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Learn HTML in 15 Minutes

<!–– and the comment closes with ––>

<!–– Multi Line



Every single tag in HTML in one video

Web browsers reads HTML, which is just a text file filled with tags

HTML is not a programming language

tags are just words or individual characters and angled brackets

which tells the browser what text needs emphasis, what is a praragraph

and more. 89 total tags, but mostly use only 20


<!-- define what version i am using, telling browser that i am using transitional form -->

<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"


<html> <!-- head is to do with header -->


<!-- define what language and character set i am using-->

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" />

<!-- define style, not good convention -->

<style type="text/css">

h1 {color:red}



can link to a text/css file that has the style settings, good convention
rel defines what kind of relationship this file has with the linked file,

stylesheet as used for styles

type states type of file

href specifies the URL of the page the link goes to


<link rel="styleshet" type="text/css" herf="styles.css"/>

<!-- description of what is on the website, can define as many meta tags as you want

<meta name="description" content="Welcome to Bobs Hardware" />

<meta name="keywords" content="Hammers, Nails and Screwdrivers" />

<meta name="author" content="Bob Smith" />

<!-- Title of document, appears in browser tab -->

<title>Welcome to bobs Hardware</title>


<!-- define what goes in the body of the website -->


<!-- Titles: H1 is largest, H6 is smallest, H1 is red because of the style tag in <head>







<!-- abbreviation tag, title shows up when mouse over text -->

<abbr title="As Soon as possible">ASAP</abbr>

<!-- acronym tag, title shows up when mouse over text -->

<acronym title="As Soon as possible">ASAP</acronym>

` <br/> <!-- break tag -->

<b>Bold</b> <!-- bold tag -->


<big>Big</big> <!-- big tag -->

<blockquote>Indent this text and style</blockquote><br /> <!-- blockquote indents

the tag -->

<center>Center me please</center> <!-- center tag places at


<em>I like italic</em> <!-- emphasis tag -->

<i>me too</i> <!-- very similar to

emphasis tag-->

<p>I'm a big paragraph</p> <!-- Paragraphs automatically add new lines

after text -->

<q>I'm a quote</q> <!-- quote tag to define quotes without putting "" --

<s>I've been struck</s> <!-- strikethrough tag for line through

text -->

<small>I feel small</small> <!-- for small text -->

<strong>I'm strong</strong> <!-- for storng text -->

<sub>subscript</sub> <!-- for subscript text, lifted upwards -->

<sup>superscript</sup> <!-- for superscript text, lowered down -->


image tag

src is source of image, alt is descriptive text for blind or failure to load image

height and width is to set dimensions, if left empty it will default as the original image

<img src="

alt="Marril Lynch Ad"

height="415" width="300" />

<!-- list types -->

<dl> <!-- description list tag -->

<dt>Bicycle</dt> <!-- term/name tag for a term/name in a description list-->

<dd>Has 2 wheels</dd> <!-- definition tag for definition of term/name-->


<ol> <!-- ordered list tag, each will have numbers -->

<li>Car</li> <!-- list item tag -->



<ul> <!-- unordered list tag, each has bullet point or likewise --




<!-- links or anchor tags -->

<!-- text that links to another website, set target to _blank to open in another

_self, for open-->

<a href="" target="_blank">Awesome Website</a>

<!-- create a table using table tab, with description of table -->

<table summary="Here is a table">

<!-- create caption -->


Some things i did


<!-- create table row -->


<!-- create table column -->





<th>Rode bike</th>




<!-- note: table by itself has no styling -->

<!-- create form, accepts input from user and send it to PHP script for processing
post method information passed is passed within the header information of the file, not
displayed in the URL

get method passed in URL, best practice to use post as more secure


<form action="mail2.php" method="post">

<!-- define what information is going to be placed inside -->

<b>Send message to this email</b><br/>

<!-- input tag, define type of input as text, define variable name to hold input
as email,

define size as 40char long -->

<input type="text" name="email" size=40><br/>

<!-- use text areas for multi line input, define size as cols and rows -->

<textarea cols=40 rows=10 name="message">Default text</textarea><br/>

<!-- input text and not show on screen -->

<input type="password" name="password" size=40><br/>

<!-- radio buttons, must have the same name so only 1 at a time -->

<input type="radio" name="radioinput" value="Love Radio Buttons" />Love

Radio Buttons

<input type="radio" name="radioinput" value="Hate Radio Buttons" />Hate

Radio Buttons


<!-- checkboxes -->

<input type="checkbox" name="checkboxinput1" value="blue"/>blue

<input type="checkbox" name="checkboxinput2" value="red"/>red

<!-- select drop down tag -->

<select name="selectinput">

<!-- options for drop down menu -->

<option value="loveselect">I love</option>

<option value="hateselect">I hate</option>


<!-- hidden field, value that is passed along but not displayed on the website --

<input type="hidden" name="Submitted" value="True" />

<!-- input button to send information, value is text on button -->

<input type="submit" value="Send" />




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