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No. 8,853. Patented Apr. 6, 1852.

Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. s,s 53, dated April 6, 1852.
To all whom it may concern. . . . e, against which the bait rests. The aperture
Be... it known that I, JULIo T. BUEL of or apertures ff are provided with stoppers,
Whitehall, in the county of Washington and which can be removed or inserted at pleasure.
State of New York, have invented a new and g gairtigh tubes for receiving feathers,
... useful Contrivance for Capturing Fish; and I . The bait is connected with the line by the
do hereby declare that the following is a full, line passing through a tube extending its whole
clear, and exact description thereof, reference length, so that it cais, twirl without twisting
being had to the accompanying drawings and the line while resting against a washer, so that
letters marked thereon, forming a part of this:- ittwisting
specification." . . . .
shall slide and twirl thereon freely without
the line. . . . . . . . . . . . "
"The nature of my invention consists an near . When fishing light, or with the bait floating
iniproved manner of constructing an artificial or on the surface of the water, I propose
bait resembling a live fish or fly while in mo to use different colored baits with different col.
tion in the water of metal or other suitable ored feathers inserted in ther. These varia
material, said bait being hollow, forming an tions incolor of baits and feathers I deem it
air-chamber, which is provided with an aper unnecessary to give special directions here, as
ture for the admission of air or water, so that any sportsman will understand the object and
it can be made to float on the surface of the manner of adapting them to the season of the
water for catching certain kinds of fish by year andofto. the description of fish be is in
closing the aperture, and it can be made to pursuit
sink to any desired depth by opening the aper Having thus described my inproved revoly.
...ture and allowing water to take the place of ing fish or fly, wish it to be distinctly under
so arranging said bait that it stood that I do not claim; what is called a
ithout twisting the line “spoon,” “minnow,” or the common “fly, all
fish when the baitis seized, these havin been used before. I do not claim
ed of double fins of spiral passing the line.loosely through a cork or float
shape, like the paddles of a screw-propeller, that the float may move freely upon the line.
whereby it can be made to revolve at pleasure Neither do I claim attaching a spinningbait.
by rowing the boat. to which its line is at to the line by means of a swiyel; but
tached, by the action of the current, or by the What I do claim as new, and desir
ific walling on the shore and trailing by1.Letters Patent, is . . . . . . . . . .
Constructing a bait, with an air-tight
: In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1. chamber, which chamber is provided with an
represents my, improved bait with the air aperture or apertures for the admission of air.
chamber closed and floating near or on the when fishing light near or on the surface of
the water;
and theFig.weight
2, the of
thewith the ittheiswater
and for the admission of water when
desired to fish deep. under the surface of
which has taken the place of air, has depressed the2.water,Passing
substantially as described.
the line through a tube in the
it below the surface of the water. . . . . body of a spinning bait in manner substan
'The oval or round parta, forming the air
chimber, Iswage or dié up and solder onto tially aswithout
described, to enable the bait to twirl
a flat piece of metal, b, cut to about the shape freely intestimony twisting
whereoff the line.
have hereunto signed
represented, and turn up the ends of the flat.
"piece of metal so as to form the double fins or. my name before two subscribing witnesses. .
propeller. Iinsert a small tube through it, so:- JULIOT. BUEL.
that the ends will project, as ate c, through Withesses:
whi he lined passes, and the line, which is JNo.D.A. HARRINGTON,
cord; wire, or gimp, is provided with a washer, DENNIs Jon Es, i.

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