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Alchemy Science

Develop an astral body.

The Cosmic Frequency of Universal Conscience.

Trough: Rodolfo Rafael Ramos Jimenez.

<<… Understand alchemy, also known as Spagiria, its science teaches to separate the just
(Truth) from the fallacious>>. Paracelsus, Opus Paramirum.(1493-1541).


The Author………………………………………………………………….…x
Chapter I The Metacosmos…………………………………………………….x
Chapter II The Physical Cosmos……………………………………………….x
Chapter III Reincarnation Process……………………………………………..x
Chapter IV Animal Phase………………………………………………………x
Chapter V Mundane Phase……………………………………………………..x
Chapter VI Cosmic Phase………………………………………………………x
Chapter VII The Existential Function of Intelligence…………………………...x
Chapter VIII The Fifth Dimension……………………………………………….x
Chapter VIII.1 The Cosmic Verticality…………………………………………..x
Chapter VIII.2 Alchemy Scientist……………………………………………….x
Chapter VIII.3 The Cosmic Phantoms…………………………………………..x
Chapter VIII.4 The Gift of Immortality (Note> Holy Grail) ……...…………….x
Chapter VIII.5 The Cosmic Bliss………………………………………………..x
Chapter VIII.6 The Cosmic Ear………………………………………………….x
Chapter IX Solar Phase………………………………………………………………….x
Chapter X The Luminous Cosmic Race…………………………………………..x
Chapter XI The Superior Light…………………………………………………….x
Chapter XII Universal Speed Limit……….……………………………………….x

**** Significado de los colores ****

(* Verde = propuestas y alternativas para intercambios de texto – ó que quizás se puedan
omitir en edición)
Sujeto a más revisiones
***Cover contraportada.***

Alchemy is the healing action derived from understanding the universal mechanism.

Consciousness does not have an identity, that’s why personality is a stain on it. Alchemy
science purifies consciousness by freeing it from the personality contaminating it. When
the consciousness is pure, automatically transcends the planetary frontier, unifying with
intelligences from other planets that have achieved the same shared level of
understanding. these are 3 suggestions to consider)marked Green

unifying it with all other intelligences trough the same shared level of understanding.

unifying with all other intelligences planetary or extra planetary trough the same shared
level of understanding.

The union of consciousness between intelligence from different planets, generates an

incorporeal entity that develops in the apparently empty cosmic space, its action unifies a
certain minority of intelligent species, in order to forward (continue) the active procedure
of cosmic evolution. Precisely because of that last statement, we can conclude that
achieving interplanetary unity of consciousness is in fact, the only meaning (sense) of the
human life.

Design and development: The Cosmic Frequency of Universal Conscience.

Trough Gabriela Rodriguez Ramos.

***Fin de -- Cover contraportada.***

The only fair thing that can be said about Rodolfo Ramos is that he achieved personal

My work while in this human body has been brief yet intense; I have remained on it
enough time to plant in humanity the real alchemy science that will empower it to
achieve its transmutation.

The Cosmic Frequency of Universal Conscience.

This book is for those who prefer to understand instead of just believing...
…for reading this book, logic and reason are your greatest ally’s.
These words are not written for the personae, but for the ethereal that inhabits within
every consciousness.

The Author

I am the only permanent force in time and space, the universe does not contain me, for I
contain the universe, I am prior to life and consciousness, not even emptiness originated
me, because emptiness is also part of me, there is nothing that escapes me, because I am
the truth.

No one can write truth about the gnosis from the point if view of the personae, only by
first dissolving the personae, therefore allowing the universal wisdom to be delivered to
the most subtle (pure) consciousness in its species of origin.

Understanding the universal mechanism, gradually tears down the many layers of the ego
(personae), until the divine spark that inhabits every individual is uncovered.

I am you.

I publish this autobiographical Journal because; through cosmic communion it explains

your own existence.

This that I write is not mine, but yours.


It does not matter if you enjoy every moment to the fullest, nor if life has given you
moments of extreme pleasure; if you don’t know your existential function; your life
drives us towards self destruction.

Every mundane consciousness, even the smallest one has perceived that we are but tiny
pieces of the universe. That knowledge is real and natural, all due lacking an objective;
the objective resides in knowing that the universal consciousness expands over emptiness
through these tiny (infinitesimal) peaces surrounding it, among uncountable intelligences
from different planets.

If I had to explain the universe to a child, I would say:

-God is an enormous marble(sphere), so big that we are sticking to it and cant even see it;
if we do that which corresponds to God, we will end up in unity with him and become
part of he’s essence; But if we do not do that wish corresponds to God, we will
disintegrate and perish(extinguish). Most intelligent (sentient) species end up
disintegrating and extinguishing the same way; but, just with the few species that do
manage to integrate is enough for that enormous (sphere-God) to expand throughout the
universal emptiness

God does not need us, we need him.

Alchemy is a science that provides a method for integrating with the superior light.

Alchemy is the healing action derived from understanding the universal mechanism;
Alchemy Science studies its healing action, for it produces the studied effects (the
interplanetary union of consciousnesses or / astral body)

At certain time there have been those whose common aims were chrysopoeia
(transmutation into gold), the transmutation of "base metals" (e.g., lead) into "noble"
ones (particularly gold); True alchemy was hidden by false alchemy, a metaphorical
shade chosen by the Cosmic Wisdom trough a few individuals whom because of
ignorance or fear berried this knowledge, suppressing its healing effect. The same
mistake shall not be repeated, my medium (channel) knows that for the understanding
(knowledge) to fulfill its function, it has to become public domain.

Triumph is only real when it encompasses the whole species.

Cosmic wisdom or (understanding of the universal mechanism), derives from

consciousness entering a cosmic trance, allowing it to subtract it self from the carrier and
experience fist hand how the universe works, there for enabling that individual with
perfect understanding of he’s own existential function; the purpose is to take that
understanding (wisdom, knowledge) to he’s species of origin, there for, helping it to reach
its maximum evolutional level and cosmic sublimation; subsequent goal of every essence
that develops in the cosmos.

The Gnostic trance is futile if it doesn’t mutate and becomes something more than just
and experience shared by a few; by becoming a source of understanding at everybody's
reach. The science of Alchemy does not tell stories; it shares the knowledge that will save

Alchemy Science and its action are older that our planet, in fact older that our cosmos,
has manifested on humanity since its primary gestation, each time (embodiment cycle)
furthering its refinement and purity,
more refined and pure, now this generation has reached enough clarity for accomplishing
its healing effect.

When cosmic knowledge accomplishes its action on an intelligent species, it delivers it to

its highest evolutional top, and then it sublimes to the fullest its universal energy.

It is erroneous to try having Alchemy science coincide with all previous human
disciplines that the mundane being believes to know; Jesus Christ said:

Perhaps people think I came to bring peace on the earth, and they don’t know that have
come to send conflict over the earth, trough fire, sword and war.

Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a

Jesus said that because Christ (understanding) does not come as an integrator of all
mundane disciplines; its goal is to destroy all fallacies created and founded over fear and

When the occult of the occulted wanted to reveal to the unmanifested, begotten a
luminous dot. Before this dot was luminous and became visible, infinity (Soph) was
occulted and gave no light.
The Metacosmos

There is a moment previous to time, where all that exist is infinite empty space, there is
not even darkness, because for darkness to exist, it must have a perceiver, this is a
moment in the universe that can only be accessed trough understanding. Suddenly light
burst in what until then was, and by that effect transforms it in to darkness, ripping

Emptiness and nothingness (absence, void) is not the same thing: in fact nothingness does
not exist; while emptiness is “Absorption”.

When in the universe emptiness is absolute, it generates so much absorption at different

places of its infinite space that raptures, spheres(bubbles) of supra-consciousness
instantaneously emerge trough those raptures, these spheres from their birth expand at the
speed of light. Phenomenon that can be observed as spheres expanding at light speed
(approximately 300,000 km/sec), but preserving the central essence, that is in fact the
universal speed limit. Taking consideration that from this perspective everything is
movement, the universal speed limit or supra-consciousness is equitable to what is
humanly called God. / God speed / absolute movement

*******************Imagen aqui********************************

In fact these spheres are not made of light, but are only covered by light; due to the
immense size of these spheres, the light surrounding them is not irradiated nor their
expansion at light speed be perceptible.

If one reduces it self to the exact point of contact between the sphere and the emptiness,
would notice that light does not directly touch emptiness, for it decomposes in to a
proportionally thin luminous cloud.

*******************Imagen aqui********************************

This luminous cloud interlaces at an immaterial level, at a speed superior than light.

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…and at the measure it interlaces, its luminosity augment,…

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…until unifying in a single body of light…
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…which maximizes compresion…
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… and expels out to the virgin empty space all density and mater that previously
inhabited the cloud, encapsulated and distributed in uncountable incandescent particles…

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…once out they all explode, generating a whole new cloud of light that repeats the same
*******************Imagen aqui********************************

Note: For humanity, the cosmos is a particle of an unknown origin, nor is it known what
was there before it. What humanity know is that approximately 13,700 million years ago
it exploded, forming and enormous light cloud.

*******************Imagen aqui********************************

This is the human cosmos.

*******************Imagen aqui********************************

This event is known as “The big bang”, – according to our understanding – our big bang
is one of many that constitute this cloud of light, through which the sphere expands; in
that procedure, most intelligent species that develop in the cosmos are sacrificed,
therefore the importance of understanding the nature of this mechanism becomes clear.
*******************Imagen aqui********************************
The Physical Cosmos

Note: The objective of alchemy science is to purify the cosmos for the most subtle (pure)
consciousness of humanity, therefore dismisses all expendable phenomena for
understanding the evolutionary process of the cosmos, such as: black holes, galaxy
collisions, etc.

From this perspective, the cosmos is a decomposition of light when mixed with
emptiness. –being light it self, a decomposition of supraconsciousness when mixed with
emptiness-; Judging by its mass percentage, this cloud of light (the cosmos), is practically
that, light, which in cosmic proportion groups as follows:

Through mathematics humans made a design of the largest expanse of their surroundings
and called it, cosmic galaxy,…

*******************Imagen aqui********************************

Being this (cosmic galaxy), a tiny fraction of the cloud of light that is the cosmos.

*******************Imagen aqui********************************

…at its level, this cosmic galaxy is formed structurally based on spots of light, which
mankind has called super cluster...

*******************Imagen aqui********************************

The super cluster is formed of smaller structures called local groups

*******************Imagen aqui********************************

…and local groups are formed of galaxies…

*******************Imagen aqui********************************

...and galaxies of stars, some of these stars (most) have planets in rotating orbit around
...therefore, the stars are infinitesimal particles of the cosmos. That makes the planets,
sub-infinitesimal particles around the stars. Proportionally the planets are a very small
percentage of the cosmic mass (the cloud).
If the sun were the size of a beach ball, then the planet earth would be the size of a
particle of dust.

If one reviews the planets environmental conditions, would come quickly to the
conclusion that nothing happens there, no life, they are just enormous body’s of sand,
gases, and liquid, with rare ambiances that don’t develop nor support life, and indeed that
situation is so in most cases…

...that is common place; and of course, although in a minority of cases, some planets meet
with the necessary and specific requirements that the cosmos demands for fertilization by
its rector star, therefore generating life…

That is the fist important event that can happen in a planet, because life generates self
sustained ecosystems, where of course follows the appearance of vegetal and animal life.
Let’s take under consideration that we are talking about the cosmic perspective, therefore
even being so that a proportionally very small percentage of planets get to generate life;
there are an enormous number of them.

************ imagen ****************

Planetary life evolves in increasingly complex ways due to the reincarnation process.

Life and intelligence are chemical consequences of the cosmos.

Reincarnation Process

Life is, in all cases, the material result of the fertilization of a planet by its rector star, in
such way that as a consequence generates perennial organisms.


Note: For planetary mater to be able (so to speak) to catch sunlight that fertilizes the
planet, there needs to be certain combinations in a specific order, so that leads to a
solution that allows the capture and conversion of solar energy into life energy. Getting
this combination is statistically less likely to hit the lottery jackpot; therefore, at a global
level it seems impossible, but at the cosmic level, it can be perceived as the activation of
a proportionally tiny minority of planets that generate life, but even this minority is a
humanly inestimable quantity and in this minority of planets - the effect of this
fertilization – perennial organisms are generated, mortal bodies.

The planetary body, given its material nature, is worn out (by friction) until being unable
to host the astral energy that animates it, and dies, and then the astral energy returns to its
physical place of origin, that is “the sun”, it returns as an entity of much more mobility
than light speed, for it only remains there while a new body is generated at the planet of
origin, so it can retake material (physical) condition, in order to continue accelerating and
evolving; that is the way that all organisms are generated throughout different planets
round the cosmos.

In that sense, because of genetic complexity and evolution, it’s achieved in a

proportionally tiny minority if planets what by efect of alchemy science is considered, the
fist animal phase.


Note: The hosting at the sun is only temporary, while in it there are no experiences or
histories; the evolutionary work is always done while at the planet, in a physical body.
Genetic complexity. - Every generation forward also adds (complexity) a genetic cycle to
the DNA of a species; when a species reaches certain genetic complexity an evolutionary
mutation occurs.

Animal Phase

Animal phase.- This phase is laso known by alchemy as planetary phase, being one with
the planet and existing on it with natural equilibrium (valance).
---Not to be misunderstood as a painless existence---

God had a soon on earth without sin, but never without pain.

---planetary species can exist on the planet for a very long period of time, until being
removed by external causes. That is the common path in the animal phase, valance, but
from among those faunas (wild life) --also by evolution— in a proportionally small
minority of planets that house animal life, appears that witch by alchemy science is
knows as the second phase or mundane phase.


Agustin de Hipona (354 - 430)

Mundane Phase

Evolution takes many path’s, so every limit is achieved, that is why empathy is also
pushed by the cosmos, until awakening intelligence in an animal species, which comes as
a result of neural complexity. Every mundane creature is anatomically defined by its
central nervous system.

When intelligence appears in a planet, does so trough an animal species, these by such
effect experiences an evolutionary mutation that generates a condition in the sun’s
nucleus. From there after, that species takes control of the nucleus and does not allow
other species access to it. From a planetary perspective that situation echoes has instinct
driving(taking) that intelligent species to kill all of the other attempts of intelligence that
at the same time appears in the planet (obviously it will encounter natural resistance). All
of the different intelligent species that developed in the cosmic space are the fundamental
pieces in the mechanism of cosmic evolution.

And even by instinct that intelligent species will be taken tokill

The mundane phase has two definitions:

a) Planetary definition: planetarily a mundane (worldly) being is defined by his

understanding, because he is the creature with the greater level understanding of
his generator planet.

b) Cosmic definition: cosmically the mundane being is defined by his ignorance

and is evidentiated as the lowest level(scale) of the cosmos, as is also evident
from this perspective that the role (existential function) of individuals and species
such as these –most of the time- is self-destruction, in order for the cosmos to
carry out its purification process.

The mundane being, given he’s cosmic ignorance, is just a bundle of nerves entrapped in
meat, with a useless spirit.

Even doe the mundane being is rational, he is not moved by understanding, but by
stimuli; that is way the mundane objective is always pleasure. Such condition turns
mundane organisms in to vicious organisms; that is why this phase is alchemically named
“infectious phase”. (Vicious to be understood as in: addicted to a vice, a bad habit)

The infection of the species is not so much a disease as a condition of origin, because no
one is born knowing. - Existential ignorance is the original sin -.
We must remember that the impurities that are expelled to the virgin space are the
maximum compression of the dense mater and dirt of the previous cosmos, although
covered with the light and perfection that it adheres (Sticks to them).

Dense mater and dirt manifest in the cosmos at every level: at a planetary level,
producing the inability of most of the planets; and even at those planets where life is
generated, life is guided by the baseness of the previous cosmos, reason why the grater
majority of planetary intelligences show their contaminated state by following the same
path, that is (their Self-destruction), event that happens in just a cosmic instant.

Repetición de texto anterior…omitido.

In fact, the mundane being is a rational animal; but it is not reason that prevails in the
mundane species but worldly pride; that is why the mundane being although secretly
wishing to know the universal mechanism, does not tolerate someone else coming to
explain it to him.

The cosmic spirit feeds from understanding, and the mundane spirit from pride.

The mundane being does everything because of pride; but from cosmic perspective
becomes clear that there is more dishonor in pride than in shame.

The successful mundane being is he who achieves his ambition and his egoism.

Note: There will be those who suppose that humanity has achieved an enormous
technological leap; but from the cosmic perspective becomes evident that the use of
electricity is an obligatorily stage for the mundane intelligences, mental contamination is
related to this stage, because from the mastery over electricity, automatically spawns a
whole new branch of artifacts devoted to mental obsession (distractions) witch subtracts
consciousness from having sensory communion with its cosmic environment.


Planetary consciousnesses are blinded by electric light, preventing them from perceiving
their cosmic environment, blinding them with material appetencies and generating
(planting) in the species an obsession for what is a false individual success.

And precisely, Satan pay’s with the currency of luxury and banal comforts, to all of toes
individuals who carry out the abuse and destruction of their planet of origin.

If someone have fulfilled your personal desires and favors, its Satan not God.
Many individuals who profit from abuse and the corruption of the consciences, do not
experience remorse nor pain and suffering, but the contrary, they experience an enormous
well-being, that is Satan’s currency and the anesthetic narcotic which aim is to sedate the
executioners of their own species, with banal (worldly, mundane) happiness. Even if at
the end every individual of the species pays the highest price that the universe demands,
that is (the gradual and devastating self-destruction of the species). Satan does not look
so much for corrupt individuals to torture – in fact rewards them – , its goal is to
exterminate (destroy) intelligent species.

If you sell your self to Satan you will have from what is he’s (gifts), but not what is from

From cosmic perspective, the mundane species are perceived as natural catastrophes.

Intelligence is a tool, but this tool certainly does not belong to the mundane being, for it
belongs to the cosmos, being so that the mundane being is also another tool of the
Intelligence is in fact an instrument developed by the cosmos, a tool needed to carry out
its evolutionary process. A tool, both for sublimation or purification; meaning the
extermination of the majority of intelligent species (the ones less pure).
The mundane being is the natural predator of he’s own species and of he’s habitat, reason
why the history of every mundane species is an ever growing catastrophe.
The sicker the character is, the greatest is his desire to go out and seek.
The mundane being lives for acquiring material gains, one acquisition after the other.
The mundane being is he’s own antithesis and nemesis.

All that exists Nota>-- le voy mas a la linea Amarilla --

All existence generates in its own environment repercussions proper of its particular

All existence generates in its own environment the repercussions that are proper of its
particular nature.

All intelligent creatures affect their environment, based on their perception of the
universe and of their own existence; reason why, all intelligent creatures are –
consciously or unconsciously – a channel for planetary repercussions.
All that is real exists and develops in the universe resulting in its subsequent impact
The conception of the universe that an intelligent individual has (knowingly or not), is
irredeemably repercussive in every one of he’s actions.
The inner cosmos is has extensive has the outer cosmos (The cosmic frequency of
universal consciousness though Gener). The
The parts of the universe that are unknown for the individual, attack his personal and
planetary being, at a level none-evident to him; because many demons hide in the shade
that is his cosmic ignorance.
From the cosmic perspective, the emergence and self-destruct of countless species in just
cosmic moments, is a constant; being these “the infectious phase”, its is also the most
important, because only from the purest minority of that mass, the immaterial substance
that is faster than the speed of light will emanate, which provides the cosmos its
evolutionary process; the production of that substance (essence) by humanity, is the
objective and function of this book.

Gener Barjau de La Rosa. Involuntary cosmic channeler.

Page 37…

The mundane being usually pretends to see he’s own decisions has diseases that exceed
him (attack him). Therefore live (install it self) in the false success of not having
relapsed on taking the same decision, pretending that way to justify his existence.

There is no rehabilitation for the mundane being, because it has never been able (useful);
what the universe demand of the mundane being is his own habilitation as a cosmic
preceptor, because that is his existential function.

We must remember that the raptures in the universal emptiness generate as a

consequence (as a result) the emergence of spheres of absolute movement, and that the
layer (cloud of) light that encompasses the nucleus, is the result of the resistance of
emptiness to the absolute movement; keeping that in mind, the physical cosmos (body of
light) is a further densification of light when mixed with emptiness, emulsifying it further
more in to physical dense expressions, up course in function of the level of its
contamination; the same way as emptiness imposes resistance to absolute motion, also
absolute motion imposed on the cosmos certain pressure. That pressure generates in the
cosmic emptiness, a force which subtracts the subtlest consciousness (the less infected)
from among the infected species, for the purpose of revealing to them, how the universal
mechanism works, this phenomenon is humanly called Gnosis. Humanity calls this
phenomenon Gnosis.
***************imagen*******************page 37

The Gnosis phenomenon is intended for enabling those consciousnesses with the
understanding of the universal mechanism, so that they can take it to their respective
species of origin, - although many of them fail to fully understand it- this is where our
science starts, as well as the third alchemic phase, otherwise known by alchemy science
as the cosmic phase.

***************imagen******************* page 38.

Note: When intelligence makes its appearance (emergence) on a planet, occurs

(manifests) through an animal species, such essence mutate that species, originating a
new species; That new species, also generates pure and virgin intelligence, and that is
why the Gnosis is a natural condition in the primitive intelligences; but this primitive
Gnosis is only useful to create false religions, that later become instruments of mass
mental obsession and manipulations of the species.

For the Gnosis to be effective, requires of the species certain level of progress regarding
the objective understanding of the universe, as well as certain level of genetic maturity.

Cosmic perception is the natural essence of intelligence.

Cosmic Phase

Cosmic Phase. - The cosmos is - in certain way – a sick organism, but cosmic preceptors
and alchemist are the “immune system” of the cosmos.
One day, before a mundane being I pointed out:
- No one can assert with veracity, to having pass trough (lived in) the cosmos
(Without sinking in its) and not had sunk in its filth.
And in the name of all that at his level inhabits, the mundane being replied:
- I can say (assert) that.
So I clarify:
- Every mundane being is victim of the mistakes of his primitive parent’s, as well
of his own inexperience, before reaching the fallacy that is its mundane
matureness maturity

Yet another unworthy attempt of survival.

Kindness is unjustifiable at the mundane level, given that from the exploitation of others,
personal enrichments are born.
Kindness is unjustifiable at the mundane level, because from the overexploitation of the
planetary habitat, personal enrichments are born. That is why, in the cosmos, the
infection and self-destruction is common place; and the exception is, cosmic sublimation.

The material plane is a cruel being.

From the cosmic perspective the mechanism in witch infected mundane species occur
becomes repetitive:

Climate conditions will always privilege a part of the species and also punish another
part; which because of the exigency, will be forced to become more technologically
developed and proceed to conquer the less developed part.

The conquered portion is slaved, first physically and afterwards economically, this
portion is considered by the dominant portion as -an inferior class-, but it is also common
that from the submitted portion appears the fist totally activated cosmic preceptor.

The Gnosis is the only way

For the different intelligences developing in the cosmos, the Gnosis is the only path they
can count with; to overcome all the exigencies(test) that the cosmos imposes, for the
effect(goal) that these may prevail and achieve the maximum sublimation of their
universal energy; but ever so, the Gnosis is not a warranty for salvation, it’s a cosmic
situation that occurs quite abundantly, in high or low intensity, in some cases it reaches
the limit – purifying and uniting the whole species -, it does not always happen as such.
All species requires certain genetic development (complexity), as well as an objective
advancement regarding their knowledge of the universe; that is, for the Gnosis to
accomplish its healing action.

The Gnosis is only of value if its subject is successful in retrieving from the phenomena
an understanding of the universal mechanism, in such manner that it can be presented
objectively and made to transcend towards throughout future generations, only that way,
may the species reach cosmic sublimation, wish is the ulterior intent of every essence that
develops in the cosmos.

Not all individuals whose subtle consciousness are subtracted, by perceiving the cosmic
truth are able to assimilate it, therefore remain ill-equipped to make it accessible for its
species of origin. transmit an accurate
(perfect) understanding to its species of origin.

Satan also has some powerful warriors; of course there are cases where the cosmic
attitude develops in individual that are unable to spread the message, because of a
psychological, physical or emotional handicap, therefore that cosmic aptitude (activation,
gift) becomes sterile for the universe.

There are also those who posses the cosmic attitude but still, they get trapped (stuck)
in one of the many net’s that Satan sow’s, eider fallaciously-religious, pseudo-
intellectual, pseudo-cultural, or just the individual’s own deleterious obsessions and
delusions ,there because of his own aptitude, such as these are Satan’s traps, sowed
together using planetary constructions -ambition and personal vanity- as its strings.
The value of a cosmic preceptor is not in he’s experiences nor the profoundness of its
thoughts; what really maters is the clarity of his description; and when the cosmic
preceptor reaches the required clarity, his description will generate in its species of
origin, individuals that because and trough this understanding will be driven to spread it
at their social environment. Transmuting them in a mayor or minor measure in to
alchemists, they are the fruit and the grate (sacred) deed. Result.

A perfection of a single individual saves the whole species, because, the perfection of a
subject imply absolute clarity in the description of the universal mechanism.
Alchemists are the key peaces in the cosmic evolution process.

Alchemy science is not guided by mundane values, only by the cosmic truth.

Alchemists are those individuals that the supra-conscience relies on and or (uses) to
descend in to the cosmos, on order to carryout its expansion throughout universal
emptiness; witch is the greatest development that an intelligent creature can aspire. In
fact, it’s the only real development of an intelligent creature, everything else are cosmic

Alchemy science instructs intelligent individuals to operate in accordance of their

existential function.

Regardless of race, gender, or trend, all intelligent individuals are –understanding- and
understanding can only speak about the universe; that is why, the greatest development
of every intelligent individual is to understand the universal mechanism.

The only worthy actions of an intelligent individual are, in addition to reproduction: to

understand the universal mechanism and its description, because it enables the species to
preserve its life energy and to actively join the cosmic evolution procedure. Once the
mechanism is adequately described, its understanding instructs consciousness guiding
each one of its steps; individuals may resist, but not the species.

The understanding of the universal mechanism operates the strongest by the species
rather relatively than individuals. Because it is generated as a medicine intended for
species not individuals.

All of the previous description is just a photograph of the physical cosmos. Now I will
present to humanity the real cosmos, the cosmos of understanding.

Mundane beings are part of the physical cosmos; cosmic preceptors and alchemists are of
the mental cosmos; the physical cosmos is determined by the mental cosmos.

My aim is the sublimation of the human conscience and consequentially humanity.

*****************page 45********************

The Existential Function of Intelligence

Truthfully nobody is somebody, the Gnosis reveals that supra-consciousness descends in

to the cosmos decomposing decomposed in to particles, and generates its action by
developing self sustained ecosystems as well as different intelligences, but each one of
those intelligent being (as everything else in the universe) are just a form that the supra-
consciousness assumes when mixed with the emptiness; that explains how is it that every
intelligent creature is just another form that supra-consciousness assumes because of its
particular and individual historical relationship (Communion) with emptiness.

The vessel is only mass(mater), the real beings are the levels of consciousness that move
(animate) the individuals; because the top limit of those mental levels, generates the
incorporeal essence that interlaces the cosmos, facilitating bringing its evolution; for the
cosmos interlaces trough understanding, by the understanding of the universal
mechanism. Because of

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In the universal emptiness that I described at the beginning of this book, darkness does
not even exists, given that darkness is a perception and at that moment there, no
conscience exists that could give to emptiness its inherited natural darkness; similarly,
the cosmos is only light and matter gravitating in the vacuum of empty space, until in the
purest minority of intelligent species individuals? the Gnosis arrives at those planets -
either by genetic complexity, purity of spirit or any other path taken by the universe –,
following as a result, the first cosmic preceptors start to emerge appear, whom through
the Gnosis interlace the cosmos, generating with their union (unity) of conscience, these
superior entities, same that by developing, complete the unification of the cosmos into
one single body of light, (this situation occurs all around the cosmos).

***************page 47*******************

Before that, life is birth, growth, reproduction and death, at the exception of mundane
species – identified as those who have understanding, yet are lacking the understanding
of the universal mechanism-, whom in addition are known distinguished for producing
the devastation of their planetary habitat as well as their species self-destruction.

Those intelligences that are ignorant of their existential function are the lowest (worse)
essences in the cosmic scale. (Like rotten fruit)
NOTE: There will be those who think that the cosmos interlaces even before the
appearance of cosmic perceivers just by simply believing in a god; because the false gods
of the mundane specie’s do not go farter beyond than their planet and in some cases not
even beyond their own tribes.

For the mundane being, God is another mundane being espying on them for there after
evaluate if it’s going to allow or deny access to the most unconceivable kingdom of

The existential function of intelligence is to interlace by understanding, throughout the

cosmos, therefore those intelligent individuals whose consciousness have not reached
such understanding are, because of it, incomplete beings therefore unusable useless for
the cosmos.

The intelligences that ignore the universal mechanism are strings without a guitar, key
without a piano; they are peaces of an object to them.
The soul it self is incomplete when the universal mechanism is unknown.

The mountain being, when alone, will think he suffers because of loneliness; and when
accompanied will think he suffers because of bad company; but in reality his suffering is
due to how unjustifiable is his existence.
due to his unjustifiable existence.

The union of cosmic conscience is the fruit of intelligence.

The interplanetary union of consciences is the cosmic function of intelligence.

All of the essences that develop in the cosmos are given determined because of the
different proportions and interrelations of two essences –emptiness and absolute
movement-; being the mayor essence of the cosmos, the understanding of the absolute
and eternal cycle of the infinite space, this being the level required to achieve the cosmic
Sublimation. All levels of understanding, previous of the understanding of the universal
mechanics, are cosmically considered as mental viruses; because they are unsustainable;

Any stream of thought that is developed ignoring the universal mechanism is just another
form of superstition as well as perdition.
He who ignores the universal mechanism, ignores absolutely everything; even it self.
There is no illumination enlightenment, but trough the understanding of the universal
mechanism, without it, the individual can not go beyond furthermore than an attitude a
He, who is ignorant of the totality, can only instruct it own ignorance.
The consciousness that ignore the universal mechanism, can only share their own
hopelessness and desperation.

The only names that the cosmos knows of intelligent individuals are: truth or lie.
If the universal mechanism is ignored, everything else that is said is hollow, void of any
objective meaning.
Truth is self sustained floating at the sea of falsities, allowing the subtle consciences to
hold on to these truths, awaiting for the understanding of the totality and its existential
function; and when the understanding of the universal mechanism appears, gives these
truths their rightful place, allowing them until that moment to carry out with their healing

The cosmic preceptor that ignores the mechanism of the universe ends up -even with its
cosmic aptitude-, becoming just another fanatic.

Access to the cosmic level of consistence is acquired by the dissolution of the personal
being, the personal level; but the inexperienced preceptors contaminate the cosmic
information, attributing it to false cosmic or sacred characters transferring their own
planetary complexes.

Even the cosmic messages become nonsense when the universal mechanism is unknown.
Mundane wisdom is constructed of higher superior truths; basically superior, because
those who pretend to instruct them, have not been able capable to gain access to them,
nor had reached the required level to instructed in their species.

The astral dreams, the cosmic channelization, the useless meditation –and everything else
– lacks objective value when the universal mechanism is unknown, that is why these
events end up turning in to new objects of fanaticism or useless motives of personal
satisfaction. Self-satisfaction

The astral dream, humanly understood as a journey in witch one sees one self laying
down and after that traveling trough the cosmos with the predominant sensation that no
problem is real, is a manifested image from those who have transcended the personal and
sensorial level, due to it their mind’s get sublimated to the cosmic level, but this
experience is just a signal-a-manifestation of their evolutionary mutation; yet serves no
specific purpose nor real utility.

Even cosmic wisdom can became useless if its carrier is not capable of inserting it in the
species, in a way that it instructs the species to achieve cosmic sublimation.
for achieving

There are no powerful amulets, symbols or magic words; neither special places or
objects, nor any unnatural paranormal conditions that can could magically influence
over the universe; only objective action exercised in the universe will produce in it, its
developed in
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conducive natural repercussions, regardless of the thoughts inhabiting the mind of the
individual during the course of its actions.
Only the understanding of the universal mechanism can empower individuals and species
to achieve the cosmic sublimation.

Yoga, meditation, reiki, everything chakra related, “Positive thoughts”, prayers and all
kinds of rituals praise or worship, self help therapy’s, mantras, mandalas, etcetera, are
just way of kneeling to a false god (the god of stupidity, hypocrisy and ridicule).

Our level (the cosmos, the planet, our bodies, etc) is constructed by different proportions
and interrelations of two essences, which are: the emptiness and the other one absolute
movement, being the mayor compound of our level the understanding of the universal

The understanding of the universal mechanism is the mayor escens in the cosmos; that is
why it sublimates whom ever assimilates it, transmuting that individual in to an antenna
(a terminal) for the universal consciousness.

The understanding of the universal mechanism operates the strongest at a species level
rather than an individual level, because it is species medicine.

The magnanimous cosmic event is not the Gnostic trance of the enlightened individual,
but the understanding of the universal mechanism by the whole species, event that
because of its cosmic nature, results to be a gradual and imperceptive trough the mundane

More than with the aptiud for cosmic channelization (which is an act of the cosmos), the
individual must be enabled (gifted) with the understanding of the universal mechanism
(which is the mayor act of a consciences).

The understanding of the universal mechanism is of mayor importance than cosmic

channelization, because cosmic channelization is born (develops by) from the
understanding the universal mechanism.

The cosmic experience occurs trough understanding.

The understanding of the universal mechanism dissolves the vices of the consciousness,
until purifying it whole entirely, individuals can resist but species can not.

Mental health is the understanding the universal mechanism and guiding our conduct in
accordance to it accordingly.

Mental health is, understanding the universal mechanism and acting accordingly.

****************************page 55********************************
Its impossible to keep for our self’s the understanding the universal mechanism,
therefore and due to the diffusion of this healing understanding the individual is
transformed in to a cosmic bridge or alchemist; because it will conduce him self (even
unconsciously) towards the transmutation or healing of the totality of its species of

He who access the understanding of the universal mechanism, can not do anything
else than to share it with others.

Once the understanding of the universal mechanism enters deep in the consciousness
of its subject, he will not feel tired, will never give up.

The understanding of the universal mechanism makes the individual enter the fifth

NOTE: The three recognized dimensions are: length, width, density, the forth dimension
is – although not recognized- time, given that all existence develops within a time span.


The Fifth Dimension

A human being walking around suddenly sees a dog so he thinks, “I must get a dog to
protect mi house”, after that he get in to his car and starts it, suddenly the radio plays
a song that remind him of a past love, then after when he arrives at its destiny gets out
of the car and tripped over a stone and curses the stone he tripped with. That is the
mundane mind, a puppet of the environment and of its vessel complexes, but when he
accesses the understanding of the universal mechanism, the mundane senses become
exceeded by this knowledge and the subject gets access to a new existential
dimension, alchemically called the fifth dimension.

This new state of consciousness conduces its carrier towards the healing and salvation
of its species of origin.

Cast out the clown reeking in my heart.

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