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Yes/No Questions p32

Exercise A Track 32 [F-Am]

1. Would you prefer a seat by the window?

2. Did you get your suit from the cleaner’s?

3. Have you seen my briefcase anywhere?

4. Is Mr. Kumar arriving on Saturday?

5. Has the flight to Paris been delayed?

6. Would you like a drink with your meal?

7. May I help you with that?

8. Can you ask Ms. Tamaki to call me?

Exercise B Track 33

1. [M-Cn] Did you hear the alarm go off? [F-Br]

(A) I’ve been here the whole time.

(B) Yes, it was really loud.

(C) My arm is much better, thanks.

2. [F-Cn] Can you recommend a good restaurant near here? [M-Au]

(A) Yes, it’s highly recommended.

(B) Well, there’s a Thai place I like a lot.

(C) The food always disappears quickly.

3. [M-Br] Are you going to hire more staff? [F-Am]

(A) We need two full-timers.

(B) I admire your attitude.

(C) The profits are down by half.

4. [F-Au] Have they finished repairing the roof yet? [M-Cn]

(A) They’ve stopped comparing.

(B) It’ll take another week, they said.

(C) They don’t have any proof.

5. [M-Au] Would you like me to make a reservation? [F-Am]

(A) The book is on the table.

(B) I’ll think about it, thanks.

(C) Yes, you would.

6. [F-Cn] Does Mr. Chang want to take a tour of the city? [M-Am]

(A) He’s chairman of the committee.

(B) Most tourists prefer this city.

(C) I think he’d like that.

7. [M-Br] Has the health inspector checked the new kitchens yet? [F-Au]

(A) The inspection went very well.

(B) He said he’s not hungry.

(C) They passed with flying colors.

8. [F-Am] Is the factory now running at full production? [M-Au]

(A) We’re at 90 percent capacity.

(B) The race is very close.

(C) All our produce is of the highest quality.

Mini Test – Yes/No Questions p32 Track 34

1. [M-Cn] Are you really thinking of moving abroad? [F-Am]

(A) Things are improving all the time.

(B) It’s something I’m considering.

(C) I thought that fraud was illegal.

2. [F-Br] Do we need to pay the invoice now? [M-Am]

(A) I’ll send it out in the morning.

(B) Now is the time to say so.

(C) It’s not due for another week.

3. [M-Cn] Did it rain while you were out? [F-Au]

(A) There was a shower around noon.

(B) Fortunately, I feel the same way.

(C) I came back as soon as I heard.

4. [F-Am] Is the electric bill higher than you expected? [M-Br]

(A) Bill is the electrician we hired last month.

(B) I expect to sell more electric cars in the future.

(C) It was a little lower, actually.

5. [M-Cn] Can this machine be upgraded? [F-Am]

(A) Yes, the screen seems to have faded.

(B) I don’t see why not.

(C) The cafeteria needs to be renovated.

6. [F-Br] Have you finished filing those receipts? [M-Am]

(A) I need a little more time.

(B) The seats are arranged as you asked.

(C) I can’t fill them for a week.

7. [M-Au] Can you please pass the stapler? [F-Am]

(A) It was clearly stated in the letter.

(B) I pass it on my way to work.

(C) Yes, here you are.

8. [F-Au] Was the conference worth going to? [M-Cn]

(A) A day pass cost $75.

(B) I didn’t go to any presentations.

(C) Yes, I enjoyed it a lot.

9. [M-Am] Will the museum be open until seven tonight? [F-Br]

(A) Yes, all seven of us are going.

(B) It closes at six, I think.

(C) Tonight is the opening night.

10. [F-Cn] Sorry, but do you have the time? [M-Am]

(A) It’s ten after eleven.

(B) Now’s the time.

(C) It was in the summer, I think.

Choice Questions p33

Exercise A Track 35 [M-Am]

1. Did you pay the bill by cash or did you use the company credit card?
2. Have Sue and Brian already left for London or are they still here?

3. Would you like to take a rest for a while or do you want to keep working?

4. Do you want a room for Saturday night or for Sunday as well?

5. Will you call them to negotiate the price or do you want me to do it?

6. Is the building permit in your office or did I leave it in Sandra’s?

7. Did you take the bus or the train to get here?

8. Are they due to be here by seven or is it eight?

Exercise B Track 36

1. [M-Cn] Do you want to have the green salad or the fish cakes? [F-Am]

(A) To be honest, neither really appeals to me.

(B) This salad tastes wonderful.

(C) It’s just not what I’m used to.

2. [F-Am] Will the meeting take place before lunch or in the afternoon? [M-Au]

(A) Yes, that’s the best place.

(B) It’ll probably be at four o’clock.

(C) Are they still eating lunch?

3. [M-Br] Are you going to print this report in black and white or in color? [F-Au]

(A) It needs to be printed right away.

(B) It’s colorful enough, I think.

(C) The charts need to be in blue.

4. [F-Am] Would you like me to open the window or turn on the air conditioning? [M-Cn]

(A) I’m fine as I am, actually.

(B) Isn’t it too hot to do that?

(C) The commissioning process is closed.

5. [M-Au] Is this letter supposed to go by regular mail or Priority Mail? [F-Am]

(A) It’s extremely urgent so send it by courier.

(B) That’s not really our top priority.

(C) I’d better do it before the close of business.

6. [F-Cn] Should we continue to rent these offices or would it be better to buy? [M-Am]
(A) We can’t afford to do that.

(B) I guess it’s better to buy in the long run.

(C) The purchase went very well.

7. [M-Am] Did you send the registration documents by fax or e-mail? [F-Br]

(A) My e-mail account has been hacked.

(B) There were too many regulations.

(C) I faxed them over in the end.

8. [F-Au] Have you decided to drive to the airport or to take the express train? [M-Br]

(A) Yes, the express goes to the airport.

(B) I’ll go by car; it’s more convenient.

(C) It takes around thirty minutes.

Mini Test – Choice Questions p33 Track 37

1. [M-Am] Would you like the chicken sandwich or the cheese omelet? [F-Am]

(A) Could you please check in the kitchen?

(B) Yes, I think I’d like that a lot.

(C) Either of those would be great.

2. [F-Br] Is the sale starting this Friday or is it on Sunday? [M-Am]

(A) It all happens in slow motion.

(B) Someday I’m sure it will.

(C) It begins on Sunday.

3. [F-Am] Have you asked for the order to be sent by airmail or ground? [M-Au]

(A) I’ll go to the post office now.

(B) It’s not urgent so I chose the cheapest method.

(C) It should arrive next week.

4. [F-Cn] Are the Hendersons coming tomorrow morning or will it be in the afternoon? [M-Am]

(A) They’ll be here at two.

(B) Yes, I think they are.

(C) Tomorrow is not a good time

5. [M-Am] Do you want to try that on in a large or a medium? [F-Am]

(A) The large fits just fine.

(B) I didn’t know there was a premium.

(C) You can try if you want.

6. [F-Au] Is it necessary to send them a letter of confirmation or would a phone call be sufficient? [M-

(A) We should put it in writing, I think.

(B) Why didn’t they confirm this earlier?

(C) I’ll put it in the mail tonight.

7. [M-Cn] Did you ask for a room with a bathtub or just one with a shower? [F-Br]

(A) That’s the backup I was asking about.

(B) There was a quick shower around three.

(C) My secretary booked it for me.

8. [F-Am] Do you need any further assistance or will that be all, sir? [M-Au]

(A) I can stay and help you if you wish.

(B) That’s everything I think for now, thank you.

(C) Let’s ask for more when we get to the hall.

9. [M-Cn] Should we water the plants before we go on vacation or leave them until we get back? [F-Am]

(A) My daughter is away until Friday.

(B) Our vacation is not near the ocean this year.

(C) We’d better do that before we leave.

10. [F-Am] Does the president mean the company needs to cut staff or reduce running costs? [M-Br]

(A) I think he was suggesting we do both.

(B) The staff cuts were very severe.

(C) Let’s ask the president if he agrees.

Tag Questions p34

Exercise A Track 38 [F-Am]

1. Lee has just been promoted to European sales manager, hasn’t he?

2. You don’t get along with Gary in human resources, do you?

3. You just moved into the neighborhood, didn’t you?

4. The meeting wasn’t as boring as you thought, was it?

5. This week’s performance review hasn’t been canceled, has it?

6. The company’s chances of getting through the recession aren’t great, are they?

7. The weather will probably improve over the weekend, don’t you think?

8. This is the file you asked me to get, isn’t it?

Exercise B Track 39

1. [M-Am] You haven’t seen the storeroom key anywhere, have you? [F-Au]

(A) It’s been locked all day.

(B) Doesn’t Jenny have it?

(C) I cleaned it yesterday.

2. [F-Br] The bus to the airport leaves in twenty minutes, doesn’t it? [M-Cn]

(A) No, I only live ten minutes away.

(B) The coach is arriving on the next flight.

(C) You’d better hurry up.

3. [M-Au] That meal wasn’t as expensive as we thought, was it? [F-Am]

(A) Yes, it was very expensive.

(B) It was definitely worth the price.

(C) They brought the special deal.

4. [F-Cn] They won’t accept responsibility for the losses, will they? [M-Am]

(A) I would be surprised if they did.

(B) They have kept their sources.

(C) Yes, there were heavy losses.

5. [M-Cn] Ms. Hernandez has ordered some new supplies, hasn’t she? [F-Am]

(A) I’m not surprised to hear that.

(B) Well, I assume she has.

(C) That’s not the prize she was given

6. [F-Cn] The supervisor didn’t see me come in late, did he? [M-Am]

(A) Please come in right away.

(B) He’ll be here at eight.

(C) I think he may have.

7. [M-Cn] These statistics have been checked, haven’t they? [F-Am]

(A) Linguistics isn’t my strong point, I’m afraid.

(B) Sorry, I haven’t had time yet.

(C) Yes, he made his point very strongly.

8. [F-Au] You can’t give me a hand carrying these books, can you? [M-Cn]

(A) I don’t think we stock the books you want.

(B) They were booked in yesterday.

(C) Can you wait a minute?

Mini Test – Tag Questions p34 Track 40

1. [M-Au] The accounts department won’t be transferred to New York, will it? [F-Br]

(A) Well, that’s the current plan, anyway.

(B) No, the finance department is in Boston.

(C) Please put me through right away.

2. [F-Am] Nobody failed the internal review, did they? [M-Br]

(A) The exterior aspect is better.

(B) I’m just passing through.

(C) We all passed, I’m pleased to say.

3. [M-Am] We don’t subscribe to that journal, do we? [F-Au]

(A) Taking a bribe is illegal.

(B) We decided it wasn’t worth it.

(C) I usually write one or two articles.

4. [F-Br] You haven’t fixed the elevator yet, have you? [M-Am]

(A) Taking the stairs is healthier.

(B) It’s on my list for tomorrow.

(C) Yes, I’ve mixed them all together.

5. [M-Br] Darren will call me if he’s going to be late, won’t he? [F-Am]

(A) How late did he say he’d be?

(B) I wouldn’t count on it.

(C) It’s too early to say.

6. [F-Am] They can’t cut salaries by twenty percent, can they? [M-Au]

(A) It’s a very generous offer.

(B) Twenty percent is still unspent.

(C) They’ll take any measures they need to.

7. [M-Cn] You have a map of the city, don’t you? [F-Br]

(A) The committee room is on the left.

(B) I put one in my bag.

(C) It’s not on the map.

8. [F-Au] You forgot to mail that package to France, didn’t you? [M-Am]

(A) I’ll do it tomorrow morning.

(B) Yes, that was my only chance.

(C) I didn’t damage it.

9. [M-Cn] The name badges were on the table in the corner, weren’t they? [F-Am]

(A) I can’t find my glasses anywhere.

(B) We need to table that for discussion.

(C) That’s the last place I saw them.

10. [F-Cn] You have a new notebook computer, don’t you? [M-Au]

(A) It arrived last week.

(B) These are my old notes.

(C) This is new to consumers

Negative Questions and Embedded Questions p35

Exercise A Track 41 [M-Cn]

1. Don’t you think you should see a doctor?

2. Does anyone know where last year’s accounts are kept?

3. Will they tell us what they propose to do?

4. Haven’t I seen you somewhere before?

5. Wouldn’t they like an update on how we’re doing?

6. Do you know when the flight from Kansas will get in?
7. Didn’t we get a discount on our last order?

8. Do you know whose car is parked by the gate?

Exercise B Track 42

1. [M-Br] Hasn’t anyone come to repair the copy machine yet? [F-Am]

(A) I already prepared the copies.

(B) Someone’s just arrived, I think.

(C) The renovations will start this morning.

2. [F-Am] Could you tell me why the website keeps crashing? [M-Am]

(A) There’s a problem with the server.

(B) Try going online.

(C) I told you it was flashing.

3. [M-Am] Did someone explain how to operate the new equipment? [F-Au]

(A) I’m sure we can cooperate.

(B) No, we’ve had it for some time.

(C) There’ll be a training session tomorrow.

4. [F-Br] Wasn’t it lucky that the hotel still had room available? [M-Am]

(A) Yes, but we had to pay full price.

(B) I’m available all day, actually.

(C) Should I book a table for two?

5. [M-Au] I wonder if you could call me when Mr. Tanaka arrives? [F-Cn]

(A) I tried, but his number is busy.

(B) I’ll ask him right away.

(C) What extension can I reach you on?

6. [F-Am] Didn’t you complete your engineering degree? [M-Br]

(A) I never took the final exams.

(B) It was a complete success.

(C) I couldn’t disagree more.

7. [M-Am] Wouldn’t you prefer to work for yourself? [F-Am]

(A) That’s the kind of job I like.

(B) My health is my top priority.

(C) I’ve always wanted to have my own company.

8. [F-Au] Do you know where the main entrance is? [M-Am]

(A) Her references are kept on file.

(B) It’s marked on this map.

(C) The maintenance department is over there.

Mini Test – Negative Questions and Embedded Questions p35 Track 43

1. [M-Br] Do you know when the package will be here? [F-Cn]

(A) That’s not my understanding at all.

(B) No, but I’ll give you a call when it arrives.

(C) You should have the contract soon.

2. [F-Am] Aren’t you going to that art exhibition later? [M-Au]

(A) I don’t think I’ll have the time.

(B) This chart illustrates what I mean.

(C) I failed the admission test.

3. [M-Cn] Shouldn’t we change our energy supplier? [F-Br]

(A) I can give you some change.

(B) Only if you can find a better deal.

(C) No, we have enough supplies.

4. [F-Am] Did you ask how much of a deposit they want? [M-Am]

(A) They put it in the closet.

(B) I think you’re probably right.

(C) They said 10 percent would be OK

5. [M-Au] Can you tell me who approved the Bennison project? [F-Am]

(A) It’s already been removed.

(B) Authorization came from the top.

(C) I can’t see clearly in this light.

6. [F-Br] Didn’t you rent a car when you went to Buenos Aires? [M-Cn]

(A) We went there last year.

(B) It wasn’t so far after all.

(C) No, it was cheaper to take taxis.

7. [M-Am] Haven’t you visited our main office yet? [F-Au]

(A) Just once, last May.

(B) It was a productive meeting.

(C) I go to the post office almost every day.

8. [F-Cn] Does anyone know why the concert was canceled? [M-Br]

(A) No, she doesn’t.

(B) The conductor was sick.

(C) I think it was canceled last week.

9. [M-Am] Weren’t you tired after the long flight? [F-Am]

(A) I was absolutely exhausted.

(B) Yes, it leaves at three o’clock.

(C) I usually travel by train if I can.

10. [F-Br] Did Charlotte tell you why she decided to quit? [M-Cn]

(A) It came as a complete surprise.

(B) She wrote me a letter to explain.

(C) Tomorrow’s her last day in the office.


Exercise A p36 Track44

1. [M-Au] I left the books you ordered at the front desk. [F-Am]

1. That’s very kind of you.

2. I’m not ready for a test.

3. No, I ordered the fish.

4. Thanks for letting me know.

5. Please book another room.

6. OK, I’ll pick them up later.

2. [F-Cn] If you need anything else, please call me. [M-Br]

1. That’s not what I need.

2. I’ll bear that in mind.

3. Thanks, but I think that’s everything.

4. What number can I reach you at?

5. That’s yet to be agreed on.

6. What should I call you?

3. [M-Am] Let’s put an ad in the paper for an office assistant. [F-Au]

1. We could advertise online, too.

2. She can use the paper for packaging.

3. Can we afford to hire more staff?

4. I don’t know where we can put it.

5. I’ll get on it tomorrow.

6. We don’t need to add any more paper, do we?

4. [F-Am] It’s way too hot in here! [M-Cn]

1. That’s not the right way.

2. The meeting’s not today.

3. Do you want me to turn on the air conditioning?

4. I’ll open a window if you want.

5. The hottest month is August.

6. Yes, the weather’s been great all week.

5. [M-Am] I’d appreciate any help you can give me. [F-Br]

1. It is rather wasteful.

2. I’m happy to be of assistance.

3. I don’t need any help at the moment.

4. I’ll do what I can for you.

5. There’s nothing to forgive.

6. It’s already full, sorry.

6. [F-Cn] I thought that your presentation went really well. [M-Am]

1. That’s very nice of you to say.

2. It’s at three o’clock in Room 8.

3. Didn’t you notice I ran out of time at the end?

4. The preparation should be finished soon.

5. I’m so relieved it’s over.

6. It’s the best present I’ve ever been given.

7. [M-Br] Please tell Mrs. Klinsky that I’m leaving now. [F-Cn]

1. So this is where you’re living now!

2. I’ll send her a text.

3. Can’t you call her yourself on your way there?

4. I don’t think it was her.

5. Now is not the time to tell me that.

6. She’s proud of everything you’ve achieved.

8. [F-Cn] What a shame they postponed the gala dinner. [M-Au]

1. Please don’t claim you owned it.

2. I’m surprised they didn’t go ahead with it.

3. A beginner generally takes more time.

4. Do you know when it’s been rescheduled for?

5. I thought the game would be canceled.

6. Yes, but I don’t think they had any other options.

Exercise B p37 Track 45 [M-Cn]

1. I have to send all of these files to the printer before noon.

2. Let’s stop for a bite to eat on the way back to the office.

3. Please tell Cecile that the shipment should be there on Friday.

4. That’s a really bad cough you have.

5. We’re meeting Mr. Nakamura at one-thirty tomorrow.

6. I’d appreciate it if you could say a few words to the sales team.

7. I hear you’re going to Europe on vacation.

8. I don’t know which of these investment plans we should consider.

Exercise C p37 Track 46

1. [F-Am] I really think the food here is the best in town. [M-Br]
(A) I agree, it lets the rest down.

(B) Yes, but the service is a little slow.

(C) It’s definitely to the west.

2. [M-Au] We have improved our quality control procedures. [F-Am]

(A) She’s getting better now that she’s out of the hospital.

(B) I didn’t know the control room moved.

(C) Hopefully we should have fewer customer complaints.

3. [F-Br] Thomas has accepted a job in our Frankfurt office. [M-Am]

(A) I’ll be sorry to lose him from the team.

(B) Why didn’t he like it there?

(C) I’m looking forward to it immensely.

4. [M-Cn] The flight to Vancouver takes over 12 hours. [F-Am]

(A) Why didn’t you complain?

(B) I thought only ten of you went.

(C) You’d better bring a good book to read.

5. [F-Am] The feedback from our customers has been very positive. [M-Au]

(A) I don’t want to take any food back, thanks.

(B) That’s very encouraging news.

(C) They’ve adopted a very positive position.

6. [M-Am] I like that red tie you’re wearing. [M-Cn]

(A) Thanks for the compliment.

(B) The red one’s in that drawer.

(C) Another supply is coming next week.

7. [F-Au] What great weather we’re having! [M-Am]

(A) I can’t say whether I have or not.

(B) It’s been fabulous all week.

(C) Thanks. It’s made of Italian leather

8. [F-Cn] Let’s find out how much we can borrow before we plan any expansion. [M-Au]

(A) I’ve lost more than you can imagine.

(B) Yes, the plants have all grown a lot.

(C) So it will depend on our investors.

Mini Test – Statements p37 Track 47

1. [M-Am] They’re advertising for a new production supervisor. [F-Au]

(A) Well, it was a disappointing production.

(B) I’ll supervise the reduction myself.

(C) It might be worth applying.

2. [F-Am] Let me know the moment the fax comes through. [M-Au]

(A) I’ll call you right away.

(B) There’s no more tax to pay.

(C) Yes, we’ll be finished in a moment.

3. [M-Cn] They say the processing plant is going out of business. [F-Br]

(A) Yes, I’ll be away for a week.

(B) That’s what I heard, too.

(C) Your application for a business grant is being processed now.

4. [F-Am] Let’s take these chairs back to the boardroom now that the meeting’s finished. [M-Au]

(A) Can’t you ask maintenance to do that?

(B) They should be finishing in around one hour.

(C) Yes, the board on the backs of all of these chairs needs replacing.

5. [M-Br] This is the third time this week that Philip has showed up late to work. [F-Am]

(A) All employees work three days a week.

(B) He’s lucky he hasn’t been written up.

(C) Yes, I’ll show him the results later.

6. [F-Au] The best months to visit Taiwan are November and April. [M-Am]

(A) I’ll bear that in mind when I plan my next visit.

(B) I remember my trip to Taiwan very well.

(C) It’s been our best month yet.

7. [M-Au] This contract hasn’t been signed! [F-Am]

(A) I guess we must have forgotten to keep in contact.

(B) You need to fix that quickly.

(C) I didn’t know she had actually resigned.

8. [F-Cn] There was a call from the bank while you were out. [M-Br]

(A) Did they say what it was about?

(B) OK, I’ll take it on line 2.

(C) Please show the manager into my office.

9. [M-Am] A truck broke down in the loading bay! [F-Br]

(A) I think the spokesman arrived by taxi.

(B) The mechanics are working on it now.

(C) It was taken down yesterday as well.

10. [F-Au] The traffic will be bad, so you should allow plenty of time. [M-Cn]

(A) I don’t see how they can stop me.

(B) Next time I’ll have to be more careful.

(C) Do you think it’d be quicker to go by train?

11. [M-Br] Let’s hope the results of the survey are what we expect. [F-Am]

(A) Our predictions should be accurate.

(B) I didn’t mean any disrespect.

(C) Haven’t you filled out those questionnaires yet?

12. [F-Cn] Workers at the company are housed in an apartment building nearby. [M-Am]

(A) I’d prefer to live in a house rather than an apartment.

(B) Is the housing subsidized?

(C) They shouldn’t prevent the workers from building.

Words with Multiple Meanings

Exercise A p38 Track 48 [M-Br]

1. Do you see what I’m trying to say?

2. It was a very funny speech, so everyone laughed a lot.

3. Isn’t this meal much better than the last time we were here?

4. When are we going to close this deal?

5. How good do you think the sound is on that television?

6. The clients don’t appear to be interested in our proposal.

7. I didn’t know that Mike has a wife and three children to support.

8. What will the duty be on these goods when we import them?

9. If your vision is causing you problems, then see an optician.

10. You’ll be safe, as long as you use goggles and the helmet provided.

Mini Test – Words with Multiple Meanings p38 Track 49

1. [F-Am] Could you please call me by my first name? [M-Au]

(A) Of course. If that’s what you prefer.

(B) I’ll call you first thing tomorrow morning.

(C) No, that’s the last call for your plane.

2. [M-Am] Let’s make a date to have lunch next week. [F-Br]

(A) It’s the 12th, I think.

(B) I can do Thursday.

(C) The records date back ten years.

3. [F-Am] Are you sure this is a safe investment? [M-Am]

(A) It’s better to be safe than sorry.

(B) Then put it in the safe in Paul’s office.

(C) The accountant said there was no risk.

4. [M-Br] This drink tastes funny. [F-Am]

(A) I think it’s important to see the funny side.

(B) It’s not really that amusing, is it?

(C) Mine’s a bit strange too.

5. [F-Cn] So, what is your vision for the next few years? [M-Au]

(A) There’s nothing wrong with my vision.

(B) I want us to become number one in the market.

(C) Yes, it will take a few years to see the results.

6. [M-Br] Don’t you agree that we need to act quickly to resolve this issue? [F-Am]

(A) Yes, I enjoyed the play a lot, but it was over too soon.

(B) We might need to take things more cautiously.

(C) I think everyone acted responsibly.

7. [F-Am] Please tell Emiko to put this at the top of her list. [M-Au]

(A) I’ll tell her to prioritize it.

(B) Isn’t that the top of the counter?

(C) She’s one of our top players.

8. [M-Am] Who is going to record the minutes of the meeting? [F-Cn]

(A) I’m afraid our record on this isn’t very good.

(B) I guess I can do that if you want.

(C) Are you planning on beating the record?

9. [F-Am] Why was the decision made to raise prices? [M-Am]

(A) Raising livestock can be an expensive business.

(B) They couldn’t be seen on that low shelf.

(C) We need to increase our profits somehow.

10. [M-Cn] I tried on this jacket, but it doesn’t fit. [F-Br]

(A) Well, you’re not as fit as you used to be.

(B) It matches with my coat.

(C) Ask if they have a larger size.

11. [F-Am] We like to treat all our employees fairly here. [M-Au]

(A) I know that the company has a good reputation.

(B) To be honest, I don’t like going to trade fairs.

(C) I think we all work fairly hard.

12. [M-Br] Can you tell me if this is a good brand? [F-Am]

(A) It’s the very best on the market.

(B) That’s very good of you.

(C) It’s a good thing that it’s so popular.

Similar-sounding Words

Exercise A p39 Track 50 [M-Am]

1. express/address/assess/distress,

2. deeply/cheaply/uniquely/ weekly,
3. intend/depend/offend/pretend,

4. goes/clothes/propose/ chose,

5. career/cashier/appear/sincere,

6. display/delay/convey/ bouquet,

7. arrange/change/strange/exchange,

8. piece/decrease/ lease/police,

9. vacation/inflation/donation/location,

10. condone/ outgrown/postpone/unknown

Mini Test – Similar-sounding Words p39 Track 51

1. [F-Au] What do you intend to do to resolve this issue? [M-Am]

(A) I didn’t offend anyone involved.

(B) I’ll have to act quickly, but carefully.

(C) Can I please have a tissue?

2. [M-Am] Do you think we should contact the police? [F-Br]

(A) The lease lasts another three months.

(B) That’s probably the right course of action.

(C) The contract is perfectly legal.

3. [F-Am] How many customers have complained so far this year? [M-Au]

(A) We just need to persevere.

(B) We’ve had no complaints at all.

(C) Around ten are fully trained.

4. [M-Am] Mike suggested we make a donation to the disaster fund. [F-Am]

(A) I’ll make a declaration myself.

(B) How much should we give?

(C) I guess he tested everything.

5. [F-Au] Do you like the display in that store window? [M-Cn]

(A) Thank you for such a lovely bouquet.

(B) Won’t it be open later today?

(C) Yes, I think it’s very creative.

6. [M-Au] Did you say the touch screen on the control panel is defective? [F-Am]

(A) Yes, they’re sending a service engineer.

(B) The process is very selective.

(C) There’s a subjective level of control.

7. [F-Cn] What can we do to make sure the company survives? [M-Cn]

(A) I’ll tell the chairman as soon as he arrives.

(B) I can’t do all four on my own.

(C) We need to restructure the organization.

8. [M-Am] Can the hotel accommodate all 200 delegates? [F-Am]

(A) Housing will be provided to anyone who emigrates.

(B) Please join us as the hotel celebrates its 200th anniversary.

(C) They haven’t confirmed yet, but I think so.


Exercise A p40 Track 52 [F-Am]

1. I’m not sure I see what you mean.

2. Do you know whether it’s going to rain tomorrow?

3. You’re not going to redecorate the whole house at the same time, are you?

4. Isn’t that a fair price for all the work I’ve done?

5. What’s the best way to mail this heavy package?

6. Each piece of jewelry is handcrafted.

7. The book publisher’s office is on the tenth story, so take the elevator.

8. Will the company be fined if these deadlines are not met?

9. Before she left our department, Martine said she’d buy us all a gift.

10. I never would have guessed you’d manage a hotel one day

Mini Test – Homophones p40 Track 53

1. [M-Br] Building the high-speed railway was a great feat of engineering. [F-Au]

(A) Yes, it was a wonderful achievement.

(B) The bars on the grate are high.

(C) It’s around fifty feet, actually.

2. [F-Am] Could I just have a plain omelet, please? [M-Am]

(A) The food on the plane is actually good.

(B) What else can you cook?

(C) Would you like fries with that?

3. [M-Am] The planning committee threw out our proposals. [F-Br]

(A) I suggested we work through the night.

(B) We’ll have to revise them and try again.

(C) It won’t take an hour to plan this.

4. [F-Am] You’re a sight for sore eyes! [F-Am]

(A) Yes, my eyesight is definitely getting worse.

(B) It’s good to see you, too.

(C) This is the site where we’ll build our clinic.

5. [F-Br] Isn’t there anymore flour? [M-Cn]

(A) No, these plants won’t flower again until next spring.

(B) They’re not the ones to ask.

(C) It looks like we ran out.

6. [M-Au] Are those bars made of solid steel? [F-Cn]

(A) Well, people who steal go to jail.

(B) The maid will take them for you.

(C) Yes, they’re two inches thick.

7. [F-Am] Won’t the two of you stay for dinner? [M-Br]

(A) We’d love to, thanks.

(B) I thought that way, too.

(C) Actually, there were three of us at dinner.

8. [M-Am] How much money do we owe the bank? [F-Am]

(A) Oh, we don’t have to, do we?

(B) The riverbank is very steep.

(C) I’ll ask the accountant to check.

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