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Sanjeev raj

 Pizza is made up of refined flour which is deprived of any nutrient, vitamin or

fibre content. It does nothing for health than to increase the belly fat.

 Overdosing on cheese can increase the levels of bad cholesterol in body and
increase the risk of heart diseases. In a chicken pizza, the fat content is even
higher. The high sodium levels in Pizza can cause hypertension.

 The ingredients in the pizza can make us addicted to it. It will secrete a hormone
that will make the brain addicted to it.

 Daily consumption of pizza can disturb the sugar balance in body. It can increase
sugar levels suddenly and then crash it after some time.

 The ingredients of pizza like cheese, sauce and refined flour crust upsets the
stomach and often causes acidity.

 Burgers contain excessive amounts of cholesterol and saturated fat. Meat

consists of fat naturally, which increases the cholesterol level. On having
burgers, the cholesterol level rises in the blood, thereby increasing the chances of
heart disorders.

 Burgers are also rich in sodium, resulting in increased blood pressure and risk of
stroke in which blood supply is reduced or interrupted to a section of brain.
There are also higher chances of kidney disease. They are rich in calories which
is the leading cause of gaining weight.

 A burger is made by a meat product separated mechanically and treated with

ammonia to destroy bacteria. Ammonia is not healthy for the body; consuming it
in any form can be dangerous for health. It affects the respiratory system and
also causes damage to the skin.

 Ammonium chloride and fructose corn syrup present in the flour of the bun can
also be the reason for cancer. All this process also enhances the chances of

 A single mass of chopped meat is made by combining a hundred of several cattle

from all types of suppliers. This mixed meat is used to create a burger. The
mixture enhances the risk of contamination as even one contaminated cow can
infect tons of another.

 Chips contain fats and carbohydrates that affect blood glucose and cause an
increase in insulin, which affects the desire to eat, and thus the body loses many
nutrients necessary for the growth.

 It contains a lot of calories, which causes obesity, and it also contains

hydrogenated oils and fats that increase weight greatly. Chips causes an increase
in the level of cholesterol in the blood, which causes various heart diseases.

 Eating a large amount of chips every day causes many of the stomach disorders,
which causes indigestion.

 Chips contain a large amount of carbohydrates, which when exposed to high-

temperature results in acrylamide, a toxic substance that causes damage to DNA,
which affects the immune system.

 Chips are considered an unhealthy food that affects the concentration, because it
affects the amount of blood flow to the brain, and reduces the mental

 Ice cream contains sugar, calories, fat, which are not healthy for health. This
increases the risk of obesity and heart disease.

 Due to the consumption of excessive refined carbohydrates, fat starts

accumulating in the belly.

 Ice cream contains saturated fat. Eating an ice cream increases cholesterol levels.

 Ice cream contains a lot of sugar, after consumption of which our blood sugar
level can increase.

 Ice cream is high in fat, which takes longer to digest. Usually this leads to
problems of indigestion.

 Cakes have a very high content of carbohydrates and fats and so may make us
put on weight.

 The sugars in cake may increase blood glucose level and so make us diabetic on
a long run.

 The margarine or butter which is been used in cakes may raise blood cholesterol

 Cannabis in space cakes is capable of causing psychoactive undesirable effects,

like anxiety.

 Dyes in some velvet cakes which are been used for coloring purposes, may cause
digestion related problems and may even be allergic to some people.

 The high sugar levels in the soft drink causes a sharp spike in blood glucose
level. As a result, our body feels hunger and fatigue, unleashing the risk of type
2 diabetes.

 Drinking lots of soda can harm teeth, as well as our body. The acid content in
soft drinks is also linked to poor dental health. Acidity can weaken the enamel of
the tooth and cause decay. This can result in more cavities, fillings, and even
missing teeth over time.

 Drinking a lot of soft drinks can actually hurt the kidneys. When we consume
anything harmful, our kidneys are responsible for flushing it out of body. Acidic
drinks can be harmful to kidneys in large amounts, and even lead to kidney

 Drinking too much soft drink weakens the bones by affecting calcium levels.
When a lot of phosphate is in bloodstream, it soaks up calcium from bones.

 Phosphates used in fizzy drinks, as well as many other processed foods, has been
found to speed up the ageing process. This is not bad just in terms of wrinkles,
but also health complications such as chronic kidney and cardiovascular

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