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<!DOCTYPE html> <!

--declares the type of document (html)-->

<html lang="en"> <!--holds all of the html and sets language using attribute lang--

<head> <!--holds metadata about the page-->

<title>Title - HTML</title> <!--shows the title of the page-->
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico"> <!--displays favicon
image on the browser tab of the page-->
</head> <!--holds metadata about the page-->

<!--holds internal CSS styling-->


<body> <!--holds content displayed on the page-->

<div> <!--defines a section in a document-->
<h1>Heading 1</h1> <!-- displays text as heading size one-->
<h2>Heading 2</h2> <!--displays text as heading size two-->
<h3>Heading 3</h3> <!--displays text as heading size three-->
<h4>Heading 4</h4> <!--displays text as heading size four-->
<h5>Heading 5</h5> <!--displays text as heading size five-->
<h6>Heading 6</h6> <!--displays text as heading size six-->
</div> <!--defines a section in a document-->

<div> <!--defines a section in a document-->

<p>Paragraph</p> <!--displays text as a paragraph-->
<p title="Paragraph Title">Tool Tip</p> <!--displays text with tool tip
to hover over-->
<p>Line<br>Break</p> <!--displays text with a line break-->
<p id="BM1"> Internal Bookmark</p> <!--creates a bookmark using id
<p style="background-color:powderblue; font-family:Impact,
Haettenschweiler, 'Arial Narrow Bold', sans-serif";> Internal CSS</p><!--displays
content with internal CSS using attribute style-->
<hr> <!--displays a horizontal rule to seperate thematic content--> <p>^
Horizontal Rule</p>
<pre> <!--preserves the spaces and line breaks in text-->
</pre> <!--preserves the spaces and line breaks in text-->
</div> <!--defines a section in a document-->

<div> <!--defines a section in a document-->

<a href="">Hyperlink</a><!--displays hyperlink
using attribute href-->
<br> <!--displays a line break-->
<a href="" target="_self">Self-Target
Hyperlink</a> <!--default, opens hyperlink in the same window/tab as it was
<br> <!--displays a line break-->
<a href="" target="_blank">Blank-Target
Hyperlink</a> <!--opens hyperlink in a new window or tab-->
<br> <!--displays a line break-->
<a href="" target="_parent">Parent-Target
Hyperlink</a> <!--opens hyperlink in the parent frame-->
<br> <!--displays a line break-->
<a href="" target="_top">Top-Target
Hyperlink</a> <!-- opens hyperlink in the full body of the window-->
<br> <!--displays a line break-->
<br> <!--displays a line break-->
</div> <!--defines a section in a document-->

<div> <!--defines a section in a document-->

<img src="favicon.ico" alt="Image Alternative Text"><!--displays image
using attributes src & alt-->
<img src="image.jpg" alt="Image Alternative Text"><!--displays
alternative text using attributes src & alt-->
<br><!--displays a line break-->
</div> <!--defines a section in a document-->

<div> <!--defines a section in a document-->

<p> <b>Bold</b> Text</p> <!--displays bolded text-->
<p> <strong>Strong</strong> Text</p> <!--displays strengthened text-->
<p> <i>Italic</i> Text </p> <!--displays italicized text-->
<p> <em>Emphasized</em> Text</p> <!--displays emphasized text-->
<p> <small>Small</small> Text</p> <!--displays small text-->
<p> <mark>Marked</mark> Text</p> <!--displays highlighted text-->
<p> <del>Deleted</del> Text</p> <!--displays text with striketrough-->
<p> <ins>Inserted</ins> Text</p> <!--displays underlined text-->
<p> <sup>Superscripted</sup> Text</p> <!--displays superscripted text-->
<p> <sub>Subscripted</sub> Text</p> <!--displays subscripted text-->
</div> <!--defines a section in a document-->

<div> <!--defines a section in a document-->

<a href="#BM1">Link to Internal Bookmark</a> <!--jumps to the bookmark
within the same page-->
<br><!--displays a line break-->
<a href="BasicStyle.html#BM2">Link to External Bookmark</a> <!--jumps to
the bookmark linked on a different page-->
<br><!--displays a line break-->
<br><!--displays a line break-->
</div> <!--defines a section in a document-->

<div> <!--defines a section in a document-->

<table> <!--creates a table-->
<caption>Table One</caption> <!--displays a caption/title for the
<tr> <!--creates a row in the table -->
<th>Header 1</th> <!--creates displays the header for first
<th>Header 2</th> <!--creates displays the header for second
<th>Header 3</th> <!--creates displays the header third column-->
</tr> <!--creates a row in the table -->
<tr> <!--creates a new row in the table -->
<td>Data 1</td> <!--displays data in first row, first column-->
<td>Data 2</td> <!--displays data in first row, second column-->
<td>Data 3</td> <!--displays data in first row, third column-->
</tr> <!--creates a new row in the table -->
<tr> <!--creates another row in the table -->
<td>Data One</td> <!--displays data in second row, first column--
<td>Data Two</td> <!--displays data in second row, second
<td>Data Three</td> <!--displays data in third row, third
</tr> <!--creates another row in the table -->
</table> <!--creates a table-->
</div> <!--defines a section in a document-->

<div> <!--defines a section in a document-->

<ul> <!--creates an unordered list-->
<li>List Item 1</li> <!--displays a list item-->
<li>List Item 2</li> <!--displays a list item-->
<li>List Item 3</li> <!--displays a list item-->
</ul> <!--creates an unordered list-->
<ol> <!--creates an ordered list-->
<li>List Item</li> <!--displays a list item-->
<li>List Item</li> <!--displays a list item-->
<li>List Item</li> <!--displays a list item-->
</ol> <!--creates an ordered list-->
<dl> <!--creates an described list-->
<dt> Term One <!--displays a list term-->
<dd>Description</dd> <!--displays a term description-->
</dt> <!--displays a list term-->
<dt> Term Two <!--displays a list term-->
<dd>Description</dd> <!--displays a term description-->
</dt> <!--displays a list term-->
<dt> Term Three <!--displays a list term-->
<dd>Description</dd> <!--displays a term description-->
</dt> <!--displays a list term-->
</dl> <!--creates an described list-->
</div> <!--defines a section in a document-->
</body> <!--holds content displayed on the page-->

</html> <!--holds all of the html-->

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