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View the IP Address in your Linux machine and successfully ping your host machine.


2. Make a directory following the instructions.

a. List files in your home directory. [5]

b. View the working directory. [5]

c. Create a parent directory within the directory. [5]

d. Copy the parent directory to home. [5]

3. Create a new empty file in Linux and rename it. [10]

4. Create a new file named "Pluto" and write to it as "Pluto is not a planet". Then append "Pluto is the
coldest" using echo. Change the file permission to remove write and read access for Group and Others.
5. Create new users "Asia", "Europe", and "Antarctica" with a password and move to their home
directory by switching the user using “su”. [20]
6. Install the Apache2 server using apt and verify it from the web browser. [10]

7. Use the grep command for /etc/shadow to display only lines with 'root'. [5]

8. Scan your own Guest OS IP address with Nmap. [10]

9. Enable the ufw firewall, open the ssh service, and verify whether the remote host can connect. [5]

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