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Instruction: From the graphic organizers write a novels/short story that you remember which fits for the
timeline novel.


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Daughter of the Forest The wonderful wizard of oz

The Lightning Thief (Percy Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of The catcher in the rye
Jackson and the Olympians Beauty and the Beast

The Secrets of the Immortal Ella Enchanted Pinocchio

Nicholas Flamel Series

The golden compass The hobbit Merlin Book 1: The Lost Years

Instruction: Choose five famous authors of all time their contribution in literature that have an impact in
history and engrave a change in your life which gives you an inspiration or motivation because of its lessons.

1. William Shakespeare.


He created compound words, adverbs, and adjectives from verbs. Shakespeare added suffixes and prefixes to
many words. Through his experimentation, he expanded the idea of characterization, plot development, and
genre. Shakespeare was the first to connect romance and tragedy in a lasting way.

Not only did Shakespeare teach us about ourselves and humanity, and teach us about life that If you want to
be successful, do something about it! Nothing will ever happen in your life if you sit around waiting for it to
happen. And motivates me take action, and live a fulfilling life.

2. William Faulkner


American novelist and short-story writer William Faulkner are widely regarded as one of the greatest writers
of the 20th century. He is remembered for his pioneering use of the stream-of-consciousness technique as
well as the range and depth of his characterization. And how he explains human kind and view these words
could almost be used to explain what humanism is. Faulkner argues that man has “a soul, a spirit” and is
blessed with strength in many aspects. It also motivated me to put my faith in God and strengthen ourselves
to face life's obstacles. Standing up to injustice is an example of bravery.

3. Ernest Hemingway.


Ernest Hemingway, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954, had a great impact on other
writers through his deceptively simple, stripped-down prose, full of unspoken implication, and his tough but
vulnerable masculinity, which created a myth that imprisoned the author and haunted the World War II. One
of the Ernest Hemingway quotes “The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken
places.” I learned that no matter how the world breaks you, it only makes you stronger.
4. J.K Rowling

is J.K. Rowling famous for? J.K. Rowling is the British author who created the popular and critically acclaimed
Harry Potter series (seven books published between 1997 and 2007), J.K. Rowling has inspired, and continues
to inspire, a digital generation to pick up a book and read; the Harry Potter saga has reportedly propelled
young people into the wonderful world of reading, even those with no prior interest in it. J.K Rowling inspired
me to write with passion. And the universe that she had created was so diverse and spellbinding.

5. Ayn Rand


Ayn Rand was a Russian-born American author and philosopher. Rand authored two best-selling novels, The
Fountainhead (1943) and Atlas Shrugged (1957). Her novels were especially influential among conservatives
and libertarians from the mid-20th century. Ayn rand’s quote- “You should set goals beyond your reach so
you always have something to live for.” It motivates me to achieve my goals no even though its beyond my


Instruction: If you have given a chance to end this famous novel what would be the ending of it, use literary
devices in creating your own ending.


At last, Bella and Edward are getting married. When Jacob finds out that Bella wants to spend her
honeymoon as a human, he is horrified for Edward's passion could accidentally kill her. Bella does indeed
survive her honeymoon, but a new complication arises when she discovers that she's pregnant and the child
is growing at an alarming rate. The pregnancy sets the wolves against Bella and Edward, but Jacob vows to
protect his friend. After protecting her from his own kind another problem is coming Alice gets a vision of the
volturi coming after them. as the volturi kills all immortal children in the vampire world, because their
inability to control themselves threatens to expose the existence of vampires. As they gather some witnesses
that will prove that renesmee is not a treat to the vampires. The day has come they assembled vampire and
wolf groups stand on a field on the mountain slope to await the Volturi, who advance majestically en masse.
Carlisle tries to reason with Aro. Aro calls Edward forward and reads his thoughts to discover that Renesmee
is not an immortal child, but is half vampire and half human. He calls Renesmee forward. Bella, Jacob and
Emmett come forward with her. Aro is charmed as she shows him her history and nature. Aro realizes Irina
was mistaken. Irina admits that the child she saw was smaller and apologizes for her mistake, taking full
responsibility. Aro moves to his plan B, to provoke the group with the execution of Irina. Tanya and Kate,
distraught at the sudden and shocking death of their sister, immediately respond, and it takes the work of the
rest of the allies to control them. Zafrina temporarily blinds them to calm and slow them. They realize it was
his plan to invoke a violent response. As the Cullens and their supporters regain their control, Aro moves on
to Plan C and suggests to his followers that because Renesmee is unprecedented, she is unpredictable and
therefore unsafe. He explains in this age of technology, only the known are safe and they know nothing of
what Renesmee will become.

Suddenly, from the woods, Alice and Jasper stride forward into the clearing. Alice attempts to show Aro she
has seen the future and Renesmee poses no threat. However, in a blink, suddenly, Alice gasps in
consternation as she realizes that no matter what she shows Aro, he has already decided on the future of the
Cullens: they must be destroyed because they are a threat to his rule and he wants the talented individuals
under his control. And still plan kill all of them, Alice turns and gives Bella a surreptitious signal that it is time
for Jake to take Renesmee to safety. Then a fierce battle began, while Jacob takes renesmee as far as he can
from the volturi, but the volturi send one of his minions after them. Jacob cannot run at full speed while
carrying Renesmee on his back, allowing a Volturi pursuer to gain ground. But when he hears Leah's howl as
she sees Seth fall, Jacob intercepts the leaping Volturi and decapitates him in mid-air, and hits the ground
running with Renesmee still on his back. The battle starts go badly for the Cullens and their allies many of
them got killed and Finally, Aro charges at Edward and Bella. He knocks them both over. Edward grabs Bella
and throws her into a kick that knocks over Aro. As Edward and Aro grapple, Bella jumps on his back and with
Edward's help, rips his head off. some of the volturi took Aro's severed head and its body and retreat, they
won but aro’s might still be alive and sure to come for them again. That’s why they decided to go some place
where the volturi wouldn’t find them easily, and they live peacefully until the time comes where the volturi
finds them again.. The End

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