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ESCOLA _____________________________________________________________________________________


PROFESSORA – Georgette Vanessa Janaina Carneiro Chaves (Janaina )
“Tente mover o mundo – o primeiro passo será mover a si mesmo”. - Platão
A) Muitas figuras femininas marcaram a história do mundo; outras, porém, apesar de todo o
seu talento ficaram esquecidas, Você acredita que no século em que estamos homens e
mulheres possuem os mesmos direitos e deveres?
B) Que caminho ainda temos que percorrer a fim de que homens e mulheres tenham os mesmos direitos?

International Women’s Day___________________________

I would like to congratulate all women around the world on this special day. Unfortunately,
many women are still treated as human beings inferior to men. I feel very sad to know that
today many women have no access to education, receive lower wages than those of men,
work more, are explored and humiliated by sexist society.


International Women’s Day – Women’s Right – the struggle continues


It is clear that our sexist society acts against women. But do not put
the blame on men only. In part, this discrimination against women is
the result of prejudice that women propagate against women. When
a mother grows sons and daughters with different rights, she is
assisting in the perpetuation and propagation of prejudice against
women. Mothers, teach your children the equality between men and
women. Thus, we have a more egalitarian society. Think about it.


Thanks to the performance and power of some women, prejudices have been broken. Today,
many women have rights unimaginable to women of previous centuries, for example, the
right to vote, right to separate from her husband; right to property left by the deceased
husband. Worldwide, however, there are still women who do not even have the right to
drive. So the struggle continues.


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