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Harsh Modi

Tina Prouty

CPRE 394

2 March 2024

Ethics Essay

Ethics is a subject that most people gloss over. It isn’t something that people really think

or care about when it comes to most people’s lives. However, ethics is how the world is able to

work together. It binds us and holds us accountable to our environment and to each other.

Knowing how we should treat each other, what works, and what doesn’t work is the most crucial

philosophy we can hold in life. The concept of a code of ethics is what allows us to complete this

mission. A Code of Ethics is like a moral compass for decision-making in our diverse world. It

brings people together by sharing basic principles and ensuring everyone plays fair. It's like a

social agreement, setting the rules for how we should behave and building trust and teamwork. It

nudges us to keep getting better, encouraging self-awareness and personal growth. Essentially, a

Code of Ethics shapes how we make our ethical choices, keeps us united, ensures fairness, and

pushes us always to do better. It gives us rules and individual philosophies we can adhere to so

that we can all thrive together without harming anything or anyone on our path to that


In our path to that final goal, we can face multiple obstacles and ethical dilemmas on the

way. The way I make decisions when confronted with an ethical dilemma involves carefully

considering several factors. Firstly, I assess the potential consequences of each option, weighing
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the impact on different individuals, groups, and the general community. Understanding the

short-term and long-term effects of my decisions helps me gauge the ethical implications of my

choices. Secondly, I consider the principles and values that guide my actions. This involves

reflecting on my personal Code of Ethics – the set of moral guidelines that I've developed for

myself over time. These principles act as a compass, helping me navigate complex situations and

make decisions that align with my core beliefs. Another crucial aspect is empathy. I try to put

myself in the shoes of those affected by my decision, understanding their perspectives and

feelings. I always do this no matter what the situation is. Always being considerate of others,

even at my own expense, helps me ensure that my choices are considerate of the diverse

experiences and needs of others. Moreover, I take into account legal and societal norms.

Understanding the legal framework and social expectations provides a broader context for my

decision. While legality doesn't always equate to ethicality, it serves as an additional layer of

consideration. Consultation with trusted peers or mentors is also part of my decision-making

process. Every so often, I ask my friends what they think about something I made. Whether that

be something digital or something physical, I always have my opinion about it. But what helps

me decide the quality of what I made actually is that I always seek others' opinions. Seeking

diverse opinions and perspectives enriches my understanding of the situation and helps me make

more informed choices. In summary, my approach to ethical decision-making involves assessing

consequences, adhering to personal principles, empathizing with others, considering legal and

societal norms, and seeking advice when needed. This comprehensive process allows me to

navigate ethical situations with a thoughtful and well-rounded perspective.

The ethical issue I discussed in class revolved around the James Andrew Bates

first-degree murder case, where conflicting alibis and the use of technology became central
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points. Bates, the prime suspect, had an alibi that clashed with another person involved, Owen

MacDonald. The victim's cause of death was drowning in a bathtub, and the household featured

smart devices like Amazon Alexa and a Nest thermostat. The police sought to obtain audio

recordings from the Alexa, which could serve as crucial evidence. However, Amazon refused to

release the data, asserting that user privacy takes precedence and would only comply if legally

obligated. This situation resonates with the IEEE Code of Ethics, particularly under code number

2. This code emphasizes the importance of avoiding conflicts of interest and being transparent

about them when they arise. In the context of the Bates case, user privacy is crucial, reflecting a

critical feature of modern products. The ethical dilemma arises from the tension between using

potentially valuable data for a criminal investigation and respecting user agreements prioritizing

privacy. In accordance with the IEEE Code of Ethics, Amazon's stance aligns with ethical

principles. By refraining from handing over user data without legal compulsion, Amazon avoids

compromising user privacy and maintains a neutral position. This adherence to ethical guidelines

ensures that conflicts of interest are minimized, and users are made aware of the company's

commitment to safeguarding their privacy. While the situation may present challenges in solving

the murder case, it underscores the importance of upholding ethical standards, mainly when

dealing with sensitive user data. The exception within the IEEE Code of Ethics recognizes that

adhering to principles may lead to dilemmas but also emphasizes the need to navigate such

situations with integrity. In this instance, Amazon's commitment to user privacy reflects a

responsible and ethical approach, upholding the principles outlined in the IEEE Code of Ethics.

The ethical considerations introduced by my class and my own perspectives on the James

Andrew Bates case shared common ground but also exhibited some differences. The central

theme revolved around the balance between justice and the integrity of companies, particularly in
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the context of user privacy and agreements. In my analysis, I emphasized the significance of user

privacy as outlined in the IEEE Code of Ethics, specifically code number 2. I argued that

conflicts of interest should be avoided, and the user agreement prioritizing privacy should be

respected even if it meant forgoing potential evidence in a criminal investigation. This

perspective aligns with prioritizing the integrity of companies and respecting user agreements.

One classmate supported this view, emphasizing the potential harm of setting a precedent that

could compromise user privacy. They acknowledged the difficulty of the case, recognizing the

need for a careful balance between justice and the integrity of companies. On the other hand,

another classmate brought up the application of the fourth code of ethics, which relates to

refusing bribery in all forms. They suggested that by cooperating with the government, Amazon

could have benefited, possibly implying that not cooperating might be seen as a form of

resistance against potential unethical practices by the government. While our perspectives had

commonalities in valuing privacy and ethical standards, the difference emerged in interpreting

the fourth code of ethics. Some saw potential benefits in cooperation, while others, including

myself, leaned towards a more cautious approach to protect user privacy. In our class discussion,

a consensus on the most "ethical" decision may not have been reached. The nuanced nature of

the case, involving conflicting ethical principles and potential consequences, allowed for diverse

perspectives. The understanding that the case wasn't straightforward and required a balance

between competing values was clear in the responses. Overall, the discussion highlighted the

complexity of ethical decision-making and the importance of considering multiple factors when

addressing real-world situations.

Reflecting on the "Virtue of Ethics" in relation to the discussed case study involving the

Bates murder investigation, three virtues stand out as most relevant: integrity, fidelity, and
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responsibility. Integrity is paramount as it aligns with Amazon's commitment to ethical

principles, refusing to hand over user data without legal compulsion. Fidelity becomes evident in

Amazon's loyalty to user agreements and users' trust in the company to protect their information.

Responsibility plays a crucial role, emphasizing the obligation to act ethically and consider the

consequences of actions, guiding Amazon's decision to prioritize user privacy. These virtues

were chosen for their direct alignment with the ethical considerations in the case, providing a

framework for navigating the complex dynamics between justice and privacy. In contrast, the

other three virtues—self-discipline, charity, and honesty—have less direct relevance.

Self-discipline, although necessary in personal conduct, does not directly address the

complexities of corporate decisions involving user privacy and legal obligations. Charity,

typically associated with benevolence and generosity, may not be directly applicable as the

primary focus in this scenario is on respecting user agreements and legal constraints rather than

philanthropy. While honesty is an inherent aspect of integrity, it is implicitly covered within the

broader concept, making it less distinct in this context. The three chosen virtues—integrity,

fidelity, and responsibility—align closely with the nuanced ethical considerations in the case,

providing a comprehensive framework for evaluating Amazon's decision-making process in

navigating the delicate balance between user privacy and law enforcement needs. Another virtue

that could apply is "fairness," closely tied to responsibility and integrity in balancing the rights of

law enforcement and user expectations. In essence, these virtues collectively guide ethical

decision-making in a scenario where principles, loyalty, and obligations come into play,

showcasing the multifaceted nature of ethical considerations in real-world situations.

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Works Cited

IEEE Code of Ethics. Accessed 3

Mar. 2024.

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PDU - Professional Development Hours and Continuing Education Units for AIA LU RA

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Design Civil Engineer Structural Mechanical Electrical Architectural Engineering. Accessed 3 Mar. 2024.

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