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Through Time
Presented by Fauget Group

As we leaf through the pages of history, we will unearth the origins

of reading journals, from ancient scrolls and parchments to the
illuminated manuscripts of the Middle Ages. We'll unveil the secrets
hidden within the margins of Renaissance books and witness the rise
of Victorian diaries, shedding light on the reading habits of the past.
The 20th century will reveal the popularity of reading journals
during a time of great change, and we'll also explore how
contemporary digital journals are reshaping our relationship with
literature. Moreover, we'll discuss how vintage reading journals
continue to inspire modern readers in their literary journeys.

In the earliest days of written knowledge,

scrolls and parchments allowed readers to make
notes and interact with texts. This marked the
beginning of the practice that would evolve into
reading journals. As we journey through
history, each era leaves its unique mark on this
timeless practice.

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