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1. Introduction:
GPT is a state-of-the-art language model that has revolutionized natural language processing
by generating human-like text with context and coherence, enabling new possibilities for
human-AI interaction. Its impressive performance in various language tasks and benchmarks
has established it as one of the leading language models in the world. GPT’s advanced language
modeling capabilities have the potential to transform the way we interact with computers and
machines by enabling more natural and intuitive communication. Pre-training on massive
amounts of text data has equipped GPT with the ability to understand the nuances of language
and generate highly accurate responses, even in complex and ambiguous contexts.
Additionally, GPT’s ability to learn from both structured and unstructured data makes it a
highly flexible and versatile conversational AI tool. Its advanced neural architecture allows it
to handle multiple inputs and generate highly personalized responses, leading to a more
engaging and satisfying user experience.
Moreover, GPT’s ability to learn and adapt to user preferences and conversational styles over
time makes it a highly effective tool for building long-term relationships with customers and
clients. GPT’s ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant responses in multiple
languages has the potential to break down language barriers and promote cross-cultural
communication. Its impressive performance in generating creative and novel text has opened
up new possibilities for applications in fields such as creative writing, marketing, and
advertising. Finally, GPT’s ability to generate highly realistic and convincing conversational
responses can transform the way we learn, interact, and communicate with each other in the
digital age. GPT was developed through a two-phase process involving unsupervised pre-
training followed by supervised fine-tuning. During the pre-training phase, the model was
trained on a massive corpus of text utilizing unsupervised learning techniques, including
language modeling and masked language modeling. The primary objective of this phase was
to enable the model to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the structure of natural
language and the complex interrelationships between words and sentences.
GPT is a generative AI model that utilizes deep learning methods to process and produce
natural language text. Initially launched as a prototype on 30 November 2022, it became
available to the public on 30 January 2023. The model is trained on vast amounts of text data,
enabling it to capture human language patterns, nuances, and complexities. The training corpus
includes various sources, such as books, articles, reviews, online conversations, and human-
generated data, allowing the model to engage in non-trivial dialogues and provide accurate
information on diverse topics. By leveraging the GPT (Generative Pretrained Model) as its
foundation, GPT not only expands upon its predecessor but also illuminates a promising
trajectory for future research endeavors within this field.
The core advantages of such extensive language models are their ability to understand the
context of a given input and produce the correct output. This improvement is significant
compared to earlier models because earlier models could not interpret the context of the piece
of text.
2. GPT Training Process:
GPT is a sophisticated large-scale, pre-trained language model developed by OpenAI. It has
performed exceptionally on various natural language processing tasks, from language
modeling and classification to text generation. The success of GPT stems from its unique
training process, which involves using a large amount of unlabeled text data and an innovative
training algorithm strategically designed to optimize the model’s capacity to generate coherent
and contextually suitable responses to natural language input. GPT was introduced in
November 2022, and its primary purpose is to provide accurate responses to users’ questions.
As mentioned, it consists of different deep learning and reinforcement algorithms trained in the
content of over 150 billion human-generated items, such as books, articles, blog posts,
conversations, and reviews. The platform has one million users and counting in just the first
week, and it came out as an emerging technology in AI and natural language processing.
The foundation of GPT goes back to the development of GPT, an AI language model developed
by OpenAI in 2018. GPT was designed to guess the next word or complete a sentence in a
human-generated text, and an immense number of human-generated texts trained its model.
The technology was considered a successful and handy tool for several applications, including
machine learning, language generation, text prediction in smartphone typing, and many more.
The OpenAI API utilizes various models with distinct capabilities. Among these models, GPT-
3.5 is an upgraded version of GPT-3 and can comprehend and produce natural language and
code. Meanwhile, DALL·E is a model that generates and modifies images based on a natural
language input. On the other hand, Whisper is a model that converts audio to text. Embedding
is a model group that transforms text into a numerical representation. Codex is a collection of
models that can interpret and produce code, including translating natural language into code.
Additionally, Moderation is a fine-tuned model that identifies potentially sensitive or unsafe
text. Lastly, GPT-3 is a set of models that can both comprehend and produce natural language.
OpenAI’s models have applications in both research and production for developers. The GPT-
3.5 series comprises a suite of models trained on a heterogeneous amalgam of text and code
data predating Q4 2021. The code-DaVinci-002 model is primarily suitable for tasks that
require pure code completion. Meanwhile, the text-DaVinci-002 model is an InstructGPT
model that builds upon the code-DaVinci-002 model. Finally, the text-DaVinci-003 model
advances upon the text-DaVinci-002 model.

3. The course is all about:

1.1 What is Artificial Intelligence?

Intelligence is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as – ‘the ability to learn, understand and think
in a logical way about things.’ Human beings exhibit this ability and hence, are considered
intelligent. For example, playing a game of chess, avoiding obstacles while walking,
programming, and having a meaningful conversation, are all tasks that require intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence is the science of making machines do things that would require
intelligence if done by men. – Marvin Minsky

Hence if machines can perform activities like picking up things, classifying objects, taking
data-based decisions, answering questions, etc. we say that the machine has Artificial
Intelligence. Some examples of Intelligent Applications in various domains are as below:

Intelligence Applications

1.2 Discriminative AI vs. Generative AI:

Human beings can discriminate between win/loss, faulty/non-faulty, herb/tree, living/non-

living, etc. They have natural intelligence (Discriminative Intelligence) to do so. Inspired by
the human behavior, many artificial intelligence algorithms have been developed that
mimic this human intelligence. AI systems also perform tasks like classification, clustering,
and regression analysis. This capability is termed as Discriminative AI.

Discriminative AI
1.3 Deep Learning:

While machine learning algorithms worked well, there was still a significant error rate in image
recognition and the accuracy of machine learning algorithms that were used to classify images
was not satisfactory. At this point, the researchers, inspired by the way the human brain
functions, modelled a computing unit – the Artificial Neuron!

The Neural Network inspired by Human Brain

The new architectures which were then developed, could help in building models that could
represent complex relationships between variables. These were the Artificial Neural
Networks. The result was a simplified model that had 3 layers – Input Layer, Hidden Layer
and Output Layer. As the number of hidden layers are increased, very complex models can be
built. The word ‘Deep’ in Deep Learning refers to the large number of hidden layers in
networks. With the Artificial Neural Networks, the accuracy of image classification improved,
so much so that the latest deep network architectures have achieved over 90% accuracy on very
large image datasets. With suitable modifications, the Neural Network can be used for different
tasks. The given diagram illustrates the same.

Types of Neural Networks

1.4 Natural Language Processing:

Scientists and engineers aspired to build machines that could understand human language and
interact with them naturally. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the discipline of AI that
helps us process text and speech data. Machines can “understand” human language and
generate responses that can be understood by humans. Now a days, we converse with search
and navigation applications, chatbots on various websites, IVR-based Customer Care systems
and order products using voice commands. These are all examples of NLP at use. NLP is a
huge driver for cutting edge business solutions. It provides a seamless interface to the user with
the systems he/she interacts with. Below figure depicts some of the common uses of Natural
Language Processing.

Uses of Natural Language Processing

NLP has the below two aspects:

Two aspects of NLPs

NLU – Natural Language Understanding involves techniques to decipher and analyze

spoken and written language.

NLG – Natural Language Generation refers to the creation of an output or response in

Natural Language.
1.5 Pre-Trained Models and Large Language Models:

To get accurate results using deep learning models, very large datasets are required. It also
takes enormous amount of time and computing resources (e.g., GPUs). Hence, it would not be
feasible to train a model from scratch for every task. Here is where the pre-trained models
come to the rescue! Pre-trained models are machine learning models that are trained and are
made available to the developers for ready use. Usually, such models are trained on very large
datasets for a specific purpose. Some examples of pre-trained image models are AlexNet,
GoogLeNet, OpenCV, Detectron2, etc. BERT, GPT, GPT-J and BLOOM are examples of pre-
trained text models. The Large Language Models (LLMs) are deep learning models which
have potentially hundreds of billions of parameters and are trained on a huge corpus of text
data sized thousands of GBs. The LLMs can summarize text, translate text, predict text
completion, generate code, explain code, etc. Some capabilities of LLMs are as shown in the
diagram below:

Capabilities of Large Language Models

1.6 Introduction to GPT:

OpenAI GPT is a Large Language Model released by OpenAI in July 2020 which has code and
text generation capabilities. One does not need any specific knowledge of software, etc. to
interact with GPT model via playground or the ChatGPT interface. So we can consider GPT
or ChatGPT as a BlackBox and interact with it. As shown below, the more accurate are our
input instructions to the Blackbox, the better would be the output.

GPT/ChatGPT as a Blackbox
Section 2
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Discriminative vs Generative:
In the realm of artificial intelligence, discriminative and generative models stand as two
essential approaches within machine learning. Discriminative models, such as logistic
regression and support vector machines, aim to directly learn the boundary between different
classes in the feature space, focusing on the conditional probability distribution P(y | x). They
excel in classification tasks, predicting class labels based on input features with high accuracy.
On the other hand, generative models like Gaussian mixture models and variational
autoencoders tackle the joint probability distribution P(x, y), capturing the relationship between
input features and class labels. Generative models are versatile, capable of generating new data
instances resembling the training data, facilitating tasks like data augmentation and anomaly
detection. Understanding the nuances between these two approaches is vital for leveraging
machine learning effectively across various domains and problem contexts.

Section 3
Language Model:
While all GPT models are language models, not all language models are GPT models. Language models
are essentially computer programs trained to understand and generate text, like machine translation
or chatbots. GPT models, in particular, use a specific type of architecture and training method called
autoregressive language modeling to excel at generating human-quality text, even code. These GPT
models are powerful for tasks like writing different creative text formats, but it's important to
remember they still have limitations and require human oversight.

Section 4
Transformer Model:
At the heart of GPT models lies the transformer, a revolutionary architecture that changed how
machines process language. The transformer's "self-attention" mechanism allows it to analyze
the relationships between words, giving it a deeper comprehension of context. This translates
to GPT models generating more human-like text, not just in creativity and coherence, but also
in its capability to perform other NLP tasks like translation and summarization after specific
training. Essentially, the transformer empowers GPT models to unlock the complexities of
language, enabling them to excel in various forms of communication.

Section 5
Pretrained Models:
The secret sauce of GPT models lies in their use of “pretrained models”. These models are
trained on massive amounts of unlabeled text data, allowing them to grasp the underlying
structures and relationships within language. Unlike traditional supervised learning, GPT
models don't require predefined labels, instead discovering knowledge and connections on their
own. This pre-learned "vocabulary" of language allows them to excel in various tasks:
Generating human-like text: With an understanding of patterns and styles, they can create
different kinds of text formats, even code.
Adapting to NLP tasks: While fine-tuning is often necessary, the pretrained knowledge
provides a strong foundation for tasks like summarization, translation, and question answering.
Think of it as a student building a strong vocabulary and grammar base (pretraining) before
tackling diverse writing projects (text generation), learning code (code generation), or taking
language exams (other NLP tasks). The pre-learned knowledge acts as a powerful springboard,
allowing GPT models to adapt and thrive in various applications.

Section 6
GPT Product and Application Demos:
Due to safety and security considerations, I cannot directly provide access to specific GPT
product and application demos.
Description: OpenAI, the developers of GPT models, offer a public application programming
interface (API) for developers and researchers to access GPT capabilities. This allows them to
integrate GPT functionalities into their own applications. While direct access may require
approval, you can explore the documentation and examples available on the OpenAI website:
Benefits: OpenAI API enables developers to experiment with GPT and build innovative
applications in various fields, fostering exploration and understanding of this technology's
Third-Party Demos and Showcases:
Description: Several online platforms showcase GPT capabilities and applications created by
individuals and organizations. While the quality and reliability may vary, these platforms offer
a glimpse into diverse usages of GPT technology. Search for keywords like "GPT demo," "GPT
applications," or "GPT use cases" on search engines to discover these resources.
Caveats: It's essential to approach these platforms with caution. Be wary of exaggerated claims,
misleading demonstrations, or potential biases. Critically evaluate the information and exercise
discernment whenever encountering third-party resources.
Advantages and Disadvantages:
Advantages Disadvantages
ChatGPT can generate human-like Biases in the training data: Language models
responses, improving the quality of chatbot similar to ChatGPT rely heavily on the data
interactions. they are trained on, and if that data is biased
in some way (e.g., if it contains more
examples of certain types of language or
perspectives), the model may reproduce
those biases in its responses.
ChatGPT can understand and respond to Lack of understanding of context: Although
complex and nuanced user inputs, allowing ChatGPT can generate responses based on
for more natural and effective the preceding conversation, it does not have
communication. a deep understanding of context or the larger
discourse in which a conversation takes
place. This can lead to responses that are
inappropriate or nonsensical.
ChatGPT can be trained on large datasets, Difficulty with sarcasm and irony: Because
improving its ability to generate high-quality ChatGPT does not have a full understanding
responses. of human emotions and intentions, it may
have difficulty recognizing sarcasm or irony
and may respond inappropriately as a result.
ChatGPT can be fine-tuned on specific Limited knowledge of the physical world:
domains, allowing for more specialized and ChatGPT does not have direct access to the
accurate responses. physical world and, therefore, may not be
able to answer questions that require
knowledge of the physical environment (e.g.,
“What’s the weather like outside?”).
ChatGPT can handle multiple languages, Difficulty with long-term memory: While
improving accessibility for users across ChatGPT is able to generate responses based
different countries and regions. on previous statements in a conversation, it
may not be able to remember specific details
from earlier in the conversation or from
previous conversations.
ChatGPT can generate coherent and Inability to generate truly creative responses:
contextually appropriate responses, While ChatGPT is capable of generating
improving the overall chatbot user novel responses, it may struggle to produce
experience. truly creative responses that go beyond what
it has seen in the training data.
ChatGPT can learn from user feedback and Difficulty with multi-party conversations:
improve over time, leading to better ChatGPT is primarily designed to handle
performance and user satisfaction. two-party conversations and may struggle to
keep track of multiple speakers or to
distinguish between different speakers in a
multi-party conversation.
GPT is an advanced form of AI generative model that is capable of producing human-like text
responses to user queries. This technology has undergone extensive training with vast amounts
of data and can also be used to generate code and algorithms to fix code errors. Although GPT
was officially released in February 2023, the literature on this technology is rapidly expanding
with fresh ideas and potential applications. To provide an overview of GPT, this article delves
into its history and training process, followed by an extensive literature review analyzing forty-
seven academic articles on the technology. The reviewed articles were categorized into eleven
distinct research domains and presented based on their contribution. Furthermore, this article
systematically extracted and tabulated strong statements along with the articles’ domain and
citation count. In conclusion, this article offers insights into the advantages and disadvantages
of GPT and suggests areas for further research to enhance existing knowledge and technology.
Overall, this article serves as an informative starting point for researchers and practitioners
seeking to deepen their understanding of GPT.

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