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Jabrenee Hussie

Dr. Fatima Boukari

Independent Study

25 April 2023

Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing

Data science and artificial intelligence (AI) has become a great innovation across many

industries. We are seeing an unprecedented speed of integration of emerging technology.

Machine and deep learning are foundational in the advancements we are seeing at this time. In

STEM, deep learning can be seen as a buzzword but if these technologies are going to be

integrated within our society we must be knowledgeable about them. With deep learning comes

less talked about a branch called natural language processing. Although not discussed it’s

integral to many things we know like Google Translate. So in order to use these technologies

more effectively we should know what they are, what they are used for in daily life and industry

as well as how they work.

Deep Learning is a machine learning technique that teaches computers through models,

algorithms, training and testing to learn in the manner in which humans do in order to execute

complex algorithms and systems (Burns and Brush, 2021)(“What is Deep”). They use visual and

audio data that can be extracted from sources on the internet. Deep Learning is used across many

industries and used for so many innovations. Deep Learning is used in what we use on a daily

basis such as voice assistants like Alexa, and Siri, and recommender engines like those used by

Netflix, Amazon, Instagram, and Facebook (“15 Most Common”).

Deep learning models are built on neural networks aimed at functioning like the human

brain allowing them to process information and make predictions in a way that is similar to

humans(Gülen, 2023 ). These models can work with unstructured data such as images, audio,

and text(Gülen, 2023 ). Deep Learning models consist of an input layer, hidden layers, an output

layer, training, testing, and fine-tuning(Gülen, 2023 ). The input layer receives raw data like

images, audio, or text(Gülen, 2023 ). The hidden layers process the data, extract the features, and

build upon each other to detect complex patterns and relationships in the data(Gülen, 2023 ). The

output layer produces the final result which is typically a classification or a prediction(Gülen,

2023 ). Training is using a large dataset to learn and recognize patterns and relationships in the

data(Gülen, 2023 ). Training allows the model to make adjustments to its parameters, and

weights which aids in minimizing errors between the predicted output and the actual

output(Gülen, 2023 ). Testing happens after training. The model created through training can be

tested by using a new dataset to evaluate its accuracy and performance(Gülen, 2023 ). Fine-

tuning involves changing parameters of the trained model to make improvements to the

performance(Gülen, 2023 ).

There are many different deep learning models that can be used when handling this

technology such as Convolutional Neural Networks(CNNs), Long Short Term Memory

Networks (LSTMs), Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs), Autoencoders, Generative

Adversarial Networks (GANs), and many more(Gülen, 2023 ). Each of these models follow the

same simple structure from above with added enhancements that differ depending on the way the

language model is built and what the model is being used for. For example CNNs feature

convolutional layers, an activation function, pooling layers, and fully connected layers which can

be used for image recognition(Gülen, 2023 ).


Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses

on giving computers the ability to understand text and spoken word in the same way human

beings do (“What is natural”). There are many ways we use natural language processing in our

everyday lives. Some of these include spam detection, machine translation, virtual agents and

chatbots, text summarization, and social media sentiment analysis (“What is natural”). NLP is

used in spam detection by using text classification to scan emails for language that indicates

spam or phishing like the overuse of financial terms, bad grammar, urgency, misspelled company

names, threatening language and others(“What is natural”). Google translate is an example of

NLP technology which uses this technology to translate the meaning and tone of the input

language into the desired language(“What is natural”). Alexa and Siri use speech recognition to

recognize patterns to respond correctly(“What is natural”). Chatbots also do the same within text

form and also use context clues to improve their accuracy over time(“What is natural”).

Sentiment analysis in social media is used to uncover hidden insights, analyze language to gauge

responses and reactions to help increase profits for advertising, promotions, products, and

events(“What is natural”). NLP is used in text summarizing to help people digest large volumes

of information better by utilizing semantic reasoning and natural language generation (NLG) to

aid context and conclusions in these summaries(“What is natural”).

NLP is also used across many industries such as marketing and advertising, finance,

healthcare, human resources, and education (yourtechdietAdmin, 2023). In marketing and

advertising NLP is used by companies to understand how to provide the appropriate solution or

products based on your emotions(yourtechdietAdmin, 2023). In finance, investment companies

and financial institutions use NLP to help them meet their objectives(yourtechdietAdmin, 2023).

In healthcare, NLP has changed the way physicians that note and get documentation using

speech recognition and speech to text diction(yourtechdietAdmin, 2023). In human resources,

NLP helps maintain data that identify and classify employees and helps with career

development(yourtechdietAdmin, 2023). In education, NLP helps identify potential students,

helps motivate them to work toward their goals, and it can also help teachers understand their

student’s thoughts and opinions(yourtechdietAdmin, 2023).

NLP language models are used to interpret and understand the predictability of languages

and words by identifying patterns and sequences(Taylor, 2023). In NLP, there are two types of

language models which are statistical models and neural language models (Taylor, 2023).

Statistic models use probability to help make predictions depending on the words within a

sequence (Taylor, 2023). Some examples of these models are N-Gram, Unigram, Bidirectional,

exponential, and many more (Taylor, 2023). Neural language models are developed using neural

networks and used when it comes to natural and classical language nuances to execute complex

tasks (Taylor, 2023). This is what is used in speech recognition and machine translation (Taylor,


Deep learning and natural language processing are so embedded into our lives that we

don’t even notice. It’s in the way we consume media, the way we shop, have we monitor our

health, and how we communicate with one another. These language models can present in so

many different ways depending on what consumers and researchers are trying to solve. Whether

it be using CNNs, Bidirectional, GANs or NLG everyone one's models has basic necessities.

This basic structure includes an input layer, hidden layers, an output layer, training, testing, and

fine-tuning. With this technology you can tackle a wide range of problems within the world.

Who knows, maybe there is an untapped market out there just wanted for someone curious

enough to say what can deep learning and natural language processing do for me.

Works Cited

“15 Most Common Deep Learning Use Cases across Industries.”, Softengi,

Burns, Ed, and Kate Brush. “What Is Deep Learning and How Does It Work?” Enterprise
AI, TechTarget, 29 Mar. 2021,

Gülen , Kerem. “Exploring the Intricacies of Deep Learning Models.” Dataconomy,

Dataconomy Media GMBH, 28 Feb. 2023,

Taylor, Kelsey. “Know about NLP Language Model Comprising of Scope Predictions of
IT Industry.” HitechNectar, HitechNectar, 6 Apr. 2023,

“What Is Deep Learning?: How It Works, Techniques & Applications.” How It Works,
Techniques & Applications - MATLAB & Simulink,

“What Is Natural Language Processing?” IBM, IBM,


yourtechdietAdmin. “Brief about Top Applications of NLP across Industries.”

YourTechDiet, YourTechDiet, 7 Feb. 2023,

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