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Choose the best sentence from the given alternatives.

1. A. The jury have found the man innocent.

B. I want to see some of the worlds’ tallest buildings.

C. ”Did you get your movie’s worth?” she asked me.\

D. The rancher bought eight sheeps.

2. A. After reading the pamphlet, Afework threw the pamphlet into the garbage can.

B. He has forgotten his book at home but her is on the table.

C. Every of the students came on time.

D. Either of you has to bring the book to the class.

3. A. The film is about a spy whose wife betrays him.

B. Which do you like most, Abebe or Asfaw?

C. They blamed theyselves for the accident.

D. Mother and I gave one another hard time.

4. A. The cat woke up from it’s nap.

B. This here sandwich is delicious.

C. She has two sons; all are taller than she is.

D. You should h While I was having my hair done the police towed away my car.ave brought these
video games.

5. A. The weather feels

B. Here movies make.

C. The discussion ended.

D. She opened the book and began.

6. A. I like these sneakers; I used to them.

B. While I was having my hair done someone took away my car.

C. He needs not go.

D. How dares he say anything?

7. A. Men smoke in England and so women do.

B. They can come in my car and so their dogs can.

C She didn’t give anything and neither he did.

D. I don’t eat lobster but she does.

8. A. She hasn’t much time and neither have I.

B. He likes Picasso but didn’t I.

C. She saw him, did she not?

D. Few of the bottles are broken, aren’t they?

9. A Mark never eats dinner, doesn’t he?

B. I can’t run so fast as him.

C. She seems skillful at many things.

D. Aster feels satisfy with her results.

10. A. I ought to have taken those books back to the library last week.

B. He is accustomed to drink alcohols when he was young.

C. They are just be polite.

D. You had better not to miss the next bus

III. Choose the alternative that best completes each of the following.

1. A: Has Tom got a car?


A. Yes, he got B. Yes, he did C. Yes, he has D. Yes, he does

2. A: Living in cities will be very difficult.

B: ________________________.

A. Yes, it won’t be B. No, it won’t be C. No, it will be D. Yes, it is

3. A: Your sisters must not be there.

B: ________________________

A. No, they mustn’t. B. Yes, they mustn’t C. No, they must D. Oh, yes, they mustn’t

4. None of your friends liked the film, ______________________?

A. didn’t they B. did they C. had they D. have they

5. The sheaf did not have all the ingredients the recipe calls for; ___________, he decided to make
something else.

A. however B. as a result C. moreover D. although

6. Seifu has been looking for a wife for ages _________ he still has not found one.

A. consequently B. although C. but D. finally

6. He completed his task ______________________ than I expected.

A. more quick B. most quickly C. as quickly D. more quickly

7. I cannot complete my assignment __________ I do not have the handout.

A. so B. since C. moreover D. although

8. The cat chased ________ ball down the stairs and in to the backyard.

A. it’s B. its C. he’s D. she’s

9. A friend of _______ lost her cellphone last weekend.

A. us B. our C. ours D. we

10. He left home at six and hasn’t returned __________.

A. now B. but C. yet D. already

11. The box is __________________.

A. not enough big B. not big enough C. enough not big C. big enough not

12. A: ____________ ever lived in a rural area?

B: Yes, I have.

A. Did you B. Are you C. Do you D. Have you

13. She goes to church at least ___________ in a week.

A. one everyday C. always D. twice

14. The explosion destroyed __________ the school but also the neighboring bridge.

A. not only B. and then C. besides D. whether

15. He _____________ find the boy, nor did he know where he had gone.

A. could B .couldn’t C. cannot D. wasn’t

16. He closed his windows ____________ it would rain.

A. so that B. for fear that C. because D. as a result

17. I will draw a map for you ____________ you cannot find my house.

A. such that B. so that C. unless D. in case

18. _____________ you are on car or on foot, you need to know where you are going.

A. If B. Whether C. When D. Either

19. We must be early; _____________, we will not get seats.

A. however B. or else C. for D. besides

20. Would you mind turning the light _______; I do not want to sit in the dark.

A. on B. off C. up D. of

21. We got into the house ___________ the window.

A. at B. into C. by D. through

22. In Ethiopia most people do not work _______ Sundays.

A. at B. in C. on D. over

23. The sky is clear; you can see the starts _______ night.

A. in B. at C. over D. on

24. After working hard during the day, I like to relax ______ the evening.

A. in B. on C. during D. at

25. The first man walked on the moon _____ 21 July 1969.

A. during B. on C. at D. in

26. Jazz became popular in the United States ___________ the 1920s.

A. at B. on C. in D. during

27.. I am just going out to the shop; I will be back _______ about 20 minutes.

A. over B. at C. on D. in

28 I want to speak to Zenebech but she is not here ________ the moment.

A. at B. on C. with D. in

29. In Britain people send cards ________ Christmas.

A. in B. at C. on D. over

30. The price of electricity is going up __________ October.

A. in B. at C. on D. through

31. I am busy now but I will be with you _________ a moment.

A. at B. on C. with D. in

32. The course begins _______ 6 September and ends sometimes _________ June.

A. on/in B. in /on C. at/with D. at/at

33. _____ Sunday night I went to bed __________ 11 o’clock.

A. On/at B. In/on C. On/at D. In/in

34. The film was supposed to start at 8:30 but it didn’t begin ________ time.

A. at B. on C. in D. with

35 I have just washed this shirt. I want to wear it this evening, so I hope it will be dry ______ time.

A. in B. at C. on D. over

36. The book is ______ the table.

A. on B. beneath C. under D. All are correct

37. We are completely __________ our difficulties.

A. at B. out of C. on D. into

38. I will meet you ________ the restaurant.

A. in B. inside C. at D. All are correct

39. How did the car get ____________ the box? It must have been difficult.

A. out of B. of C. in to D. A&C

40. 8. Did you come here ________ a vehicle or _____ house back?

A. on/on B. by/on C. by/by D. in/in

41. He has behaved in the most extraordinary way. I cannot account ______ his actions at all.

A. on B. for C. at D. with

42. A man asked ______ more pay and short hours.

A. on B. about C. at D. for

43. You said that 10, 000 people use this library. Can break that ______ into age-groups?

A. down B. into C. at D. to

44. The car broke ______ when we were driving ______ the desert and it took as two days to repair it.

A. over/on B. up/through C. down/through D. out/ over

45. You are not meant to think for yourself; you are here to carry _______________ my orders.

A. out B. on C. at D. for

46. Trade was so bad that many small shops closed ____________.

A. up B. down C. in D. over

47. When I was looking ____ my passport I came ______ these old photographs.

A. in/over B. at/in C. for/across D. over/through

48. When I picked ____ the teapot the handle came ____ in my hand.

A. up/away B. over/off C. into/in D. on/out

49. The question of the caretaker’s wages came _______ at the last meeting.

A. on B. in C. round D. up

50. We must cut _____ expenses or we will be getting _____ debt.

A. over/on C. down/into C. off/at D. out/over

51. Elephants would die _____if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished.

A. away B. down C. out D. on

52. The government should do _______ with the regulations that restrict drinking hours.

A. without B. away with C. up D. at

53. The casher had been robbing the hotel for months _____ he was found _________.

A. before/out B. into/up C. up/at D. before/in

54. If you lend him a book, he will lend it to someone else and you will never get it _____ .

A. away with B. on C. back D. out

55. Have you given ______ drinking whisky before breakfast?

A. out B. back C in D. up

56. He began by describing the route and went ____ to tell us what the trip would probably cost.

A. out B. on C. off D. for

57. He used to tell lies as a young boy but he grew _____ that later on.

A. out of B. up C. on D. at

58. The outgoing minister handed _____ his department to his successor.

A. down B. out C. round D. over

59. The bus was held _______ because a tree had fallen ______ the road.

A. up/across B. on/up C. off/inside D. at/into

60. Try to remember to turn ______ the light when you leave the room; I am trying to keep _____

61. The students seem to look ______ their instructors as their enemies.

A. for B. through C. into D. on

62. Can you hear what the man with the loud-speaker is saying? I cannot make it _____ at all.

A. for B. up for C. out D. up

63. I don’t want to get mixed ________ any illegal organization.

A. out with B. up with C. over on D. up on

64. Candidates, please put your cellphones _______; you are in an exam hall.

A. back B. forward C. away D. on

65. I have a few minutes before the given exam time is over, so I will just run ___ the instructions again.

A. through B. down C. way D. out of

66. He was unhappy when he first went to school but he soon settled _____ and liked it very much.

A. up B. down C. off D. over

67. We will not know how the plain works till we have tried it __________.

A. on B. out C. off D. at

68. We arranged to meet at the station but she didn’t turn ________.

A. at B. on C. up D. down

69. The headmaster wound _________ the meeting by saying that the school head had had a most
successful year.

A. at B. over C. up D. in

70. He uses his pocket calculator to work _______ the cost.

A. out B. through C. over D. at

71. Had I had time, I ______________________ shopping with you.

A. would go B. would have gone C. will go D. could go

72. Unless we go to Canada next year, we __________ improve our English.

A. cannot B. are not C. would have not C. were no

73. ________ it not for your constructive comments, I couldn’t write my research report properly.

A. Had not been B. Were C. Would D. Should

74. If it weren’t for your help, I _______ still homeless.

A. are B. had been C. would be D. will be

IV. Four statements are made about each of the numbered sentences below. Choose the one which
states the concept of the numbered sentence.

1. I am trying to reach Senait on the phone now at her office, but I'm afraid she is not there.

A. If Semait were at her office, she would answer the phone.

B. If Senait had been in her office, she would have answered the phone.

C. Is Senait is in her office, she will answer the phone.

D. Unless Senait were in her office, she would answer the phone.

2. A couple of minutes ago, I tried to reach Senait on the phone at her office, but I'm afraid she was not

A. Had Senait been at the office, she would have answered the phone.

B. Senait was not at her office and she did not answer the phone.

C. If Senait had been at her office, she would have answered the phone.

D. All are possible answers.

3. Had it not been for your constructive comments, I would not have written my research report

A. If you do not give me your constructive comments, I will not write my research report properly.

B. Your constructive comments helped me to write my research report properly.

C. Unless you provide me with your constructive comments, I will not write my research report propely.

D. Unless you provided me with your constructive comments, I would not write my research report

4. Should you require any help from me, don’t refrain from asking me for it.

A. If you require any help from me, please ask me for it.

B. If you required any help from me, you would ask me for it.

C. Unless you had required any help from me, you wouldn’t have asked me for it.

D. You don’t have to ask me for help if you require it

5. She says, “I am studying Communicative English Grammar.”

A. She says she was studying Communicative English Grammar.

B. She said that she was studying Communicative English Grammar.

C. She says that she is studying Communicative English Grammar.

D. She says that I am studying Communicative English Grammar.

6. He said, “The sun is 92 million miles away.”

A. He said that the sun was 02 million miles away.

B. He said that the sun is 92 million miles away.

C. He said that the sun would be 92 million miles away.

D. He says that the sun is 92 million miles away.

7. He said, “We bring our books everyday.”

A. They said that the brought their books everyday.

B. They said that they had brought their books every day.

C. They say that they have brought their books everyday.

D. They say that they have brought their book everyday.

8. He said, I have left my watch at home. Can you tell me the time?”

A. He said that that he had left his watch at home and asked me if I could tell him the time.

B. He said that he had left his watch at home and could I tell him the time.

C. He said that he has left his watch at home and can I tell him the time.

D. He asked me if I can tell him the time as he left his time at home.

9. “Shoot the ball,” the referee told the goal keeper.

A. The referee told the goal keeper shoot the ball.

B. The referee told the goal keeper to shoot the ball.

C. The referee told the goal keeper that he should shoot

D. The referee told the goal keeper “Shoot the ball”.

10. She asked me, “Have you seen the film?”

A. She asked me if I had seen the film

B. She wanted to know if I had seen the film.

C. She asked me whether I had seen the film.

D. All of the above.

11. He said, “Let’s not say anything about it till we hear the fact.”

A. He suggested saying nothing about it till they heard the fact.

B. He ordered them saying something about it till they heard the fact.

C. He told them not say anything about it till he heard the fact.

D. He asked them to say anything about it till they hear the fact.

12. “Let the party members be armed,” he ordered.

A. He ordered that the party members should be armed.

B. He asked that the party members to be armed.

C. He told that the party members are to be armed.

D. He suggested that the party members need armed.

13. Temam said, ”Let them go their home.”

A. Temam suggested them going their home.

B. Temam suggested that they should go to their home.

C. Temam said that they should go to their home.

D. All are possible answers.

14. “Let’s him come with us, mother; I will take care of him,” I said.

A. I asked my mother to let him go home with us and I promised to take care of him.

B. I asked my mother to allow him to go home with us and promised to take care of him.

C. I suggested to my mother to permit him to go home with us and promised to take care of him.

D. All are possible answers.

15. He said, “What a dreadful idea!”

A. He exclaimed that it was a dreadful idea.

B. He exclaimed what a dreadful idea.

C. He wanted to know what a dreadful idea it was.

D. He said that what a dreadful idea is it.

16. “I don’t know the library. Do you know?” he asked.

A. He said that he did not know the library and asked if I knew it.

B. He said that he did not know the library and wanted to know if I knew it.

C. He said that he did not the library and wondered if I knew it.

D. All are possible answers.

17. Samrawit said, “I must be there.”

A. Samrawit said that she had to be there.

B. Samrawit said that she would have to be there.

C. Samrawit said she had to be there.

D. All are answers.


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