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1. What is the message behind the TV commercial?

- The message behind the TV commercial was that whatever your status in life is, you can
be whoever you want be it an engineer, soldier ,teacher, and the like. The very
important thing is to just focus on your goals and always remember the ones who
helped you achieve it.
2. Identify the codes present from the TV commercial?
-the type of codes present from the TV commercial are the technical codes, which can be seen
from the video like the camera techniques, framing, depth of fields, lighting, exposure, and
many more. The other one is the symbolic codes like the object and body languages used by the
actors in the video, their clothings, colour, and even the settings where parts of the video was
filmed. The last one is the written codes and it can be seen from the beginning and the ending of
the video where captions of words were used.

3. Are these codes useful in delivering the correct message of the commercial?
-Yes, the codes were useful in delivering the correct message of the commercial and because of
these codes, the video itself is more clearer and understandable. It also made the video more
engaging and interesting to watch.

4. Identify the conventions used in the TV commercial?

- The conventions used was continuity editing, where the video form follow a set of
editing rules and techniques which allows for us audience to easily understand what is
going on in a scene and who is talking to who. The style of the video is dramatic, the
codes were shot types, camera angles, camera movements, and music. The techniques
used were emotional response where the whole point of the commercial is to hit you in
the feels, and many more.

5. What was the language used?

-the language used was “English”. There’s also the printed and spoken language because in the
video, you can see some texts within the frame and how it is presented and we can also hear
the presenter’s voice on the video.

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