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Answer all the questions in the spaces provided ( 25 Marks )

NAME : Erustus Wambua Munyao

Reg : 22/01918

1. Distinguish between growth and development in human beings (2 Marks)

Growth refers to the increases in physical size such as changes

occurring in height and weight. Between birth and age one, the average baby

grows by about 20 centimetres, increasing its overall length by some 40 percent.

The infant gains about 7 kilograms, tripling its birth weight while the brain

doubles in size.

On the other hand development refers to change in the level of functioning. Human

beings go through many types of change and some of these changes are

developmental. Development can be defined as the gradual accumulation of

relatively permanent age-related changes, involving intensity and complexity of


2. Differentiate the principle of proximodistal from cephalocaudal of human

development (3 Marks)

3. Discuss the significance of studying child development (3 Marks)

The study of child development furthers our understanding of the nature of

the child.

It also helps us to understand the nature of the adult. The experiences of

infancy and childhood contribute to adult personality and behaviour.

Studying children can also lead to ways of enhancing their development and

improving their life. For example, when we study the determinants of

development, we are able to know how we can enhance it. When we were

children, we were guided and cared for by our families and teachers. Now the

responsibility of guiding children lies in our hands. Even though we were once

children, we don’t understand many of the thing’s children say and do. In

order to guide and give them adequate care we need to understand them. You

may want to study child development because you are a parent or you hope

to be a parent.

The study of child development can help you in a career e.g. as a teacher,

caregiver, paediatrician or a judge who handles children or custody cases.

Knowledge about children is a key to the success in any child-related field.

Whatever your reason, you will find the study of children intriguing and full

of useful information.

4. Explain child development as advocated by Charles Darwin (2 Marks)

Charles Darwin was the pioneer of the maturation theory .

Maturational theory was born in the late nineteenth century. It grew out of the work of Charles

Darwin on evolution (1859) and the work of his cousin, Francis Galton. Galton was a British

investigator who found that people who are genetically similar have comparable abilities. If one

member of a family was intelligent, other members tended to be intelligent too. If one member

was short, others were likely to be short. Galton concluded from his studies that intellectual

abilities are inherited and fixed at birth.

According to this theory, heredity may influence the individual in two ways: (1) Some

characteristics believed to be fixed by genes are present at birth – for example, eye colour. (2)

Other characteristics aren’t present at birth but are believed to be fixed by genes anyway. They

unfold according to an inherited timetable that regulates developmental processes. For example,

children learn to walk and talk by a certain age. The adult height is also attained at a certain age.

Maturation is the process of biological change and development during which new behaviours

steadily emerge one after another. Maturational theory suggests that the appearance of a particular

behaviour depends on time, not on experience or environment.

5. Explain the effects of cultural food inhibitions to expectant and lactating

mothers and the child (3 Marks)

6. Describe using a relevant example the term exceptional children (2 Marks)

Exceptional children are those who are different from certain norms to such an

extent that they require adjustment of school practices or special educational

services or interventions. They normally differ in various aspects, such as their

behaviours, attitudes, ways of communication and require some kind of

assistance. The assistance may be medical, educational, family and so forth,

with the aim of fulfilling their potential. There have been various areas, in which

children differ; intellectual giftedness and special talent, variations in the

behaviour (children who are emotionally disturbed or socially maladjusted)

usually experience attitudinal and behavioural problems.

7. Describe the role of diagnostic prescriptive centres for exceptional children (3


They identify problems and requirements for special needs children.

After an educational prescription is written for the child, the

recommendations may be formulated and would include all the areas from

appropriately placing the child within a classroom setting, taking care of

improving his intellectual abilities and ensuring that he is able to adjust well

and does not feel vulnerable.

8. Explain the importance of early intervention services for exceptional children

(3 Marks)

9. Explain two primary preventive measures for mother and child during

pregnancy (2 Marks)

10. Differentiate between adapted curriculum and inclusive education for

special children (2 Marks)

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