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Come up with a title for your story by next week.

There once was a kingdom with a kind king (nice use of alliteration—repeated
consonants at the start of words). Everyday everyone had a good (find a different word for good)
time, but every night a horrible dragon attacked the kingdom (great description). The princess (so
tell me more about her…you started your story with the king…) wants (stick with one verb
tense)... the kingdom to be safe (just safe, or free from dragons, too??) so the king sent his
bravest warrior, Han and his (whose?) most powerful wizard, Ray to capture the beast and send it
to the kingdom’s jail (dungeon…smelly and dark…be descriptive). The warrior and the wizard
(alliteration—I love it! Can you play on it more?) agreed to go on the dangerous journey (try to
choose some more “w” words—wiley, banded together to wage war against the wiley beast..d).

Some “w” words: Wildly, wage, war, willfully …

“We are going now Ray,”said Han in a brave voice, “Night is about to arrive and the
dragon will attack so we need to go to its den and capture it.” “Then what are we waiting for?
Let’s go!” The heroes rode on their horses to the cave of the dragon. “This place smells like
rotting apples!” says Han with an annoyed voice.

“Look out!” shouted ray. The dragon knocked down Han from his horse. Han quickly
picked himself up and grabbed his sword. The wizard shot the dragon with a deadly spell, but
the spell repelled because of the dragon's scales, but it still bled blood. The dragon roared with
pain and fire came out of its mouth.

“Quickly give me my shield!” Han shouted. Han used his shield to block the fire. The
wizard used a truth spell on the dragon to tell why it attacked the city, but it turned out. The
princess used the wizard's wand to turn her into a dragon. “WHAT!?!” Han screamed, “YOU

Han was very angry so he sent the princess to the jail of the Northern kingdom. Now
the kingdom is safe, but will the princess escape the jail and
get revenge on the kingdom? Well then let’s hope our heroes are ready for their next

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