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Vahn Harold M. Cueco Joana Mae R. Carlos

11- ICT Teacher

DECEMBER 04, 2023

How can we say that a relationship is worth fighting for? Is it the many years you've been
together? Are the good memories outweighing the bad ones? Are the children born in a toxic
relationship are good to stay in this situation rather than being freed from cruel occurrences inside
their supposed to be safe place?

Being born from an abusive relationship is a traumatic experience for a child. Couples who want to
save their marriage because of their children are just only putting too much pain on their children's
lives instead of giving their kids a happy and peaceful life.

We all know that to save a marriage, both parties should work it out. It's normal that there will be a
point in a couple's marriage that misunderstandings arise because of their differences, beliefs, and
perhaps a change of heart. But how long someone should stay in a relationship like this? If
occurrences like this is destroying their own mental health, worse making it also hard for their own
kids to have a normal life?

Here in the Philippines, the percentage of domestic abuse is high because there's no bill that can fully
free the abused. Abused wives/ husbands still endure living with an abusive partner because the cost
for annulment is high. Add the span of years you need to wait because the decision of the court takes
too long and there's also a high chance that it won't be approved by the court. Our culture also raised
us to be resilient, to endure all the circumstances in our lives but the question is how long? We can
also say that the grounds for annulment here in the Philippines is a delicate matter.

If the Divorce Bill is approved here in our country, the children from an abusive relationship can live
peacefully every day. Also, if you are not in love with your partner and are only staying for other
reasons, you may be giving up on having fulfillment in the love and relationship area of your life. And
if you have taken your relationship as far as it can go, and you still have little to no fulfillment, it can
be hard to accept that this is as good as it gets in that area of your life.

Providing a safe environment for the child/ children and for the abused involved and giving them the
freedom that they deserve are the main reason why divorce should be legalized. This will also provide
a more comprehensive solution for people facing marital discord, most especially the women, from
structural barriers that prevents them from achieving economic independence and to have access to
proper child support and a fair division of assets and properties.

The Divorce Bill is for those who needs it. So, if you don't need it, you don't need to worry about your
relationship with your partner if it will get approved. Having divorce legalized is not a forceful reason
for us to have it. We should always respect the decision in support those who need it, even respect
those people who stay married despite their miserable and toxic marital life.

DECEMBER 04, 2023

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