (Graphic text). Retrieved from
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Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. (Photographer). Untitled photograph of a bill and

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Barrot, J. S. 2016. Current principles and concepts in the teaching of

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16, 2021.

Cagayan Valley Health Research and Development Consortium. 2018.

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Inner drive. 2019. 5 ways to manage time spent gaming.
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Lucas, D. 2021. Lapu-Lapu: From one-centavo coin to P 5,000 bill. Philippine

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Military Health System. Ways to maintain good mental health. Retrieved from
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Mind Tools. 2013. How to spot real and fake news. Retrieved from on February
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Photoville International. (Photographer). Untitled photograph of a woman

selling pork.) Retrieved from
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Radiology Key. 2016. Truthfulness and confidentiality. Retrieved from on February
19, 2021.

Relevance. 2021. In Collins dictionary. https://www.collinsdictionary.

com/dictionary/english/relevance on January 22, 2021.

Science Spies. 2020. Different types of cyberbullying. Retrieved from
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Statista. 2020. Importance of family support for LGBTQ youth. Retrieved from on
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The Glossary of Education Forum. 2013. Relevance. Retrieved from

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Truthfulness. 2021. In Cambridge dictionary. Retrieved from
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(Untitled photograph of a woman wearing a face mask). Retrieved from
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(Untitled image of a boy in front of a desktop writing down notes). Retrieved

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(Untitled photograph of a woman smiling). Retrieved from 105-
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