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娀 Academy of Management Journal

2005, Vol. 48, No. 6, 1075–1089.


The Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya

Technion–Israel Institute of Technology

Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center

Treatment errors are a major problem in the health care industry. This study explored
four dimensions of safety climate and the interactions among them as predictors of
treatment errors. A total of 632 participants in 46 hospital units assessed their units’
safety climate. Results demonstrated a curvilinear relationship between the levels of
the perceived detailing of safety procedures and the number of treatment errors. Also,
the perceived priority of safety moderated the curvilinear relationship between safety
procedures and treatment errors as well as the relationship between the way employ-
ees interpreted their managers’ safety practices and treatment errors.

The critical issues of patient safety and medical tems (Brunsson Jacobsson et al., 2000; Roberts,
treatment errors have received a great deal of atten- 1990). Research findings have been unable to de-
tion lately (Davis, 2004; Kohn, Corrigan, & Donald- termine decisively the extent to which these formal
son, 1999). Policy makers, caregivers, health care organizational efforts have indeed led to safety im-
administrators, and researchers have generally provement (Leape, 2002). Only recently have re-
agreed that medical treatment errors in the health searchers suggested that informal aspects of the
care industry pose a serious problem (Chassin, work environment may also be factors that affect
Galvin, & the National Roundtable on Healthcare safety in the health care industry (Kohn, Corrigan,
Quality, 1998; Leape, 2002). This problem has gone & Donaldson, 1999).
relatively unexplored from the perspective of or- One such informal aspect is safety climate,
ganizational behavior. which is considered a key organizational variable
Safety in organizations, in general, is defined as for understanding an organization’s safety perfor-
freedom from accidental injury (Perrow, 1984; Rob- mance (e.g., Hofmann & Stetzer, 1998; Zohar,
erts, 1990) and is related to the safety of employees 2000). Traditionally, safety climate has been stud-
and other organizational stakeholders such as the ied in industries such as steel factories (Brown,
organization’s customers. In the health care indus- Willis, & Prussia, 2000; Zohar, 2002), offshore en-
try, patients are the customers, and patient safety vironments (Mearns, Whitaker, & Flin, 2003), and
refers to the avoidance, prevention, and ameliora- highly regulated environments such as the nuclear
tion of adverse outcomes or injuries stemming from industry (Harvey, Erdos, Bolman, Cox, Kennedy, &
the processes of health care. These adverse out- Gregory, 2002). However, the concept of safety cli-
comes include errors and accidents caused by med- mate in the health care industry requires further
ical actions (in contrast to disease complications), research, since the health care sector has several
events that result from equipment failure, failure to unique characteristics that differentiate it from the
complete a planned action as intended (e.g., surgi- above industries. First, in health care, the results of
cal events, events involving devices, patient protec- a safe environment directly affect not only an or-
tion, and care), or the use of the wrong plan to ganization’s staff members but also its customers—
achieve an aim (Gaba, 2000; Leape, 2002). that is, the patients. Studies on safety climate have
Traditionally, to ensure safety performance or- concentrated mainly on employee safety. Indeed,
ganizations have responded with safety rules and Burke and Sarpy emphasized that “the conceptual-
procedures. The premise has been that, to ensure ization and measurement of safety climate should
safety and avoid the costs of adverse events, organ- be expanded to include not only how characteris-
izations should invest in the implementation of tics of the work environment affect the personal
formal safety programs and risk management sys- well-being of workers, but also how characteristics
1076 Academy of Management Journal December

of the work environment affect the well-being of two additional dimensions that are based on the
other relevant stakeholder groups . . . [such] as cli- way employees perceive two main initiatives that
ents” (2003: 81). Second, the health care environ- organizations commonly take in order to improve
ment is very complex in terms of task characteris- safety performance. These initiatives are the imple-
tics, since each patient is unique. In this context, mentation of formal safety procedures and the dis-
strict adherence to safety polices and procedures semination of information about safety to employ-
can only partially ensure good safety performance, ees (Naveh, Katz-Navon, & Stern, 2005; OHSAS
because uncertainty is high, and proper patient 18001, 1999). We now elaborate each of these four
care necessitates flexibility and constant decision dimensions and hypothesize about their relation-
making. In uncertain situations, formal polices and ships with safety performance.
procedures that should ensure safe employee be- Dimension 1: Safety procedures. Safety proce-
havior cannot encompass all possible daily work dures as a dimension of safety climate refer to em-
situations (Gittell, 2002). Third, in a health care ployees’ shared perceptions of the level of detail in
setting, employee (safety) behavior is controlled an organization’s safety procedures. Procedures’
not only by the organization but also by the health level of detail refers to the extent to which employ-
care professions (physicians and nurses). Profes- ees perceive the volume and detail of procedures to
sions define social reality by creating principles be extensive, and whether procedures relate to all
and guidelines for action (Scott & Backman, 1990). work issues. Formal safety procedures are explicit
The aim of the present study was to apply a statements issued by an organization, but the
multidimensional approach to safety climate to un- shared perceptions of these formal procedures may
derstand the safety performance of health care or- vary across organizational units.
ganizations, as expressed in the occurrence of treat- Formal safety procedures are one element of an
ment errors. organization’s structure, and they define particular
ways of conducting organizational functions (Ar-
gote & Ingram, 2000). Organizations rely heavily on
formal procedures that strictly control the sequence
of steps that should be taken for the safe comple-
Climate is defined as “the shared perceptions of tion of tasks (Brunsson et al., 2000). Studies have
the employees concerning the practices, proce- suggested a positive linear relationship between
dures, and the kind of behaviors that get rewarded, the use of formal procedures and an organization’s
supported, and expected in a setting” (Schneider, performance (Hickson, Pugh, & Pheysey, 1969).
1990: 384). Given that multiple climates often exist Nevertheless, although organizations implement
simultaneously within a single organization, cli- safety procedures, findings regarding the extent to
mate is best regarded as a specific construct having which such implementation leads to safety im-
a referent—that is, a climate is a climate for some- provement have been inconsistent (Leape, 2002).
thing, such as a climate for service, for innovation, Possible explanations for these inconsistent re-
or for safety (Schneider, White, & Paul, 1998). In sults rest, first, on the assumption that the relation-
addition, different units within the organization ship between safety procedures and safety perfor-
may have different levels of a specific climate as a mance is linear. Second, the above studies may
result of characteristics of their work, interactions, have neglected the informal aspect of procedures.
work conditions, or managerial behaviors (Zohar, A common reaction of organizations to hazardous
2002). events is to add more formal safety procedures,
assuming that these additions will guide employee
behavior and thus improve safety performance.
Dimensions of Safety Climate
However, Sitkin and Roth (1993) and Cropanzano
Safety climate is a multidimensional construct and Byrne claimed that many procedures could
that encompasses individual perceptions of a wide impair organizational performance because “[com-
range of safety aspects in a work environment (Ash- pliance] becomes more and more difficult even for
kanasy, Wilderom, & Peterson, 2000; James, James, a well-meaning firm” (2001: 38). This claim is con-
& Ashe, 1990). Two dimensions of safety climate sistent with Brown and Eisenhardt’s (1997) sug-
that are commonly identified in the literature are gestion of a curvilinear relationship between an
employees’ perceptions of the safety practices of organization’s level of formal structure and its per-
their immediate supervisor, and employees’ per- formance. They argued that organizations need to
ceptions of the general priority assigned within balance between too much and too little structure.
their organizational unit to the issue of safety (e.g., Too much structure and a system will be too rigid
Hofmann & Stetzer, 1998; Zohar, 2002). We suggest to move; too little structure, and it “will fly chaot-
2005 Katz-Navon, Naveh, and Stern 1077

ically apart” (Brown & Eisenhardt, 1997: 34). safety training sessions (OHSAS 18001, 1999). The
Extrapolating from this idea, we propose that the dissemination of safety information to employees
relationship between employees’ perception of constitutes an organization’s planned effort to im-
safety procedures and safety performance is also prove employees’ current and future safety perfor-
curvilinear. mance by increasing their capabilities for and redi-
The literature on the effect of safety procedures recting their attention toward safety (Baldridge,
on safety performance rarely takes into account 2003; Ford, Salas, Kozlowski, Kraiger, & Teachout,
employees’ perception of procedures. Adler and 1994).
Borys (1996) suggested that employees perceive The implicit assumption within organizations is
formal rules and procedures as either good or bad. that more safety information is needed and that the
Employees perceive formal safety procedures as increase should lead to better safety performance
good if these procedures are applicable on a daily (Baldridge, 2003; OHSAS 18001, 1999). Thus, cus-
basis, enabling them to master the task at hand. On tomarily, to improve safety performance, organiza-
the other hand, employees perceive procedures as tions have sought to increase the flow of safety
bad if they perceive the procedures as too numer- information. Recently, researchers (e.g., Marcus &
ous or too few. Employees may perceive many or Nichols, 1999) have even suggested that organiza-
excessively detailed procedures as interfering with tions should pay specific attention to safety warn-
the daily flow of work, as a bureaucracy that com- ings, since many accidents could have been
plicates their jobs, and as a burden that demands avoided had they noticed the warnings.
investment of time and excessive human resources. Organizational units may vary in the degree to
Particularly in uncertain environments such as which they perceive the safety information flow to
hospitals, very detailed or very numerous proce- be available. On the one hand, units may perceive
dures may be perceived as inhibiting employee dis- that they are exposed to a large amount of safety
cretion in situations that require immediate adap- information, resulting in information overload
tation to changing conditions (Cropanzano & (O’Reilly, 1980). A ceaseless barrage of information
Byrne, 2001). Too few or scantily detailed proce- may be beyond a unit’s capacity to process, causing
dures may be perceived as insufficient, as not en- stress and confusion, the upshot of which may be
compassing all possible work situations, and thus, an inability to differentiate between what is and
as providing inadequate guidelines on how to be- what is not critical for safety processes and results
have or how to maintain safety. (O’Reilly, 1980). Information overload can affect
Hence, we suggest a curvilinear relationship be- safety performance negatively; however, the impor-
tween perceived safety procedures and unit safety tance of this phenomenon has rarely been investi-
performance. Members of different units might per- gated. On the other hand, insufficient exposure to
ceive the same procedures as ranging between the safety information, or information underload
two poles of few to many details, with an optimal (O’Reilly, 1980), may also cause deficient safety
intermediate level of detail. At this perceived opti- performance, since employees are not aware of
mal level, safety performance would peak, because what is required of them in terms of safety. At the
employees can use the procedures daily and yet not intermediate level of safety information flow, safety
resent a high degree of imposed structure (Adler & information is available and accessible to an opti-
Boris, 1996). We thus hypothesize the following: mal degree. Thus, we suggest a curvilinear relation-
ship between the flow level of safety information
Hypothesis 1. The relationship between the
and a unit’s safety performance, as expressed by the
perceived level of detail of safety procedures
following hypothesis:
and a unit’s safety performance is curvilinear
(inverse U-shaped), with the best safety perfor- Hypothesis 2. The relationship between the
mance occurring at intermediate levels of per- perceived level of safety information flow and
ceived detail. a unit’s safety performance is curvilinear (in-
verse U-shaped), with the best safety perfor-
Dimension 2: Safety information flow. The sec-
mance occurring at an intermediate level of
ond dimension of safety climate refers to how em-
safety information flow.
ployees perceive the amount of information they
receive through routine circulation of safety infor- Dimension 3: Perceived managerial safety
mation and training. The formal flow of safety in- practices. The third dimension refers to employ-
formation within an organization deals with deliv- ees’ perception of their supervisors’ safety-related
ery of several types of information to the activities and methods (Flin, Mearns, O’Connor, &
employees, such as information about unusual Bryden, 2000; Zohar, 2002). Managerial practices
events and potential hazardous conditions, and express to employees the extent to which their
1078 Academy of Management Journal December

supervisor is committed to safety. Supervisors set safety priorities (Scott & Backman, 1990). For ex-
the tone and tempo for safety by, for example, ample, a physician may decide that a patient’s
emphasizing specific safety behaviors while medical situation demands an immediate medical
overlooking others. In units where employees operation and, thus, may not completely follow the
work for a supervisor who is committed to safety, patient identification procedure that has to take
this dimension of safety climate is high (Cheyne, place before this operation.
Cox, Oliver, & Thomas, 1998; Hofmann & Stetzer, The perceptions of the priority of safety may vary
1998). Several studies have pointed to the posi- in different organizational units as a result of their
tive impact on safety performance of supervisor diverse activities and group dynamics. A high
safety practices that emphasize safety (Barling, safety priority within a unit means that safety is
Loughlin, & Kelloway, 2002; Thompson, Hilton, considered an important issue that must be given
& Witt, 1998; Zohar, 2002). Manager safety prac- precedence regardless of other competing de-
tices that promoted and emphasized the impor-
mands, such as work speed and productivity. A
tance of safety-oriented behavior led to high
high priority of safety can potentially motivate em-
safety performance. Conversely, managerial prac-
ployees to take greater ownership of, and responsi-
tices that were perceived by employees as under-
bility for, safety. This, in turn, is likely to influence
mining organizational safety policies or that sent
a message that safety could be ignored without employees’ tendency to behave safely. A low safety
consequences led to low safety performance. priority denotes that safety-related policies and
Therefore, we assert the following: procedures are perceived only as rhetoric or as a
pretense and that they can be inadequately fol-
Hypothesis 3. Perceived managerial safety lowed or even ignored without consequences (Fal-
practices and a unit’s safety performance are bruch & Wilpert, 1999).
positively associated. Previous studies have indicated that the di-
Dimension 4: The priority of safety. The fourth mensions of safety climate have an additive effect
dimension of safety climate is the degree of priority on safety performance (Flin et al., 2000). Some
assigned to safety within an organizational unit. It studies have focused only on safety priority and
refers to employee expectations and daily behav- its relationship with safety performance (Hof-
iors regarding the balance maintained among work mann & Stetzer, 1998; Zohar & Luria, 2004). The
pace, workload, and pressures for productivity and relationships among the dimensions in their in-
safety (Zohar, 2000). Working in a safe manner fluence on safety performance have hardly been
often entails working at a slower pace, investing tested.
extra effort, or operating under less comfortable Several studies specifically on safety and leader-
conditions. Consequently, whenever work pressure ship have pointed to the possibility that priority of
increases, employees use a complex system of con- safety could have a moderating role. For example,
siderations to set the relative priorities for safety studying the relationships between leadership
versus speed or productivity. Most employees first styles and safety performance, Zohar (2003) and
seek information concerning the type of activities Hofmann, Morgeson, and Gerras (2003) found that
their organization rewards. They may obtain this safety priority moderated this relationship in such
information directly from the organization’s evalu-
a way that different leadership styles affected safety
ation and reward systems or by determining
performance differently, depending on the extent
whether safety is part of the goal-setting and feed-
to which safety was considered a priority. They
back systems. Once the required behavior is clari-
argued that safety priority indicated the direction
fied, employees aim to adjust their behavior so as to
be rewarded. However, many reward systems mis- employee behavior would take. In ambiguous situ-
takenly reward the behaviors that they try to dis- ations, the priorities signal to employees the ex-
courage (Kerr, 1975). Many organizations intend to pected safety behavior. Thus, in view of the mod-
emphasize safety yet at the same time reward em- erating role the above mentioned research found for
ployees only for speed and productivity. In addi- safety priority, we suggest that safety priority mod-
tion, particularly in health care, the profession of erates the relationships between each of the other
staff members (physicians and nurses) also guides three climate dimensions and safety performance.
their behaviors and helps them set their priorities. In addition to the additive effect of the dimensions
Their professional expertise and autonomy, their of safety climate on safety performance, we expect
belief that their profession is regulated by its mem- to find that safety priority functions as a variable
bers, and their belief in the importance of the ser- that supports the full realization of the other three
vice their profession provides determine their climate dimensions.
2005 Katz-Navon, Naveh, and Stern 1079

Priority of Safety as a Moderator Hypothesis 4a. Safety priority moderates the

curvilinear relationship between safety proce-
Safety procedures and safety priority. Baer and
dures and safety performance in such a way
Frese (2003) found that climate could either en-
that an intermediate level of detail of safety
courage or discourage the implementation of new procedures is associated with higher safety
formal procedures representing change attempts. In performance when the priority of safety is high
particular, new procedures led to better organiza- rather than low.
tional performance when an organization had a
more supportive climate for change (as opposed to Safety information flow and safety priority.
a less supportive climate). A supportive climate for Smith-Crowe, Burke, and Landis (2003) found that a
change referred to the priority given to change climate for the transfer of safety training moderated
within an organization in relation to other organi- the relationship between the knowledge and informa-
zational activities. They explained that the imple- tion about safety that employees received during
mentation of new procedures requires an effort and training and their safety performance. The research-
potentially causes problems, and a climate support- ers defined a climate for the transfer of training as the
ive of change assists with coping with these diffi- perceived degree of prioritization of safety training
and its value within an organization. The relationship
culties. Similarly, we suggest that, in the context of
between safety information and safety performance
safety, safety priority can encourage or discourage
was stronger when training was perceived as having a
the use of safety procedures, whether they are per-
high rather than low priority. Thus, in regard to our
ceived as insufficiently, optimally, or overly de-
dimension of safety information flow, safety priority
tailed. Specifically, we expect that the perceived
can encourage or discourage the application of safety
optimal level of detailing of safety procedures,
information that employees receive. Specifically,
combined with a high priority of safety, will be regarding the curvilinear relationship we suggested
associated with high safety performance. between safety information flow and safety perfor-
Employees may perceive procedures as good or mance, the combination of an optimal level of per-
as optimally detailed; nevertheless, they may be ceived safety information and a high priority of
less likely to follow these procedures if the safety safety should be associated with the highest safety
priority is low in their unit. Moreover, to follow performance. When safety is considered a high pri-
procedures, employees need resources such as time ority in a unit, individuals aim to do their jobs in a
and additional human resources. When safety is a safe manner, by using the information they have
low priority within a unit, employees may also received about safety. When safety is perceived as a
conclude that the use of (limited) resources for the low priority—that is, the unit rewards behavior
purpose of following procedures is not one of the other than safety behavior— employees will be less
goals that the unit rewards. For example, hospitals likely to apply the safety information they received,
have strict, formal procedures for blood transfu- even if they perceive information flow as optimal.
sions. A unit’s personnel may perceive this blood When employees perceive the information flow
transfusion procedure to be a good procedure and in their unit as either insufficient or overloaded yet
thus be disposed to follow it. However, they may also see that safety is a high priority, their safety
choose not to do so because following this proce- performance will be better than if safety were given
dure slows down the work pace and they perceive a low priority. Assigning safety a high priority en-
that meeting productivity goals has a higher prior- courages employees to cope with problems of too
ity within the unit than safety goals. little/too much safety information, because the ad-
On the other hand, employees may perceive pro- ditional coping efforts are rewarded within the unit
cedures as either overly or insufficiently detailed. (Baer & Frese, 2003). Coping with these problems
Whichever is the case, the use of the procedures means, for example, asking for more information
should be associated with better safety perfor- when there is not enough or investing extra effort in
mance when safety is a high priority than when coping with a large amount of information. Thus,
safety is a low priority. The supportive climate for we hypothesize that the curvilinear relationship
safety that would help employees cope with the between safety information flow and safety perfor-
difficulties that bad procedures involve explains mance depends upon the priority of safety:
this association (Baer & Frese, 2003). Thus, we hy- Hypothesis 4b. Safety priority moderates the
pothesize that the curvilinear relationship between curvilinear relationship between safety infor-
the level of detail of safety procedures and safety mation flow and safety performance in such a
performance depends upon the level of priority of way that an intermediate level of safety infor-
safety: mation flow is associated with higher safety
1080 Academy of Management Journal December

performance when the priority of safety is high cent. The number of respondents in each unit
rather than low. ranged from 6 to 18, with an average of 13. Partic-
ipants had different roles in the hospital; junior and
Managerial safety practices and safety prior- senior physicians comprised about a third of the
ity. Role theory (Katz & Kahn, 1978) suggests that sample, with junior and senior nurses comprising
individuals in organizations accomplish tasks by the other two-thirds.
engaging in the roles that others in their organiza-
tions expect them to fill. The relationship between
a manager and a subordinate has a particularly Measures
important influence on employee role behavior Independent variables. The Appendix lists our
(Katz & Kahn, 1978). Thus, the perception that measures and scales. The dimension of safety pro-
managers use safety practices is expected to have a cedures was assessed with four items adapted from
strong influence on employee safety behavior. In the concept of procedures of Brunsson et al. (2000;
addition, the priority assigned to safety within a ␣ ⫽ .91). The dimension of safety information flow
unit is yet another perceived expectation about the was assessed with four items adapted from Hof-
importance of safety. Katz and Kahn extended their mann and Stetzer (1998) and O’Reilly (1980; ␣ ⫽
argument to say that employees experience role .85). The dimension of managerial safety practices
conflict when there is a “simultaneous occurrence was measured with six items adapted from Zohar’s
of two or more role expectations such that compli- expectations factor (2000) and Hofmann and
ance with one would make compliance with the Stetzer’s (1998) safety climate measure. A physi-
other more difficult” (1978: 204). Experienced role cian and a chief nurse headed each hospital depart-
conflict, in turn, is negatively associated with em- ment. Physicians within a unit were asked to rank
ployee performance. Thus, when safety is per- its head, and nurses were asked to rank their unit’s
ceived as a high priority and managerial use of chief nurse (␣ ⫽ .85). Finally, priority of safety was
safety practices is high, employees should not ex- assessed with a seven-item scale that drew on Zo-
perience role conflict, and the result should be high har (2000; ␣ ⫽ .89). Originally, the four measures
safety performance. However, when safety is as- had an additional four items, but these were de-
signed a high priority and at the same time a unit’s leted in the refinement process because of low stan-
manager does not practice safety, employees re- dardized factor loadings.
ceive conflicting messages about the importance of Dependent variable. We measured the safety
safety within the unit, which leads to role conflict performance variable, patient safety, by tallying
and, consequently, decreases safety performance. each unit’s annual number of treatment errors that
Similarly, employees are expected to experience resulted in accidents (as opposed to near-misses) to
role conflict when safety is a low priority and the patients. We tallied this number using the hospi-
manager practices safety. Thus, we hypothesize the tals’ archival data, accumulated through their risk
following: management systems, as the source of information
Hypothesis 4c. Safety priority moderates the on treatment errors. Reports of such safety events
relationship between managerial safety prac- enable hospitals to manage risk and better prepare
tices and safety performance in such a way for possible malpractice suits. In the three hospi-
that a high level of managerial safety practices tals, treatment errors were formally reported on
is associated with high safety performance when similar forms. A treatment error was defined as any
the priority of safety is high rather than low. error in the performance of an operation, proce-
dure, or test; or in the administration of treatment;
or in the dosage or method of using a drug; and also
METHODS as generally inappropriate care that resulted in an
accident—that is, in harm to a patient (Leape, 2002;
Kohn, Corrigan, & Donaldson, 1999). For example,
Forty-seven medical units (e.g., surgery, anesthe- hospital intensive care units are prone to several
siology, cardiology, gastroenterology, orthopedics, common types of safety mishaps. In these units,
OB/GYN, emergency medicine and pediatrics) in patients often simultaneously receive several dif-
three general hospitals in Israel participated in the ferent infusions with different solutions in them.
study. Each hospital treated more than 100,000 When one infusion finishes, a nurse may acciden-
patients annually. All staff members received a tally connect the wrong solution. Another common
questionnaire. A total of 632 hospital employees mishap in units is patients falling from their beds
answered the questionnaire; this number of respon- because nurses do not pull up the bedside railing.
dents represented a response rate of about 70 per- Physicians who take blood from a patient might put
2005 Katz-Navon, Naveh, and Stern 1081

the identification label of patient A on patient B’s previous year. We then administered the question-
test tube. Such errors are reported to the hospital naire that measured the independent variables cap-
risk management system since they may cause sig- turing the four dimensions of safety climate. The
nificant harm to patients and in many cases are hospital staff received the questionnaire during
life-threatening. In the hospitals in which we con- working hours. Upon completing the measurement
ducted our research, the data were accumulated at of the independent variables, we started to collect
the unit level only. the data about the dependent variable, treatment
Control variables. We used three control vari- errors. We accumulated data about the number of
ables. One was annual average bed occupancy, in- treatment errors in each unit for a full year after the
cluded as a control for the workload in each depart- completion of the questionnaire.
ment. The second was the number of treatment
errors reported in the year prior to the study. To the
Level of Analysis
extent that the number of errors within units was
stable across time, it was possible that respondents The analysis was conducted at the unit level,
would rate the independent variables in the ques- since the safety performance data were gathered
tionnaire with the previous year’s safety record in only at the unit level. For the independent vari-
mind. This might produce the expected relation- ables, individuals answered questions that referred
ships between the independent and the dependent to their unit, and we aggregated responses to the
variables, rather than, or in addition to, the effects unit level (James, Demaree, & Wolf, 1984) by calcu-
of the ratings of the independent variables on the lating for each unit the mean scores on each of the
following year’s safety records. Thus, the previous four safety climate dimensions. We tested for the
year’s safety performance should help demonstrate homogeneity of responses at the unit level by cal-
that the four dimensions of safety climate and their culating the rwg coefficients (James et al., 1984) for
interactions contribute to the explanation of this each of the four dimensions for each of the 47
year’s safety performance over and above the pre- participating medical units. We based the calcula-
vious year’s safety performance. Likewise, the tions on a uniform expected variance distribution
number of treatment errors reported in the previous (James et al., 1984). The rwg(j)’s for the safety pro-
year increases the credibility of the dependent vari- cedures dimension were between .70 and .97, with
able of safety performance, since the correlation a median of .88; for safety information flow they
between last year’s and this year’s safety perfor- ranged between .70 and .97, with a median of .83;
mance rates (r ⫽ .69; see Table 1) can be used as a for priority of safety, between .72 and .99, with
test-retest reliability coefficient. median of .89; and for managerial safety practices,
Finally, a third control accounted for potential between .77 and .98, with a median of .86. Homo-
differences between the hospitals. geneity was also tested by interclass correlations
(ICC1) and by the reliability of the mean (ICC2;
Bliese, 2000). Results for ICC1 and ICC2 for safety
procedures were 0.12 and 0.64, respectively; for
First, prior to the administration of the survey, safety information flow, 0.23 and 0.79, respective-
we obtained the number of treatment errors of the ly; for managerial safety practices, 0.13 and 0.67,

Means, Standard Deviations, and Correlationsa

Variable Mean s.d. 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Safety procedures 3.94 0.41 (.88)

2. Safety information flow 3.56 0.47 .71** (.85)
3. Managerial safety practices 3.91 0.36 .56** .41** (.85)
4. Priority of safety 3.90 0.45 .35* .06 .31* (.89)
5. Safety performanceb 15.13 14.40 .28 .30* .29* ⫺.16
6. Unit workload 102.57 18.60 .18 .09 .24 ⫺.10 .30*
7. Unit’s previous year’s safety performanceb 11.45 11.08 .20 .32* .34* ⫺.08 .69** .30*

These statistics are at the unit level of analysis. Cronbach alpha coefficients are on the diagonal in parentheses.
n ⫽ 47 unless otherwise indicated.
n ⫽ 46.
* p ⬍ .05
** p ⬍ .01
1082 Academy of Management Journal December

respectively; and for priority of safety, 0.19 and unacceptable fit (␹2[189, n ⫽ 631] ⫽ 2,750.40, p ⬍
0.76, respectively. Between-groups variance was .001, NFI ⫽ .50, NNFI ⫽ .47, CFI ⫽ .52, SRMR ⫽
tested with one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). .16, and RMSEA ⫽ .15). The difference between the
We conducted this analysis with unaggregated chi-square of this model and that of the four-factor
data, using the work-unit affiliation of each respon- model suggested that the four-factor model better
dent as the independent variable. Results indicated fitted the data (␹2[6, n ⫽ 631] ⫽ 2,305.02, p ⬍ .001.
that all four safety climate dimensions exhibited Since safety procedures and safety information
significant between-group variance (safety proce- flow were relatively highly correlated, and since
dures: F[47, 582] ⫽ 2.81, p ⬍ .01; safety information Zohar (2002) treated the two dimensions of mana-
flow: F[47, 583] ⫽ 4.85, p ⬍ .01; managerial safety gerial safety practices and priority of safety as one
practices: F[47, 556] ⫽ 3.05, p ⬍ .01; and priority of factor, we tried a third CFA. In this analysis, we
safety: F[47, 582] ⫽ 4.12, p ⬍ .01). Together, the tested a two-factor structure that included the di-
results suggested that within-group homogeneity mensions of safety procedures and safety informa-
and between-unit variance were sufficiently high to tion flow as one factor, and managerial safety prac-
justify consideration of subscale aggregation tices and priority of safety as another factor. This
(Bliese, 2000; Zohar, 2000). CFA also yielded unacceptable fit (␹2[188, n ⫽ 631]
⫽ 1,749.33, p ⬍ .001; NFI ⫽ .69, NNFI ⫽ .67, CFI ⫽
.71, SRMR ⫽ .16, RMSEA ⫽ .12). The difference
between the chi-square statistics of this model and
First, to test the four safety climate factors struc- the four-factor model was significant (␹2[5, n ⫽
ture, we conducted a confirmatory factor analysis 631] ⫽1,303.93, p ⬍ .001).
(CFA) at the individual level, using the EQS pro- Finally, a fourth CFA with a three-factor struc-
gram, version 6 (Bentler, 2002). The analyses were ture that included the dimensions of safety proce-
performed on variance-covariance matrices with dures and safety information flow as one factor,
pairwise deletion of missing values. Two addi- and managerial safety practices and the priority of
tional, alternative methods of dealing with missing safety as two others, also yielded an unacceptable
values were used: listwise deletion and imputation fit (␹2[186, n ⫽ 631] ⫽ 796.29, p ⬍ .001; NFI ⫽ .86,
using the expectation-maximization (EM) method. NNFI ⫽ .87, CFI ⫽ .89, SRMR ⫽ .06, and RMSEA ⫽
All three methods yielded very similar results. The .07; ⌬␹2[3, n ⫽ 631] ⫽ 350.89, p ⬍ .001). Thus, the
variables in the data were multivariately nonnor- four-factor model was the only model that ex-
mally distributed, with normalized multivariate ceeded acceptable measures of fit.
kurtosis of 51.03 (p ⬍ .01). To overcome this vio- Table 1 summarizes the means, standard devia-
lation of structural equation modeling (SEM) as- tions, and correlations among the variables at the
sumptions, we employed a maximum-likelihood unit level of analysis. Note that there was a signif-
estimation method with robust standard errors to- icant increase in the mean number of treatment
gether with the Satorra-Bentler rescaled chi-square errors from the previous year to the year in which
statistic (Satorra & Bentler, 1994) that compensates data were collected (the “present year”) (t ⫽ 2.4,
for nonnormality of variables. The CFA yielded an p ⬍ .05; Cohen’s d ⫽.26). We compared the change
acceptable fit (Hu & Bentler, 1999) (␹2[183, n ⫽ 631] in the mean number of previous year’s treatment
⫽ 445.40, p ⬍ .001; NFI ⫽ .920, NNFI ⫽ .94, CFI ⫽ errors to the mean number of the present year’s
.95, SRMR ⫽ .05, RMSEA ⫽ .05). All the standard- treatment errors for units in the upper quartile of
ized factor loadings in the model were above .56 the distribution of priority of safety (mean units’
(the majority of the loadings were in the .70s and previous-year level of safety performance ⫽ 10.46,
.80s). For safety procedures, the interfactor correla- s.d. ⫽ 9.63, and mean units’ present-year level of
tion with safety information flow was .68; with safety performance ⫽ 12.23, s.d. ⫽ 12.7). The dif-
priority of safety, .20; and with managerial safety ference in the numbers of treatment errors was not
practices, .56. significant (t[12] ⫽ 1.13, p ⫽ .28). In contrast, the
Between safety information flow and priority of other units in the sample—that is, the lower three-
safety, the correlation was .19, and between safety quarters of the distribution of priority of safety—
information flow and managerial safety practices, it showed a significant increase in the level of treat-
was .55; between priority of safety and managerial ment errors from the previous to the present year
safety practices, the correlation was .34 (all p ⬍ (mean units’ previous-year level of safety perfor-
.05). mance ⫽ 11.84, s.d. ⫽ 11.72, and mean units’
To validate the four-factor structure, we also con- present-year level of safety performance ⫽ 16.27,
ducted a second CFA in which all items were al- s.d. ⫽ 15.05, t[32] ⫽ 2.15, p ⬍ .05). These results
lowed to load on one factor. The CFA yielded an suggest that in units in which the priority of safety
2005 Katz-Navon, Naveh, and Stern 1083

was relatively low, safety performance decreased action of managerial safety practices with priority
over the year. However, in units with a relatively of safety and their two main effects were signifi-
high priority of safety, safety performance was cant. All other effects in this model were not sig-
steady over time. nificant. In this model, the interaction of safety
Because the dependent variable was a count of information flow squared and priority of safety had
infrequently occurring events that had only non- a near-zero-magnitude, insignificant effect. Also,
negative integer values, we used a Poisson regres- since theoretically a curvilinear relationship was
sion with a correction for overdispersion (Gardner, the less parsimonious explanation, we regressed
Mulvey, & Shaw, 1995). To effectively “partial out” another model without this interaction of informa-
all hospital variance, thereby eliminating the po- tion flow squared with priority of safety (Cohen,
tential lack of independence in the unit-level resid- 1988; see model 2, Table 2).
ual, we dummy-coded for hospital and used it as a Results demonstrated that the main effects of
control variable. In all models, we also included safety procedures, safety procedures squared, man-
the two control variables of unit workload and the agerial safety practices, and priority of safety were
previous-year unit safety performance. Since the significant. Thus, Hypotheses 1 and 3 were con-
variable of unit workload was not significant in all firmed. The interactions of priority of safety with
the analyses, we reanalyzed the models without it. safety procedures squared and with managerial
First, we regressed safety performance on the four safety practices were also significant. This pattern
dimensions of safety climate and the three two-way of findings confirmed Hypotheses 4a and 4c. To
interactions of safety priority with each of the other understand the nature of the interactions, we fol-
three climate dimensions (see model 1 in Table 2). In lowed the graphing method outlined by Aiken and
this model, we introduced safety procedures and West (1991). Figure 1 shows that the curvilinear
safety information flow to assess their possible linear effect of safety procedures on safety performance
effects on safety performance. Results indicated sig- depends on the level of a unit’s priority of safety.
nificant main effects for safety procedures, safety in- The rises in the low-priority curve were steeper
formation flow, and managerial safety practices. The than those in the high-priority curve. At interme-
three interactions of safety procedures, safety infor- diate levels of safety procedures, there was no sig-
mation flow, and managerial safety practices with nificant difference between the numbers of treat-
priority of safety were also significant. ment errors for high and low safety priority (t ⫽
Second, we regressed safety performance on all 0.72, n.s.).
the variables of model 1 as well as on safety proce- Figure 2 plots the interaction of managerial safety
dures squared, safety information flow squared (in practices with safety priority. When priority of
order to assess the possibility of nonlinear relation- safety was low, there were more treatment errors
ships between them and safety performance), and when managerial safety practices were high than
these two squared terms’ interactions with priority when managerial safety practices were low. When
of safety. Results demonstrated that only the inter- safety was a high priority, there was no significant

Results of Poisson Regression Analysis of Safety Performance on the Four Climate Dimensionsa
Variable Model 1 Model 2

Intercept 7.63 (9.40) 290.17* (140.62)

Safety procedures 13.21** (4.80) ⫺130.09* (68.95)
Safety procedures squared 18.34* (8.76)
Safety information flow ⫺10.07** (3.10) ⫺3.07 (5.80)
Safety information flow squared ⫺1.05 (0.70)
Managerial safety practices ⫺5.60* (2.89) ⫺9.91** (3.41)
Priority of safety ⫺2.29 (2.45) ⫺72.65* (35.70)
Safety procedures ⫻ priority of safety ⫺3.32** (1.23) 30.70 (17.09)
Safety procedures squared ⫻ priority of safety ⫺4.33* (2.16)
Safety information flow ⫻ priority of safety 2.49** (0.76) 2.67** (0.73)
Managerial safety practices ⫻ priority of safety 1.63* (0.75) 2.57** (0.85)
Unit’s previous year’s safety performance 0.04** (0.01) 0.05** (0.01)
Hospital 0.28 (0.16) 0.15 (0.16)

Unstandardized regression coefficients are shown, with standard errors, in parentheses.
* p ⬍ .05
** p ⬍ .01
1084 Academy of Management Journal December

Number of Treatment Errors as a Function of the Level of Detail
of Safety Procedures and Priority of Safetya

Higher safety performance is shown by lower numbers of treatment errors.

Number of Treatment Errors as a Function of Managerial Safety Practices and Priority of Safetya

Higher safety performance is shown by lower numbers of treatment errors.

difference between the numbers of treatment errors sional approach, this study captures the importance
for high and low managerial safety practices (t ⫽ of safety climate as a key factor in explaining patient
1.56, n.s). safety. Authors of other recent studies have tended to
conceptualize safety climate as unidimensional. For
example, Zohar and Luria (2004) and Hofmann,
Morgeson, and Gerras (2003) grouped the dimensions
Although hospitals try to ensure patient safety, of managerial safety practices and safety priority in
they are not completely successful, and treatment conceptualizing safety climate. Our study brings
errors are still a major problem in the health care some evidence regarding the difference between
industry. The present study adds theoretical and em- these variables and their different relationships
pirical tiers to understanding of the origin of treat- with safety performance. In addition, our study
ment errors. Theoretically, by taking a multidimen- takes the safety climate literature beyond its em-
2005 Katz-Navon, Naveh, and Stern 1085

phasis on the safety of employees to an examina- tiated and stressed the difference between the di-
tion of the safety of an organization’s customers. mensions of managerial safety practices and safety
We used safety climate theory, which traditionally priority.
has been used to explain how employees guard We demonstrated that the priority of safety mod-
their own safety, to explain the extent to which erated the curvilinear relationship between safety
employees preserve the safety of others. Our focus procedures and the number of a unit’s treatment
in this area is important, since keeping others safe errors, and the linear relationship between mana-
is not necessarily the same as keeping oneself safe. gerial safety practices and the number of a unit’s
Specifically, while studies on safety have tended treatment errors. When safety was a high rather
to concentrate on the degree to which formal pro- than low priority, there were fewer treatment errors
cedures exist and on a linear relationship between when procedures were perceived as either insuffi-
safety procedures and safety performance (Perrow, cient or overly detailed. Thus, when there were few
1984), we have demonstrated a curvilinear relation-
procedures, safety priority may have compensated
ship between perceived procedures and unit safety
for the lack of guidelines on how to behave, substi-
performance. Organizations invest time and money
tuting general guidelines for safety behavior for
in development and implementation of safety rules
specific safety guidelines. Safety priority might
and procedures. Moreover, a common reaction of
organizations to hazardous events is to add more also have compensated for a rigid structure result-
safety requirements that are, in turn, translated into ing from overly numerous procedures, by differen-
additional formal procedures. The results of the tiating the more important activities. When the
present study demonstrated that this “linear ap- level of safety procedures was perceived as opti-
proach” of organizations to safety assurance was mal, there was no difference between units with
not necessarily associated with good safety perfor- high and low safety priority. Thus, if the proce-
mance. To reduce the number of treatment errors, dures are perceived as good and as enabling daily
adding formal procedures is not enough. How em- work, additional signaling or guidelines on how to
ployees perceive and interpret formal safety proce- behave are superfluous. Previous research on safety
dures also plays an important role. Although it has climate (e.g., Zohar, 2002) did not control for the
been clear that a lack of procedures is detrimental way employees perceived safety procedures. Our
to safety performance (Perrow, 1984), our results results suggest that giving safety a high priority,
demonstrate that too many or overly detailed pro- when coupled with a perceived high level of detail
cedures are also associated with lower safety per- of safety procedures, can hinder safety perfor-
formance. Safety rules and procedures can not mance. Thus, the claim that giving priority to safety
cover all possible contingencies except when work is always important needs further clarification.
is highly routine. In most hospital situations, the The relationships between high and low mana-
work is not highly routine, and in many other types gerial use of safety practices and safety perfor-
of organizations as well, nonroutine tasks and room mance were approximately the same when the pri-
for personal discretion are common. ority assigned to safety was high. In other words,
Our second hypothesis, about a curvilinear rela- when safety was given high priority, the influence
tionship between safety information flow and of managerial safety practices was nullified. Appar-
safety performance, was not supported. The results
ently, employees received enough cues regarding
suggested some evidence for a linear relationship
the importance of safety within their unit via their
between the two. Therefore, in the case of informa-
understanding of the safety priority; the under-
tion about safety, it seems possible that more is
standing that their manager also emphasized safety
better, as earlier studies have suggested (e.g., Mar-
cus & Nichols, 1999). Another possible reason for had no additional influence on their behavior. In-
the lack of support for curvilinearity is that the terestingly, our results revealed that when the pri-
information about safety delivered in the hospitals ority assigned to safety was low, there were more
in this study had not reached the level that was treatment errors in units with high rather than low
perceived as overload. managerial emphasis on safety practices. This re-
Our results replicated earlier studies’ findings sult suggests that employees might have experi-
about the direct influence of perceived managerial enced role conflict, which was detrimental to their
safety practices on safety performance (Zohar, safety performance. The role conflict that resulted
2002)—this time, in a health care setting. Nonethe- from the high priority of safety and low managerial
less, in contrast to previous studies in which man- safety practice use did not have such a detrimental
agerial safety practices and safety priority have effect, which suggests that the high safety priority
been treated as one dimension, this study differen- might have had the stronger influence.
1086 Academy of Management Journal December

Measurement Issues would also be expected to reduce the number of

work errors in general, regardless of the specific
A major advantage of this study is that we varied
work context. Hence, future research should ad-
the sources of the data. The study used question-
dress the question of whether the results articu-
naires for the independent variables of the safety
lated here hold for all types of work, all service
climate dimensions and an objective criterion vari-
work, or just medical work.
able of treatment errors for safety performance.
All questionnaire data were collected from the
The collection of safety data in organizations in
same respondents and, therefore, were susceptible
general, and in hospitals specifically, can be sub-
to same-source–same-method bias. Future research
ject to problems of willingness to report. Employ-
should replicate and develop other sources of data
ees may tend to underreport errors (Leape, 2002).
for climate assessment. Another methodological is-
Nevertheless, we believe that this limitation might
sue is that the research was conducted over a rela-
not be acute in this study, since the data about
tively short period. A longitudinal design would
treatment errors were about errors that resulted in
strengthen the ability to infer causality. Also, a
accidents (harm to patients) and not about near-
longitudinal design would enable better under-
misses. Actual errors are apparent and usually can-
standing of other potential factors that might have
not be hidden, and thus are reported to the risk
caused the overall increase in treatment errors over
management system. Indeed, many near-misses oc-
the course of a year seen in the present study.
curring in hospitals do not result in accidents, and
Finally, our study was limited to four dimen-
thus, they are not reported. The problem of under-
sions of safety climate. Although the four dimen-
reporting can be more serious with near-misses that
sions are important and by themselves explained
remain unknown and can be concealed by staff.
treatment errors, safety climate is a complex con-
This tendency may also explain the relatively low
struct, and further studies should seek to identify
number of treatment errors reported.
other safety climate dimensions.
A relationship between safety climate and the
tendency to report treatment errors may exist. Pos-
sibly, heightened sensitivity to safety concerns
makes individuals report treatment errors more Implications for Management
fully. Thus, one would expect that units with a
Health care policy makers try to improve patient
high level of safety climate would tend to report
safety using medical science solutions (Leape,
more treatment errors. Our results demonstrated
2002), yet the present study demonstrated that or-
that units that had a a high level of safety climate
ganizational behavior theory can help explain vari-
had fewer treatment errors. This finding suggested
ance in treatment errors in hospitals. Health care
that our measure did not reflect the tendency to
management can also benefit from using the means
report but was a picture of the “real” occurrence of
and methods offered by organizational behavior
treatment errors. Alternatively, when sensitivity to
safety concerns is heightened, individuals may re-
Managers have been offered rather simplistic
frain from reporting treatment errors, because they
structural prescriptions for safety assurance. How-
may be afraid of the consequences. However, in a
ever, the evidence from this study provides tenta-
recent issue of the New England Journal of Medi-
tive support for the argument that they also need to
cine, Studdert, Mello, and Brennan (2004) argued
use the informal aspects of safety climate to ensure
that transparency has become the leitmotif of the
safety. Managers should realize that there is safety
patient safety movement (for example, Sage, 2003;
climate variance between different units. Hence,
Berwick & Leape, 1999). To learn from errors, hos-
the use of the same procedures or information may
pitals must first identify them; to identify them,
have different effects on safety performance in dif-
they must foster an atmosphere that is conducive to
ferent units.
openness about mistakes. Hospitals and physicians
Specifically, to ensure safety, organizations
are urged to be honest with patients about medical
should design interventions that target all four
errors, and to report such events to one another and
safety climate dimensions. Interventions that aim
to regulators.
to improve only part of the four dimensions are
unlikely to be as effective, since the dimensions are
interrelated and together influence the occurrence
Limitations and Future Research
of treatment errors. In addition, organizations de-
This article is concerned specifically with pa- velop safety evaluation methods that use criteria
tient safety. Equating employee safety and patient such as the existence of procedures or employee
safety suggests that a climate emphasizing safety familiarity with them. We suggest that organiza-
2005 Katz-Navon, Naveh, and Stern 1087

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APPENDIX “In my unit. . .”

in order to get the work done, one must ignore some
Measurement Scales safety aspects.
Safety Procedures whenever pressure builds up, the preference is to do
the job as fast as possible, even if that means com
Responses ranged from 1, “not at all or to a very slight promising on safety.
extent,” to 5, “to a very large extent.” human resource shortage undermines safety
“In your unit, to what extent. . .” standards.
are there many written procedures? safety rules and procedures are ignored.
do the safety procedures relate to all work-related safety rules and procedures are nothing more than a
issues? cover-up for lawsuits.
are the safety procedures detailed? ignoring safety is acceptable.
are the safety procedures extensive? it doesn’t matter how the work is done as long as there
are no accidents.
Safety Information Flow
Responses again ranged from 1, “not at all or to a very
slight extent,” to 5,“to a very large extent.”
“In your unit, to what extent. . .” Tal Katz-Navon ( is an assistant professor
are employees informed about many new updates of of organizational behavior in the Arison School of Busi-
the safety rules and regulations? ness at the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, Israel. She
are the employees informed about potential hazards? received her Ph.D. from Columbia University. Her re-
are there many safety training programs? search interests include the impact of organizational cli-
is information about safety distributed regularly? mates on individual and group performance, goal orien-
tations, and implementation of organizational behavior
methods in health care.
Managerial Safety Practices
Eitan Naveh ( is an assistant
Responses ranged from 1, “not at all true in my unit,”
professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and
to 5, “very true in my unit.”
Management, Technion–Israel Institute of Technology,
“In your unit, the unit head. . .”
where he received his DSc in quality assurance and reli-
approaches team members during work to bring safety
ability. His research interests include innovation and
issues to their attention.
standardization in product development, implementa-
monitors us more closely when a team member vio
tion of industrial engineering methods in health care,
lates a safety rule.
and integration between engineering and management
considers safety performance in performance evalua
aspects in quality assurance.
tions and in promotion reviews.
gets annoyed with workers who ignore safety rules. Zvi Stern ( is the director of
ensures there are no hazards in the unit. Hadassah Mount Scopus Hebrew University Hospital
creates an atmosphere in which people can say what and an associate professor of health care administration
ever they think about safety. at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School,
where he received his MD. His research interests include
Priority of Safety quality improvement in health care: concepts, methodol-
ogy and assessment; and errors and patient safety—the
Responses ranged from 1, “not at all true in my unit,” human factor.
to 5, “very true in my unit.” All the priority items were

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