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I woke up feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. It was just another day of being a

I got ready for school, trying to ignore the feeling of dread in my stomach. I knew that as soon as
I walked through the doors, I would be bombarded with homework, social pressure, and hormones.

I arrived at school and took a deep breath. I could do this.

I walked through the hallway, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. I didn’t want to get
caught up in my drama.

I made my way to my first class and sat down in the back. I tried to pay attention, but my mind
kept wandering. I thought about my crush, my friends, and my future.

After school, I went home and did my homework. Then, I hung out with my friends for a while.
We laughed and talked, and for a little while, I forgot about all of my problems.

But then it was time to go to bed. I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. I couldn’t sleep. My mind
was racing.

I thought about all of the things that I had to worry about. I thought about my grades, my
college applications, and my future. I felt so lost and confused.

I started to cry. I didn’t know what to do.

But then I realized something. I realized that I would get through this. I was strong and resilient.
I was a teenager. And that meant that I was capable of anything.


SHOT 1: Close – up on the face of a teenager. Their eyes are wide and their face is filled with angst.

SHOT 2: The teenager gets ready for school, while looking in the mirror and frowning. The teenager
walked through the doors.

SHOT 3: Wide shot of a high school hallway. The teenager is walking through the hallway, looking lost
and alone.

SHOT 4: Medium shot of the teenager sitting in class. They are trying to pay attention, but their mind is

SHOT 5: Close – up of the teenager’s hands as they are doing their homework. Their hands are shaking
and they are clearly stressed.

SHOT 6: Wide shot of the teenager hanging out with their friends. They are laughing and talking, but the
teenager still looks lost and confused.

SHOT 7: Close – up of the teenager’s face as they lie in bed at night. The teenager is staring at the
ceiling, unable to sleep.

SHOT 8: A wide shot of the teenager’s room. The teenager is sitting on their bed crying.
SHOT 9: Wide shot of the teenager walking down the street. They are holding their head high and they
look confident.

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