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By the analysis the challenges foundout by the collected papers for the survey, a

lot of challenges were ouccerd frequently, below the most common ones are

Data Collection:
Depending on the model the data is varied and also need of copious ammount of data
for each model, collecting data for one's model will be a challening task, also to
be able to amalgate data from varios sources will be hideous task.

Human-robot Communication Gap:

Humans often use implicit cues, non-verbal communication, and context-dependent
language, which may not be easily understood by robots. Bridging the communication
gap and enabling robots to comprehend the subtleties of human language poses a
significant challenge. Also, with recent trends people tend to change the way they
usally say things, new idoms are generated with time. Even the same sentance said
with different voice tone can mean different things.
Variation of cost
most of the models are very computationally expensive and require enough
computational resources for training and integrating it with a computer or a robot
will also increase the cost, depending on which deep learning based nlp model is
chosen the computational cost will vary. as much the cost increases for the
computation, most of the models are not integrated to a robot, integrating these
models to a robot and making the interface of the robot as easy-to-understand will
require additonal components and software to handle those which will require
addtional costs.

Execution time:
Most of the models are very complex which are trained with mostly vast ammount of
data, somecases will require time to execute in time of emergency specially in use
cases where the domain is industrial or medical where a single delay might prove

Handling Failure:
predicting obstacle intention is based on
probabilistic occupancy models. Due to that, they might not
be ready for unexpected behaviors of human free will, caus#ing once again the
system to fail. These techniques usually
rely on an accurate model to estimate unpredictable human
behaviors for both state machine prediction approaches and
statistical AI-based models solutions. However, it is relevant
to bear in mind that these models are based on the occurrence
probability of events. The fact that it cannot guarantee the
prediction of human behaviors makes them unreliable for its
industrial application. On the contrary, 3D simplified mod#els or skeletonizing
techniques increase the reliability and
accuracy of predictions while increasing computational times
due to the high load of the vision processing techniques. Thus,
beating this challenge will come through reliable low compu#tational cost
algorithms, which also consider natural obstacle
movement tendencies. Additionally, it should be considered
possible malfunction due to control loss or blocking positions
due to the singular configurations.

Safety and Trust:


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