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Dear friend of Secrets Unsealed, C o n t e n t s

In just a couple of weeks the General Conference Session of
the world church will take place in San Antonio, Texas. It Testimony Time 4
would be a gross understatement to say that this will be
a run-of-the-mill Session. It will actually be a watershed
meeting with very high stakes that will determine the The Risk of Eternal Loss 6
future mission, message and identity of the Seventh-day
Adventist church.
The central issue at the Session will not be whether the world church Kidney Stones 28
will allow for the ordination of women as gospel ministers on a regional ba-
sis. The core issue is whether the direction of the church will be charted by
Scripture or by culture. If the church chooses culture over Scripture, it will Young & Godly: Dating, Mating
face ever-growing conflicts in other lifestyle and doctrinal matters that will
ultimately gut its ability to impact and transform culture. May God forbid
and Relating, Part 2 31
that this happens!
I trust that you will read my article “The Risk of Eternal Loss” in this news-
letter where I discuss how the relationship between the Father and the Son Parable 19: The Hidden Treasure 34
in the Godhead serves as a macro-model for God’s original plan for Adam and
Eve and their male and female descendants. I believe that this study will help
us understand how men and women in the home and in the church are fully Quarterly Specials 48
equal and yet with different functions and levels of authority.
I also encourage you to pray such as you have never prayed before that
the delegates to the Session will be enlightened and guided by Scripture, the
Spirit of Prophecy and the Holy Spirit to vote what is best for the future of
the church. Secrets Unsealed and other conservative media outlets have in-
vested much time and resources during the last two or three years to inform
the church about the serious issues involved. Now, the decision will be in the
hands of the delegates. May God have mercy on His people!
There are other even more serious and ominous issues now facing the
church that will engage us in the future—the teaching of evolution in our
schools, the dangers of Spiritual Formation, the encroachments of the
Emerging Church movement, the disintegration of traditional marriage, the
proliferation of secularism, the growth of papal power and influence, the
push for Sunday legislation, among others. Brothers and sisters, please pray Office Hours Contact Information Subscriber Services
without ceasing that the Lord will keep us faithful and prepare each of us, Monday-Thursday 5949 E. Clinton Ave. This is a quarterly publi-
individually, to receive the latter rain, to finish the work and to go Home! 8:30am- 5:30pm PST Fresno, CA 93727 cation. Subscriptions are
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Friday 888.REV.1412 (USA Only) receiving this magazine,
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or praise reports. Please direct your email or
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Pastor Stephen Bohr Terry Rusk
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President and Speaker, Secrets Unsealed are accidently receiving more than one issue. Follow us on Twitter
Jennifer Arruda
God's Last Day Preachers

Testimony Time
“We very much appreciate the way Pastor
Bohr fearlessly preaches God’s truth! We thank
God for him and others like him. We pray God continues
to use him in a mighty way. Pastor Bohr reminds me
of Noah. I see and hear the Holy Spirit
when he preaches.”
We’d love to hear Becky, Email
your testimonies!
Please direct your email to: Better Than I Thought
“I've been watching and studying from Finland, and there is much
along with the Anchor School pro- discussion on this subject, and my own
Direction Amidst Chaos gram I ordered and let me tell you it's home church pastor is a woman. It has
“I have been blessed by listening to Pastor as good, and better, as I knew it would only caused turmoil in my church, and
Bohr many times — on 3ABN as well as on Audio- be. I met Pastor Bohr when he was a I can’t see any pastor in Finland taking
Verse. His sermons are relevant to our times and are much guest speaker at AFCOE in 2001 and the Biblical view on women’s ordina-
needed. God has given him the spiritual gift of teaching. I live in Denver and was even went to your church in Fresno tion. They also ordinate women elders
raised Seventh-day Adventist, left and was re-baptized in 1996. I knew then the because of how the Bible is taught and often, and a majority of the pastors
church had changed, with women elders and all. Now, we hear about spiritual presented to encourage disciplined seem to be okay with that. We need
formation. I would not have understood this had it not been for Brother Bohr’s study methods. Pastor Bohr has been this resource in Finland and we need to
sermons on AudioVerse. My local church is in such turmoil and chaos, such as a my silent mentor for the last 14 years preach it before it is too late!”
four-times-married woman elder. I believe God can’t bless our church because of and the Holy Spirit speaking through Janica, Finland
this, no wonder it is in such disarray. This behavior drives me into the Word and him has impacted me to where I know
Spirit of Prophecy even deeper and pastors like Pastor Bohr are a God-send.” the Holy Spirit is working in me also. Vivid and Explicit
Debra, Email I can't thank the Lord enough for the “I am thankful to God for bringing you
truths Secrets Unsealed presents with into this world. I have learned lots of
The Don't Care Attitude A Support In End-time Days an unwavering stand in the midst of all truths that I did not know before. I do
“I listened to Julie Mesa’s message “I just want to say big a ‘thank you’ to the world and especially in our strug- a lot of evangelism work in Kenya (East
Male and Female Created He Them Pastor Bohr for his ministry and lec- gling Seventh-day Adventist churches. Africa) and I have been immensely
on AudioVerse. I so much appreciated tures broadcast on 3ABN. Recently Keep making videos, and I’ll keep blessed by your work. You are so vivid
her thoughts, studies, and her sharing he has become my ‘favorite’ pastor buying them to learn and share. God and explicit in your explanations that
them. I had the mindset that the Gener- alongside with Doug Bachelor. I really is blessing me with you, and His word I don’t think there is anyone left in
al Conference voted that women should do appreciate his biblical insight into will not return void.” doubt. I love your teachings of the 24
not be ordained and that the Unions Bible topics, which he unravels bril- Ben, Email Elders; I had never heard of it before
and Conferences that were doing it liantly. I myself am located in Ukraine
apart from your sermons, also the
were wrong, but I really didn't care one and watch 3ABN on a satellite dish.
My Home Church Pastor issue of women’s ordination. You made
way or the other if the GC voted in July Although I cannot order Pastor Bohr’s
“I saw a Facebook offer for a 21-part me understand it so clearly. I have been
to ordain women. After hearing Julie’s materials (because of a dragon’s curren-
free mp3 series on women’s ordination. using your sermons to teach others
message, I do care and can certainly see cy legislation in Ukraine), I am faithful
I have been wanting to study this sub- here in Kenya, though the church here
that this is the creeping compromise with my tithe to the local church. Once
ject for a long time and praying for God is ordaining women as elders and pas-
that can sneak into our church if we again, keep on with such a great job!
to provide me with resources, and then tors. God bless you as you go on with
have the ‘don't care’ attitude. Our love Your programs are such a support in
boom, there it was, your advertisement, the Lord’s work.”
to all of you.” these end-time days. God bless!”
that there is a free series available. I am Lantano, Kenya
Rae, Online Listener Igor, Ukraine
4 5
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first chapter of Patriarchs and Prophets Father that He gave to his twelve dis-
and never mentions the Holy Spirit, ciples: “And the glory which You gave
not even once! Does this mean that she Me, I have given them, that they may
did not believe in the Holy Spirit? Of be one just as We are one.”
course not! It simply means that her In what sense did Jesus desire His
topic in the chapter was the relation- disciples to be one? Did He want them
ship between the Father and the Son, to become one person? The apostles,
not the person of the Holy Spirit. obviously, were 12 individuals yet Jesus
So let’s begin our study of the heav- prayed that they might be one. If in fact
enly relationship between God the 12 individuals can be one without los-
Father and God the Son. Before the ing their own individuality, then two
creation of the angels, the beings of the can be one in the same sense. Jesus
unfallen worlds, and man, the Father wasn’t speaking numerically here, but
and the Son had a very special and of relational and functional unity. Just
unique relationship. Let’s examine 10 as the 12 disciples were each distinct
characteristics of that relationship. individuals, yet in their Lord’s vision
A Note of united in spirit and purpose, so the
Clarification Ten Characteristics Father and the Son are two distinct
individuals, united in character and
On Friday evening, January 2, 2015 I
preached a sermon at the GYC con- Point #1: In eternity past,
before anything
was created,
Ellen White explained how Jesus
vention titled “The Risk of Eternal
Loss.” At the conclusion of the Jesus already existed side by side with wished His disciples to become one:
sermon a Division president and His Father as a distinct Person, with “The unity that exists between Christ
his wife encouraged me to write His own individuality. and His disciples does not destroy the
out the sermon and publish it. personality of either. They are one in
God the Father and God the Son are
Later, other leaders of various purpose, in mind, in character, but
two separate individuals, two distinct
denominational entities joined not in person. It is thus that God and
personalities, each with their own self-
in the plea. So I have decided Christ are one” Ministry of Healing,
identity. Both the Bible and the writ-
to follow up on their request. p. 422.
ings of the Spirit of Prophecy make this
Before I begin, I need to give Thus it should be clear, from the tes-
crystal clear. In His intercessory prayer
a note of clarification. After the timony of the inspired writings, that
of John 17, Jesus spoke these words to
sermon, Trinitarians accused me the Father and the Son are two distinct
His Father: “And now, O Father, glo-
of being an anti-Trinitarian because individuals.
by Pastor Stephen Bohr rify Me together with Yourself, with the
I spoke on the relationship between glory which I had with You before the
the Father and the Son but failed
to mention the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, some anti-Trinitarians proudly
world was.”
It is obvious that the Son could not
Point #2: Although the
Father and the
Son are two indi-
claimed that I was on their side of the issue for the same reason. be with the Father if He was the same
There is a reason why I only mentioned the relationship between the Father viduals, each with their own distinct
person as the Father (see also John 1:1-
and the Son and said nothing about the Holy Spirit. I believe that the Holy Spirit personality, the Bible describes them
3). Two distinct persons, two separate
is the third person of the Godhead. But the subject of my sermon on that evening as one.
individuals, are clearly in focus here.
was not on the third person of the Godhead. By way of comparison, Ellen White In verse 22 of this same prayer our As pointed out before, the Father and
speaks extensively about the relationship between the Father and the Son in the Lord Jesus described the glory of the the Son are not one in terms of indi-

6 7

viduality but rather in terms of unity confirms this point in the following His right hand. That is, while Jesus Father is the image of the Son’s person.
of character, power and purpose. We statement: “God is the Father of Christ; was equal with the Father and ruled The Son, rather, is always the image of
think of Jesus’ statement in John 10:30, Christ is the Son of God. To Christ has together with Him, the Father was the His Father.
“I and My Father are one.” Jesus did been given an exalted position; He has supreme Ruler. Ellen White thus refers Consider the following statement
not mean that He and His Father were been made equal with the Father. All to the Father as “the King of the uni- from the pen of Ellen White where she
the same person but rather that both of the counsels of God are opened to His verse” Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 39. It affirms that the authority of Christ was
them were in unity, on the same page, Son” Testimonies to the Church, vol. 8, is clear, then, that although the Father next to that of the Father: “The Son of
so to speak. p. 268. and the Son are equal in divinity, sta- God was next in authority to the great
Ellen White confirms this point in Elsewhere, Ellen White states: “This tus, dignity, power, character and pur- Lawgiver … He was in the express
the following statement: “From eternity Savior was the brightness of His Father’s pose, the Son was functionally subject image of His Father, not in features
there was a complete unity between glory, and the express image of His Per- to His Father, even before the creation alone, but in perfection of character”
the Father and the Son. They were two, son. He possessed divine majesty, per- of the angels (more on this later). Spirit of Prophecy, volume 2, p. 9.
but little short of being identical— fection, and excellence. He was equal “In Him is gathered all the glory of
two in individuality, yet one in spirit
and heart and character” The Youth’s
Instructor, December 16, 1897.
with God. It pleased the Father that in
Him should all fullness dwell” God’s
Amazing Grace, p. 160.
Point #4: There was and is
a special intima-
cy between the
the Father, the fullness of the Godhead.
He is the brightness of the Father's glory
and the express image of His person.
Here is another statement where the Father and the Son. The glory of the attributes of God is

Point #3: It is clear from

the inspired
writings that the
equality of the Father and Son is stressed:
“Since the divine law is as sacred as God
Himself, only one equal with God could
The Bible tells us that the Son is in
the bosom of the Father. This fact is
expressed in His character” Christ’s
Object Lessons, p. 115.
“He who had been in the presence of
underlined in John 1:18, “No one has
Father and the Son are both equally make atonement for its transgression. seen God at any time. The only begotten the Father from the beginning, He who
God. None but Christ could redeem fallen man Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, was the express image of the invis-
The Father and the Son are both one from the curse of the law, and bring him He has declared Him.” In the Bible, the ible God, was alone able to reveal the
hundred percent divine. Jesus is not a again into harmony with Heaven” God’s bosom is a word that describes close- character of the Deity to mankind” The
lesser or inferior God than the Father. Amazing Grace, p. 42. ness and intimacy. Ministry of Healing, p. 422.
The Father and the Son are both equal- And then we have this amazing state- Ellen White confirms this point as So even though the Father and the
ly God in the highest sense of the word. ment: “Christ was God essentially, and well: “He [the Father] permitted Him Son are equal, the Father’s authority is
This is a vitally important point on in the highest sense. He was with God [Jesus] to leave the bosom of His love, supreme. In the familial relationship
which the Bible is too clear to be mis- from all eternity, God over all, blessed the adoration of the angels, to suffer a son is equal to his father and yet is
understood. In John 1:1 we find the fol- forevermore. The Lord Jesus Christ, the shame, insult, humiliation, hatred, and subject to his father’s authority. In like
lowing words: “In the beginning was the divine Son of God, existed from eter- death” The Review and Herald, Febru- manner, although Jesus is equal with
Word, and the Word was with God, and nity, a distinct person, yet one with the ary 28, 1888. His Father, he is subject to His Father’s
the Word was God.” Father” The Faith I Live By, p. 46. The inspired testimony is clear. Jesus authority. Jesus was the express image
The Word, described in this verse, “Christ was the Son of God. He had was in the bosom of His Father long of His Father, little short of being iden-
is Jesus. This is made clear in verse been one with Him before the angels before He came to this earth as a man. tical!
14, where we are told that, “the Word were called into existence. He had ever What in fact does the designation
stood at the right hand of the Father." “express image” mean? Several New
became flesh and dwelt among us.”
Before the beginning of all beginnings,
Jesus, the Word, was with God and was
Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 38.
It is significant to note in this last
Point #5: Jesus is the
express image of
the Father’s Per-
Testament passages explain how ordi-
nary human beings were created in the
God. He was not a god like the Jeho- statement that even before the creation son. image of God, and how they must be re-
vah’s Witnesses believe, but God in of the angels, the Father sat on the cen- created in that same image (e.g. II Cor-
ter of the throne, while the Son sat at Never does the Bible tell us that the inthians 3:18). The word for “image” in
every sense of the word. Ellen White

8 9

these verses is eikon, from which we get

our English word “icon.” But a differ-
ent word is used to describe Christ as
Father’s self, that when the Father
thinks, the Son makes His thoughts
audible: “What speech is to thought,
Point #8: Jesus is the
reflection of the
Father’s glory.
equal with God” Testimonies to the
Church, vol. 2, p. 200.

the image of His Father. Hebrews 1:3

describes Jesus as the express image of
His Father. The word for “image” here
so is Christ to the invisible Father. He
is the manifestation of the Father, and
is called the Word of God” That I May
That is to say, it is the glory of the
Father that shines on the face of Jesus.
Let’s notice once again Hebrews 1:3
Point #9: Even though
the Father and
the Son are on a
is xaracter from which we get our Eng- Know Him, p. 38. where we read that Jesus is the bright- level of equality as Persons, the Son
lish word “character.” What this means ness of the Father’s glory. Never do we is subject to the Father’s authority
is that Jesus is the mirror image of the
Father’s character.
In short, both Scripture and the
Point #7: As the Son of
God, Jesus is of
the same sub-
read in Scripture or the Spirit of Proph-
ecy that the Father is the brightness
of the Son’s glory. Rather, it is always
functionally because the Father is His
Someone might ask: How is it pos-
writings of Ellen White are clear that stance as the Father. the Son who is the reflection of the sible to be equal with someone else,
God the Son is the express image of In human terms, we might say that Father’s glory. John 1:14 adds the same and at the same time be subject to that
God the Father. the Son has the same DNA as His thought: “And the Word became flesh, person’s authority? The Bible explains
Father. Philippians 2:6 speaks of how and dwelt among us, and we beheld His how this is so, in 1 Corinthians 11:3,

Point #6: Jesus is the

Father’s second
Christ, before His incarnation, was
“in the form of God.” The Greek word
glory, the glory as of the only begotten
of the Father, full of grace and truth.”
The glory of Jesus, therefore, is
“But I want you to know that the head of
every man is Christ, the head of woman
is man, and the head of Christ is God.”
that is translated “form” in this verse,
We have all heard the expression, ‘like by the way, isn’t referring to simple the glory of the Father. In 2 Corin- So, according to the Bible, the Father
father, like son’. This popular saying is external characteristics but rather to thians 4:6, we find the same thought is the Head of Christ and as such,
a fit description of the relationship that substance—or essence, the very stuff expressed in a different way: “For it is Christ is subject, or submissive, to His
exists between the Father and the Son of which an individual is composed. the God who commanded light to shine Father’s will—in eternity past, in the
in the Godhead. When Philip asked Ellen White, in harmony with this pas- out of darkness, who has shown in our present, and in eternity future. Need-
Jesus, “Show us the Father” (John 14:8), sage from Philippians, expresses it this hearts to give the light of the knowledge less to say, both the Father and the Son
Jesus replied, “Have I been with you so way: “‘I and the Father are one.’ The of the glory of God in the face of Jesus have authority and dominion, but while
long, and yet you have not known Me, words of Christ were full of deep mean- Christ.” the Father possesses absolute authority,
Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the ing, as He put forth the claim that He Ellen White’s perspective of Christ is the Son possesses delegated authority.
Father” (verse 9). and the Father were of one substance, in perfect harmony with what the New Never do we read that the Son has ever
Jesus is the Father’s second Self, possessing the same attributes” Signs of Testament teaches: “He (Christ) was held independent authority. Rather, He
so—according to Jesus—the one who the Times, November 27, 1893. the brightness of the Father’s glory, the has always been subject to His Father’s
sees Him has in fact seen a reflection Elsewhere the Lord’s servant writes: express image of His Person” Medical authority and His Father’s will. Before
of the Father. It is as if the Son has His “Christ was God essentially, and in Ministry, p. 19. the creation of angels, the beings
Father’s DNA! the highest sense” Review and Herald, Elsewhere she writes: “In Him of other worlds and humans, Jesus
Let’s consider again a statement from April 5, 1906. (Christ) is gathered all the glory of the was already subject to His Father’s
Ellen White that we reviewed earlier: Ellen White did not mean that Christ Father, the fullness of the Godhead. He will. When Lucifer began spreading
“From eternity there was a complete was essentially God but rather that he is the brightness of the Father’s glory, rumors, insinuating that Jesus was one
unity between the Father and the Son. is God essentially. What is meant here and the express image of His Person” just like himself, Ellen White explains
They were two, but little short of being is that Christ was God in His essence, Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 115. that the Father assembled the heavenly
identical—two in individuality, yet one to the very core of His being. He pos- “This Savior was the brightness of His host to explain the true position of His
in spirit and heart and character” The sesses the same divine traits, powers, Father’s glory, and the express image of Son: “The great Creator assembled the
Youth’s Instructor, December 16, 1897. and wisdom as the Father. His Person. He possessed divine maj- heavenly host, that He might, in the
So closely does the Son reflect the esty, perfection, and excellence. He was presence of all the angels, confer spe-

10 11

cial honor upon His Son. The Son was Father’s will in the creation of all the at the name of Jesus every knee should opposed. In God’s order, the one who
seated on the throne with His Father, hosts of heaven; and to Him, as well as bow, of those in heaven, and of those on descends is the one who is highest. The
and the heavenly throng of holy angels to God, their homage and allegiance was earth, and of those under the earth, and problem exists with our way of think-
was gathered around them. The Father due. Christ was still to exercise divine that every tongue should confess that ing—we assume that subjection is a bad
then made known that it was ordained power, in the creation of the earth and Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God thing. But if subjection is a bad thing,
by Himself that Christ, His Son, should its inhabitants. But in all this He would the Father.” how is it that it existed even before sin
be equal with Himself, so that wherever not seek power or exaltation for Him- The text is clear. It is the Father who invaded God’s universe, as the Son
was the presence of His Son, it was His self contrary to God’s plan, but would exalts Christ and gives Him the name subjected Himself to His Father’s will?
own presence. The word of the Son was exalt the Father’s glory and execute His that is above every name, and it is all to How can it be bad when the Son will be
to be obeyed as readily as the word of the purposes of beneficence and love” Patri- the glory of God the Father. We never subject to His Father’s will in eternity
Father. His Son He had invested with archs and Prophets, p. 36. read about the Son giving authority to future?
authority to command the heavenly These Ellen White statements, the Father. Even after His resurrection
host. Especially was His Son to work in
union with Himself in the anticipated
creation of the earth and every living
affirming the Son’s submission to the
Father from eternity past merely echo
such Bible verses as 1 Corinthians 8:6,
and ascension, Christ is still subject to
His Father’s authority. This will con-
tinue to be true even after sin is eradi-
Point #10: It has been and
always will be a
delight for the
thing that should exist upon the earth. Colossians 1:15-17, and Hebrews 1:2 cated from the universe. Consider the Son to subject Himself to His Father’s
His Son would carry out His will and where we are informed that the Father following verse: “Now when all things will and purposes because He knows
His purposes but would do nothing created all things through the instru- are made subject to Him, then the Son that His Father loves Him.
of Himself alone. The Father’s will mentality of the Son. Himself will also be subject unto Him The Son does not subject Himself
would be fulfilled in Him” The Story of First Corinthians 8:6, in language who put all things under Him, that God to His Father’s will as a slave. He will-
Redemption, pp. 13-14. too clear to be misunderstood, affirms: may be all in all” 1 Corinthians 15:28. ingly and joyously does His Father’s
Did you notice how many times “… yet for us there is one God, the When James and John asked Jesus will because He is certain that the
Ellen White refers to God as ‘Father’ Father, of whom are all things, and we if, in the future kingdom of glory, they Father loves Him. It isn’t difficult to
and to Jesus as ‘Son’? It is obvious that for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, could sit, one on His right hand and the subject oneself to the plans and desires
Jesus was already the Son in heaven through whom are all things, and other on His left, Jesus replied that “to of another, if you are certain that per-
before the incarnation. Here is a sec- through whom we live.” And in Rev- sit on My right hand and on My left is son loves you fully. Often Jesus spoke of
ond Ellen White statement with added elation 4:11 we are clearly told that all not Mine to give, but it is for those for doing His Father’s will because of His
details: “The King of the universe sum- things exist by the will of the one who whom it is prepared by My Father” confidence in His Father’s love. Jesus
moned the heavenly hosts before Him, was sitting on the throne—the Father. Matthew 20:23. Notice Jesus didn’t say expressed it this way: “The Father loves
that in their presence He might set Even after His earthly sojourn, He Himself would decide who would the Son, and has given all things into His
forth the true position of His Son, and Christ remained subject to His Father. sit on His right and left in the future hand” John 3:35. And again: “For the
show the relation He sustained to all This is clear from Jesus’ statement to kingdom. Rather, it will be the Father Father loves the Son, and shows Him
created beings. The Son of God shared His disciples just before His ascen- who will make that decision. all things that He Himself does; and He
the Father’s throne, and the glory of the sion to heaven, when He declared, Many resent and resist the idea of will show Him greater works than these,
eternal, self-existent One encircled both “All authority has been given to Me in subjection, because they assume that to that you may marvel” John 5:20.
… Before the assembled inhabitants of heaven and on earth” Matthew 28:18. be subject to someone is equivalent to
heaven the King declared that none Without question, it is the Father who being inferior. People think that if they The Creation
but Christ, the only begotten of God, gave His Son this authority. We see this take orders from another, or carry out Now let’s turn our attention to the cre-
could fully enter into His purposes, and same fact declared yet again in Philip- another’s will, they are less important. ation of Adam and Eve.
to Him it was committed to execute the pians 2:9-11, “Therefore God also has But Jesus taught just the opposite: the God worked the better part of six
mighty counsels of His [the Father’s] highly exalted Him and given Him the servant is the greatest. God’s way of days to create this earth, and every-
will. The Son of God had wrought the name which is above every name that thinking and ours are diametrically thing He made was perfect and beauti-

12 13

ful. On the sixth day, God formed man just as He would later do with the plan them have dominion” Genesis 1:26. Just referred to by the generic word “man”
from the dust of the ground, breathed of salvation by means of the Hebrew like the Father and the Son had domin- in Genesis 1:26 as both the Father and
into his nostrils the breath of life, thus sanctuary service—the relationship He ion, so Adam and Eve were to exercise the Son are called God in John 1:1,
making Adam a living being (Genesis sustained with His Son. the same. But we must keep in mind, as 2. Eve was not some lesser order of
2:7). Adam then named the animals, In Genesis 1:26, God the Father took we noted before, that the Father in the humanity; she was one hundred per-
noticing all the while that each had a the initiative and spoke to His Son: “Let Godhead—the one sitting on the center cent “man”—in the generic sense of
counterpart—a mate—like itself. No Us make man in Our image, accord- of the throne—had absolute dominion. the word. Consider the following Ellen
doubt he felt lonely having no such ing to Our likeness.” We have already The Son who was sitting at the right White statement: “Eve was created from
companion for himself. Genesis 2:20 noticed that the Scriptures teach that hand, had delegated dominion, but the a rib taken from the side of Adam, signi-
observes at this point, “But for Adam the Father accomplished the work of Father was His Head. Likewise, Adam fying that she was not to control him as
there was not found a helper compa- Creation through His Son (1 Corinthi- and Eve both had dominion, but as the head, nor to be trampled under his
rable to him.” ans 8:6; Colossians 1:15-17; Hebrews with the Godhead, one of them was to feet as an inferior, but to stand at his side
God then gave Adam the first gen- 1:2), thus it is clear that in Genesis 1:26 be the head in the relationship and that as an equal, to be loved and protected
eral anesthesia in history. Scripture the Father is working in concert with one was Adam (1 Corinthians 11:3; 1 by him” Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 46.
tells us how Adam fell into a deep sleep, His Son. The Father is basically saying Timothy 2:12-13). Eve was not only equal with Adam,
enabling God to perform the first sur- to His Son, “Let’s make man to reflect but she was taken from a place close
gery—and to leave no scar. From one the relationship that exists between us!” Adam and Eve’s to Adam’s bosom. God did not take
of Adam’s ribs, God created a woman, With one lone exception, the word Relationship a bone from Adam’s head or foot but
and brought her to the man—His spe- ‘man’ in Genesis chapters one and two Let’s pursue the relationship between rather from near his heart. A special
cial gift to Adam (Genesis 2:22). is accompanied by the definite article, Adam and Eve to see if it reflects the intimacy existed between them. We
We can only imagine Adam’s and refers solely to the masculine gen- relationship between the Father and read in Deuteronomy 13:6, interest-
response when he woke up from that der. The lone exception is found in Son in the Godhead. The creation ingly, how one’s wife is to be “the wife
general anesthesia, opened his eyes, Genesis 1:26 where the word “man” story is clear that Adam and Eve were of your bosom.” Here we see a striking
and saw this breathtakingly beautiful is generic, and refers to both the male two distinct persons just as the Father parallel with the Godhead, as the Son
woman standing before him. “WOW!” and female. So God is saying to His and the Son are two distinct persons. was “in the bosom of the Father” John
he must have exclaimed. “Here is Son, “Let Us [Father and Son] make As is true with the Father and the Son, 1:18.
one just like me!” And then we read man [man and woman] in Our image, Adam and Eve were distinct one from Like Jesus is the Father’s second self,
how God officiated the first wedding according to Our likeness.” Clearly, the other, each with their own indi- so Eve was created to be Adam’s second
of human history—the marriage of the relationship between the Father viduality. self. Notice how Ellen White describes
Adam and Eve. and the Son was to be reflected and Yet the creation story also makes it this: “A part of man, bone of his bone,
explained in the relationship between clear that although Adam and Eve were and flesh of his flesh, she was his second
A Miniature Reflection Adam and Eve. That’s why the Father two, they were also in another sense, self, showing the close union and the
Now let us turn to Genesis chapter said to the Son, “Let Us [Father and one—one flesh, as Genesis 2:24 states. affectionate attachment that should
1, and discover some very interest- Son] make man [man and woman] in Jesus even went so far as to say that exist in this relation” Patriarchs and
ing details. A careful study of Genesis Our image.” Thus, the relationship and they were no longer two but one (Mat- Prophets, p. 46. Adam could therefore
1:26, 27 helps us understand that God roles of men and women in the human thew 19:4-6). They were two persons, legitimately say, “One who has seen Eve
intended the relationship of the first race were to reflect the relationship and yet in the sense of unity, one—just like has seen me.”
man and woman of the human race— roles that exist between God the Father God the Father and His Son. Further, Eve was of the same sub-
Adam and Eve—to be a small scale and God the Son in the Godhead. As God the Father and God the Son stance as Adam. She had his DNA—
reflection of the relationship between are both fully and equally God, so only his, in fact, because Eve had no
the Father and the Son in the Godhead. Dominion Adam and Eve were fully and equal- mother. As Eve had only the DNA of
God wanted to reveal in miniature— God said, regarding Adam and Eve, “Let ly human. Both Adam and Eve are Adam, so Jesus has only the “DNA” of

14 15

that glory and image of men—spiritually or otherwise. But from the forbidden tree (Genesis 2:17).
through Adam. clearly, whether we like it or not, that’s First, she wandered from her hus-
The Bible is what the Bible teaches. The apostle band’s side and acted independently
equally clear that Paul instructs wives to be subject to of him deciding to do her own thing.
even though Adam their husbands (Ephesians 5:22-25; Second, unhappy with the position that
and Eve were equal, Colossians 3:18), and he even goes fur- God had assigned her, she desired to
Adam was still the ther in stating that what applies in the ascend to a more exalted sphere. In fact,
head of Eve and Eve home applies as well in the church (1 she wished to ascend to the very height
was to be subject to Timothy 2:12, 13; 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; 1 of God, as the serpent suggested (Gen-
his loving authority. Corinthians 11:3). esis 3:5). In the end, it came down to
Consider the follow- How many wives would find it hard selfishness. Notice the following Ellen
ing text: “But I want to submit to their husbands if their White statements: “The angels had cau-
you to know that the husbands loved them in the way the tioned Eve to beware of separating her-
head of every man is apostle commands “ just as Christ also self from her husband while occupied in
His Father—the same essence and sub- Christ, and the head of woman is man, loved the church, and gave Himself for their daily labor in the garden; with him
stance. and the head of Christ is God” 1 Corin- it” (Ephesians 5:25)? This is precisely she would be in less danger from tempta-
Notice Genesis 2:23, “And Adam said, thians 11:3. the way it is in the relationship between tion than if she were alone. But absorbed
‘This is now bone of my bones, and flesh Let’s ask ourselves, “Is it a bad thing God the Father and God the Son. The in her pleasing task, she unconsciously
of my flesh. She shall be called Woman, that God is the Head of Christ? Is it a Son has no trouble submitting to His wandered from his side” Patriarchs
because she was taken out of Man.’” bad thing that Christ is the Head of Father, for He knows His Father loves and Prophets, pp. 53-54.
I have previously shown from Scrip- the man?” Most would likely answer Him supremely and entirely. “Eve, unconsciously at first, separated
ture that Jesus is the glory of the Father. “no” to the above questions. Yet many Another important point to con- from her husband in her employment.
In a similar way the apostle Paul states of these same persons would say it is a sider is that in 1 Corinthians 11:3, God When she became aware of the fact, she
that man was created to be the glory of very negative thing for the man to be the Father is the only One mentioned felt that there might be danger, but again
God, and the woman was created to be the head of the woman! This is incon- who is not subject to a head. Christ has she thought herself secure, even if she
the glory of man: “For a man indeed gruous with the attitude of Christ in a Head, man has a Head, and woman did not remain close by the side of her
ought not to cover his head, since he is the Godhead. In the heavenly econ- has a head. But the Father has no head, husband. She had wisdom and strength
the image and glory of God; but woman omy, the Son happily considers the and the woman is head of no one. That to know if evil came, and to meet it” The
is the glory of man” 1 Corinthians 11:7. Father His Head. And most, if not all, is where the order of authority ends. Story of Redemption, p. 32.
Some women might respond to Christian men have no problem con- The Father is the Head of Jesus, Jesus In other words, Eve’s first mistake
this verse with the rejoinder, “I don’t sidering that Christ is their Head. Why is the Head of the man, and the man was to assume she could act inde-
like that. I don’t want to be the glory then should a godly Christian woman is the head of the woman. The woman, pendently of her head, that her judg-
of the man, I want my own glory.” have trouble considering the man as however, is head of no one, and the ment was sufficiently strong in Adam’s
But Jesus didn’t say that. He was per- her head? Father has no head. This is the order of absence, and that she would be safe
fectly happy reflecting the glory of His Sadly, in our radically egalitarian authority that God has established. anyway.
Father. When God created Adam first, world, too many have problems with The second mistake Eve made, as we
and then Eve, Eve was to be the glory authority and hierarchy of any kind. Eve’s Sin noted above, was in assuming she could
of Adam because she was taken from Contemporary culture, or much of it, Now we turn to the story and signifi- ascend to a higher sphere than the one
him. This is why Paul comes short of insists that roles of all kinds be identi- cance of Eve’s sin. When we consider God had assigned her. The following
stating that Eve was created in the cal and interchangeable; thus we find the inspired evidence, it becomes clear inspired statement is quite pointed in
image of God. Eve was clearly the deep resistance to the idea of women that Eve in fact committed two grave this respect: “Eve had been perfectly
image and glory of God but she derived submitting in any way to the authority mistakes before she partook of the fruit happy by her husband’s side in her Eden

16 17

home; but like restless modern Eves, she from her forever? on a much larger scale than Adam. The every human soul, to fight the battle as
was flattered with the hope of entering Obviously, in his decision, Adam Father had to make a decision similar every child of humanity must fight it,
a higher sphere than that which God was thinking only of his own selfish to the one Adam had to make in Eden. at the risk of failure and eternal loss”
had assigned her. In attempting to rise self-interest. Ellen White describes it Would the Father be willing to give up Desire of Ages, p. 49.
above her original position, she fell far this way: “There was a terrible struggle His most prized possession in heaven, God the Father, in other words,
below it. All who are unwilling to take in his mind. He mourned that he had His most intimate Partner, the one who risked the loss of His Son forever—the
up cheerfully their life duties in accor- permitted Eve to wander from his side. was his second self, his glory, his image loss of the One who was co-substantial
dance with God’s plan will reach a simi- But now the deed was done; he must be and very substance? Would He be will- with Him, His express image, his sec-
lar result. In their efforts to reach posi- separated from her whose society had ing to give up His own Son, at the risk ond self, the one who shared His glory
tions for which He has not fitted them, been his joy. How could he have it thus? of eternal loss or would He keep Him and was close to His bosom. The above
many are leaving vacant the place where Adam had enjoyed the companion- to Himself? passage from Ellen White continues as
they might be a blessing. In their desire ship of God and of holy angels. He had It was a great struggle for the Father, follows: “The heart of the human father
for a higher sphere, many have sacri- looked upon the glory of the Creator. we can be sure. What is strikingly clear yearns over his son. He looks into the
ficed true womanly dignity and nobility He understood the high destiny opened is the contrast between the decision face of his little child, and trembles at the
of character, and have left undone the to the human race should they remain of God the Father, to give
very work that Heaven appointed them” faithful to God. Yet all these blessings up what was most precious
Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 59. were lost sight of in the fear of losing to Him, and the decision The Father’s choice
So Eve made two big mistakes before that one gift which in his eyes outvalued of Adam to not give up the was the opposite
eating the fruit. First, acting inde- every other. Love, gratitude, loyalty to one most precious in his of Adam’s.
pendently of her husband, thinking the Creator—all was overborne by love life. Ellen White vividly
she would be safe in his absence; and to Eve. She was part of himself, and he explains the Father’s strug-
second, wanting to ascend to a higher could not endure the thought of sepa- gle in the following statement: “Before thought of life’s peril. He longs to shield
sphere from where she was. ration” Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 56. the Father He [Christ] pleaded in the his dear one from Satan’s power, to hold
sinner’s behalf. While the host of heaven him back from temptation and conflict.
Adam’s Sin and Dilemma God the Father’s awaited the result with an intensity of To meet a bitterer conflict and a more
What, then, was Adam’s great mistake? Dilemma interest that words cannot express, long fearful risk, God gave His only begotten
Like Eve, to be sure, his principal sin At this point, it would be instructive continued was that mysterious com- Son that the path of life might be made
was eating from the forbidden tree. to review the relationship between the muning—‘the counsel of peace’—for the sure for our little ones. ‘Herein is love.’
But there’s something else involved Father and the Son. As we have seen, fallen sons of men. The plan of salvation Wonder, O heavens, and be astonished,
here. Just as the Father’s most precious Adam and Eve’s relationship was a had been laid before the creation of the O earth!” Desire of Ages, p. 49.
possession was His Son, so Eve was miniature reflection of the divine rela- earth, for Christ is a lamb ‘ foreordained In another statement, Ellen White
the most precious thing Adam had. tionship. Like Adam and Eve, both before the foundation of the world’; yet observes: “For our redemption, heaven
When Eve transgressed, Adam faced the Father and the Son were distinct it was a struggle, even with the King of itself was imperiled” Christ’s Object
a great dilemma: Would he be willing Persons and yet one in substance and the universe, to yield up His Son to die Lessons, p. 196. The Father’s choice was
to give up the most precious gift that character. As Eve was in the bosom for the guilty race” Signs of the Times, the opposite of Adam’s. The Father was
God had given him, the one who was of Adam, so Jesus was in the bosom November 4, 1908. willing to risk the security of heaven
one with him? Would he be willing of His Father. And the Son was the Ellen White adds further commen- itself in order to save us! Adam, by
to give up the one who was his very Father’s second self as Eve was Adam’s. tary on this scene in the following contrast, was unwilling to take a much
own substance, his glory? Would he be The Son was the Father’s express image statement: “God permitted His Son to smaller risk. He was unwilling to relin-
willing to tear from his bosom the one and glory as was Eve Adam’s. come, a helpless babe, subject to the quish His most prized possession, at
who was his intimate partner? Would So now, in the wake of humanity’s weakness of humanity. He permitted the risk of losing her forever.
he risk losing her, and being separated sin, God the Father faced a dilemma Him to meet life’s peril in common with Romans 8:32 describes the Father’s

18 19

self-sacrificing love: “He who did not and adore” Signs of the Times, Novem- up the scepter, stepped down from His Abraham to give up his son, the son
spare His own Son, but delivered Him ber 4, 1908. eternal throne, that He might bring of the promise! This was a miniature
up for us all, how shall He not with Him We can see, from our study of the light to be benighted, and life to the reflection of the struggle God the
also freely give us all things?” inspired writings, that Adam’s expe- perishing. Jesus knew, as well as His Father went through when he faced
The following Ellen White state- rience was a reflection of that of God Father that his choice to come down the decision to give up THE Son of the
ment describes the love of the heav- the Father. Sadly, Adam made a differ- involved an infinite risk: “Satan with Promise. Abraham struggled in agony,
enly Father: “The eternal Father, the ent choice. He refused to give up the his fierce temptations wrung the heart of but in the end decided to do as God
unchangeable One, gave His only begot- co-substantial one. God the Father, Jesus. The Savior could not see through commanded.
ten Son, tore from His bosom He who by contrast, chose to give up His only- the portals of the tomb. Hope did not Taking Isaac, some servants, the
was made in the express image of His Begotten Son. present to Him His coming forth from wood, the knife, and the means to
Person, and sent Him down to earth to the grave a conqueror, or tell Him of the light a fire, Abraham set out for Mount
reveal how greatly He loved mankind” The Son’s Dilemma Father’s acceptance of the sacrifice. He Moriah. Like God the Father, he chose
Review and Herald, July 9, 1895. The Now we turn to another question: feared that sin was so offensive to God to give up his own precious, beloved
Father, in other words, loved humanity What was the Son’s dilemma in all that Their separation was to be eter- son.
as much as He loved His own Son. of this? The answer is that it was the nal” Desire of Ages, p. 753.
Let us again review a passage we not- counterpart of Eve’s dilemma, only on But there is more.
ed above, continuing where we left off: a much larger stage. Christ was equal Remember how Eve chose The Son’s choice was
“Before the Father He [Christ] pleaded to God, but instead of endeavoring to to act independently of the opposite
in the sinner’s behalf. While the host of rise higher than the position God had Adam? And how she felt of Eve’s.
heaven awaited the result with an inten- assigned, He chose to step lower. The that she could do just fine
sity of interest that words cannot express, Son’s attitude and response were the on her own?
long continued was that mysterious opposite of Eve’s. While Eve wished In contrast to Eve, Jesus never sepa- Arriving at the mountaintop, it was
communing—‘the counsel of peace’—for to ascend and become God, Christ rated or acted independently from His Isaac’s turn to make a decision. Would
the fallen sons of men. The plan of sal- chose to descend, even lower than the Head. Throughout His earthly sojourn he place himself fully in his father’s
vation had been laid before the creation heavenly position His Father had given Jesus chose to walk hand in hand with will, and willingly give up His life
of the earth, for Christ is a lamb ‘ fore- Him—He took the form of a servant. His Father. As He had done in eternal upon the sacrificial altar? The father
ordained before the foundation of the Laying aside His crown, His scepter ages, He chose to subject His own will struggled to give up his son, and the
world’; yet it was a struggle, even with and His royal robe, He came down to to His Father’s will (Luke 22:42; John son submitted to his father’s authority.
the King of the universe, to yield up His the level of those He wished to save. 5:30).
Son to die for the guilty race.” Philippians 2:5-8 tells us: “Let this Lessons
This is where we left off. Now let’s mind be in you which was also in Christ A Striking Illustration Considering this illustration, and
finish the statement: “But ‘God so loved Jesus, Who, being in the form of God, In Genesis 22 we find a dramatic story the redemption narrative we have
the world, that He gave His only begot- did not consider it robbery to be equal that God gave us to illustrate the ago- reviewed, we are constrained to ask:
ten Son, that whosoever believeth in with God, but made Himself of no rep- nizing sacrifice that was made by both How much does God love us? The
Him should not perish, but have ever- utation, taking the form of a servant, the Father and His Son. God comes answer: Infinitely! The writings of the
lasting life.’ O, the mystery of redemp- and coming in the likeness of men. And to Abraham and commands: “Take Spirit of Prophecy tell us that if even one
tion! The love of God for a world that did being found in appearance as a man, He your son, your only (the word only, in soul had needed salvation, the Father
not love Him! Who can know the depths humbled Himself, and became obedi- Hebrew, meaning unique or one-of-a- and the Son would have endured the
of that love which “passeth knowledge”? ent to the point of death, even the death kind) son Isaac, whom you love, and go same agony, and would in the end have
Through endless ages, immortal minds, of the cross.” sacrifice him on a mountain I will show agreed to the sacrifice. Inspiration tells
seeking to comprehend the mystery of Eve wanted to ascend. Christ, by you.” us: “The value of a soul, who can esti-
that incomprehensible love, will wonder contrast, chose to descend. He yielded Think of the struggle it was for mate? Would you know its worth, go

20 21

So, what is the value of a single soul? value to heaven than a whole world of contact, and the closer our connections
Here is the answer: “The wealth of earth property, houses, lands, money. For the with our fellow men, the greater our
dwindles into insignificance when com- conversion of one soul we should tax our responsibility. We are one great brother-
pared with the worth of a single soul resources to the utmost” Testimonies to hood, and the welfare of our fellow men
for whom our Lord and Master died. the Church vol. 6, pp. 21-22. should be our great interest. We have
He who weigheth the hills in scales and “One soul saved in the kingdom of not one moment to lose. If we have been
the mountains in a balance, regards a God is of more value than all earthly careless in this matter, it is high time we
human soul as of infinite value” God’s riches. We are answerable to God for were now in earnest to redeem the time,
Amazing Grace, p. 173. the souls with whom we are brought in lest the blood of souls be found on our
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22 23

garments. As children of God, none of elder/pastor of the church. This does

us are excused from taking part in the not mean that women are inferior to
great work of Christ in the salvation men, any more than a different role on
of our fellow men” Testimonies to the the part of Christ makes Him inferior
Church, vol. 3, p. 209. to His Father. Beings can have different
I would like to share a final lesson functions and yet be equal.
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church then we God’s way is always BEST. in the first place, Ministry Needs
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women are inferior to men. In light of and on earth.
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As you look closely at the surface ally since the end of World War II. The
of a kidney stone with a microscope question that must be asked is, what is
you can see why they cause such causing this increase that seems to be
severe pain as they pass through the accelerating? Many of those forming
urinary tract.
kidney stones will go on to from mul-
tiple stones over the coming months
sleep in the middle of the night, or and years.
they can relate exactly what scene on
TV they were watching when it struck
them, or they were driving at such and
Animal Protein the Major Cause
such a place and suddenly it hit them. Researchers are finding that the
Immediately on arrival, the ER increasing numbers of kidney stones
nurse starts an IV and then along with are directly related to the increasing
a bolus of normal saline I will order amount of animal protein in the diet.
medications for pain and spasm and Indeed the only risk factor consis-
nausea and vomiting. Soon the pain tently to be associated with kidney
and vomiting will be stone formation in
relieved and then we all demographic
can proceed with the groups is increased
work up. The urine intake of animal
may show some protein. To evaluate
blood in it and then if this was a cause
a CT scan will show and effect relation-
how big the stone is, ship, they studied
where it is and if it is the effects of adding
causing any obstruc- increased animal
tion. protein to the diet.
Small stones will probably pass They tried add-
within a few hours to a day or two. ing a can of tuna to the diet each day
Larger stones may require lithotripsy to see its effect on stone formation risk
factors. The amount of calcium in the
In the emergency room where I work, or other urological procedures to break
up or remove them, and they can result urine as well as urinary oxalate levels
patients presenting with kidney stones are a common sight, usually several of them in complications such as pyelonephri- and uric acid levels all dramatically
every shift. You can recognize them from the other side of the ER. The crampy, tis or even renal failure. increased. The probability of stone
colicky pain is one of the most sharp, severe, unbearable pains imaginable. Wom- formation increased over 250% on the
en tell me it is way worse than labor pains. They are moving around trying every days they ate the extra can of tuna.
possible position to relieve the pain, and no position will relieve it. Typically they Major Increase In Stones And these people were still only
are standing beside the gurney doubled over in pain rather than lying on it when I Today, kidney stones are so common averaging around 80g of protein per
walk into the room. Severe nausea and vomiting are frequently part of the picture that one in 11 people will have one, a day with this extra can of tuna added.
because of the intense nature of the pain. dramatic increase from just 20 years Many Americans are eating 100g to
They can tell me exactly what they were doing at the very moment when it start- ago when only half as many people got 200g per day, primarily animal protein.
ed. Kidney stone pain goes from zero to 100% instantly (as the ureter goes into kidney stones. The incidence of kid- The higher the intake of animal protein,
spasm around the sharp rough edges of the stone). They awake suddenly from ney stones has been increasing gradu- the more likely they were to form multi-

28 29
ple stones. So we see the reason behind substances being removed are calcium,
why I see so many patients suffering oxalate and uric acid, and there is less
such severe pain from kidney stones in water intake, the more concentrated
my ER every day. It is the almost uni- will be the solution of these substanc-
versal increase in meat consumption. es. And the higher the concentration,
Further studies were done recently the more likely they are to precipitate
to see if it was primarily beef or chick- out into crystals and form into stones.
en or fish that were associated with The more water, the more diluted the
increased kidney stone formation. And concentration of these stone will be in
the results: All of these forms of animal forming substances and the less likely
protein caused stone formation. they will be to make a stone.

A Plant-based Diet
Over a century ago, God sent a health
message to His remnant people
through His messenger. We have been
instructed to completely abstain from
flesh foods, that the flesh of animals
is unfit for human consumption. Now
over a century later as meat consump-
tion in the U.S. continues to increase,
we see yet another reason for the wis-
dom of this counsel. Most cases of kid- by Pastor Justin Torossian
What About Vegetable Protein? ney stones could be avoided entirely by
Interestingly, populations with a rela- obeying this instruction.
The Second Most Successful Matchmaker in History

tively high intake of vegetable protein As we move into the last years of this hen you let God write life, and you need counsel and advice
compared to animal protein have a earth’s history, and disease and misery your love story, it will end here more than on any other point.”1
very low incidence of kidney stones. and pain are continually increasing, we happily ever after in His Don’t miss this. Aside from com-
Those on a low animal protein diet can share God’s healing love to those kingdom. Yet sadly, the “happily ever mitting your life to Jesus, the choice of
have very low levels of urinary calcium, around us and spare them from so after” dream of marital bless ends up who you marry is the most important
oxalate and uric acid. This may explain many of the painful afflictions that are in shambles for many. Why? Because one of your life! God loves you, desires
why we rarely find kidney stones in a curse to the inhabitants of this rebel- whenever we turn a blind eye to red the best for you, and He longs to give
primarily vegetarian societies. lious world. flags of warning, closing our ears to the you clear leading and help in this deci-
Obedience to Holy Spirit’s alerts, we’re heading for sion. But He’s not the only one.
Water God’s original disaster. God is the ultimate “Match-
maker.” He delights in leading men and
While God has big plans for your life
(Jerermiah 29:11), the sobering reality
plan is still the
Water is essential to the good health of women into happy relationships — and is that Satan also has plans for your life,
best medicine
every organ of the body and the kidneys He’s good at it! When two people are especially when it comes to relation-
for this world.
are no exception. The kidneys filter out fully submitted to Him, they can trust ships.
waste products from the blood into in His leading. After all, “this [the choice Check this out: “He [Satan] is busily
the urine, and a good supply of water of a life partner] concerns your happi- engaged in influencing those who are
is essential to this process. When the Milton Teske, MD ness more than any other event of your wholly unsuited to each other to unite

30 31
their interests. He exults in this work, erb says, “When two people kiss, they Will you trust
for by it he can produce more misery close their eyes.” In other words, physi- Him with your
and hopeless woe to the human family cal intimacy causes people to stop real- relationships?
than by exercising his skill in any other ly “keeping their eyes open” in getting If you haven’t yet, why
direction.”2 to know each other. Physical intimacy not commit right now to
short-circuits the ability to rationally, allowing God write your
The devil's most effec- objectively discover whether or not love story? You’ll never

tive strategy Wow! The devil you’re in a God-matched relationship. regret it.
is a matchmaker too! And his most Kissing and all intimacies beyond it
effective strategy for creating misery in will make it nearly impossible to think the ultimate Matchmaker,
people’s lives is through matchmaking. straight, and will drown out the sound pairs people up for a life of joy.
Think about it. Herodias led Herod of God’s warnings and promptings to
to behead John the Baptist. Jezebel you. That’s why the Bible warns against about Joseph who physically ran from Don’t miss our third and final part
influenced Ahab to Baal-worship and sexual activity before marriage. the temptation to sleep with Potiphar’s next time as we discover What to Do
tyranny. Ananias convinced his wife Putting physical intimacy first beautiful wife. She says “the welfare of When The Time Is Right.
Sapphira to lie, leading both to die. His- always skews our judgment. Samson, his entire future is suspended upon the
tory is full of examples of Satan’s skill- the strongest man on the planet, had decision of a moment.” Suggested Resources
ful and destructive matchmaking. One his eyes gouged out and died an early Did you catch that? The rest of • Letters to Young Lovers & Adventist
of Satan’s most successful strategies to death because he let passion control Joseph’s life, both on this earth and for Home, books by Ellen White
get people into wrong relationships is him. Solomon said, (speaking of lust as eternity, was hanging on the decision of
• The Elephant in the Room: Sex, the
through the flip of physical intimacy. an adulteress), “For she has cast down a single moment. It was a moment vs. Gospel, and the Church
many wounded, And all who were slain eternity … a little while vs. forever … a book by Dustin Hall
the Flip of Physical Intimacy by her were strong men” Proverbs 7:26. minute vs. the infinite. Joseph made the
• A Greater Lust, series on Victory
right choice, but not all Christians have
God created men and women with the Solomon would know — his multiple Over Pornography and Lust by Scott
the same track record. Maybe you’ve
capacity to connect in three ways, and pagan wives led him to depart from Ritsema,
messed up when it comes to crossing
in this order — intellectually, emotion- God. Solomon’s own mother had a • CROSS — Christian Resources on
the boundaries of physical intimacy. If
ally, and then physically. It is only as we one-night stand with his father. When Spouse Selection, powerful workbook,
you’ve stopped crossing that line and
do so in this order, that we can expe- Bathsheba fell pregnant, King David
sent her husband have asked God for forgiveness, then
rience the full- • Happily Ever After: Finding True Love
Uriah off to die in you stand forgiven! You’re a new per-
ness of intimacy
in marriage that
Few temptations are more battle (2 Samuel son (1 John 1:9; 2 Corinthians 5:17). God’s Way, audio sermon series by
Alan and Nicole Parker
God has designed dangerous or more fatal … 11). And the list And if you’re struggling with crossing
goes on and on. that line right now, determine to stop
us to have. But • Keys for a Happy Marriage
In a response to a letter from a young by God’s grace, and claim His prom-
Satan works to get people to reverse free Bible study
ises for victory (James 4:7).
this order, so that they connect physi- man asking for advice, Ellen White
Remember, Satan is a matchmaker.
cally first. When this happens, the expressed the danger of placing physi-
But while he may have plans for your • They Lived Happily
emotional connection a couple shares cal intimacy first. “Few temptations
life, starting right now, you can choose Ever After
is unhealthy, and as a result there is vir- are more dangerous or more fatal … DVD series by
God’s plan for your life to be fulfilled.
tually no intellectual connection at all. than the temptation to sensuality, and Pastor Stephen
God, the ultimate Matchmaker, pairs
Being physically intimate is the fast- none if yielded to will prove so decid- Bohr, see p. 25
people up for a life of joy on earth, and
est and most effective way to lose your edly ruinous to soul and body for time
an eternal life in heaven.
ability to think logically. An old prov- and eternity.” Next, she reminded him Pastor Justin Torossian
1 Daughters of God, 190.
2 Letters to Young Lovers, 29.
32 3 Letters to Young Lovers, 69. 33
whenever there was a __________ in the ruling power, those who had large
possessions were liable to be put under ____________ tribute. Moreover
the country was in constant danger of ______________ by marauding
armies” (COL 103).

3. How was it possible for hidden treasures to be lost? “But often

the __________ of concealment was forgotten; __________ might
claim the owner, __________________ or exile might separate him from
his treasure …” (COL 103).

4. Could the treasure be found simply by walking over the place it

was buried? “A man might pass over the place where the treasure
had been _______________. In dire necessity he might sit down to rest
at the foot of a __________, not knowing of the riches hidden at its roots”
(COL 104-105).

5. What would friends and relatives think of the person who sold all
to buy the field? “His family and his neighbors think that he is act-
ing like a ____________. Looking on the field, they see no ____________
in the neglected soil” (COL 104).

6. What was the man willing to do in order to purchase the field and
find the treasure? “The finder of the treasure in the field was ready to
part with _______ that he had, ready to put forth untiring ____________,
Matthew 13:44; Proverbs 2:1-5; in order to secure the hidden riches” (COL 104; Mt. 13:44).
Lesson 19 2 Corinthians 4:3-4; Colossians 2:3;
Christ's Object Lessons (COL), pp. 103-114
The Symbols of the Parable
In this lesson we will study the parable of the hidden treasure. Though it is one of
What is symbolized by the field? “In the parable the field contain-
Jesus’ shorter parables, it teaches profound spiritual lessons.
ing the _______________ represents the Holy ____________.” (COL
The Customs of the Day
1. Where did people hide their treasures in ancient times? “In an-
cient times it was customary for men to hide their treasures in the
2. According to Ellen White, what does the treasure represent? “And
the __________________ is the treasure” (COL 104).

____________” (COL 103).
Is Ellen White’s concept in harmony with the Bible? Notice the
words of the apostle Paul: “But if the ___________ be _________,
2. For what three reasons did people bury their treasures in the earth
in ancient times? “Thefts and ______________ were frequent …
it is hid from them that are ____________. In whom the god of this world
hath blinded the ____________ of them which believe not, lest the light of

34 35
to generation, and the human ________________ of the Scriptures, hid
from them the truth [the treasure] as it is in ____________” (COL 105).

the glorious ___________ of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine
unto them” (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). 3. Does God conceal His truth from men? “God does not
_____________ His truth from men. By their ________ course of
action they make it obscure to ________________” (COL 105).

4. What is meant by the silver and gold in the treasure? “Receive my

_________________, and not silver; and __________________
rather than ___________ gold” (Proverbs 8:10). 4. What is true higher education, according to the Spirit of Proph-
ecy? “The true higher education is gained by ________________
and __________________ the word of God. But when God’s word is laid

5. What is far better to have than silver and gold? “How much
___________ is sit to get wisdom than __________! And to get
_______________ rather to be chosen than _________!” (Proverbs 16:16).
aside for books that do not lead to God and the kingdom of heaven, the
education acquired is a _______________ of the name.” (COL 107).
Note: If what Ellen White says is true, most of the education which is imparted
in worldly schools and in many of our own SDA schools is a perversion of true

6. How does Proverbs 2:1-5 help us understand the meaning of the

treasure? “If thou seekest her [wisdom] as _____________, and

searchest for her as for hid ________________; then shalt thou under- What wise words of counsel about text books does Ellen G. White
stand the _________ of the LORD, and find the ____________________ give to our educational institutions? “Instead of books containing
of God.” the __________________ of reputedly great authors, they choose the word
of Him who is the greatest ___________ and the greatest teacher the world
7. What did David have to say about the value of the law of God? “The
law [torah] of thy mouth is _____________ unto me than thousands
has ever known …” (COL 108).

of __________ and ____________” (Psalm 119:72). Why did the Jews fail to find Christ in the Old Testament? “It
required a _______________ to receive changeless, eternal truth.
8. Who is represented by the man who discovered and bought the
treasure? “So the ____________of heavenly treasure will count no
____________ too great and no __________________ too dear, in order
Therefore they would not admit the most ________________ evidence
that God could give to establish faith in Christ” (COL 105).
Note: In order to find Christ in the Scriptures, two things must happen. First, we
to gain the treasures of truth” (COL 104).
must put all our effort and energy to dig deep into the Word. Second, we must be
willing to give up all that which would keep us from “buying” Christ.
Why the Treasure is Hidden
1. What happens when people place earthly riches above the Word
of God? “From them the treasures of His ______________ are
7. What did Jesus say to the Jews of His day? “Ye ___________ the
scriptures; for in them ye think ye have ___________ life: and they
are they which testify of me. And ye will not ___________ to me, that ye
_____________” (COL 106). might have life” (John 5:39).

Note: The Jews of Christ’s day searched the Old Testament Scriptures [the field]
How does the field and the treasure apply to the Jewish people?
in order to find the treasure but came up empty because they rejected the treasure
“As a ____________ treasure, truth had been intrusted to the
of Scripture, Jesus Christ. This is why Jesus said, “For had ye believed Moses [his
_____________ people. … They had the word of God [the field] in their writings], ye would have believed me; for he wrote about me” (John 5:46).
hands; but the traditions which had been handed down from generation

36 37
treasure, with all the obligations which it _______________. … without
the eye of faith [the seeker] cannot ________ the treasure” (COL 112-113).

Searching for the Treasure Gems from Ellen White

on the Hidden Treasure
1. What did the man of the parable do when he found the hidden trea-
sure? “When a man hath found, he hideth, and for _________ thereof
goeth and selleth ______ that he hath, and buyeth that field” (Matthew 1. “We are to regard the Bible as God's disclosure to us of eternal things—the
things of most consequence for us to know. By the world it is thrown aside
13:44). as if the perusal of it were finished, but a thousand years of research would not
exhaust the hidden treasure it contains. Eternity alone will disclose the wisdom

2. Thought Question: What do you think is meant by the act

of selling all in order to buy the field? _______________________
of this Book, for it is the wisdom of an infinite mind. Shall we, then, cultivate a
deep hunger for the productions of human authors and disregard the word of
God?” Counsels to Teachers, p. 443.

3. What example from Adventist history illustrates what it means to

search for hidden treasure? (See quotation #11 the end of this ma-
terial). _ ____________________________________________________ 2. “The jewels of truth lie scattered over the field of revelation; but they
have been buried beneath human traditions, beneath the sayings and
commandments of men, and the wisdom from heaven has been practically

4. How did the pioneers approach Bible study? (Study quotation

#11 at the end of this material and write down several answers.)
ignored. Satan has succeeded in making the world believe that the words and
achievements of men are of great consequence” Counsels to Teachers, p. 437.

3. “Thousands of men who minister in the pulpit are lacking in essential
qualities of mind and character because they do not apply themselves
to the study of the Scriptures. They are content with a superficial knowledge of
the truths that are full of rich depths of meaning; and they prefer to go on, los-

5. Why do many fail to find the hidden treasures of God’s word?

“They are content with ________________ work, taking for granted
that they have all that is ______________. They take the sayings of oth-
ing much in every way, rather than to search diligently for the hidden treasure”
Counsels to Teachers, p. 460.

ers for ____________, being too ________________to put themselves to

diligent, earnest labor, represented in the word as ________________ for
hidden treasure” (COL 109-110).
4. “The Bible is to be your standard, the living oracles of Jehovah are to be
your guide. You are to dig for the truth as for hidden treasures. You are
to find where the treasure is, and then you are to plow every inch of that field
to get the jewels. You are to work the mines of truth for new gems, for new dia-

6. How important is a study of the Scriptures? “It is _____________

for old and young not only to _________ God’s word, but to
monds, and you will find them” Faith and Works, p. 77.

__________ it with wholehearted earnestness, praying and searching

for truth as for hidden treasure. … Our ______________ depends on a
knowledge of the __________ contained in the Scriptures” (COL 111).
5. “These men [worldly authors] had received their talents from God,
and every gem of thought by which they had been esteemed worthy of
the attention of scholars and thinkers, belongs not to them, but to the God of
all wisdom, whom they did not acknowledge. Through tradition, through false

7. How important is faith in the search for the hidden treasure of God’s
word? “To have faith means to _________ and _________ the gospel
education, these men are exalted as the world's educators; but in going to them
students are in danger of accepting the vile with the precious; for superstition,

38 39
tune that he covets. So should the Christian, who desires the riches of Heaven,
set aside all considerations that interfere with his eternal welfare, and put his
soul into the work of securing the riches of Christ's love. His talents, his means,
his energies, should all be applied in such a way as to win the approbation of
specious reasoning, and error are mingled with portions of true philosophy and God. Jesus directs the minds of his hearers to infinite riches, hidden where all
instruction. This mingling makes a potion that is poisonous to the soul,— de- may engage in searching for them, sure of being successful, never doomed to
structive of faith in the God of all truth. Those who have a thirst for knowl- the disappointment of fruitless toil. He came from Heaven to direct the search.
edge need not go to these polluted fountains; for they are invited to come to the High and low, rich and poor, stand upon an equal footing, and none need seek
fountain of life and drink freely. Through searching the word of God, they may in vain” Spirit of Prophecy, volume 2, pp. 251-252.
find the hidden treasure of truth that has long been buried beneath the rubbish

of error, human tradition, and opinions of men” Fundamentals of Christian “Above all other books, the word of God must be our study, the great
Education, pp. 170-171. textbook, the basis of all education; and our children are to be educated
in the truths found therein, irrespective of previous habits and customs. In do-

6. “The wonderful symbol of the living bird dipped in the blood of the
bird slain and then set free to its joyous life {Lev. 14:4-8}, is to us the
symbol of the atonement. There were death and life blended, presenting to the
ing this, teachers and students will find the hidden treasure, the higher educa-
tion” Testimonies for the Church, volume 6, pp. 131-132.

searcher for truth and hidden treasure, the union of the pardoning blood with “The Majesty of heaven was not discerned in the disguise of humanity.
the resurrection and life of our Redeemer. The bird slain was over living water; He was the divine Teacher sent from God, the glorious Treasure given
that flowing stream was a symbol of the ever flowing, ever cleansing efficacy to humanity. He was fairer than the sons of men, but His matchless glory was
of the blood of Christ, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” Sons hidden under a cover of poverty and suffering. He veiled His glory in order
and Daughters of God, p. 226. that divinity might touch humanity, and the treasure of immense value was
not discerned by the human race. …”

7. “In those days there were many who searched for treasure which was sup-
posed to be buried in certain localities where great cities had once stood.
In the great thoroughfare of travel, where Jesus was then teaching, it was not
“The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us’ (John 1:14). The treasure
indeed is hidden under the garb of humanity. Christ is the unsearchable riches,
unusual to meet persons who had come long distances on their way to where and he who finds Christ finds heaven. The human agent who looks upon Jesus,
it was supposed hidden treasure could be found. The desire for great riches led who dwells by faith on His matchless charms, finds the eternal treasure.”
them upon a journey fraught with many perils. They had left their avocations
upon a venture that seldom proved successful. But if they secured a small trea- “Christ does not use this parable to commend the man who hides the treasure
sure they redoubled their exertions, hoping to realize still greater riches. Jesus until he can buy the field, but His object in using this illustration is to convey
had this class of his hearers in view, when he thus illustrated the mysterious to our mind the value of spiritual things. To obtain worldly treasure, the man
riches of his grace, which, once having attracted the heart of man, lead him to would make a sacrifice of his all, and how much more should we give for the
seek higher attainments and greater blessings. The more he realizes of the peace priceless, heavenly treasure!” That I May Know Him, p. 58.
of God, the more he desires to drink deeper at the fountain of his love. The thirst
for righteousness, the longing and seeking for its treasures, continually increase.”
“In order to obtain a vast treasure that is supposed to be hidden in a field, or
10. “We have purchased the field of truth because of the treasure that is
hidden therein. The rich gems of truth do not lie on the surface. You
must dig for them. Take your Bible, and compare passage with passage, and
a gem that is of great and unknown value, the man who is seeking for riches verse with verse, and you will find the precious jewels of truth. You should put
invests all his substance in that field, or uses it to purchase the precious jewel, the precious gems of light in a beautiful setting, and hang them in memory’s
calculating that it will increase in value on his hands and bring him the for- hall” Review and Herald, April 16, 1889.

40 41
11. “My husband, with Elders Joseph Bates, Stephen Pierce, Hiram Edson,
and others who were keen, noble, and true, was among those who, after
the passing of the time in 1844, searched for the truth as for hidden treasure.”
1. Dust + ___ =
A living soul
Ac r o s s

5. Timothy lived here

20. Thy word is a light
unto my ___
22. The sacrifice could not
D ow n
2. A scribe does this
3. Aaron's rod had
10. The angel of the Lord have any ___ 4. Though an ___
“We would come together burdened in soul, praying that we might be one in ____ round about 25. The resurrected boy should encamp
faith and doctrine; for we knew that Christ is not divided. One point at a time them that fear Him ___ seven times against me, I will
11. Anointed one 27. Asked for double of not fear
was made the subject of investigation. The Scriptures were opened with a sense the Holy Spirit 5. God's word is a
12. Jesus died in this
of awe. Often we fasted, that we might be better fitted to understand the truth. season 28. Abraham lied, saying ___ to my feet
After earnest prayer, if any point was not understood, it was discussed and each 15. Zadok was a ___ Sarah was his ___ 6. Jabin’s army
captain, fought
one expressed his opinion freely; then we would again bow in prayer, and ear- 16. These discovered 31. Jesus calmed the
against Barak
scrolls confirm the ___
nest supplications went up to heaven that God would help us to see eye to eye, accuracy of the 32. The Pharisees were 7. If we see a poor
that we might be one, as Christ and the Father are one. Many tears were shed.” Scriptures filled with ___ man in vile ___,
17. Jesus, the ___ of as they plotted to it is a sin to be
partial unto him
“We spent many hours in this way. Sometimes the entire night was spent in Sharon murder Jesus
33. In the ___ of death, I 8. Cast down by
solemn investigation of the Scriptures, that we might understand the truth for 18. It is called Wormwood
will fear no evil the angel at the
our time. On some occasions the Spirit of God would come upon me, and dif- 19. The demoniac had golden altar
___ of demons 34. Far away
ficult portions were made clear through God's appointed way, and then there 9. When God washes
us, we are ___
was perfect harmony. We were all of one mind and one spirit.” than snow
13. Place of burning
“We sought most earnestly that the Scriptures should not be wrested to suit 14. Ahithophel was
any man's opinions. We tried to make our differences as slight as possible by David's ___
not dwelling on points that were of minor importance, upon which there were 15. Had Caesar's name
and subscription
varying opinions. But the burden of every soul was to bring about a condition on them
among the brethren which would answer the prayer of Christ that His disciples 20. Seven years of
might be one as He and the Father are one.” famine followed
seven years of
“Sometimes one or two of the brethren would stubbornly set themselves against 21. God always causes
the view presented, and would act out the natural feelings of the heart; but us to ___ in Christ
when this disposition appeared, we suspended our investigations and ad- 23. Rejoice in hope
journed our meeting, that each one might have an opportunity to go to God and be ____ in
in prayer, and without conversation with others, study the point of difference, 24. Remove the chaff
asking light from heaven. With expressions of friendliness we parted, to meet 25. Above all, take
again as soon as possible for further investigation. At times the power of God with you the ___
of faith
came upon us in a marked manner, and when clear light revealed the points 26. Crown
of truth, we would weep and rejoice together. We loved Jesus; we loved one 29. Esau traded his
another” Christian Experience and Teaching of Ellen G. White, pp. 192-195. birthright for this
30. One-tenth of an
42 (Answers on page 24.)
ANCHOR Registration Form
for the March 14-19, 2016 Class
Registration Methods:
1. Online at (search ANCHOR)
2. Scan this form & email to:
3. Mail or fax this form to Secrets Unsealed
Register early! It will close when 50 students enroll.

Step #1: Select Registration Type (Seating is limited to 50 students)

Registration closes when 50 students ______________ $150/person

are enrolled. ______________ $250/married couple
Each student is responsible for his/her
______________ TOTAL Payment
own daily meals, accommodations
and transportation. Every attendee MUST pre-register.
No on-site registration is available!

Step #2: Complete All Contact Information



City_ _______________________________________ State_________ ZIP_ _________________

Country____________________________________ Phone______________________________


Step #3: Payment Type

Check: Number____________________ (A $15 fee will be charged for returned checks.)

Money Order: Number_____________

2016 Class Title
Credit Card: Number
The Great Prophecies of Daniel & Revelation
Exp. date (MM/YY) Security Code:_ ______________
C OST (last 3 digits located on signature strip)
$150/person, $250/married couple Signature_ ______________________________________________________

Billing address (if different from above):

If paying with someone else’s credit card, please also complete information below.


City_ _____________________ State______ ZIP___________ Country_____________________

Step #4: Mail, Fax or Scan & Email this Registration Form to us at:
Secrets Unsealed
5949 E. Clinton Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727
March 14-19, 2016 559-264-2300 | 888-REV-1412 | 888-738-1412
Fax #: 559-412-2622 | |
44 held at Secrets Unsealed, Fresno, CA 45
2015 Summit Registration Form
October 29 - November 1, 2015
Thursday 7:00pm to Sunday 12:30pm
Every attendee must register. No on-site registration available!
Location and Lodging
Tenaya Lodge at Yosemite, ($135/night + tax)
1122 Hwy. 41, Fish Camp, CA 93623
To reserve your room at Tenaya, call 800-635-5807, Option 2
Use Group Code: 30R29C for the Summit Rate
This hotel will sell out quickly. Book your room early!

Registration and Meals

9:30am breakfast buffet and 4:00pm dinner buffet
Register early! Registration closes when full capacity is reached.

Full Weekend + Weekend Sabbath Only Sabbath Only

Registration* (Fri pm - Sun am) (Fri pm - Sat pm) 2 meals NO meals
5 meals 4 meals 3 meals
Adult (13+) ___$350/375* ___$256 ___$184 ___$106 ___$44
Child (4-12) ___$ 89 ___$ 62 ___$ 48 ___$ 31 ___$ 0

*Full Registration fees for Adults are: Select meal type: Total Registration Cost:
• $350 from June 1 through Sept. 24 Vegan
• $375 from Sept. 25 through Oct. 15 Vegetarian $_________

Step #1: Complete Personal Information for each attendee.

Please print clearly

Speakers Address___________________________________________________________________________________
Pastor Stephen Bohr, Howard Peth, Allen Davis, PhD, Milton Teske, MD,
City_ ______________________________________________ State____________ ZIP_____________________
Alexa Hernandez, Janet Neumann
Email_____________________________________________ Phone___________________________________

Step #2: Select Payment Type

Check: Number ________ Money Order: Number ________
(A $15 fee will be charged for returned checks.)
Credit Card: Number
Event Location & Lodging Event Registration Exp. date (MM/YY) Security Code: ___________ (last 3 digits on signature strip)
Tenaya Lodge at Yosemite or
1122 Hwy 41, Fish Camp, CA 93623 Call 559-264-2300 or 888-REV-1412 Signature_ ______________________________________________________
You must call 800-635-5807, Option 2 Hotel and Event Registration are Billing address (if different from above):
Use Group Code: 30R29C for the two separate fees. Register early If paying with someone else’s credit card, please also complete information below.
Hotel Summit Rate of $135/night + tax. for best price.
Encourage and Sponsor your City_ ______________________________________________ State____________ ZIP_____________________
46 local youth to attend 47
Sale ends September 30, except for "His
Way Is In the Sanctuary" and "The Seven
Churches." These two end June 30.

His Way Is In The Sancturay DVD Set Studies in Revelation —

HWIITSDVDSET-32. . . $189.99 $169.00 The Seven Churches CD Set
SIR7CCDSET-135. . . . . $176.00 $132.00

Cracking The Genesis Code DVD Set They Lived Happily Ever After DVD Set
CGCDVDSET-52. . . . . . $269.00 $215.00 MSDVDSET-5 . . . . . . $44.95 $34.95

Be sure to visit our

YouTube channel:

Studies in Revelation —
The Seven Seals CD Set
SIR7SCDSET-38 . . . $152.00 $139.99 • (888) Rev-1412 (USA Only) • (559) 264-2300 (USA & Intl.)

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