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As humans, we often wish for things that we cannot have.

Whether it is a new car or a luxurious

lifestyle, we constantly strive for betterment. But what if we could have a superpower that could
change the world? Imagine having the ability to change one thing about the world we live in. What
would you choose?

The possibilities are endless, and the decision is not an easy one to make. However, if I were given
this opportunity, I would choose to eliminate poverty from the world. Poverty is a global issue that
affects millions of people, and it is one of the most significant challenges that humanity faces today.

If I had the superpower to eliminate poverty, I would do so by providing everyone with access to
basic necessities such as food, water, and shelter. I would also ensure that everyone has access to
education and healthcare, which are critical components of a healthy and prosperous society. I
would work to create economic opportunities for individuals and communities, and I would ensure
that everyone has the chance to contribute to the economy and benefit from it.

In conclusion, if I had the superpower to change one thing about the world we live in, I would
choose to eliminate poverty. Poverty is a global issue that affects millions of people, and it is one of
the most significant challenges that humanity faces today. By eliminating poverty, we can create a
world that is more equitable, just, and prosperous for all. I believe that this is a goal that we must all
strive for, and I am committed to doing my part to make it a reality.

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