Aldrong Stand

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Rodriguez, Aldrin D.

12 STEM 4- Aquino

Stand or claims about the legalization of divorce

 When we talk about divorce, we talk about shielding the children from a house full of
hatred and which is why divorce should be implemented

 Divorce is an escape for the miserable for it helps the abused be free from the grasp of the

 Children who grow up witnessing parents quarrel tend to experience stress,

unhappiness,and insecurity. Hence, divorce should be implemented

 Staying in a toxic household can do more harm and the abused are left in a precarious and
dangerous position, which is why divorce is the only option

 Divorce allows mothers to become more physically and mentally healthy, thus being
more able to parent effectively

 Divorce in the Philippines should be legalized because based from a survey in 2017, it
showed that one in every four Filipino women between ages of 15 and 49 has been
physically or sexually abused by their husband or partner

 Legalization of divorce should be approved because it aims to give Filipino couples a

more accessible choice if their marriage is unsuccessful

 Staying in a marriage with a high level of conflict will produce a familial environment
high in aggression or violence

 Divorce is an advantage for it will equip you with phenomenal coping skills and rebuild a
healthy rewarding life away from the stigma you have experienced

 Adolescents who witnessed such aggressive demeanor amongst their family members
will result to them adopting and possibly reenact what they see

 The emotional, social, and mental health well-being of the child will also be greatly
affected when both parents are always in conflict and seemingly do it at a daily basis
Rodriguez, Aldrin D.
12 STEM 4- Aquino

 Marital conflict reduce the child’s emotional security about parenting which in turn,
increases internalizing and externalizing problems, as well as negatively affecting their
social competence, adjustment, and academic achievement

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