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TITLE: Concept of God and Religion

The phenomenon of religion is characterized by the belief that there is a God or several gods. If I were to
speak in my point of view, I belong to Hindu religion, at first I used to believe in existence of god, even
though there is no particular god I worship ,I used to go to temples of different gods and perform
different rituals, I also used to do fasting. Then I started contradict myself in many things which I
believed were caused to due to god, To caused due to science. Even though everything everything is not
explained by science I believe than u should believe in your actions and thoughts more than you believe
in god. Slowly I became an atheist.

It’s not like I don’t respect all the religious activities but there are some activities which I thought are
meaningless to do, like offering food like coconuts, milk and eggs which In turn can be given to the
people who are starving for food. When I think about religious books of Hindu tradition, I have read
Mahabharata, Tales of Ramayana, slokas of Bhagavad-Gita but I don’t truly think of them as books of
god, I actually read them to know about Sanskrit and the moral values of human civilization during
different times. If I were pick a part which I mostly like in them rather than the teachings of the books I
really enjoyed the stories in each books. I have always been a fan of stories.

If anyone is to ask me what I think of concept of god I think they are people who used to live as us
humans a long time ago, they must have practiced yoga or cultivation by which they were able to do
things which a normal human could not do. I don’t have complete idea of this cultivation of arts but I
have come across them when I was reading historical Chinese novels and comics. There people meditate
and practice some particular arts which can make them breathe in water, and they are as strong as super
humans. After all whatever I have said don’t have particular proofs but I thought believing in them are
more reasonable than believing in old myths of god’s existence.

I have never had any personal experiences of god but I have listened to many stories from my friends.
When coming to religious sacrifices, I don’t think any god have ever asked for sacrificing animal or
humans to make people live in prosperity and good health. If god is really a so called supreme being who
looks after the living things as their guardian why would he ask for his own people to kill the innocent
animals for their well being? I also don’t believe in concept of rebirth/reincarnation, I think these
concepts are introduced so that people will behave, just as a mother tells his child that a ghost will come
if you don’t sleep early.

I don’t know who and why they introduced the system of religious gods, but than It acted as a good
concept it affected more in a way where people are divided into different groups and fight one another
that their god is great, where humans become animal and fight in bloodshed wars. Than u pray god for
rain you could have planted more trees, than u pray for god for good marks you could have worked hard,
than you fight with other religions you could have thought they are also made of same flesh and blood
you are born with. Even though I don’t have much power I always thought If I have enough power I want
to construct a society where all humans all equal, where they offer food to one who needs them than one
who waste them(god),where they fight with knowledge that they are great than they fight with weapons
that their god is great.
References: On personal opinion and knowledge from different life experiences.

Done by : K.Bhavana

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