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Science of the Total Environment 896 (2023) 164829

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Effects of connectivity on carbon and nitrogen stocks in mangrove and

seagrass ecosystems

Daniel Saavedra-Hortua a,b, , Ivan Nagelkerken c, Lina M. Estupinan-Suarez d, Lucy Gwen Gillis e
Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) Fahrenheitstraße 6, 28359 Bremen GmbH, Germany
ecosecurities, Rue de la Faïencerie 2, 1227, Carouge, Switzerland
Southern Seas Ecology Laboratories, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Adelaide, DX 650 418, Adelaide, SA, 5005, Australia
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Hans-Knöll-Str. 10, 07745 Jena, Germany
Hydro-Environmental Services, IMDC, 2000, Antwerpen, Belgium


• Connectivity of mangroves-seagrass in-

creases carbon sequestration in mangrove
• Internal attributes enhance seagrass car-
bon sequestration.
• Connectivity needs to be considered for
enhancement of ecosystems services.


Editor: Paulo Pereira Seascape connectivity increases carbon and nitrogen exchange across coastal ecosystems through flow of particulate
organic matter (POM). However, there are still critical gaps in knowledge about the drivers that mediate these pro-
Keywords: cesses, especially at regional seascape scales. The aim of this study was to associate three seascape-level drivers
Seascape ecology which could influence carbon and nitrogen stocks in intertidal coastal seascape: connectivity between ecosystems, eco-
Nutrient exchange
system surface area, and standing vegetation biomass of ecosystems. Firstly, we compared whether connected man-
Blue carbon dynamics
Nitrogen retention
grove and seagrass ecosystems contain larger carbon and nitrogen storage than isolated mangrove and seagrass
Connectivity ecosystems. Secondly, we compared autochthonous and allochthonous POM in mangrove patches and seagrass
Coastal vegetated ecosystems beds, simultaneously estimating the area and biomass relative contribution to POM of the different coastal vegetated
ecosystem. Connected vs isolated mangrove and seagrass ecosystems were studied at six locations in a temperate sea-
scape, and their carbon and nitrogen content in the standing vegetation biomass and sediments were measured. POM
contributions of these and surrounding ecosystems were determined using stable isotopic tracers. In connected
mangrove-seagrass seascapes, mangroves occupied 3 % of total coastal ecosystem surface area, however, their stand-
ing biomass carbon content and nitrogen per unit area was 9–12 times higher than seagrasses and twice as high as
macroalgal beds (both in connected and isolated seascapes). Additionally in connected mangrove-seagrass seascapes,
the largest contributors to POM were mangroves (10–50 %) and macroalgal beds (20–50 %). In isolated seagrasses,
seagrass (37–77 %) and macroalgal thalli (9–43 %) contributed the most, whilst in the isolated mangrove, salt marshes
were the main contributor (17–47 %). Seagrass connectivity enhances mangrove carbon sequestration per unit area,
whilst internal attributes enhance seagrass carbon sequestration. Mangroves and macroalgal beds are potential critical

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (D. Saavedra-Hortua).
Received 4 September 2022; Received in revised form 31 May 2023; Accepted 10 June 2023
Available online 14 June 2023
0048-9697/© 2023 Published by Elsevier B.V.
D. Saavedra-Hortua et al. Science of the Total Environment 896 (2023) 164829

contributors of nitrogen and carbon to other ecosystems. Considering all ecosystems as a continuing system with
seascape-level connectivity will support management and improve knowledge of critical ecosystem services.

1. Introduction net primary production (394–1000 g C m−2 yr−1) rate compared with
seagrass and macroalgae beds (91–552 g C m−2 yr−1), however, burial and
Coastal vegetated ecosystems (CVE), such as mangroves, salt marshes, export rates vary extremely across the globe (Duarte et al., 2005). Organic
seagrass and macroalgal beds, are key marine ecosystems for carbon se- sediments in CVE can be of autochthonous origin – from within the ecosystem
questration and climate change adaptation (Duarte et al., 2013a, Saderne due to retention of detrital material – or allochthonous origin – via inputs of
et al., 2019). Two main characteristics make CVE important carbon sinks, particulate organic matter (POM) from connected ecosystems (Hyndes et al.,
which could help mitigate rapidly increasing anthropogenic CO2 levels in 2014). Through reducing wave action, CVE are efficient in sediment deposi-
the atmosphere. Firstly, average plant communities in CVE have a higher tion, allowing for carbon and nitrogen-rich POM accumulation (Saderne
rate of primary production than respiration rate, accumulating organic car- et al., 2019; de los Santos et al., 2022; Santos et al., 2019). Mangrove forests
bon in the biomass (Duarte et al., 2005). Secondly, enhanced carbon se- and salt marshes often outwell nutrients to connected seagrass beds (Kennedy
questration occurs in the sediments of mangroves, salt marshes and et al., 2010; Hyndes et al., 2014), but some mangrove forests also experience
seagrass beds as a result of reduced water flow through the plant roots inwelling (Walton et al., 2014). Ecosystem attributes such as area covered by
and shoots, which increases particle trapping capacity (Kennedy et al., vegetation are important in modulating the capacity for carbon exchange and
2010; Duarte et al., 2013a; Alongi, 2014). For example, global carbon storage in CVE (Adame and Lovelock, 2011; Serrano et al., 2016; Rogers
burial rates range between 5 and 87 Tg C yr−1 in salt marshes, 31–34 Tg et al., 2019) and nitrogen removal or storage (Valiela and Cole, 2002). Re-
C yr−1 in mangroves, 48–112 Tg C yr−1 in seagrass beds and 61–268 Tg cently, it has been demonstrated that mangroves with a high carbon stock
C yr−1 in macroalgal beds, compared to 49.3–78.5 Tg C yr−1 in terrestrial could have low carbon sequestration rates and vice versa (Jennerjahn,
forests (McLeod et al., 2011; Krause-Jensen and Duarte, 2016). Because 2020). This implies that besides carbon stock it is crucial to evaluate processes
sediment carbon sequestration originates from allochthonous and autoch- at the landscape level such as exchange of POM and sediment accumulation
thonous sources (Kennedy et al., 2010; Alongi, 2014; Gillis et al., 2014a), of allochthonous organic matter. The majority of research on connectivity
a seascape perspective is crucial for understanding the importance of the in the tropical seascape has concentrated on exchange of material, energy,
different CVE and their role as carbon donors and recipients. and organisms, between mangrove forests and seagrass beds (Nagelkerken,
Nutrient retention is one important ecosystem service provided by 2009; Chen et al., 2017; Huxham et al., 2018).
wetlands and coastal wetlands (Mitsch et al., 2014; Pei et al., 2020). Plants Recently, studies have highlighted the importance of the contribution
and soils can retain significant amounts of nitrogen, therefore preventing ni- from other CVE within the seascape, such as macroalgal beds and salt
trogen for being released into the surrounding environments (de Vries and marshes (Santos et al., 2019; de los Santos et al., 2022). Other factors such
Bardgett, 2016). Nitrogen retention is an important coastal ecosystem service as ecosystem surface area and standing biomass of CVE could also strongly
that helps to diminish the negative effects of high nitrogen concentrations in influence the quantity of POM that an ecosystem produces and potentially in-
the coastal waters and in the ocean (Saunders and Kalff, 2001). Coastal terchanges with other CVE across the coastal seascape. Surface area has been
vegetated ecosystems play an important role in retaining nitrogen within explored only by a few studies (Gillis et al., 2014b, Saavedra-Hortua et al.,
the ecosystem (Reis et al., 2017; Kindeberg et al., 2018; Santos et al., 2019; Güllstrom et al., 2017; Phang et al., 2015). These studies have founded
2019). Nitrogen retained in standing biomass of seagrasses and macroalgae that ecosystems such as mangrove forests and seagrass beds could contribute
provides a short-term (up to 2 years) buffer to nutrient loading effects in significantly to the POM even if they occupy a relatively small area compared
the water column (McGlathery et al., 2007). Mangrove trees are capable of with other ecosystems within the seascape. Nevertheless, to the best of our
retaining more nitrogen and for longer time periods than seagrasses, knowledge biomass standing influence on the ecosystem's contribution to
macroalgae, and salt marshes due to a bigger and more robust plant the POM has rarely been investigated. This information is essential to under-
structure. Mangroves appear to have higher sediment nitrogen contents stand the full capacity of coastal ecosystem ability to store carbon and nitro-
(12.2–15.4 Mg N ha−1; Reis et al., 2017) compared to terrestrial ecosystems gen, and the ecosystems services they provide on a regional seascape scale.
(0.5–2.5 Mg N ha−1; Xu et al., 2019) and seagrass beds (0.2–4.5 Mg N ha−1; Understanding the drivers of nitrogen and carbon storage in coastal veg-
McGlathery et al., 2007; Kindeberg et al., 2018). Macroalgal beds have one of etated ecosystems is critical to manage associated ecosystem services for car-
the highest primary production rates in the coastal zone (420 NPP g C m−2 bon mitigation and nutrient retention. Coastal vegetated ecosystems are part
y−1) (Krause-Jensen and Duarte, 2016), increasing the carbon and nitrogen of an interconnected seascape of matter exchange, but we still lack insight
storage capacity within the standing biomass. However, because macroalgal into how this seascape connectivity alters the magnitude and direction of car-
beds often grow on hard, rocky substrate, they do not develop significant sed- bon and nitrogen export, deposition, and storage compared to ecosystems
iment deposits compared to other CVE (Duarte et al., 2013a; Hill et al., that exist in isolation (Huxham et al., 2018; Santos et al., 2019). There are
2015). The capacity of CVE in retaining organic carbon in their sediments three main gaps we have identified which require further investigations: con-
may also support retention of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous, nectivity between ecosystems, surface area of ecosystems and standing bio-
as these nutrients and carbon follow the Redfield ratio (nearly constant mass of ecosystems. The aim of this study was to clarify how these three
ratio of C:N:P 106:16:1 across ocean habitats) and therefore are stoichiomet- factors influence nitrogen and carbon storage of coastal vegetated ecosys-
rically linked (Saderne et al., 2020). tems. To investigate carbon and nitrogen stocks across connected seascapes,
Seascape connectivity in terms of the interchange of energy (i.e., waves) we firstly tested whether connected mangrove and seagrass ecosystems con-
and materials (e.g., sediments, particulate/dissolved nutrients) influences tain larger carbon and nitrogen stocks compared to those isolated from other
processes such as ecosystem productivity, and trapping and storage of ecosystems. Secondly, to understand how the biomass and area of the differ-
carbon and nutrients inside CVE (Gillis et al., 2014a; Huxham et al., 2018). ent CVE influence the POM input of each CVE within the seascape, we calcu-
Except for macroalgal beds, CVE mainly inhabit sedimentary landscapes lated carbon and nitrogen stocks across three types of mangrove patch and
(Duarte et al., 2013a). Sedimentary CVE receive and accumulate sediments seagrass bed combinations in South Australia: i) connected mangrove
with a high amount of minerals, carbon and nutrients through tidal flows patches and seagrass beds (connected to each other within 3 km), ii) isolated
(Woodroffe et al., 2016; Rogers et al., 2019). Physiological process related seagrass beds (separated from mangrove forests at least 3 km apart), iii) and
with primary production could influence carbon and nitrogen accumulation isolated mangrove patches (separated from seagrass beds at least 3 km
within the ecosystems, for example mangroves and salt marshes have higher apart). To test the inputs from surrounding ecosystems to the POM in

D. Saavedra-Hortua et al. Science of the Total Environment 896 (2023) 164829

mangrove patches and seagrass beds, we measured the contribution of al- outside the Gulf) across the South Australian coast (Fig. 1). We chose loca-
lochthonous vs. autochthonous sources of particulate organic matter across tions which represented different combinations of isolated vs connected
the four CVE (mangrove patches, seagrass beds, macroalgal beds and salt mangrove patches and seagrass beds. We only sampled in the mangrove
marshes) and related this to their surface area and standing biomass. By patches and seagrass beds as this information was initially used for quanti-
studying the differences in carbon and nitrogen stock as well as POM ex- fying the carbon and nitrogen stocks in connected mangrove patches and
change across CVE, together with their surface area and standing biomass, seagrass beds. At each location, three parallel transects were established
we can clearly understand more the critical role and impact of individual during low tide, covering a representative area of the ecosystem. Transects
CVE on ecosystems services of carbon sequestration and nitrogen retention, were separated between 50 and 400 m. Transects had a length between 400
from a seascape perspective. and 1200 m covering the majority of the CVE area, starting at the ocean side
of the tidal flat or subtidal seagrass bed zones, stretching landwards
2. Materials and methods through the intertidal seagrass bed and/or mangrove patch and continuing
up to the salt marsh or terrestrial zone, depending on the location (Fig. 1).
2.1. Study site Each transect had between five and six transect-points separated by 70 to
200 m. Mangroves connected to seagrass beds were sampled at low tide
The study site was located in Gulf St. Vincent and Murray River dis- close to spring tides times to extend the sampling area oceanward, whilst
charge region which have predominantly semi-arid and arid climate mangrove patches were sampled during low neap tides. Field sampling at
(Edyvane, 1999), Gulf St Vincent coastal and intertidal vegetation comprise each location was completed within two to four days. All samples were
mainly seagrass beds, mangrove forest and salt marshes (Edyvane, 1996, taken during low tide, except for suspended particulate matter that were
1999). Additionally, In Gulf St. Vincent there are oceanographic processes taken during high tide, when the tide was flowing out.
dominated by a high tidal range, therefore forming extensive intertidal We decided to include macroalgal beds and salt marshes in our ecosys-
areas. Shallow depths, with very low terrigenous input and high evapora- tems surface area calculations (Fig. 1), because of the wide-spread distribu-
tion (Richardson et al., 2005). According to the analysis of land cover tion at the seascape level of these ecosystems and their potential
areas of the different (See description below in section 2.3) the catchment importance as a carbon or nitrogen source (Krause-jensen et al., 2018;
areas of our locations were 4723 km2 along the coast of Gulf St Vincent, Ortega et al., 2019; Santos et al., 2019). Therefore, we included them in
872 km2 in Rushy Island and 366 km2 in Victor Harbor. The isolated man- our analysis as a source of nitrogen and carbon in the seascape even though
grove patch was dominated by salt marshes (99.6 % of the total ecosystem we did not directly sample these systems.
area), whilst in the isolated seagrass bed, macroalgal beds also dominated
(90.8 % of the total ecosystem area). 2.3. Coastal vegetated ecosystems mapping

2.2. Sample design Coordinates of ecosystem boundaries in Gulf St. Vincent were latitude
34°3 to 35°24′ S, and longitude 137°40′ to 138°40′ E, whilst Victor Harbor
Sampling and measurements were performed during the dry season coordinates were latitude 35°27′ to 35°40′ S and longitude 138°31′ to
(April–May 2017) at six locations (four inside Gulf St. Vincent and two 138°38′ E and Rushy Island 35°28′ to 35°32′ S and longitude 138°46′ to

Fig. 1. Blue circles ( ) indicate connected mangrove patches and seagrass beds (Port Clinton, Port Wakefield and Torrens Island), the yellow circles ( ) indicate seagrass beds
with no connected mangrove patches (Victor Harbor and Stansbury), and the light green circle ( ) indicates a mangrove patch with no connected seagrass bed (Rushy Island).
The light grey area indicates the catchment zone of the Gulf St. Vincent locations, the white area that of Victor Harbor, and the dark grey area that of Rushy Island. Sampling
design in each location is showed in the small boxes on the right side. In rushy Island mangrove patches were not really disperse and no detected by land cover reported by
Willoughby et al., 2018, however small patches pictures were in the location (Supplementary fig. 2 Panel C).

D. Saavedra-Hortua et al. Science of the Total Environment 896 (2023) 164829

138°52′ E. Mangrove patches and salt marshes were selected from the To quantify the relative dimensionless contribution indices for macroalgal
Department for Environment and Water of South Australia (DEW) land and salt marsh plants biomass of each system an initial first step was to calcu-
cover map (Willoughby et al., 2018) coast to assess exclusively vegetation late the standing biomass of the sites. Biomass of salt marsh plants and
that influences the coastal measurements within a 3 km limit landwards macroalgal thalli were not directly measured, therefore the values were
from the coastline. The land cover map was based on a predictive model taken from studies in a close location with similar characteristics (Hill et al.,
of native vegetation using Landsat imagery, local calibration data, 2015 and references therein; Serrano et al., 2019, and references therein).
and other supplemented datasets, with a minimum scale of 1:50.000 The macroalgal species that we found in seagrass beds and mangrove patches
(Willoughby et al., 2018). Land cover maps and watersheds (catchment were Hormosira banksia and Ulva sp., which also have been reported in the
area) were acquired from the nature maps web server of (DEW, Dec. southern part of Australia (Phillips, 2001). Salt marshes species founded and
2019). The limits of the cover area of CVE (mangrove patches, seagrass collected in Rushy island were Juncus kraussi and Juncus sp., whilst in Gulf
beds, macroalgal beds and salt marshes) taking for the calculation of eco- St. Vincent Sporobolus virginicus and Sarcocornia quinqueflora have been re-
systems surface area and standing biomass in St. Vincent Gulf, Rushy Island ported to be very abundant (Connolly et al., 2005).
and Victor harbor were determined based on the Bathymetry lines showed
in, Dec. 2019. 2.5. Sediment
The South Australian Marine Benthic Habitats map was provided under li-
cense number 2696 by the same agency. http://spatialwebapps. 2.5.1. Core sampling, Dec. 2019. The limits of the cover To quantify carbon and nitrogen content in the sediment, we took a sed-
area of CVE (mangrove patches, seagrass beds, macroalgal beds and salt iment core of 15 cm depth and 7 cm diameter. These cores were taken dur-
marshes) which were taken for the calculation of the ecosystems surface ing low tide at each transect point. Each core was divided into three
area and standing biomass in St. Vincent Gulf, Rushy Island and Victor har- subsamples of 0–5, 5–10 and 10–15 cm sediment depth, respectively. Sam-
bor were determined based on the Bathymetry lines showed in http:// ples were kept in freezer bags with freezer blocks and transported to the, Dec. 2019. The laboratory within 4 h. Each sediment sample was dried at 60 °C for 72 h
South Australian Marine Benthic Habitats map was provided under license or until constant weight. Sediment density (refer in other studies as soil
number 2696 by the same agency. bulk density) was calculated by dividing the weight of each sample by the
Cover area of seagrass and macroalgal beds were obtained from the volume of each sample (192 cm3).
Marine Benthic Habitats map (DEW, 2019). Data obtained from DEW 2017 
were digitized from discernible underwater features of ortho-rectified aerial Sediment density ¼ mass of dried soilðgÞ=original volume cm3
photographs (2005–2007), field observations and underwater video footage
incorporated. Data was updated in 2014, and its scale ranges from 1:5.000 Dried samples were transported to the analytical laboratory of the
to 1:10.000. For the seagrasses and macroalgal ecosystems, we summed all Leibniz-Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), Germany, to measure
four vegetation cover classes: continuous dense, continuous medium, patchy the percentage of total carbon and nitrogen in the sediment.
dense and patchy medium, as provided in the Marine Benthic Habitats map.
Watershed selection was based on the sampling point locations to account 2.5.2. Suspended material sampling
for the area of terrestrial influence. Data layers were projected to GDA94 / To understand sediment fluxes from connected and isolated systems we
SA Lambert - EPSG:3107 and converted from raster to shapefiles when neces- analysed suspended sediment, which were taken along transects at each
sary. The area of all vegetation classes specified above was calculated in km2. site. At each point along the transects, two types of suspended sediment
The geographical analysis was run in ArcGIS version 10.5. Description of data samples were collected, one from the suspended particulate matter in the
used for mapping is showed in Supplementary Table 1. water column (SPM), and one from sediment traps. To measure SPM, 1 L
of water was sampled from the upper 40 cm of the water column at each
2.4. Standing biomass calculation transect-point during ebb tide. Samples were kept in freezer bags with
freezer blocks and transported to the laboratory within 4 h, where they
To quantify the relative dimensionless contribution indices for total above- were filtered onto pre-combusted (450 °C, 24 h) glass fiber filters (GF/C,
ground biomass of each system an initial first step was to calculate the stand- 696 grade, 1.2 μm pore diameter). The filters were dried for approximately
ing biomass of our mangrove patches and seagrass sites. In the mangrove 72 h at 60 °C until a constant weight.
patches, at each transect point a plot of 100 m2 was established and the diam- Sediment traps were made of plastic cylinders of 24 cm length and 6 cm
eter at breast height (DBH) approximately at 1.3 m of each mangrove tree was diameter, with twenty-four 0.5 cm-diameter holes evenly distributed in the
measured. This was used to estimate the standing biomass (Howard et al., upper 10 cm of the cylinder, and a lid at the bottom collecting the suspended
2014), hereafter referred to as ‘biomass’. The only species found in the patches particulate matter that entered the trap. Sediment traps were attached to steel
was Avicennia marina. Aboveground and belowground biomass (AGB and rods anchored in the sediment at a height of 5 cm above the substratum. Sed-
BGB, respectively) was estimated from the DBH, using region-specific allome- iment traps were deployed during low tide and the suspended sediment
tric equations reported in Bulmer et al. (2016a). This was the allometric equa- trapped samples were collected after 24 h at the following low tide. Samples
tion developed for the same mangrove species in New Zealand. In Port were kept in freezer bags with freezer blocks and transported to the laboratory
Wakefield some trees closer to the terrestrial zone had heights lower than within 4 h. To separate the water from the sediments and avoid salt contami-
1.3 m; therefore, allometric equations reported by Bulmer et al. (2016b) nation, samples were deposited into 200 mL beakers, dried in the oven at
were used to calculate biomass at this location. 60 °C for 72 h, supernatant water was carefully removed, and an additional
In the seagrass beds, at each transect point a core (15 cm diameter, total 150 mL of distilled water was added to dissolve remaining salt. This process
area of 176 cm2 and 20 cm depth) was taken to sample seagrass biomass. was repeated until salt particles were not detected visually in the dry sediment
Seagrass plants sampled in the core were separated into AGB (shoots) and sample. It should be noted that a higher contribution of mangrove trees, salt
BGB (roots and rhizomes), cleaned from attached sediment and epiphytes marshes and terrestrial plant sources in suspended particulate matter could
with seawater and further rinsed with distilled water in the laboratory. have resulted from sampling during ebb tide, whereas sediment traps captured
Samples were dried for approximately 72 h at 60 °C until constant weight, particulate sediments over two ebb and two flood tides. Dried suspended par-
this weight was used to calculate the seagrass AGB and BGB for each ticulate matter filters and sediment from the sediment traps were transported
transect point. In St. Vincent gulf the seagrass species found were Heterozostera to the analytical laboratory of the Leibniz-Centre for Tropical Marine Research
tasmanica, Zostera muelleri, Zostera mucronata, whilst in Victor harbor (ZMT), Germany. Dried suspended particulate matter filters and sediment
Amphibolis antartica, Amphibolis griffithii and Posidonia sinuosa were more from the sediment traps samples were then analysed for isotopic composition
common. (see section below).

D. Saavedra-Hortua et al. Science of the Total Environment 896 (2023) 164829

2.6. Carbon and nitrogen content of sediment and plant material conditions only one sample of macroalgal thalli could be collected, and
therefore δ15N signatures were used from Connolly et al. (2013), and
All sediment sub-samples of each depth inside the core were homoge- mean δ13C values from Gulf St. Vincent (Port Wakefield and Port Clinton)
nized, and approximately 15 mg was wrapped in tin caps to measure total were used.
carbon (TC) and total nitrogen (TN) percentage. Both were analysed by The different plant tissues (sources) at each location, and the two types
combustion in an elemental analyser (EuroVector EA 3000), using acetani- of particulate organic matter samples (suspended particulate matter and
lide 4 (71.6 % C) for calibration and a low soil standard (OAS4) as standard sediment trap) were analysed separately for isotope ratios of carbon and ni-
with a precision of 0.06 % of carbon and 0.01 % for TN. We analysed carbon trogen. Isotope ratios were expressed in the delta notation (δ13C, δ15N) rel-
and nitrogen content in the plant material to calculate the carbon and nitro- ative to Vienna PDB and atmospheric nitrogen. Ratios of δ13C and δ15N
gen stocks in the standing biomass of each CVE. The different plant tissues were determined using a gas isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Thermo
at each location were analysed separately for carbon and nitrogen content. Finnigan Delta Plus) after high temperature combustion in an elemental
Leaf samples were homogenized but were not acidified, they were also analyser (Flash 1112 EA). Analytical precision was ±0.10 ‰ for δ15N
analysed for organic carbon and TN by combustion in an elemental analyser and 0.13 ‰ for δ13C, as estimated from an international standard (Peptone)
(EuroVector EA 3000). Measurements had a precision of 0.36 % for Organic analysed together with the samples.
carbon and 0.05 % for TN for plant material samples. Apple leaf standard
SRM1515 were used as reference material. 2.9. Data analysis

2.7. Carbon and nitrogen stocks calculation To investigate carbon and nitrogen stocks across connected mangrove
patches and seagrass beds versus isolated ecosystems in the Gulf St. Vincent
The carbon and nitrogen stocks of Gulf St. Vincent, Rushy Island and region, generalized linear models (GLMs) were used with the function glmer
Victor Harbor were calculated adding up the sediment and standing using the formula (x ~ Connectivity type + Ecosystem +1│Location) in R
biomass stocks of each CVE separately and multiplying the total carbon or version 3.0.2 (R Core Team, 2013), using the ´lm4´ package (Bates et al.,
nitrogen quantity per area for the area occupied of each CVE. 2015), where x was the response variable (e.g., carbon percentage),
connectivity type was a factor with 2 levels (connected and isolated),
2.7.1. Sediment ecosystem was a factor with 2 levels (mangrove patch, seagrass bed) and
Carbon and nitrogen sediment stock calculation of mangrove patches location was a random factor with 6 levels. Differences were considered
and seagrass beds was calculated by multiplying the average of % carbon statistically significant at the P < 0.05 level. Percentage data was log-
or nitrogen content of each depth subsample with the sediment density at transformed using link = log inside the glmer function, continuous data
that subsample depth and later summing the subsamples values (Howard were not transformed and the link = identity was used, percentage and
et al., 2014). Salt marshes and macroalgae calculation of carbon content continuous data were analysed using distribution family = gamma (Zuur
within the sediments were done based on data of % carbon and biomass et al., 2009).
per unit area reported in Serrano et al. (2019) and references therein for To estimate the inputs from surrounding coastal ecosystems, a Bayesian
salt marshes and in Hill et al. (2015) and references therein for macroalgae. mixing model MixSIAR using stable δ13C and δ15N isotope signatures of the
six vegetation sources was used. This approach allows for the use of few
2.7.2. Standing biomass more sources than tracers (Stock et al., 2018). The mixing model was
Carbon and nitrogen content calculation of mangrove patches was used for estimating the percent contribution of these sources to the POM
calculated by multiplying the average of % content of species with the (suspended particulate matter and sediment traps) sampled at each transect
biomass at each point. For seagrass plants carbon content was calculated point for each location. Two relative dimensionless contribution indices
multiplying the biomass value of the seagrass core with the average of % (habitat surface area and biomass) were calculated. Indices were calculated
carbon content of species (Howard et al., 2014). Salt marshes and for total area and biomass, by dividing the contribution of each source as
macroalgae calculation of carbon content within the biomass were done provided by the mixing model (% Contribution) by the relative percentage
based on data of % carbon and biomass per unit area reported in Serrano surface area (% Area) or the percent of biomass (% Biomass) of the respec-
et al. (2019) and references therein for salt marshes and in Copertino tive CVE (mangrove patch, salt marsh, seagrass bed, or macroalgal bed, re-
et al. (2005) and Hill et al. (2015) and references therein for macroalgae. spectively) as a function of the total seascape surface area at Gulf St. Vincent
for the locations placed there, and in an area of approximately of 200 km2
2.8. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope signatures for the isolated CVE in Rushy Island and Victor Harbor. Due to the hydrody-
namic processes within the Gulf St. Vincent, for the calculation of the two
To determine the exchanges between ecosystems, stable isotopes were relative dimensionless contribution indices we used the whole area or bio-
used as a chemical tracer. For isotopic signatures of carbon and nitrogen, mass inside the Gulf or in a space of 15 km2 for isolated systems of a certain
six vegetation sources of particulate organic matter (POM) were considered CVE. For example, in Gulf St. Vincent the area of all mangrove patches was
in this study: oceanic (phytoplankton, zooplankton, and associated included to calculate the total area of mangrove patches for our study loca-
particles), mangrove trees, seagrass plants, terrestrial plants, macroalgal tions in the Gulf. The same calculation was used for seagrass beds.
thalli and salt marsh plants. At each location, fresh plant leaves (4–5) and To calculate the POM relative contribution to the surface area and stand-
macroalgal thalli of the most abundant species were taken and placed in ing biomass of each ecosystem, the percent of surface (% area) was calculated
separate sample bags to transport to the laboratory. The most abundant by dividing the surface area of the ecosystem by the area of the connected
species are as follows: mangrove trees (Avicennia marina), seagrasses catchment terrestrial system plus all the vegetated intertidal systems
(Posidonia sinousa, Zostera mucronata, Heterozostera tasmanica), terrestrial (mangrove patch, seagrass and macroalgal beds and salt marshes). Catch-
plants (Maleluca sp., Danthonia sp., Olearia axillaris), macroalgae thalli ment areas were obtained from nature web maps of rivers or creeks within
(Hormosira banksii, Ulva sp.) and salt marshes (Juncus kraussi, Juncus sp.). watersheds that lead into the respective study area (http://spatialwebapps.
The leaves and thalli were rinsed with distilled water and dried at 60 °C
for 72 h to constant weight. Some sources were missing δ13C and δ15N At the west side of Gulf St. Vincent, there is no watershed that could result in
data, and these were taken from the literature. For example, oceanic a significant input from terrestrial plants to the Gulf St. Vincent (Fig. 1). Per-
sources from studies done in Victoria and South Australia (Davenport and cent of biomass (% biomass) was calculated dividing the biomass of a partic-
Bax, 2002) and salt marshes isotopic signal of pooled samples of Sporobolus ular CVE by the total estimated biomass of all intertidal systems. Biomass of
virginicus and Sarcocornia quinqueflora in Gulf St. Vincent (Connolly et al., terrestrial plants of catchment area was not included, as data were not avail-
2005). Additionally, in Torrens Island seagrass beds, due to weather able. The area- and biomass-based contribution was not calculated for

D. Saavedra-Hortua et al. Science of the Total Environment 896 (2023) 164829

A Connected coastal Isolated mangrove Isolated seagrass

vegetated ecosystems patch bed

Total area (km2) Total area (km2) Total area (km2)

1439.9 2.71 38.1

Isolated Isolated Isolated Isolated

B Connected CVE
mangrove patch seagrass bed C Connected CVE
mangrove patch seagrass bed
AGB (Mg C ha-1)

AGB (Mg N ha-1)

55 1.8
§ §
§ §
* * * *
0 0
Isolated Isolated Isolated Isolated
D Connected CVE
mangrove patch seagrass bed E Connected CVE
mangrove patch seagrass bed
C stock AGB (Tg C)

N stock AGB (Tg N)


0.15 0.005

0 0
Mangrove patches Seagrass beds Salt marshes Macroalgae beds

Fig. 2. Surface area and carbon and nitrogen stocks (of standing biomass) for the different coastal vegetated ecosystems (mangrove patches, seagrass beds, macroalgal beds
and salt marshes; see figure legend for details) in the seascape of connected mangrove forest and seagrass beds (Gulf St. Vincent), isolated mangrove patch (Rushy Island), and
isolated seagrass bed (Victor harbor). The pie charts show the percentage occupied by each CVE and the total area occupied by all CVE in km2 (panel A). Carbon (C) and
nitrogen (N) content in standing biomass per unit area (Mg C ha-1) (panel B and C) in the different CVE; error bars represent standard error. Error bars show standard
error. Total carbon and nitrogen stocks (content multiplied by surface area) in the different CVE (panel D and E). AGB = above-ground biomass, Mg = Megagrams,
Tg = Teragrams, ha = hectare. *Data taken from Serrano et al. (2019), and references therein in supplementary material (Clarke and Jacoby, 1994; Kelleway et al.,
2016; Santini et al., 2019, cited in Serrano et al., 2019). §Data taken from Copertino et al. (2005) and Hill et al. (2015). Values are shown in supplementary Table 2.

oceanic sources, because no representative surface area or biomass for the included to calculate the total area of each ecosystem for our study loca-
‘ocean’ could be calculated. tions in the Gulf. In Victor Harbor and Rushy Island the limits of the CVE
maps were set up based on coastal bathymetric lines that showed potential
%Contribution exchange of material with connected CVE. For example in Victor Harbor
Area Relative Contribution ¼ (1)
%Area limits were set in the lowest bathymetric line that show water movement
between seagrass beds and connected macroalgae beds and Rushy Island
%Contribution limits were determined by the lowest bathymetric line that showed where
Biomass Relative Contribution ¼ (2)
%Biomass water movement can occur between the mangrove patch and salt marshes.

In Gulf St. Vincent we assumed that when ebb currents flush the tide out 3. Results
from all CVE, the POM accumulates in the centre of the Gulf and is mixed.
Afterwards, when the floods inundate the CVE again, the water movement 3.1. Carbon and nitrogen content in connected vs isolated mangroves and
brings back POM from the centre of the Gulf into the coastal ecosystems. seagrass beds
Therefore, we used the whole area or standing biomass of the CVE inside
the Gulf for a specific CVE. For instance, in Gulf St. Vincent the area of all In general, connected seagrass beds had the highest carbon and nitrogen
mangrove patches, seagrass beds, salt marshes and macroalgal beds were stocks in their standing biomass compared to other CVE, mainly due to their

D. Saavedra-Hortua et al. Science of the Total Environment 896 (2023) 164829

Fig. 3. Box-plot of sediment percentages of carbon and nitrogen percentages (panel A and B) and carbon and nitrogen content (panel C and D) shown separately for mangrove
patches (green) and seagrass beds (orange). Carbon and nitrogen content in sediments was taken from the upper 15 cm of the sediments. The thick line inside the box-plot
indicates the median. Error bars show standard error, upper fence of the bars shows maximum values whilst lower fence shows minimum values. Dot points outside boxplots
indicate outliers and different letters indicate significant differences across the ecosystems (Post-hoc Tukey test P < 0.05).

larger area (Fig. 2 Panel A, D, and F). Mangrove patches and seagrass beds mangrove trees and seagrass plants (Fig. 4). In all connected locations,
showed variable carbon and nitrogen within standing biomass, depending macroalgal thalli were the greatest contributor (27–50 %), the second or
on whether the ecosystems were connected or isolated. Connected man- third biggest contributor were mangrove trees (20–38 %) or seagrass plants
grove patches had 6–7 times greater carbon and nitrogen content in their (12–25 %). Oceanic sources were the second biggest contributor only in
standing biomass per hectare than the isolated mangrove patch (P < 0.05; Port Clinton (10–22 %) connected location (Fig. 4 and Supplementary
Fig. 2 Panel B and C, Supplementary Tables 2 and 3). The opposite was Table 5).
found for isolated seagrass beds, which had four times higher carbon and In connected locations, even though salt marshes, macroalgal beds and
nitrogen in the standing biomass per hectare compared to connected mangrove trees had smaller total surface areas and total above ground bio-
seagrass beds (Fig. 2 Panel B and C). mass compared with seagrass beds, these three CVE contributed relatively
Connected mangrove patches had the highest sediment carbon % com- highly to suspended particulate matter and trap samples when taken into
pared to other ecosystems (P < 0.05, Fig. 3 Panel A and C, Supplementary account the ecosystems area and standing biomass (Fig. 5). Across the
Tables 2, 3 and 4). Carbon content was 3 times higher in the sediment of three connected locations, seagrass beds contributed between 9 and 25 %
isolated seagrass compared to the isolated mangrove patch (P < 0.05, to the POM, which was lower compared with macroalgal beds (27–46 %)
Fig. 3 Panel C). Isolated seagrass beds had significantly higher sediment and mangrove patches (5–38 %) (Fig. 4 and supplementary Table 4).
carbon content than connected beds (P < 0.05, Fig. 3 and Supplementary When taking into account surface area of the ecosystem, mangrove patches
Table 3 and 4). had area relative indices between 0.1 and 0.7 and macroalgal thalli from
On average, the nitrogen % and content in the sediment were signifi- 0.3 to 0.6, which were larger compared with that of seagrass beds
cantly higher (P < 0.05, 3–12 times) in connected mangrove patches com- (0.01–0.02) (Fig. 5 and Supplementary Table 6). With respect to the stand-
pared with seagrass bed sites (both connected and isolated) (Fig. 3 Panel B ing biomass, salt marshes presented biomass relative indices between 0.05
and D, Supplementary Tables 3 and 4). Significantly greater nitrogen con- and 0.01, that were higher than seagrass beds indices (0.001–0.004), show-
tent was also found between the isolated mangrove patch and both isolated ing that in terms of standing biomass salt marshes contributed to the POM
and connected seagrass sites (isolated and connected) (P < 0.05, Fig. 3 relatively highly compared with seagrass beds (Fig. 5 and Supplementary
Panel B and D, Supplementary Tables 3 and 4). Table 6).
In isolated seagrass beds, seagrass plants, macroalgal thalli and oceanic
3.2. Contributions of the main primary producers to particulate organic matter: sources contributed the most across the isolated locations. In the isolated
area and biomass indices seagrass beds of Stansbury the greatest contributors were seagrass plants
(47–85 %), followed by macroalgal thalli (11–28 %) (Fig. 4). These two
All sediment samples signatures where within the range of the primary sources combined accounted for >70 % of suspended particulate matter
producer used in the MixSIAR model except for samples of suspended par- and 90 % of sediment trap samples (Fig. 4). In the other isolated seagrass
ticulate matter in a connected site (Port Wakefield) and sediment traps in beds (Victor Harbor), seagrass plants were again the main contributors
the isolated seagrass site (Stansbury). The δ15N signals of primary pro- (37–65 %), but in comparison oceanic sources contributed the second
ducers of a connected site (Torrens Island) were higher than those of the highest (33–35 %), representing >70 % in both suspended particulate mat-
other locations and were, thus, separated from other connected and isolated ter and sediment trap samples (Fig. 4 and Supplementary Table 5). When
seagrasses locations inside Gulf St. Vincent (Supplementary Fig. 1). There- taking into account the area of the ecosystem and the ecosystem standing
fore, MixSIAR models were run separately for these locations. biomass, Victor Harbor's seagrass plants were the greatest contributors
The main primary producers that contributed to suspended particulate with area indices ranging between 0.6 and 0.7 and biomass indexes be-
matter and sediment traps in connected CVE were macroalgal thalli, tween 0.4 and 0.5. In Stansbury, macroalgal thalli had the largest

D. Saavedra-Hortua et al. Science of the Total Environment 896 (2023) 164829

Fig. 4. MixSIAR model results for connected mangrove patches and seagrass beds and isolated sites. Blue circles ( ) indicate connected mangrove patches and seagrass beds
(Port Clinton, Port Wakefield and Torrens Island), the yellow circles ( ) indicate seagrass beds with no connected mangrove patches (Victor Harbor and Stansbury), and the
light green circle ( ) indicates a mangrove patch with no connected seagrass bed (Rushy Island). Each small figure represents contributions of the different sources. Sediment
traps are depicted on the left side, suspended particulate matter on the right side. At Torrens Island, the figure corresponds only to suspended particulate matter samples,
because trap samples were lost. Contributions are expressed on the y-axis in proportion to 1, where 1 is 100 % of the contribution. See legend for details of the colours
representing the sources. The x-axis shows the transect points across each seascape, with the higher the numbers being the closer to the terrestrial zone. Areas occupied
by different coastal vegetated ecosystems, catchment area and oceanic are shown in different colours (see legend for details).

contribution, with the area and biomass indices ranging between 0.1 and mangrove patch. However, isolated seagrass beds had more carbon content
0.4 in both suspended particulate matter and sediment traps (Fig. 5). in the biomass and sediments than seagrass beds which were connected to
In the isolated mangrove patches, salt marshes were the largest contributor mangrove patches. Connectivity between mangrove patches and seagrass
(16–47 %), followed by mangrove trees (12–27 %), combined both accounted beds can increase carbon content in mangroves by increasing primary pro-
for >65 % in suspended particulate matter samples and 30 % in trap samples duction (Huxham et al., 2018) and by accumulating more allochthonous
(Fig. 4 and Supplementary Table 5). Conversely, when taking into account (i.e., seagrass leaves) particulate matter that is sequestered in the sediments
mangrove patch size and standing biomass, mangrove trees were the greatest via root-reducing hydrodynamics that allow for particle settlement (Alongi,
contributors, accounting for >95 % in both suspended particulate matter and 2014; Gillis et al., 2014b). Comparing isolated versus connected seagrass
sediment traps (Fig. 5 and Supplementary Table 6). Area and biomass indices beds, this study found that isolated beds had higher biomass per hectare.
of mangrove patches were between 100 and 250 times larger compared with This suggests more carbon is produced by the plants per unit area and
that of salt marshes (Fig. 5 and Supplementary Table 6). retained in the sediment due to higher belowground biomass production.
Higher above ground biomass may also enhance particle settlement as re-
4. Discussion ported in other studies (Tanaya et al., 2018). Due to localized characteris-
tics such hydrodynamics, sediment fluxes and deposition there is not
4.1. Carbon and nitrogen content in connected vs isolated mangroves and always a consistent pattern of sediment density related with carbon and ni-
seagrass beds trogen sediments stocks in coastal ecosystems, which could vary across the
ecosystems as well as the depth of the sediment (Howard et al., 2014; Dahl
Connected mangrove patches and seagrass beds had higher carbon et al., 2016; Reis et al., 2017). Isolated seagrass beds had denser sediments
stocks in their standing biomass and sediments compared to the isolated compared with connected seagrass beds and mangrove patches (both

D. Saavedra-Hortua et al. Science of the Total Environment 896 (2023) 164829

Area relative contribution Biomass relative contribution

Port 0.08
0.5 0.04
0 0
location) P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1

1.2 0.07
0.6 0.035
0 0
location) P4 P3 P1 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 P4 P3 P1 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1

Torrens 1.2 0.08

0.6 0.04
0 0
location) P4 P3 P2 P1 P4 P3 P2 P1

0.6 0.04
0.3 0.02

(Isolated seagrass
0 0
P4 P3 P2 P1 P4 P3 P2 P1 P4 P3 P2 P1 P4 P3 P2 P1

Victor 0.75 0.28

0.325 0.14
(Isolated seagrass
0 0
bed) P2 P1 P4 P3 P2 P1 P2 P1 P4 P3 P2 P1

Rushy 270 0.12

Island (Isolated
135 0.06
mangrove patch)
0 0
P3 P2 P1 P4 P3 P2 P1 P3 P2 P1 P4 P3 P2 P1

Fig. 5. Area relative contribution and biomass relative contribution of the main coastal vegetated ecosystems mangrove patches, seagrass beds, macroalgal, salt marshes and
terrestrial ecosystems within the coastal catchment area (see legend for details). Each figure represents contributions of the different sources, sediment traps are depicted on
the left side, suspended particulate matter on the right side. In Torrens Islands, the figure corresponds only to suspended particulate matter samples. Area relative contribution
index on the left side and biomass relative contribution on the right side are expressed on the y-axis, see legend for details of the colours representing the sources. The x-axis
shows the transect points across each seascape, higher numbers being closer to the terrestrial zone of the transect.

connected and isolated) due to these isolated beds had more organic carbon with low carbon/nitrogen ratios in seagrass meadows. Mangrove patches
particles in a smaller volume of sediment compared with other ecosystems. were the most important CVE in terms of nitrogen content since they can
We conclude that connected mangrove patches have higher carbon, which store the highest amount of nitrogen per surface area compared with
could be facilitated by exchange of POM with seagrass beds, whilst for other CVEs, mainly due to trees having higher standing biomass per hectare
seagrass beds other variables such as sediment density are more important compared with other primary producers across all CVE.
to determine carbon content. Connectivity affects ecosystems services of carbon sequestration, and
Mangrove patches had greater nitrogen content in both standing bio- nitrogen retention differently in mangrove patches and seagrass beds, con-
mass and sediments compared to other ecosystems whether they were con- nectivity with other ecosystems and localized internal ecosystem processes
nected or isolated from seagrass beds. The greater plant structure of could be more significant drivers, especially for seagrass beds. Physiologi-
mangrove trees compared to salt marsh or seagrass plants resulted in the cal process within each ecosystem such as higher net primary production
former having higher nitrogen content in the standing biomass compared of mangrove trees could be linked with higher carbon and nitrogen content
with the other ecosystems per unit area. Higher standing biomass per hect- per unit area within the ecosystem as well as in connected ecosystems
are in isolated beds meant that these beds also had higher nitrogen content (Walton et al., 2014; Huxham et al., 2018). However, localized studies com-
compared with connected beds. paring primary production and export of POM of different sizes across dif-
Different to our results of higher nitrogen (%) in the mangrove forests ferent coastal ecosystems are necessary to elucidate the role of plant
sediments, in the Red Sea no significant difference in nitrogen (%) in the physiological processes for carbon and nitrogen fluxes. Mangrove patches
sediments between mangrove patches and seagrass beds in a connected lo- connected with seagrass and macroalgae beds are highly effective for two
cation was found (Garcias-Bonet et al., 2019). This was due to localized ecosystems services, carbon sequestration and nitrogen retention simulta-
high carbon/nitrogen ratios in mangrove leaves and sediments, compared neously. In seagrass beds localized characteristics such as sediment density

D. Saavedra-Hortua et al. Science of the Total Environment 896 (2023) 164829

and larger biomass per area were more critical for carbon sequestration and Even though catchment areas of this study area have been reported to
nitrogen retention rather than connectivity with other ecosystems. In man- be very arid and carrying low terrigenous input to St. Vincent gulf
grove patches and seagrass beds, plant biomass production per unit area to- (Richardson et al., 2005), this study did not include biomass of terrestrial
gether with the exchange of particulate organic matter across CVE within plants in the catchment area. Therefore, limiting our conclusions on the
the seascape are important drivers of ecosystem services, such as carbon se- role of terrestrial plants and related ecosystems as donors of POM to coastal
questration and nitrogen retention. ecosystems.

4.2. Contribution of coastal vegetated ecosystems to particulate organic matter 5. Conclusion

Isotopic signatures of all samples were within similar the range of pri- Ecosystem connectivity may drive some ecosystem services of global
mary producer δ13C and δ15N reported in the area δ15N values of 3.5 ‰ relevance such as carbon sequestration or nitrogen retention differently in
to 7 ‰ and δ13C values of −25.5 ‰ to −7.8 ‰ (Davenport and Bax, mangrove patches and seagrass beds. For example, mangrove patches that
2002) (Supplementary Fig. 1). Some ecosystems (i.e., macroalgae and were connected to seagrass beds presented higher carbon per unit area in
seagrass beds) showed high contributions of POM in terms of percentage, the sediments compared with isolated patches, although nitrogen retention
however, when considering their biomass or areal distribution, their rela- does not seem to be affected by connectivity between mangrove patches
tive contribution was reduced. For example, seagrass beds appeared to be and seagrass beds. Ecosystem and physiological processes directly or
the largest donor of particulate organic matter in terms of percentage, how- indirectly related to organic matter turnover may be supported by exchange
ever since they had the highest cover area and biomass across all CVEs, we of organic matter between connected ecosystems.
found that they did not contribute significantly to the POM compared with Our results showed that all CVE contribute to POM-exchange across lo-
other ecosystems when taken into biomass and area. Seagrass beds in cations, irrespective of their area and standing biomass. Hence, the degra-
Thailand have been reported to contribute significantly to POM even dation of one of these CVE could have severe consequences for connected
though they have a small area (Gillis et al., 2014b), as well as contributing ecosystems at the seascape level, for example the lack of allochthonous
nitrogen to mangrove patches (Walton et al., 2014). However, in the pres- POM that would be potentially retained in the sediments. Subsequent, to
ent study their relative contribution to POM was lower than that of keep carbon mitigation and nitrogen retention at coastal landscape the en-
macroalgal beds, salt marshes and connected mangrove patches. They vironmental management plans should keep in healthy state ecosystems
should be also considered as donors to isolated mangrove patches since that storages high amounts of carbon and nitrogen (i.e., seagrass beds), as
Posidonia sp. leaves were observed in mangrove patches that did not have well as, connected ecosystems that contribute with allochthonous POM
connected seagrass beds, such as Port Wakefield. (i.e., mangrove forests and macroalgae beds) even if they have smaller
Previous studies using isotopes chemical tracers have also shown that area. Considering all the CVE as a continuing system with interchanges
contributions of macroalgal beds to POM in mangrove patches were higher across the seascape, rather than each CVE as a separate system will improve
than those of seagrass plants (Saavedra-Hortua et al., 2019). Macroalgal knowledge of carbon and nitrogen stocks at the seascape scale.
beds were generally one of highest contributors to carbon and nitrogen in
POM across all CVE. Macroalgal beds contributed to POM across all locations, Data availability
regardless of the distance between the sampling locations to the macroalgal
beds (i.e., short distance in the isolated seagrass bed in Victor harbor or Data will be made available on request.
long distance in connected systems in Gulf St. Vincent. This is due to their
characteristics such as high productivity and the ability of algae to drift and Declaration of competing interest
therefore expand the export of their materials (Ortega et al., 2019). In man-
grove patches and seagrass beds in the Gulf St. Vincent, we observed The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relation-
Hormosira banksii thalli that were not attached to the sediment. Macroalgal ships which may be considered as potential competing interests: Daniel
beds were located mainly in the south of the Gulf, indicating that thalli poten- Saavedra Hortua, Lucy Gwen Gillis reports financial support was provided
tially drift up to 100 km. Differences across the main algal taxonomic groups by German Research Foundation.
Chlorophyta, Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyta should be considered in terms
of drifting and therefore exportation of material (Trevathan-Tackett et al., Acknowledgements
2015; Ortega et al., 2019). Recent findings showed that due to high produc-
tivity and abundant standing biomass, macroalgal beds are an important Sample collection was done under the research permit A26622-1 given
source of carbon, partly through exporting considerable amounts of carbon by Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWN) of
to the seascape (Duarte et al., 2013b; Hill et al., 2015). Our results suggest South Australia. We also thank DEWN for providing the geographical infor-
that in addition to carbon exportation, macroalgae beds could be important mation for the cartographic analysis. This study was funded by the DFG
contributors of nitrogen to other CVE. (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), project Number (GI 121011- 1).
Even though mangrove patches and salt marshes had the smallest sur-
face area they still contributed more POM compared to other ecosystems Appendix A. Supplementary data
such as seagrass beds with larger areas, corroborating the outwelling hy-
pothesis (Odum, 1968; Lee, 1995). This indicates that other ecosystems Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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