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s 8 > 5 CROCHET, syo0u0:Auung:pausyaysoud-Auung'pai@yaysou9"Auung'pav@sayoouo"Auung'f fou Rung’ pau. * Cover... index... Before You,Start. Suggestions... Materials ard Abbreviations. Elbow Pads. Knee Pads. Cd Photo Glossary... Printable Eye Chart. rs ¢ r ae Baore Von Start we lam immensélyigratetul thet you have bought my work anckhsupportedkmy venture this way. | want you to know, that put alhmy effort and dedication into the preparetionof this document and | hope r ) yourenjey it veryimuch. r lalso ask you pleaseldomomreprocduce, sell or share my work privately through social networks or any other type of massidistriburionsinee itis for personal use and Byidoing would be Sd infringing mymightsas the author * You can sell the prodtier resulting ram your work using this pattern#it you decide to promote it on social media | would*really love you to tag me so | ®@ can see it, since nothing Weuld) make me happier e@ than seeing your bequtitul creation. @ Read the entire document before starting to Grochet. @ Crochet using S@x/southat your work is tight and Asi) r ) @ Work in aspiralsosthat there are no lines in your Werk at #terend of edchyroudd. @ Use invisiblerclecreases: @ Makelmsivible joins @ Remember that the fillngis@.very important part in the elaboration of eachipiece, should fill enough so that it is firm but withourexaggerating or Sd pressing the/piece too much @ If you have any qliestions regarcing any of the points mentionedsin hereon withthe pattern in general, contact matonmy social neiworks and | will gladly support yous @ Do not forget té*eonsultthe photographic glossary r ) located at the end of this dectiment, where some of the previous pointSiwill/Be clarified. * * aULsed) CENSNAONES Baby yellow MATERTALS eh it aoe see emcee * Crochet hook 1.75mm. ba IC PAu! eee monde * Stitch markers (optional) ee ereras eens aN Ty * Fiber fill * Scissors. * Glue sticks ie ae) ce aaceel Fiusha Strawben LUTTE OLN MRimagierings SH Stitche Chichiin SUSTslipstten S@singlercrocher. be halfdoublereroctet. Dedoublecracher Usteble ciecheie DiRaouble treblecrochet. WNC ineiceee DEC decrease. FL@ font loop only. BLO Back loop only (RSG Teverse single crochet stitch st mus bs bf NOTE: Fill in with stuffing as you crochet. You can place a wire frame covered with electric tape to add mobility. 1) MR 5 sc (5). 2) 5 ine (10). 3) 10 sc (10). 4) (1 sc, linc)x5 (15). 5) 15 se (2 rounds) (15). 6) 1 puff st with 5 de, 14 se (15). 7) l dec, 13 se (14). 8) Idec, 4 se, 1 dec, 6 se (12). 9) 12 se (12). 10) 6 se, line, 5 sc (13). NOTA: the increase must be located above the pinky. 11-12) 13 se (2 rounds)(13). 13) 1 ine, 12 se (14). 14) 14 sc (2 rounds)(14). 15) 1 dee, 6 se, 4 sc in 1 st, 5 se (16). NOTE: 4 sc in 1 st will be the elbow. 16) 1dec, 5 sc, 2 dec, 5 sc (13) OTE: 2 dec must to be located above 4 sc in I st from previous round. 17) line, 12 sc (14). 18) 8 sc, line, 5 se (15). 19-23) 15 sc (5 rounds)(15). Fasten off. With a tapestry needle close the hole and hide the ends. NOTE: Fill in with stuffing as you crochet. You can place a piece of cardboard to give firmness to the foot. 1) 7 ch, start on the second ch from the hook: 5 sc, 3scin 1st, 4 sc, linc (14). 2) linc, 4 sc, 3 ine, 4 se, 2 ine (20). 3) 1sc, line, 4 se, (1 sc, 1 ine)x3, 4 se, (Ise, 1 ine)x2 (26). 4) 2 sc, line, 4 sc, (2 sc, 1 inc)x3, 4 sc, (2 sc, linc)x2 (32). Picture 4. 5) BLO 32 sc (32). 6-7) 32 sc (32). NOTE: dec from rounds 8-10 must to be on the front part of the foot. Imagen 5. 8) 7 sc, 7 dec, Il se (25). neko 9) 5 sc, 5 dec, 10 sc (20). / Ww 10) 5 se, 3 dec hde, 9 se (17). I-13) 17 sc (17). 14) 15 se, 1 ine, 1 se (18). NOTE: the inc must to be located in the middle part of the back of the foot. Fasten off and make an invisible join. . NOTE: Fill in with stuffing as you crochet, You can place a wire frame covered with electric tape to add mobility. Place the hook in the second loop from the inc made on the round 14 of the leg. Picture 7. 1) BLO 18 sl st(18). 2) BLO 18 sc (18). 3) 3 se, linc, 9 se, line, 4 se (20). 4) 20 se (29). NOTE: inc from rounds 5 and 6 must to be on the back part of the leg. 5) 1 se, 1 ine, 18 sc (21). 6) 1 sc, line, 19 se (22). 7) 8 sc, line, 10 sc, line, 2 sc (24). 8) 24 sc (24). 9) 2 dec, 20 sc (22). 10) 22 sc (22). Nl) 1dec, 5 se, 1 dee, 3 inc, 1 dec, 5 se 23 NOTE: 6 inc will be the knee. Picture 8. 12) 3sc, line, 3 se, 6 dec, 3 sc, line, 2 se ay NOTE: 6 dec must to be above the 6 inc from previous round. Picture 8. 13) linc, 20 se (22). 14) 6 sc, line, Il se, line, 3 se (24). 15) 24 sc (24), 16 ) 1sc, 2 ine, 21 se (26). NOTE: Dincniekiobeteniieback partorite ocien otfiand eke Go invelble joint NOTE: Fill in with stuffing as you crochet. You can place a wire frame covered with electric tape to add mobility. Now we will crochet the leggings. Place the hook on the first st of round 16 of the leg, Picture 10. 1) BLO 26 sl st (26). 2) BLO 26 se (26). 3) 8 sc, lin, 12 sc, line, 4 se (28). 4-5) 28 sc (2 roungeiee Fasten off and make an invisible join. Pca tahookints RIO cf round hesine leaeiags: in the middle back of the leg. Picture Tl. 6) 26 se. Fasten of and hide the ends. Strawberry Color 1) 13 ch, start ee inthe second ch from the hook: 12 sc. 2) 12 se (12). 3) 1 dec, 8 sc, 1 dec (10). 4) 1 dec, 6 sc, 1 dec (8). 5) 8 sc (8). 7) \dec, 4 sc, 1 dec (6). 8) 6 sc (6). 9) 1 dec, 2 sc, | dec (4). 10-13) 4 sc (4 rounds)(4). 14) line, 2 se, 1 ine (6). 15) 6 sc (6). 16) line, 4 se, line (8). 17) 8 se (8). 18) line, 6 sc, line (10). 19) linc, 8 sc, line (12). 20 ) 12 se (12). fasten off and hide the ends. 10 NOTE: Fill in with stuffing as you crochet. Make a slipknot and insert it into the center inside of the right leg. Picture 14, 1), crochet on the left leg: 2 sc, (Isc, 1inc)x4, 18 sc, in the front of the 3 ch: 5 sc, crochet on the right leg: 18 sc, (linc, 1 se)x4, 2 se, in the back of the 3 ch: 3 sc (70). 2-5) 70 sc (4 rounds)(70). 6) 17 sc, 1 dec, 30 se, 1 dec, 19 sc (68). “it 17 sc, 1 dec, 28 sc, | dec, 19 sc (66). IOTE: dec from rounds 6 and 7 should be on the gideste ine body: 8) 66 se (66). 9) (2 sc, 1dec)x3, 39 sc, (1 dec, 2 sc)x3, 3 sc (60). Fasten off and hide the ends. 11 chim SwimsuityBottom NOTE: Fill in with stuffing as you crochet. Place the bottom of the swimsuit as shown in picture 17, strart crocheting in the 9th st of the swimsuit bottom. 1) (crochet together 1st from the body and 1st from the swimsuit: 4 sc), BLO 18 SC, (crochet together | st from the body and 1 st from the swimsuit: 12 se), BLO 18 sc, (crochet together | st from the body and 1 st from the swimsuit: 8 sc)(60). NOTE: BLO from round | should be located on the sides of the body. 2) 12 sc, 1 dec, 10 sc, 1 dec, 5 se, 1 dec, 10 sc, 1 dec, 15 sc (56). 3) (6 se, 1 dec)x7 (49). 4) (5 sc, 1 dec)x7 (42). 5-7) 42 sc (3 rounds)(42). 8) 10 sc, 1 dec, 19 se, 1 dec, 9 se (40). 9-N1) 40 se (3 rounds)(40). 12) 9 sc, 1 dec, 19 sc, 1 dec, 8 se (38). Picturel9) NOTE: Fill in with stuffing as you crochet. Place a wire covered with electrical tape to give the Biseernore tir none 13) BLO 8 sc, (crochet together I st from the body and 1st from the arm: 4 sc), BLO 15 se, (crochet together | st from the body and 1 st from the arm: 4 se), BLO 7 se (52). 14) (Ilse, 1 dec)x4 (48). 15) (6 se, 1 dec)x6 (42). 16) (5 sc, 1 dec)x6 (36). 17) (4 sc, 1 dec)xé6 (30). 18) (3 sc, 1 dec)x6 (24). 19) (2 sc, 1 dec)xé (18). 20) 3 sc, 1 dec, 6 sc, 1 dec, 5 se (16). 21-30) 16 sc (10 rounds)(16). 31) 8 dec (8). 32) 4 dec (4). Foeien off Wintarapeehy necdle Close the hole and hide the ends. rawberry Color + Place the hook as the picture 22 shows, make sc around both legs, make inc every corner, as picture 23 shows. Fasten off and hide the ends. + Place the hook into the front of the swimsuit, on the first FLO of round | of page 13, Picture 24. - 12 ch, start in the second ch from the hook: 1] sc, (FLO: 1 hde, Ilse, 1 hde), 11 ch, start in the second ch from the hook: 11 pb, (FLO: | pb), 1 sl st. - On the FLO of the back of the swimsuit: 15 se. - Sew the straps on the back of the suit, behind the sc crocheted in the previous step. * Decorate with acrylic paints as shown in the picture 26. Pine 6 Eyes Resin€yes To make the eyes, you can use 14mm safety eyes, embroider eyelashes and eyebrows of the colors of your choice. Continue with the following instructions in case you decide to make the eyes like my baby. 1) You will need a pair of 14mm PRictune 2g white flat safety eyes. If you don't have them you can use white flat buttoms. You can even paint a black flat eye using white polish gel. 2) Print the eye chart from the last page of this ebook using adhesive or normal photographic paper. Glue them on the white eyes (| use super glue). Let them dry. 3) Apply an even layer of transparent gel polish over the eye and dry with a uv lamp. Place a large drop only on the pupil and dry again. Finally, place another even layer over the eye and dry. 15 LS) ResinEyes A) If necessary, place another drop on the pupil so that the eye takes on a concave effect, just be careful not to put too much gel, as bubbles could appear. 5) You are done with your pair of natty eyes! they are ready to be used! SUGGESTIONS: Dont glue the pupil right in the center of the white eye or it will give a scare effect to your doll's face, | like to glue them as if they were squint but you can also glue them looking to one of the sides. 16 NOTE: Fill n with stuffing os you crochet. 1) MR 8 se (8). 2) 8 inc (16). 3-12) 16 sc (10 rounds)(16). — 5 BLO (1 sc, 1 inc)x8 (24). (Ise, linc, 1 sc)x8 (32). i) (Sse, linc)x8 (40). 16) (2 se, line, 1 sc)x8 (48). 17) (5 se, line)x8 (56). 18) (3sc, 1 inc, (64). 19) (7 se, linc)x8 (72). 20-27) 72 sc (8 vounds)(72). 28) 16 se, (1 sc, 1 dec)xS, (Place 1 eye here), 9 Sc (place the other eye here, (Idec, | 1sc)x5, 17 se (62). 29-36) 62 sc (8 rounds)(62). 37) 1 sc, (8 sc, 1 dec)x6, 1 sc (56). 38) (6 sc, 1 dec)x7 (49). 39) (5 sc, 1 dec)x7 (42). 40) (2 sc, 1 dec, 2 se)x7 (35). Al) (3 sc, 1 dec)x7 (28). 42) (lsc, 1 dec, 1 sc)x7 (21). 43) (1 sc, 1 dec)x7 (14). 44) 7 dec (7). Fasten off. With a tapestry needle close the hole and hide the ends. GmS72 1) MR 6 sc (6). 2) 6 inc (12). Tight the ring. Fasten off and hide the ends. Sew the ears 7 st to the left of the center st eye and 7 st to the right of the right center st eye, as shown on the picture. Selig Wend Pass a strand of yarn through the neck and across the head, tying a knot at the top of it, as shown in the picture. 1) Cut a pipe 2) Make a slipknot cleaner 10 cm long. and tie it at one end the thread, as of the pipe cleaner. shown in the picture \ . NOTE: Don't forget to crochet 2 ears. A) Insert the end of the yarn through the loop you made in step 3 and pull it through. 5) Repeat steps 3-4 until the pipe cleaner is lined, tie and glue the ends with a bead of hot silicone. ‘Face Details i re *Before moving on to the details, you must shape the face by placing a strand and pulling it as shown in the numbers of picture 43. +Embroider the nose with the same color as the body between rows 25 and 26. With 3 st in length, pass the thread twice from st 1to 2 and then wind the thread through those loops vertically to form the nose. See picture 44 for reference. + Insert a cocoa strand into point 1. Pull out the yam at point 2, pass it under the eye and insert it in at point 3. Pull it out at point 4. Pass it again under the other eye and insert it at point 5. Pull it out in point 6 (same st where you started). Make a knot and hide the oe 20 Face Details Use picture 45 as a reference for the embroidery and detailing of the face. *To embroider the eyebrows, | used a light brown embroidery thread. *Glue the eyelashes just above the safety eyes. (| did this with super glue). Apply make up to the face using your favorite color (I used PanPastel Pearlescent red). Apply make up to the cheeks, nose, eyelids and eyebrows. Use less make up on the contour of the face. 21 1) MR 6 sc (6). 2) 6 inc (12). 3) (Isc, linc)xé (18). A) (Isc, line, 1 se)x6 (24) 5) (3 sc, 1 ine)x6 (30). 6) (2 se, linc, 2 sc)x6 (36). 7)(5 sc, line)x6 (42). 8) (3 sc, line, 3 sc)x6 (48). 9) (7 se, line)x6 (54). 10-20) 54 sc (Il rounds)(54). Without cutting the yarn, crochet the following sequence, which will be the bang strands around the head, crocheted on round 20 of the head. Start crocheting all the strands in the second se from the hook. S]) This will be the bang in front of the face, 15 ch, x g x 1sl st, 1 sc, 12 hde, 1 sl st on the base. (2 ch, 1sl st)x10. $2) 15 ch, Isl st, 1 se, 12 hde, 1 sl st on the base. (2 ch, 1sl st)x15. $3) strand at the center back ofhead, 15 ch, 1sl st, 1 sc, 12 hde, 1 sl st on the base. (2ch, 1 sl st)x15. Si x S4) 15 ch, Isl st, 1 sc, 12 hde, 1 sl st on the — x base. xSe (2ch, 1 sl st)x10. Fasten off and hide the ends. NOTE: Now we are going to crochet the ch on which the rest of the hair strands will be crocheted. 2) Insert the hook on the 3) Insert the hook in the base of Sland pull out the _next st on the base. slipknot. 6) Repeat this procedure the st on the base to bring through the previous loop +: 28 more times, until you it in front. made in step 2. cross the base of the head and reach the midpoint of S3. 4) Pull the loop through 5) Pull this new loop 7) Fasten off and hide the ends. NOTE: In this section we will crochet the strands for the pigtails. Place the hook as the picture 54 shows, we will crochet the first pigtail, it willl be formed by the strands S$5-SI19. 1) 45 ch, start crocheting in the second ch from the hook: 2 sl st, 2 sc, AO hde, 2 sl st on the base. 2) 15 ch, start on the second ch from the hok: 2 sl st, 2 sc, 10 hde, 2 sl st on the base. NOTE: Repeat steps land 2, 7 times for each ponytail. For the first ponytail you will be crocheting the strands S5-SI8. For the second ponytail you will crochet the strands S20-S33. S19 and S34) 35 ch, start on the second ch from the hook: 2 sl st, 2 sc, 26 hde, 2 sc, 2 sl st, 1 sl st on the base. To crochet the strands S20 onwards, do not cut the yam, just turn the hook, make 1 s| st on the opposite side of the ch on the base and start crocheting, when you finish S34, fasten off and hide the ends. y SlIn fanas the face 2 tat . 1) Put the wig on the 2) Glue the strands of IS ~~ doll'shead, glue the = = ch as shown in the 88880: “8088, strands S19 and S34 picture. x around the head as the picture shows 3) Form the pigtails with 4) The SI strand should the strands of 45 ch, tie be in front of the face, them with a yarn or a $3 at the back of the rubber band. head and S2 and S4 will frame the face. 25 5) BLO 40 sc (40). 1) 8 ch, start crocheting in the second ch from the hook: 6 se, 3 sc in 1st, 5 sc, 1 ine (16). 2) linc, 5 se, 3 inc, 5 sc, 2 inc (22). 3) 1se, line, 5 se, (1 sc, line)x3, 5 se, (1 sc, line)x2 (28). 4) 2 sc, linc, 5 sc, (2 sc, 1 inc)x3, 5 se, (2 sc, 1 inc)x2 (34). 5) 3 sc, line, 5 se, (3 sc, 1 inc)x3, 5 sc, (3 sc, 1 inc)x2 (40). 6-7) 40 se (2 rounds)(40). NOTE: the sequences written in red for rounds 8 and 9" should be on the front of the skate. 8) 7 sc, (2 sc, 1 diec)x5, 13 se (35). 9) 7 sc, (Isc, 1 dec)x5, 13 sc (30). Fasten off and make an invisible join. From rounds 10 to 17 you will not work in complete rounds as you will crochet the tongue of the skate. Place the ook into the BLO of st 9 of round 9. Picture 61. 10) BLO 9 se, 1 ch, turn your work (9). I-15) 9 sc, 1 ch, turn your work (5 rounds)(9). 16) 9 se (9). 17)9 heck the ph hic gl Lae oeadnsme ce ota a Insert the hook into the FLO of the st 15 of round 9 of the skate, as shown in picture 63. 1) FLO 3 sc, 21 sc, FLO 3 se, 1 ch, turn your work(27). 2) 1sl st, 25 sc, 1 ch, turn your work (Do not crochet the last st). 3-4) 25 se, 1 ch, turn your work (2 rounds)(25). 5) 25 se (25). 6) 25 rsc (25). Fasten off and hide the ends. Place the hook into the FLO that was left in round 5 of the skate (picture 65) and crochet: 40 sc (40); Fasten otf and make an invisible join. 1) MR 10 hde. 2) BLO 10 sc. Fasten off and make an invisible join... 3) Place a cardboard, plastic or silicone lid at the base of the wheels to make them firm. 4) Glue the wheels as picture 68 shows. 5) Glue on a strip of green yarn to hide the tie on the wheels. picture 69. 1) Cut a strip of yarn at about 50 em. Clip one end of the yarn to a board or something that will hold it. Twist the yarn in the same direction where of the threads. Pallets BLE 1) 15 ch, start crocheting in the second ch from the hook: 14 sc. Fasten off and hide the ends. x llerskatesPinkColor When it starts to curl, fold it in half and tie a knot at the ends. Your twisted cord is ready! Do not forget to make 2! > sPicture(2 Sy, Ss —_— 29 EmbroideryYandRollerskates}Details * Glue the 4 wheels as shown in the pictures. | used hot silicone. + Sew the skate belt as shown in picture 73. + Put on the shoelaces. + Sew snaps, one part on the roller skate belt and the other one on the opposite edge as shown in picture 74. ‘ * Embroider dotted lines with pink yarn, around the laces, on the upper part of the skate and on the back to simulate the seams of the skate, check pictures 75 and 76. 1) 17 ch, stort crocheting in the second ch from the hook: 16 se, 1 ch, turn your work (16 2-4) 16 sc, 1 ch, turn your work (8 rounds)(16). eee a 5) 16sec. * s MET et NOTE: For rows 6-8 look at picture 77. 6) 16 rse, 1 ch, turn yourwork, 7) on the side: 5 sc, 1 ch, turn your work. . 8) 16 rsc, 1 ch, turn your work. Fasten off and make an invisble join. NOTE: now we will crochet the circle of the center of the elbow. I)MR3ch,12de. | isten off and leave a long tail. + Place the elbow pad on the arm of your doll and sew on the side, over that joint sew the circle that was previously crocheted. + Using pink color yarn, make two French knots st on each side of the circle as shown in picture 78 (see photo glossary). 31 1) 23 ch, start crocheting in the second ch from the hook: 22 sc, | ch, turn your work (22). 2-3) 22 se, 1 ch, turn your work (2 rounds)(22). oo 4) 22 sc. NOTE: To crochet rows 5-8 look at picture 79. 5) 22 rsc, 1 ch, turn your work. 6) on the side: 4 se, 1 ch, turn your work. 7) 22 rsc, 1 ch, turn your work. 8) 2 sc, 4 ch, 2 sc. NOTA: the 4 ch will be the buttonhole. Fasten off and make an invisible join. NOTE: now we will crochet the circle in the center of the knee pad. 1) MR 3 ch, 12 de. ner oricnel incl fcannet soins * Make 3 French knots st in pink color, on both sides of the circle, as shown in picture 80 (look at the photographic glossary). StrawberryColor wane, Pictures! 1) 71 ch, start crocheting in the second ch from the hook: 70 sc, 1 ch, SS turn your work. 2-5) 70 se, 1 ch, turn your work (4 rounds)(70). 6) 70 rse. fasten off and hide the ends. 7) Place the hook into the bottom of the band and crochet: 70 rsc. Fasten off and hide the ends. Wisep 1) 13 ch, start crochetin gin the second ch from the hook: 11 sc, 5 se in 1 st, 10 sc, A sc in | st (30). 2) line, 10 se, 5 inc, 10 se, 4 ine (40). 3) 1 se, line, 10 se, (1 se, line)x5, 10 sc, (1 sc, linc)x4 (50). 4) 2 sc, line, 10 se, (2 se, linc)x5, 10 se, (2 sc, 1 inc)x4 (60). 5) 3 sc, linc, 10 se, (3 sc, 1 ine)x5, 10 se, (3 se, linc)x4 (70). Fasten off and hide the ends. 33 trawberry Color 1) Fold the visor in half and se Pictures3, all around the edge. Picture 83. Fasten off and hide the ends. (Cap Details) 1) Sew the visor on the frame under the rse made, as shown in picture 84. 2) Decorate the visor and the frame with acrylic paint, as shown in picture 85. rs 4 * Sd Thank you very much for'your oiiehess) | hope you » liked your results and enjoyed this pattern as much as did! | hope to see erly in future projects. mn lf you decide to pro’ seas elalsoreito | Mant=tei te] @ don't forget to taggme as ‘would love to see your @ bedtitiful creation, Y ca on SO . De ca Phrocogranhic “ry ea i ii ah. Brey sae aT

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