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“Presenting with Confidence”

Chemistry World Jobs Live, Burlington House, London

Wednesday 23rd November 2016
Presenter: Sarah McCloughry

Welcome to this help guide on Presenting with Confidence. My name is Sarah McCloughry of
STEMM Commercial.
We train scientists to become more commercial in their communication to win reputation and

“Call to Action”: e.g. What I hope is that by the end of this presentation you will either hire us, refer
others to us or get your company to talk to us – and what I’m doing is making clear the objective and
outcome of this presentation.

“Earn the Right”: e.g. In order to reassure you of my credibility here are the companies I have
worked for……demonstrating that you’ve earned the right because of your past history.

Three Key Areas of Presentation Structure:

 Why are you in the room? Being clear as to your objectives (your credentials to be here,
what do you want your audience to think, say and do after you’ve finished speaking?)

 Why are your audience here? Knowing your audience – demonstrating empathy (why are
they going to the expense of recruiting you? What are they expecting of you? Who is in your
audience? Are they influencers or decision makers?)

 Why you? Being self aware (your strengths, transferable skills and especially, VALUES?)

 What about the start? (Strong Opening)

 What structure? (e.g. A suggestion of a structure for you if you are asked the most difficult
of subjects – to talk about yourself:
1. From my research, my understanding is…..(direction of travel for the company,
the pressures on the company, aspirations and objectives of the company ie a
SWOT – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis)
2. What I have achieved so far
3. How I can help you achieve more

 What content? Organising your content:

1. 30 second introduction
2. 3 topics of 2 minutes each
3. 30 second conclusion
4. 2 minutes for questions
5. 1 minute for overruns
Registered in England and Wales 10476856
Sarah McCloughry | | | 07939 261743
© STEMM Commercial Limited
People remember things most easily in 3s. You want your audience to remember what you say, you
want to remember what you want to say. Using
 3 items in the introduction
 3 items per topic
 3 items for the conclusion

Make sure to use ABC – Accurate, Brief and Clear in both your presentation and your slides

 How you manage your attitude
Rehearse success in your mind – by visioning. Think about your presentation and interview as being

Visioning Exercise
Take a few deep breaths and pay attention to the outbreath. Relax your body so that you are
comfortable. Take yourself back in your mind’s eye to a moment when you were utterly pleased.
You had set up to achieve something and now you have done so – it might have been your degree,
your passing a driving test, having a baby, winning a competition....something. Take yourself to the
exact moment when you were completely fulfillled knowing that you had achieved your purpose.
For those who are visual, sharpen the focus, clarify that moment, make the colours vibrant and vivid.
For those who are more auditory, amplify the sound, tune in to the frequency, clarify the resonance.
If you are kineasthetic, get in touch with the sensation, feel the emotion, experience the vibe. When
you are re-experiencing that moment as though it’s in the present, let the sound and vision fade and
stay with the deep sense of satisfaction and success. Then imagine yourself in front of your
interviewers, just keeping that deep sense of completion and pleasure. Keep practising and get into
the habit of assuming a successful performance.

 How you manage your stress

Managing your attention: Stay in the here-and-now. Anticipation will breed anxiety and takes your
attention away who and on what you need to focus your attention. Befriend the receptionist. Be
confident that you will remember what you’ve prepared without tormenting yourself by trying to
run over it again. The time of rehearsal is over. Staying in the present and having faith in your
preparation will mean you come across as fluent and confident of your material.

 How you manage your performance

Your first impression – signal that you are meant to be there, with your movements, voice and your
attitude. I recommend Dr Amy Cuddy “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are” since not only does Dr Cuddy talk of how to
manage your personal impact on others through your body language, you are likely to manage your
own confidence and change your physiology thanks to changes in your stance.
 Stance – upright, relaxed, steady. Move only when necessary.
 Breathing – focus on the out-breath. Just before you walk into the room, breathe in, hold it,
lift your shoulders, breathe out and drop your shoulders. THEN, go in.
 Voice – calm, authoritative, confident.

Registered in England and Wales 10476856

Sarah McCloughry | | | 07939 261743
© STEMM Commercial Limited
Your voice will use the major key, your movements will be strong and controlled, your manner
focused and you will give good eye contact.
 Motivate your audience by your enthusiasm and engagement.
 Show them how they can employ you by looking and sounding like you are already a
member of the team.
 Identify the decision maker – glance at the others (who are probably influencers) but
present to the decision maker.
 Practice makes perfect – one of the keys to certainty and confidence is to be well prepared
and well rehearsed. You have put in a great deal of time and energy into researching the
company and the individuals who will be interviewing you. It is as important to put in the
time to rehearse your presentation to as many different audiences as you can.

The Why, What and How of a Presentation
1. Why? Knowing your outcome, knowing your audience, knowing yourself
2. What? Fundamentals of good communication - academic v business, Shaping the Content
(including Less is More) The Power of Three
3. How? Confident personal impact: confident self belief, confident body language, confident

Review afterwards
 What went well for you from this presentation?
 What 3 takeaways can you now employ?
 What would you do differently next time?

If you have found this guide helpful and been inspired by what I’ve shared with you, please keep in
contact. I would also be delighted you would like to engage, refer or encourage your company to
talk to us.

These are the courses STEMM Commercial offer which are approved by the Royal Society of
Chemistry (grants and discounts are available):

 Project Management
 Leadership Skills
 Presenting with Confidence
 Networking with Partners
 Commercial Awareness 1&2
 Sales and Marketing 101
 Ethical Telemarketing

Email me Sarah, at or call 07939 261743 if you want more

information or to discuss any of what I have written or said. I’d love to hear from you.

Registered in England and Wales 10476856

Sarah McCloughry | | | 07939 261743
© STEMM Commercial Limited

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