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Laying hens are female chickens that have reached maturity and are capable of laying eggs.

The term "laying hens" is commonly used to refer to chickens that are specifically kept for
the purpose of egg production. Here are some key points about laying hens:

** .1Maturity:** Hens typically reach maturity and start laying eggs around 5-6 months of
age, although this can vary depending on the breed.

** .2Egg Production:** Laying hens are specifically bred for their ability to produce a high
number of eggs. The frequency of egg-laying can be influenced by factors such as genetics,
nutrition, lighting conditions, and overall health.

** .3Housing:** Laying hens may be kept in various types of housing systems, including
traditional cages, enriched or colony cages, free-range systems, or pasture-based systems.
The type of housing can impact the welfare of the hens and the characteristics of the eggs

** .4Nutrition:** Laying hens require a balanced diet to support optimal egg production.
Specialized layer feeds are formulated to meet their nutritional needs, providing the
necessary nutrients like protein, calcium, vitamins, and minerals.

** .5Egg Quality:** The quality of eggs produced by laying hens can be influenced by factors
such as diet, housing conditions, and the overall health of the hens. Quality considerations
include factors like shell integrity, yolk color, and egg size.

** .6Lifecycle:** Hens will continue to lay eggs for several years, but the rate of egg
production typically decreases with age. After a certain point, when egg production declines
significantly, some farmers choose to cull older hens.

** .7Health Care:** Proper health care is crucial to maintaining a productive flock of laying
hens. This includes vaccination against common diseases, parasite control, and monitoring
for any signs of illness.

** .8Breeds:** Different chicken breeds have varying levels of egg production. Some breeds,
known as prolific layers, are specifically selected for their ability to lay a large number of

Whether on commercial egg farms or in backyard settings, the management of laying hens
requires attention to various factors to ensure the health and well-being of the birds and the
production of high-quality eggs. Proper nutrition, housing conditions, and veterinary care
are essential components of successful egg-laying hen management.

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