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Nutrient Classification

Throughout this course, I was introduced to nutrient

classification, which has greatly increased my knowledge
of the different types and concepts of nutrients. I have a
deeper understanding of their impact on our body, their
composition, and their importance to our overall health. I
am now more confident in identifying and defining each
nutrient and understanding their respective functions.
Several class activities such as word puzzles, worksheets,
and a food test helped to simplify the concepts and make
them easier to comprehend. Working with my group
members, I did not encounter any major challenges, and
overall, I found the topic fascinating and enjoyable to
Meal planning

The course helped me gain valuable knowledge that I can

apply at home and when I become a responsible adult.
Meal planning has enabled me to save a lot of money and
time. This method is more convenient as you can simply
use ingredients that you already have at home. It has also
helped me to prepare meals that are perfect for the
consumer since I can now determine the appropriate meal
portions for their age, growth, and dietary needs. Through
the topic of meal planning, I have learned the concept of
planning meals and the things I should consider when
doing so. I am now confident that I can plan a meal and
apply the necessary methods. Working with my group
members was a success.
Egg Cookery

Eggs Cookery was a fascinating topic for me. Initially, I wasn't

aware of how complex an egg was. Labeling the egg was a
challenge, but as I learned about the different parts of the egg, I
also discovered the nutrients found in eggs. I gained knowledge
about the various meals in which eggs can be included and the
different ways to use eggs to create unique dishes. During the
practical cooking with eggs, I was amazed by the role eggs
played in the meal. I was very proud of myself when everything
came out perfectly. Before, I wasn't a fan of eggs, but now I am
after learning that eggs can be prepared in many different ways.
I am now confident that I can label the different parts of an egg
and carry out the task of making a dish using eggs as the main
Milk Cookery

I gained a lot of knowledge about milk cookery. It was a

vast subject that covered various types of milk, their
characteristics, sources, nutritional value, and benefits. I
also learned about the methods used for producing,
storing, and treating milk such as pasteurization,
sterilization, homogenization, and ultra-heat treatment
(UHT). Additionally, I discovered several foods made
using milk. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this topic and
feel proud to have learned better ways of handling milk
and dairy products that I can apply at home. However,
during the practical part of this topic, I was tasked with
making an egg custard, which I disliked. Despite my
dislike, I went ahead and made it and completed the task,
receiving a good grade. The only challenge I faced was
my group members cleaning up after themselves.
cheese cookery

After reflecting on cheese cookery, I have gained

knowledge about different types of cheese, their
production and storage methods, meals that can be made
using cheese as the main ingredient, and the nutrients
present in cheese. Before this, I was unaware of the
variety of cheeses available worldwide. I used to think
that cheese only came in one color and shape. But delving
deeper into the topic, I have realized that cheese is more
than just a side dish. Additionally, I discovered recipes
that use cheese as a key ingredient which allowed me to
apply my newfound knowledge practically. I worked with
my group partner to create cheese-based dishes which
turned out to be a success.
Salad Making

Learning about salad making was incredibly valuable for

me. I gained knowledge about the different types of
vegetables and how to prepare them for different types of
salads. I also learned why it's important to eat salads.
They provide essential nutrients and are a great option for
those on a diet or looking for healthier food choices with
fewer carbohydrates.
During the lesson, I had the opportunity to make a salad
dish with my group members. We chose to make an
arranged salad which we carried out perfectly. I didn’t
encounter any challenges. In addition, I completed
worksheets on the topic which helped me to strengthen
my understanding and learn more. I now know how to
prepare different types of salads and can identify them
Convenience food

After reflecting on convenience food, I have come to

realize how informative this topic is. I have learned a few
things that I can apply at home. Now, I understand why
convenience food is so popular. It saves time by reducing
meal preparation. Convenience foods are commercially
processed foods that are made to be more convenient to
store or use, and they often have a longer shelf life.
Before learning about this topic, I wasn't aware that
convenience foods are also called processed foods.
Additionally, I learned that they don't come in just one
form. Convenience food can be frozen, canned, cured,
dried, or even frozen-dried. I found this topic interesting
because I didn't know so much about convenience food,
and after creating a scrapbook, I am now confident about
the topic.

Preservation is the process of preventing food and

vegetables from spoiling. It also helps to retain the color,
taste, and nutritional value of food. Preservation can help
food products to last for a longer period, which in turn
increases the shelf life of the product. I wasn't aware that
preservation plays such a big role in the food we
consume. When food is out of season, preservation comes
in handy as it allows us to have access to a variety of
preserved foods. There are many ways to preserve food,
such as making mango juice, mango jam, mango pickles,
or even raw mango powder. This indicates that different
preservation methods are available. I am now confident
that I can preserve my food better and help prevent food
waste. Recently, I had the opportunity to make a pickle
for practical purposes, and I must say, I am proud of
myself. I did not encounter any difficulties while doing
Raising Agents

Throughout this course, I learned about Raising Agents

and classified them into three main groups: mechanical,
chemical, and biological. Mechanical raising agents
include air, which is important in many types of batters. It
can be added to food through whisking, sieving,
creaming, beating, rubbing in, rolling, and folding.
Chemical-raising agents work when the bicarbonate of
soda and cream of tartar comes into contact with water,
causing the alkali and acid to react and produce new
molecules, including carbon dioxide gas. Finally,
biological raising agents include yeast and steam. I gained
a lot of knowledge from this course, and I'm excited to
apply it to my skills. I had no problem doing this topic.
Fruit cookery

The topic of fruit cookery was fascinating because I didn't

realize how complex fruits were. I gained knowledge
about the different types of fruits. For instance,
strawberries are not the only type of berry as raspberries
and blackberries are also considered berries. I learned
about the methods of classifying fruits, such as citrus
fruits including oranges and limes, and berries like
strawberries and blueberries. Fruits come in various sizes,
shapes, colors, and flavors. Although I'm not fond of
kiwis, I was intrigued to discover that they're not what
they seem. Kiwis are fruits that start as flowers and later
turn into the delicious food that we know and love.
They're berries. Making a fruit salad was an excellent
experience for me since I got to taste the unique flavors of
each fruit, and I also learned about the nutritional value
found in fruits. Overall, this topic was easy to understand.

Throughout the duration of this course, I was introduced

to the world of vegetables which greatly increased my
knowledge of the various types available. I now have a
deeper understanding of their impact on our body, their
composition, and their importance to our overall health. I
am now more confident in identifying different vegetables
and understanding how to store them properly. Various
class activities such as word puzzles, worksheets, and a
food test helped to simplify the concepts and make them
easier to comprehend. Working with my group members
was a smooth experience, and overall, I found the topic to
be fascinating and enjoyable to learn.

Through learning about poultry, I have acquired the skill

of deboning different parts of a chicken and gained
knowledge about the various parts of a chicken. Now, I
am confident that I can create an accurate diagram of a
chicken. I have also learned about the different types of
poultry, such as broilers, which are fast-growing birds
raised only for meat. Layers, on the other hand, produce
table-quality eggs, and breeders are birds of both sexes
kept for breeding purposes to obtain fertilized eggs for
hatching and getting chicks. I was tasked to use poultry to
make a dish, and it was easy for me because I could apply
the knowledge and skills I learned.

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