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> Buat spfsfpodik sldakjfla;sjdf';lask lkhsasdfsdfasfasdf jfl asdfasdf a

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> Tambahkan NPC tersebut "Edit and Control" access ke "All Players"

>di NPC "Tools", create Attributes named 'Player1', 'Player2', 'Player3',

dll. Sebanyak playermu
>Di kolom Current untuk setiap "Player#" Atribut, tambahkan nama setiap
>tambahkan lagi Attributes 'at' dan isi ''@{' di kolom current

>This is due to the Roll20 'Order of Operations' - each attribute call

is parsed in order from left to right, so you have to delay the call to the
attribute you want to see until after the call to the character name has been

> Sesuaikan jumlah player, macro dibawah sampai 5 player, tiap bagian dimulai

&{template:default} {{name= Party Status check 🪓}} {{[@{Tools|at}@{Tools|Player1}|

character_name}](" style"background: none; background-color: transparent; border:
none; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; color: #7e2d40;
font-weight: bold;)= @{Tools|at}@{Tools|Player1}|ac} | 💗 @{Tools|at}@{Tools|
Player1}|hp} / @{Tools|at}@{Tools|Player1}|hp|max}}} {{[@{Tools|at}@{Tools|
Player2}|character_name}](" style"background: none; background-color: transparent;
border: none; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; color:
#7e2d40; font-weight: bold;)= @{Tools|at}@{Tools|Player2}|ac} | 💗 @{Tools|
at}@{Tools|Player2}|hp} / @{Tools|at}@{Tools|Player2}|hp|max}}} {{[@{Tools|
at}@{Tools|Player3}|character_name}](" style"background: none; background-color:
transparent; border: none; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none; display: inline-
block; color: #7e2d40; font-weight: bold;)= @{Tools|at}@{Tools|Player3}|ac} | 💗
@{Tools|at}@{Tools|Player3}|hp} / @{Tools|at}@{Tools|Player3}|hp|max}}} {{[@{Tools|
at}@{Tools|Player4}|character_name}](" style"background: none; background-color:
transparent; border: none; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none; display: inline-
block; color: #7e2d40; font-weight: bold;)= @{Tools|at}@{Tools|Player4}|ac} | 💗
@{Tools|at}@{Tools|Player4}|hp} / @{Tools|at}@{Tools|Player4}|hp|max}}} {{[@{Tools|
at}@{Tools|Player5}|character_name}](" style"background: none; background-color:
transparent; border: none; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none; display: inline-
block; color: #7e2d40; font-weight: bold;)= @{Tools|at}@{Tools|Player5}|ac} | 💗
@{Tools|at}@{Tools|Player1}|hp} / @{Tools|at}@{Tools|Player1}|hp|max}}}

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