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- power or right to act speak or think

Jean paul sartre
- french philosopher, novelist and playwright
- Leading exponent of existentialism in the 20th century
- “Man is condemned to made a choice”
- theory or approach which emphasizes the existence of individual person
- to be sentenced to a particular punishment
- capacity of human person to make choices
- Making choices whit moral implication always entails consequences.
Newton’s third law of motion
- for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

Consequences of freedom or making choice: A philosophical perspective

Plato: The freedom of the good

- “ an individual is free if his reasoning element rules his soul in line with the God.”
- Republic, the laws and Phaedrus

Freedom according on its two contexts

1.) ethical or normative freedom ( Virtue )

- Requires not just a certain kind of knowledge but also a habituation to health
emotional responses and therefore harmony between the three parts of the soul.
( reason, spirit and appetite )
Methaphysics Plato
- envisioned as systematic, rational treatment of the form and their interelations (the
good/ the one)

Three parts of the soul

Reason (head)
- enables us to think deeply
Spirit/ Passion (hot blood in the heart)
- Basic emotion
Physical Appetite (belly and genitals)
- basic biological needs

2.) Methaphysical freedom

- was authentically free person who attained the highest form of knowledge/
- One’s life according to principle
Aristotle: Freedom is “Eleutheros”
- the good life is call Eleutheria usually translated as “liberty or freedom “ and not
bound by obligation.
- To live well, must be combination of both intellectual and good character ( wisdom
and values)
- Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life
- Happiness is essential to this process

St augustine: freedom is “free will”

- spiritual or mental confusion “montrous state”
- Gigantic state ( dalawang daan at pagpipilian)
- Two wills
- Eternal - God

St thomas Aquinas: freedom for exellence

- human exellence
- Truth as freedom to error to sin
- Capacity to choose wisely and to act well as a matter of habit
The nature of freedom “Aquinas”
- is not an absence of restrain.

Hinduism: Freedom is “Breaking free from Samsara

- the human person attains true liberation
- Samsara (cycle of birth and deaths)
- Atman ( individual human soul)
- Brahman ( supreme soul )
- responsible for human suffering, delusion, ignorance
- Bondage (bandha), attachments (moha), which the beings (jivas).
- effect or consequences
- illusion
- Person’s existence and self- centeredness stop them from seeing the truth.
Ahamkara in Sankrit
- means self sense
Egoism (“Anava”)
- sense of individuality
- common used word for egoism is AHAMKARA.
Prakriti (female) Purusha (male)
- material nature in its germinal state, eternal and beyond perception.

Buddhism: Freedom of reincarnation

- they do not believe in reincarnation, because there is no permanent essence of an
individual self that survives death.
- Often speak of rebirth
- teaching that the actions of a sentient being lead to a new existence after death, in
endless cycle called samsara
- final goal of buddhism
- Transcedent state
- The individual human person attains a state of enlightenment or awakening
- “The human person discovered something known as the Four Noble truths”
Four noble truths
- truth about suffering
- Cause of suffering
- End of suffering
- The truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering
Truth includes: Suffering

* Eightfold path
Right view ( know the truth)
Right intention (free your mind of evil)
Right speech (say nothing that hurts other)
Right action (work for the good of others)
Right livelihood (respect life)
Right effort (resist evil)
Right concentration ( practice meditation)
Right mindfulness (control your thoughts)

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