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Criterion D: Evaluating

1. Evaluate your work with 3 different testing methods

My APP Existing APP keeper/id974683711
Advantages Advantages

1. Add a lot images  You can make your own cookbook

2. includes several recipes  There is planner
3. my design includes a review section where  Groceries list
people can communicate and talk.  uses images
4. it has a creative design that is easy to
navigate through
5. The product is aesthetically appropriate for
the target audience
Disadvantages Disadvantages

1. the design does not specify an age range 1. It doesn’t have many recipes it mainly
a recipe saver
2. Does not have the review section for
people to communicate

According to the data collected was your APP a success?

My design is considered successful since it is better and more efficient and has more benefits than disadvantages when
compared to the competing website. The data shows that my design has added several pictures and recipes, despite the fact
that the other software has advantages as well. A review and about you section is part of my design, which also allows for
communication. The product is not only simpler to use and aesthetically beautiful, but it also has a creative design for the
intended audience. I do, however, have a few disadvantages, though they are not very serious.
a. Testing Method 3: Self-evaluation.

For my app I set out to find dessert recipes that anyone could easily create for any occasion. My goal was to make it accessible
to everyone so that they can begin cooking frequently. In particular, I wanted to inspire creativity in people who wish to learn
how to cook, learn new cooking techniques and develop a habit of cooking. This app enables people to interact and collaborate
by providing the necessary details together with pictures and visual representations, as well as a review and about you section.
My app promotes and explains recipes for those who are young and should emphasize using their time properly to learn new
recipes and how to cook.

My website, I believe, was successfully and creatively designed. I also think that the changes and improvements I
made had a big impact on the design. It is straightforward and simple to use, and it offers features that compliment
one another. In terms of my enhancement, I believe they are successful; it increases peoples enjoyment.

The design of my app, as well as my intentions when creating it, were all in line with the design specifications. I
had meant to create the app specifically for dessert dishes, and I succeeded in doing so. I also accomplished every
other goal I had set out to do. However, I did make a few necessary modifications to improve the idea and design
and make it more interesting for the audience.

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