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Take the measurement while the participant stands with head,shoulders, buttocks, and heels
touching the flat surface (wall).
6.Accurately record the height to the nearest 0.1 centimeter.
Measuring Weight Accurately
1.Use a digital scale. Avoid using bathroom scales that are spring- loaded.
2.Place the scale on firm flooring (such as tile or wood) rather than carpet.
3.Have the participant remove shoes and heavy clothing, such as sweaters.
4.Have the participant stand with both feet in the center of the scale.
5.Record the weight to the nearest decimal fraction
Scoring: Height recorded in cm and mm.
Weight will be recorded in kilogram (kg) and grams .
Computing Formula of BMI:

BMI Norm Table

2.Plate Tapping Test

Purpose/Aim: The purpose of the test is to measure speed
and coordination of limb movement.
Infrastructure/Equipment Required:
Table (adjustable height), 2 yellow discs (20cm diameter),
rectangle (30 x 20 cm), stopwatch, Pen &paper
Procedure :
1.If possible, the table height should be adjusted so that the
subject is standing comfortably in front of the discs.
2.The two yellow discs are placed with their centers 60 cm apart on the table. The rectangle is
placed equidistant between both discs.
3.The non-preferred hand is placed on the rectangle. The subject moves the preferred hand back and
forth between the discs over the hand in the middle as quickly as possible.
4.This action is repeated for 25 full cycles (50 taps).
Scoring: The time taken to complete 25 cycles is recorded
3. Flamingo Balance Test
Purpose : The purpose of the test is to measure the strength of the leg, pelvic, and trunk muscle as
well as Static balance.
Infrastructure/Equipment Required: Non Slippery even surface, Stopwatch, can be done on just
standing on beam .Pen & Paper
Procedure :
1.Stand on the beam. Keep balance by holding the instructor's hand (if required to start).
2.While balancing on the preferred leg, the free leg is flexed at the knee
and the foot of this leg held close to the buttocks
3.Start the watch as the instructor lets go of the participant/subject.
4.Pause the stopwatch each time the subject loses balance (either by
falling off the beam or letting goes of the foot being held).
5.Resume over, again timing until they lose balance. Count the number
of falls in 60 seconds of balancing.
If there are more than 15 falls in the first 30 seconds, the test is
1.The total number of falls or loss of balance in 60 seconds of balancing is recorded.
2.If there are more than 15 falls in the first 30 seconds, the test is terminated.

II .AGE GROUP: 9-18+ YEARS | CLASS 4 to 12

For Class 4 to 12, it is important for students to have an overall physical fitness. The following
Components are to be considered in Physical Health and Fitness Profile:
1.Body Composition (BMI)
a.Abdominal (Partial Curl-up)
b.Muscular Endurance (Push Ups for Boys, Modified Push Ups for Girls)
3.Flexibility (Sit and Reach Test)
4.Cardiovascular Endurance (600 Meter Run/Walk)
5.Speed (50 mt. Dash)
(a) Abdominal Strength: Partial Curl Up:
Purpose : To measure abdominal muscular strength and endurance of the abdominals and hip flexors,
Equipment : Flat mat , stopwatch, recording sheets, pen
Procedure :
1. The subject lies on a flat, clean mat surface with 2 tape markings 6
inch apart with hands straight on the sides (palms facing downwards)
fingers touching the first marking knees flexed, usually at 90 degrees
and heels 18 inches away from buttocks ,
2. On the command the subject raises the trunk in a smooth motion
curling up the desired amount (at least 6 inches above ground). Finger
tips touching the second marking
3. The trunk is lowered back to the floor so that the shoulder blades or
upper back touch the floor
4. Repeat the same and Perform as many number of curl ups as
possible a certain time period, such as 30seconds (Age 9-14 years) or 1Minute (Age15+)
5. Record the number of curl ups done in stipulated time period.
Scoring: Total number of curl ups done is score.
(b) .Muscular Endurance (Push Ups for Boys, Modified Push Ups for Girls)
.Push Ups (Boys), Push Up Fitness Test (also called the press-up test)
Purpose: To measure the strength and endurance of the arms and shoulder girdle.
Age Level: Ages ten through college for boys only.
Equipment :A mat on the floor pre-test: Perform a
standard warm-up.
1. Straight arm front leaning rest position with the hands
and toes touching the floor.
2.The body and legs in a straight line, feet slightly apart,
the arms at shoulder width.
3.The subject lowers the body until the chest touches the
mat, then returns back to the starting position with the
arms extended.
4.This action is repeated, and the test continues until exhaustion.
scoring: The number of correctly completed push-ups is the score.
Advantages: 1. This test is easy and quick to perform.
2. Usually requiring minimal or inexpensive equipment.
3. Many subjects can be tested at once.

6.Modified Push Ups Fitness Test ("bent knee") (Girls)

Purpose: To measure the strength and endurance of the arms and shoulder girdle.
Age Level: Ages ten through college for girls only.
Equipment and materials :A mat on the floor
pre-test: Perform a standard warm-up.
1. Kneel on the floor, hands on either side of the chest and keep
your back straight.
2. Lower the chest down towards the floor, till your elbows are at
right angles or your chest touches the ground.
3. Do as many push-ups as possible until exhaustion.
4. Count the total number of push-ups performed.
scoring: The number of correctly completed push-ups is the
Advantages: 1. This test is easy and quick to perform.
2. Usually requiring minimal or inexpensive equipment.
3. Many subjects can be tested at once.
3.Sit and Reach Test:
Introduction: This test was first described by Wells and Dillon
(1952). This test is widely used as a general test of flexibility.
Purpose : To measure flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles.
Equipment : Sit and Reach box with the following dimensions:12" x 12"
(sides)12" x 10" (front and back) 12" x 21" (top) Inscribe the top panel with
centimeter/mm, Pen & paper.
Procedure of Test:
1. The athlete warms up for 10 minutes .The athlete sits on the floor with their legs fully extended with
the bottom of their bare feet against the box .Shoes should be removed.
2. The soles of the feet are placed flat against the box. Both knees should be locked and pressed flat to
the floor - the assistant may help by holding them down.
3.With the palms facing downwards, and the hands on top of each other, the subject reaches forward
along the measuring line as far as possible.
4. Ensure that the hands remain at the same level, not one reaching further forward than the other.
5. After some practice reaches, the subject reaches out and holds that position for at least one-two
seconds while the distance is recorded. The athlete performs the test three times.
6. Make sure there are no jerky movements.
Scoring: The score is recorded to the nearest centimeter as the distance reached by the hand.
1.The sit and reach test is a common test of flexibility, and is an easy and quick test to perform.
2. If using the standard testing procedure, there is a lot of published data to use for comparison.
1. Variations in arm, leg and trunk length can make comparisons between individuals misleading.
2.This test is specific to the lower back and hamstrings, and may not be relevant to other body parts ..
4.600M run:
Purpose : To measure Cardiovascular Fitness/Cardiovascular Endurance
Equipment : A marked track, a stop watch. Pen & paper.
Procedure :
1.The student stands near the starting line.
2. On the command “Go” run and cover the distance of 600M. In the fastest possible pace.
3. Record the time taken.
Scoring: Total time taken to complete the distance is taken as score.
5..50 M Standing Start Test:
Purpose : To measure speed.
Equipment : Marked 50M Area, Stop watch ,Pen & paper.
1. Tadasana
Procedure :
1.Stand erect, feet together, hands by the side of the thighs.
2. Stretch the arms upward; keep them straight and parallel to each other in
vertical position, with the palms facing each other.
3. Slowly, raise the heels as much as you can and stand on toes. Stretch body up
as much as possible. Maintain the position for 5-10 seconds comfortably.
4. Come back, to initial position slowly.
Benefits :
1.It helps to prevent and reduce obesity relieves tension, aches and pains
throughout the body,
2. It helps in strengthening thighs, knees and ankles.
3. By doing this asana regularly, children can increase their height.
4. It helps to remove laziness and depression.
5.Improves blood circulation.
Contraindications :
1.Those having complaints of migraine should avoid practicing this asana.
Katichakrasana is made with the combination of three words: 'kati' which means 'waist; 'chakra' which
means 'wheel' and 'asana' which means 'pose or posture'. The arms and
waist are moved alike the wheel in this asana
1. Firstly, stand straight with feet 12 inches apart.
2. Raise your arms and keep it to your chest level and keep arms straight
and palms facing towards each other.
3. Now, move your arms towards right side keeping the left arm bent
while inhaling slowly.
4. While moving arms towards right side, simultaneously rotate your
waist towards right side.
5. Rotate your arms and waist as comfortable as possible.
6. While twisting, see towards back side of your body.
7. Slowly exhale and return the arms towards the front of the body.
8. Repeat the same procedure towards the left side of the body.
a. 1.It helps to prevent and reduce obesity. It helps in strengthening neck, shoulders, arms etc.
b. It helps in strengthening the lower back.
c. It helps in stretching the waist region.
a. It should be avoided by people suffering from back pain.
2.2 Diabetes: Procedure, Benefits AND contraindications for
Diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. G lucose comes
from the digested food . Insulin is a hormone that helps glucose makes its way to cells for energy
and growth.
Diabetes can be classified into following types :
Type 1, when there is no production of insulin and
Type 2, when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin.
Causes of type 1 diabetes
Type 1 is thought to be caused by following factors:
1.Family history : 2. Environmental factors : 3. The presence of damaging immune system cells
Causes of type 2 diabetes
It’s believed that genetic and environmental factors play a role in the development of type 2 diabetes.
Being overweight is strongly linked to the development of type 2 diabetes.
1.Weight : 2. Inactivity: 3. Family history: 4. Age:
Various yogic asanas can be performed to reduce the diabetes and achieve a healthy body .

1. Bhujangasana
Procedure :
To perform Bhujangasana, following steps should be followed:
1. Lie on the ground on your stomach with forehead touching
the floor; legs together, hands by the side of thighs.
2. Fold the arms at elbows and place the palms by the side of
the shoulders, with tips of the fingers not at shoulder line.
3. Inhaling, slowly raise the head first, then neck and after that
shoulders. Shoulders should be shrugged backwards.
4. Raise the trunk up to the navel region. Raise the chin as high as Possible.
5. Maintain this position for 5 -10 seconds or as long as comfortable.
6. Come back, to initial position slowly.
Benefits :
1. It helps to make spinal column flexible.
2. It solves digestive problems.
3. It improves the function of internal organs especially the pancreas, liver and kidneys.
4. It helps to reduce weight.
Contraindications :
1. Avoid during pregnancy.
2.Those suffering from hernia, and back pain should not perform it.
3. people with peptic ulcer, and acute abdominal pain should avoid practicing this asana..
2. Shalabhasana
Procedure :
To perform Shalabhasana the following steps should be performed:
1. Lie flat on the stomach, Place both palms under the thighs.
2.Chin slightly forward and on the floor.
3.Inhaling and pressing the palms on the ground, raise both the legs
upward as high as possible.
5. Maintain the position with normal breathing for few seconds.
6. Come back, to initial position slowly.
Benefits :
1.It strengthens the lower back and pelvic organs.
2.It gives relief in the conditions of mild sciatica, backache.
3. It helps to reduce excessive fat formed around the knees, the thighs, the waist and the abdomen.
8. It cures cervical pain and spine ailments.
Contraindications :
1. Avoid during head ache.
2.Avoid during serious back injury.
2.3 Asthma: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana, Urdhwahastottansana,
UttanMandukasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana, Vakrasana, Kapalbhati,
Gomukhasana Matsyaasana, Anuloma-Viloma. •
Asthma is a chronic disease involving the airways in the lungs. In asthma, the airways become inflamed,
Narrow, swell and produce extra mucus makes it difficult for air to move in and out of the lungs,
causing symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and/or chest tightness.
Causes: Exposure to various irritants and substances that trigger allergies and triggers signs and
symptoms of asthma.
1.Airborne substances, such as pollen, dust mites, mold spores, smoke etc,
2. Respiratory infections, such as the common cold because of cold air.
3. Certain medications, including beta blockers, aspirin etc,
4. Sulfites and preservatives added to some types of foods and beverages,
Urdha means upward, In this posture, the arms are stretched upwards, so that is
why it is called Hastottanasana.
Procedure :
1. Stand erect on the ground with both feet together.
2. Inhale slowly and raise both arms over the head.
3. With palms facing up, interlock your fingers.
4. Exhale and bend from the waist towards the right side.
5. Maintain this position comfortably for 5-10 seconds.
6. Come back, to initial position and repeat the same procedure on the
other side.
Benefits :
1.It relaxes the whole body.
2. It relieves the muscle pain in neck, shoulders and arms.
3. It helps in increasing the height of growing children.
4.It increases the flexibility of spine.
Contraindications :
1. During hernia, abdominal inflammation, this asana should be avoided.
2.In case of neck or shoulder injuries this asana should be avoided.
Procedure :
1. Sit on the carpet, stretch the legs straight.
2. Fold the right leg at knee and touch right leg’s heel to the left
leg’s knee, keeping right foot at the floor itself.
3. Take the right hand to back of the waist twisting your trunk,
spread in palms and place it on the carpet.
4. Bring the left hand close to right knee and hold the right leg’s ankle with the left hand.
5. Twist the head and shoulder to right side and look straight to the right shoulder’s side (i.e back side).
6. Stay in the pose for 5-10 seconds breathing normally.
7.Come back, to initial position slowly and repeat the same on left side.
Benefits :
1. It helps to reduce belly fat.
2. It improves the function of both spinal cord and nervous system.
3. Waist and back pain are reduced.
7. It strengthens kidney.
Contraindications :
1. Avoid if suffering from, hernia, back pain.
2. Those who suffer from ulcer and enlargement of liver should not practice it
2.4 Hypertension:
Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood against the walls of arteries. The pressure exerted
during contraction of the heart is called systolic pressure. The pressure exerted during relaxation of
heart is called diastolic pressure. A reading of 120/80 is normal blood pressure.140/90 or higher is high
blood pressure.
When the blood pressure becomes abnormally high it is called hypertension. It can cause serious
problems such as stroke, heart failure, heart attack and kidney failure.
Causes of hypertension: High blood pressure has many causes:
1.Age : The risk of high blood pressure increases as you age.
2. Family history: High blood pressure tends to run in families.
3. Being overweight or obese: The more you weigh the more blood pressure you have.
4. Not being physically active: Lack of physical activity also increases the risk of hypertension.
5. Too much salt (sodium) in your diet: Too much sodium in your diet can cause increases in B.P.
6. Stress: High levels of stress can lead to increase in blood pressure.
Various yogic asanas can be performed to reduce the hypertension and achieve a healthy body .The
major asanas to control hypertension are: Tadasana, Katichakransan, Uttanpadasana, Ardha Halasana,
Sarala Matyasana, Gomukhasana, UttanMandukasana, Vakrasana, Bhujangasana, Makarasana, Shavasana,
Nadishodhanapranayam, Sitlipranayam.

1.UTTANPADASANA: is made up of three words Uttana which means upwards; pada which means legs
and 'asana' mans posture or pose. The name of this asana is called so as the legs are raised in dorsal
1.Lie down straight on your back and place your hands on the
side and feet together.
2. Place your hands close to your thighs. Now breathe in and
raise your upper torso and legs in the upward direction and
do not bend your knees.
4.Rest all your body weight on your back muscles
5. Return to the starting position with deep exhalation
6.Maintain in this pose for a minimum of 1-2 minutes and repeat this asana for 3-4 times
1. Strengthens and adds flexibility to back muscles and
2 Cures cervical spondylitis and spinal cord ailments
3. Balances Manipura chakra.
4. Improves functioning of internal organs.
5. Relieves depression
1.People with acute back pain or slip disc should avoid this pose .
2. A person with severe sciatica should not do this asana
3. Woman with major problems with menstruation or with a prolapsed uterus should avoid this asana.
4 Women in their pregnancy should avoid this posture.
Ardha Halasana is the combination of three words 'ardha' which means "half; hala' which means
And asana which means 'pose or posture. Here, the body resembles the shape of a plough while the
Is in final position of this asana
1. Lie on the back r keeping arms aside and legs together.
2 Firstly, lift the legs straight upto 900
3. Place your hand near your buttocks.
4 The legs should be kept straight for 10-15 seconds.
5. Slowly, bring the legs back on the floor Repeat this asana for
3-4 times
1. It benefits the thyroid gland.
2.It helps in stretching the spine and back muscles
3.It helps in strengthening the back and leg muscles,
1.People with acute back pain or slip disc should avoid this pose .
2. A person with severe sciatica should not do this asana
3 Women in their pregnancy should avoid this posture.

Practical-3: Volleyball . Labelled diagram of field & equipment HISTORY ,Rules, Terminologies & Skills .

VOLLEY BALL HISTORY :Volleyball is a game of recent origin.It was invented by William Morgan of USA in
1895.In order to provide some recreation and exercise for men who could not play very strenuous games,
Morgan tried this type of game by providing a net at a certain height and using an inflated bladder of basket
ball.He divided a group into two teams and asked them to toss the bladder over the net.In this way,a new
game which was named ‘MINTONNETTE’came into existence.Later,it was named volleyball because the ball
was volleyed from one side to another.

YMCA and American soldiers helped in spreading this game.Canada was the first country outside USA which
introduced the volleyball in 1905.

Volleyball was played as a demonstration game in Paris Olympics in 1924.

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