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Vertical farming should be widely used

It is predicted that by In 2050 the world population will grow to 9 billion and food
demand will also rise but there is a solution and that's vertical farming. Based on the
information seen from the website of Bowery. Vertical farming is a modern farming technique
where instead of planting horizontally farmers plant vertically to maximize space usually in a
controlled environment. This method results in high crop yield and allows for year-round food
production in any climate, and enables farms to focus on goals such as food safety to quality.
That is why vertical farming should be widely used because of its efficient usage of space, year-
round food production, safe food production, and sustainable practices.

The first reason why vertical farming should be widely used because of its efficient
usage of space. Based on the information gathered from the Bowery website. vertical farming
can be built in any location regardless of soil quality. Anything from an abandoned warehouse
to a storage facility or shipping container right in the city can be turned into a vertical farm.
Also, vertical farming allows farmers to grow more food in less space than traditional farming in
horizontal rows.

Another reason why we should vertical farming should be widely used because of its
year-round food production. According to the data gathered from the Bowery website. Indoor
vertical farms can grow crops 365 days per year. The reason why it can grow those crops since
vertical farms are not susceptible to the impacts of storms or extreme weather events in the
way conventional farms are. Also, since a vertical farm is also a climate-controlled environment
that allows year-round food production.

Lastly, vertical farms should be widely used because of their sustainable practices.
Farming in a vertical farm according to the bowery state that vertical farming allows enhanced
resource management so that water can be recycled; a single vertical farm saves up to 15 to 20
MM gallons of water a year compared to traditional agriculture. Bowery also states that vertical
farming as we practice it is free of pesticides and herbicides and eliminates fertilizer runoff,
which can be harmful to the local supply, and plant life.

This evidence shows that it is evident that vertical is superior to traditional farming. It is
also can be said that vertical farming is beneficial since it is predicted that the population will
grow and food demand will grow. Vertical farming can also help combat global warming
because of its sustainable practices. Building a vertical farm near the city also helps rise the
quilt of the produce but also lowers the price since it won't cost much to deliver the produce to
the store.

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