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© Joseph McClendon, III 2

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© Joseph McClendon, III 3

The #1 Trick To Boost Self Confidence in 7 Days

When it comes to high achievement, success, exceptional health and even happiness.
Few things in life are as valuable as a strong sense of self worth and self-confidence.
Discipline, courage, effectiveness, and consistency are all essential components of
any success plan. But without the confidence to execute them, they remain at best
well intended necessities.

Most people believe that you either have it or you don’t and the sad fact is… Most
Don’t. And for those who do believe that we can create confidence and grow it from
within ourselves. They also believe that it will take years and years of trial and
error, strict discipline and difficult uncomfortable hard work. Well I’m delighted to
tell you that I am here to challenge those beliefs… and better yet, I’m going to show
you how to how to quickly enhance that one critical area of your life and help you go
further faster.

My name is Joseph McClendon III and by profession I am a psychologist. By trade I’m

what’s known as an “Ultimate Performance Specialist.” I help people from all walks
of life get and sustain the very best out of themselves. Over the past two and a half
decades I have developed a series of powerful systems and processes that create
rapid results with regard to human potential and achievement. And I am honored to
share with you this brief yet powerful tool to enhance your life.

It’s no secret that we live in a fast paced, instant access, gotta have it now culture.
Technology has advanced more in the last ten years than it has in the history of all of
man kind. We have grown so accustomed to living our lives through the convenience
and luxury of our devices that the natural skill of building great self-confidence has
atrophied in the vast majority of the population. Now obviously there is much, much
more to developing long lasting self-esteem and confidence. But I wanted to give
you something that you could use right now that will get you some great, fast
results. Something that will start to move you in the right direction while you learn
and do the things to create even more and deeper self- certainty and confidence.
Sort of a short cut, shot in the arm to tie you over while you evolve and grow.

As with any and everything that I will teach you. This # 1 TRICK comes with what I
like to call the “DO” component. The “DO” component is the thing that makes any

© Joseph McClendon, III 4

and all results possible. Nothing will change if you just learn more information.
Change only happens when we actually, physically “DO” something to make change.
So the trick the “TRICK” that I am about to share with you contains at least one
action item for you to “DO”. And if you “DO” it then you will get the results that you
came here for. If not, then it will be at the very best something else that makes sense
that you can add to the growing back log of useful information that is collecting dust
and taking up valuable space in your brain’s memory banks.

Our lives are full of tricks and shortcuts. Good and Bad.

Tricks are often simple and seemingly insignificant. But remember this. THE SIMPLE
and easy things are often simple and easy not to do as well. We may over look their
powerfulness and feel like there has to be more to it than this. BUT DO NOT MAKE
THAT MISTAKE!!! Also, results don’t always show up immediately. Sometimes it
takes a few times or a few days before the results start to show. This is where most
well intended plans fall apart. So don’t be fooled by the simplicity.

But what is a Trick Really?

A trick by definition is a fun, seemingly unlikely way of doing something different to

produce a specific result. A quicker more efficient way of creating an outcome. A
simple “Trick” to making a race car go faster is to put high octane gas in the tank. A
simple “Trick” to thinking clearer is to drink lots and lots of water.

© Joseph McClendon, III 5

A simple “Trick” to “Boosting your Self Confidence is…

Practice it!
That’s right. The trick to boosting your self confidence is to practice being
confident. Now before you roll your eyes and write this simple tip off as too basic,
to obvious or too simple. Remember this indisputable fact… Just like any and
everything else that you are good at. Every single thing that you do well. You
got that way by practicing it. The more you do it, the better you get at it and
confidence is exactly the same way.

What should you practice?

The short answer is:

Practice “BECOMING “ and “BEING” Confident.

Here is what I mean by that. Confidence is an emotion, a feeling. And all, yes all
emotions are constructed. They are manufactured within you by what you think and
how you move in the moment. What we think and how we move creates confidence.

By practicing creating and manufacturing the emotion of confidence within yourself

you will boost your ability to be confident on a regular basis. Just like driving a car
or riding a bike or tying your shoes. You got that way by doing it over and over
again. Simply put… Act like you want to be and you will soon, automatically be like
you act.

But here’s the really cool thing… You already know how to do this. You have been
doing it your whole life. You have so much confidence in things that you don’t ever
even think about that you have a virtual store house of references to tap into and
borrow from. And all we are going to do is open the vault and cherry pick the ones
that serve you best.

Confident feelings are feelings that are created by you in any given moment.
They are manufactured as a result of these three elements:

1. Our imagination
 Pictures and images in our minds.
 Things that we see in our environment.

Every image that we have and or experience carries with it a distinct

emotion. Every image internally and externally triggers us to feel a certain
way. Creating images of a confident you and confident scenarios will
trigger internal confidence. This internal confidence will trigger better,
more efficient behaviors and actions which in turn will produce higher
levels of results, achievement and success.

2. Conversation:

© Joseph McClendon, III 6

 Conversations, terms, individual words and phrases that we have in
our mind.
 Conversations, terms, individual words and phrases that we hear from
our environment.

Every word that we hear and think carries with it a distinct emotion. Our
conversations internally and externally trigger us to feel a certain way.
Creating conversations that describe and embody confidence will trigger
better, more efficient behaviors and actions which will in turn produce
higher levels of effectiveness, achievement and success.

3. How we move.
 Posture, facial expressions, breath etc
 Any physical movement static or mobile

Every move that we make carries with it a distinct emotion. Moving our
body in any way triggers us to feel a certain way. Creating movements that
produce energy will trigger better, more efficient behaviors and actions
which will in turn produce higher levels of effectiveness, achievement and

The process of moving while creating the feeling of confidence will create muscle
and emotional memory. Deliberately repeating/practicing the process over and over
again with enthusiasm will create an automatic behavior and an underlying feeling
of confidence.

Confidence without arrogance or entitlement is where your true power lives.

That which you don’t/cant feel you cant experience in your life. If you have or are
experiencing low levels of self-confidence it is because you aren’t creating it. And if
you aren’t creating it, you are creating it’s ugly step sisters and brothers frustration,
doubt, worry, stress, sorrow, depression and pessimism. To name a few.

© Joseph McClendon, III 7

So here’s what to do…

You want more self-confidence?!?!? Then you must create and practice self

 In order for you to practice it you have got to feel it and experience it.
 In order for you to feel self confidence you have to find it
1. Find it .
2. Feel it
3. Rehears it.

If you have done it before, you can certainly do it again. Self-confidence lives in you
& days a week, 24 hours a day. (7/24) It’s in everything that you do that you are
comfortable and skilled at. You don’t question your ability to ride a bike or drive
your car. You have confidence in those and literally thousands of other seemingly
simple things. But at one time you didn’t have confidence in those areas.

Find it:

Borrow from the best.

As ye seek so shall ye find and feel.

The easiest and fastest way to learn and master something is to find someone that
is already doing/being what you desire and do what they do and did. Find those that
you admire and consider confident and strong and notice how they stand, what they
say, how the move and copy what they do. If you are close enough to them you can
ask them what they think and model that too. Who do you know or know of that has
a high level of self-confidence? Look around your world and seek others that are
confident and strong. If you are not close to them you can research them. I love
“Youtube” because you can see them and hear them in action.

Also, you can and should model yourself when you were confident in the past.
How would you stand, what would and or did you say to yourself, what did you

In the up coming follow up to the #1 trick to boosting your self confidence I am

going to dig deep with you and find your true core confidence and make it your
default but for now let’s concentrate what is in front of you and you have easy
access to.

Feel it:

Think of how you or someone else is being when they are confident. How are
they/you standing? Stand that way, strong and centered. Head held high. Smile on
your face, breathing deeply, eyes wide open Etc.

© Joseph McClendon, III 8

Rehearse it:

Here is the process… at least 3 times a day do this process:

Start in a seated position breathing normal. Relax and then imagine yourself or
someone else confident. Stand up and strike a pose. Put a smile on your face and
breathe deeply. Stand strong and sure. Hold that pose for ten seconds now say what
you say when you feel confident. “ Fantastic, Unstoppable, Magnificent, Bring it on…
etc.” Anything that makes you feel good when you say it. Then close your eyes and
put a big smile on your face. Now relax and sit back down. Repeat this process five
times and then go about your day. I recommend that you do this once in the
morning when you wake. Once when you take your lunch break and once just before
you go to bed at night. You’re going to do this for the next 7 days. Mark it on your
calendar and put it in your diary that this is the day that you start.

That’s it… Simple isn’t it. You don’t have to know anything else. Your beautiful mind
and body will do the rest. Have fun at it and let yourself go with your imagination.
This is a no brainer. Meaning that you don’t have to stress or think about it. Just let
your natural nervous system do what it does best. You will be conditioning your
subconscious recognize and boost your own self-confidence.

This is the “DO” element that I talked about earlier. This it the simple part that will
create results. Don’t just read this and store it as something clever and easy to
understand. Schedule it and “DO” it.

And if you think this is silly or too simple. Think about this. What is sillier is
doing the same old things that are not working. Or even worse... Doing nothing
at all to move your life forward.

You are going to love the results that you will experience and you will see that you
have the ability to make major changes in yourself that will result in more success
and achievement.

I’m also extremely excited to share with you the next step which is to create and
even deeper, ore dynamic more permanent level of confidence and drive called Self
certainty. It is my most powerful process and it will render you bullet proof to
doubt and inner stress. Enjoy the process and I look forward to serving you again
very soon.

Life is exactly what you dare to make it and fortune favors the BOLD. Dare to
boldly step up and make your life MAGNIFICNT!

I will see you at the top.

© Joseph McClendon, III 9

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