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Struggling to write a thesis can be an overwhelming experience.

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One particularly challenging aspect of thesis writing is summarizing complex theories and arguments
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For all these groups, Euro-American expansion and opportunity meant the contraction or denial of
their own ability to achieve individual advancement and communal stability. Brian Leekley on
December 03, 2011: See also: I find fascinating that the frontier experience was conceptualized
before it began. People didn't just wander off into the woods and prairies. Ferguson by stating that
separation of educational facilities is inherently unequal and abolished segregation in schools (but
did no spell out any method for ending racial segregation. Without the US as a major superpower
and the lack of a large military force, the League of Nations quickly failed. It caught America by
surprise because the Soviet Union was the first country to successfully send a satellite into space,
which scared America into believing they were technologically inferior. The corruptness of
politicians and the bad practices of large corporations led to the rise of muckrakers who attempted to
uncover the truth behind politics, the meat industry, the slums of cities, and companies such as
Standard Oil Company. His Good Neighbor policy improved relations with Latin America. Full
content visible, double tap to read brief content. Learn More Board and Staff FAQs Statement of
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Curriculum: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness Arrow icon Unit: Chapter 9: 1877-1898 Was
Frederick Jackson Turner’s Frontier Thesis Myth or Reality. Chris Mills from Traverse City, MI on
February 15, 2013: This was a very interesting article. Before long he has gone to planting Indian
corn and plowing with a sharp stick; he shouts the war cry and takes the scalp in orthodox Indian
fashion. Turner lamented this, believing the most important phase of American history was over.
Other ways in which the frontier shaped the United States is Turner’s description of industrial
independence and growth of democracy. Mellon mainly wanted to focus on debt reduction, tax
reduction, and balancing the budget. The Taliban have several hundred years of history to catch up
on as it is. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may
receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press, 1994. To combat this situation, they turned to cooperative associations
such as the Grange and the National Farmers’ Alliance, which blossomed into the Populist Party at
the very moment Turner was writing about the frontier as the engine of American democracy. Why
would capitalism be a beneficial economic system to use during this period of industrial growth in
America. The war only lasted three months and ended with the Treaty of Paris (1898). It provided an
explanation for American exceptionalism; the frontier was what made America and Americans
despite the multiple origins of immigrants different from Europe and Europeans,” (Ridge, 73).
Videos Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video. We equip students and
teachers to live the ideals of a free and just society. Consequently they may have some historical
significance as contemporaneous attempts of a student of American history, at successive transitions
in our development during the past quarter century to interpret the relations of the present to the past.
He must accept the conditions which it furnishes, or perish, and so he fits himself into the Indian
clearings and follows the Indian trails.”. It also was used to justify the idea that the rich are supposed
to be rich while the poor are supposed to be poor. She believes that western American historians have
a choice of either disregarding one’s own personal experience and accept the old theories that do not
necessarily fit every aspect of western history, or disregard the old theories. Reproduction or
redistribution of this content without prior written consent is strictly prohibited. However, it was not
as well know with the general public.
One of the most Anthologized and respected works in the historical circle, The Frontier in American
History analyses how American history was driven by frontier and narrates the shaping of American
characteristics. Turner rebelled against that purely scientific approach, but not by much. Nice job!
Don A. Hoglund (author) from Wisconsin Rapids on December 03, 2011: Thanks for commenting.
Sources Much of the information used here came from the Wikipedia article on Frederick Jackson
Turner. Examples are Fitzgerald, Eliot, Steinbeck, Tolkien, Lewis, and Hemingway. Very soon,
Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. There are those that want to erase history and
reinterpret it according to their own historical biases. (Sorry for rambling.) I had never heard of this
fellow and his theories--my professors did a good job of erasing him from my study of history.
Reproduction or redistribution of this content without prior written consent is strictly prohibited.
Unfortunately, coupled with the increase in population density came worse sanitation, increased
pollution, and massive spread of disease. Other attractions, like fertile soil, were some of the main
attractions that drew farmers to the west. The new immigrants were discriminated against by the rest
of America because of the differences in religious belief as well as the inability for most of the
immigrants to speak English. Each paragraph in the body of the essay should contain. This paper
stated Turner's Frontier thesis, and argument presented in 1893 stating that the American frontier
experience was what had shaped American character to be democratic, aggressive, egalitarian, and
innovative. It finds him a European in dress, industries, tools, modes of travel, and thought. Frontier
Thesis Turner gained influence in the history field from his interpretive theories. I think that it is
normal for new theories and research to come up with new perspectives. Brian Leekley on December
03, 2011: See also: I find fascinating that the frontier experience was conceptualized before it began.
It is a good thing that these three groups have been given their due in their efforts to tame the West.
His own reputation was such that by 1010 he had the reputation of being one of the most influential
historians in the country. The discovery of salt springs in the west allowed the settlers to expand west
and move to other destinations where salt was accessible, besides the coast. Make a Donation Ways
to partner with BRI Learn more about the different ways you can partner with the Bill of Rights
Institute. The Four-Power, Five-Power, and Nine-Power treaties emerged from the Washington Naval
Conference, later modified by the London Naval Treaty of 1930 and the Second London Naval
Treaty of 1936. Hourly History Do you want to learn about the American Revolution. The people
who counted in his thesis, literally and figuratively, were those with European ancestry—and
especially those of Anglo-Saxon origins. He stated that different ethno-cultural groups had distinct
settlement patterns revealed in politics, economics, and society. The Taliban have several hundred
years of history to catch up on as it is. Chinese immigrants, defined as perpetual aliens under federal
law, could not obtain free land through the Homestead Act. Berkeley, CA: University of California
Press, 1994. Space and even our seas have only begun to be explored. According to PBS “Turner’s
contribution to American History was to argue that the frontier past best explained the distinctive
history of the United States.” His idea did not get immediate acceptance and was ignored at first.
It was the rise of the modern corporation, not the supposed fading of the frontier, that narrowed the
meanings of individualism and opportunity as Americans had previously understood them. A
considerable part of whatever value they may possess arises from the fact that they are commentaries
in different periods on the central theme of the influence of the. Out west, socialistic unions such as
the Western Federation of Miners and the Industrial Workers of the World challenged not only the
control that companies had over their employees but also their influence in the press and politics.
Essay on Frederick Turner Jackson: Frontier Thesis - 1137 Words. Social Darwinism in America
What were Carnegie’s views of philanthropy in his Gospel of Wealth. It finds him a European in
dress, industries, tools, modes of travel, and thought. So, why would Turner ignore the roles of
women in the frontier. Sit-ins (ie Greensboro) involved sitting in segregated areas to force businesses
to accept desegregation. In the census reports it is treated as the margin of that settlement which has
a density of two or more to the square mile. The Taliban have several hundred years of history to
catch up on as it is. In the field of religion, William Warren Sweet of the University of Chicago
Divinity School has noted that the frontier experience created new denomination such as the
Mormons, the Church of Christ, the Disciples of Christ, and the Cumberland Presbyterians. There
was lots of free land left in 1890, though; in fact, approximately 1 million people filed homestead
claims between 1901 and 1913, compared with 1.4 million between 1862 and 1900. Thank you, for
helping us keep this platform clean. During the industrial age after the Civil War, advocators for
laissez-faire supported self-interest and competition while opposed the taxing of commerce. Joseph
Price on January 28, 2012: Can someone help me. Hoglund (author) from Wisconsin Rapids on
December 05, 2011: mathira.Thank you for the comment. You can be a part of this exciting work by
making a donation to the Bill of Rights Institute today. The Korean War erupted as the US supported
south Korea against the Communist North. It came to describe the economic philosophy that
justified the accumulated money of the wealthy. It is important to realize that Turner’s essay not only
influenced peoples’ views on the American frontier, but his explanation became the most widely
accepted interpretation of American history. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our
cookie policy. Men like Rockefeller (Standard Oil Co., Carnegie (Carnegie Steel Company), and J. P.
Morgan (banker). Vertical integration is the process of owning all the means to production, while
horizontal means all the competition are bought out. The war only lasted three months and ended
with the Treaty of Paris (1898). Turner rebelled against that purely scientific approach, but not by
much. As a result they tended to ignore or dispute turners theories. It strips off the garments of
civilization and arrays him in the hunting shirt and the moccasin. By conquering the wilderness,
Turner stressed, they learned that resources and opportunity were seemingly boundless, meant to
bring the ruggedness out of each individual. The Populist platform adopted a platform mainly
centered around bettering the lives of farmers. He also helped initiate Medicare as well as Medicaid.
Northerners who moved south were called carpetbaggers and southern white republicans were called
Truman sent aid to Turkey and Greece to contain Communism. Permission is granted to download
and print the materials on this web site for personal, non-commercial use only, and to display it on
your personal computer provided you do not modify the materials and that you retain all copyright
notices contained in the materials. We support teachers and students by providing valuable resources,
tools, and experiences that promote civic engagement. By downloading content from our website,
you accept the terms of this agreement. In his essay, Turner focuses on the importance of the frontier
in terms of shaping America and setting her apart from Europe. It finds him a European in dress,
industries, tools, modes of travel, and thought. I think that whether on agrees with Jackson's theories
or not he had an important influence on how we see the American past.I am learning more as I write
about history and research it. Essay on Frederick Turner Jackson: Frontier Thesis - 1137 Words.
There were a total of four neutrality acts: 1935, 1936, 1937, and 1939. 1935: Prohibited all arms
shipments and forbade US citizens from traveling on ships of belligerent nations. 1936: Forbade the
extension of loans and credits to belligerents. 1937: Forbade the shipment of arms to the opposing
sides in the civil war in Spain. Your useful information make us want to read more and more. More
particularly, Turner claimed that characteristics and traits which developed throughout the
Nineteenth-Century push from East to West — individualism, nationalism, mobility, egalitarianism —
not just deviated in the perceived standard American cultural attitudes which won at that time, but
eventually found dominate the development from the American character. Tammy from North
Carolina on December 09, 2011: Excellent Dahoglund. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico
Press, 2001. There are those that want to erase history and reinterpret it according to their own
historical biases. (Sorry for rambling.) I had never heard of this fellow and his theories--my
professors did a good job of erasing him from my study of history. He had what Wikipedia refers to
as an “encyclopedic knowledge” gained from his research. President Kennedy ran on a slogan
involving the New Frontier, popular Sci-Fi show Star Trek used outer space as “the final frontier.”
Cowboys persist in country music and rodeo, which is a modern celebration of the round up of the
old west round up. The discovery of salt springs in the west allowed the settlers to expand west and
move to other destinations where salt was accessible, besides the coast. Du Bois stressed that
freedmen should seek education and use their knowledge to change. Learn More Close menu About
BRI About BRI The Bill of Rights Institute teaches civics. Using your mobile phone camera - scan
the code below and download the Kindle app. The Wagner act strengthened unions and the Taft-
Hartley Act restricted them. I just love your hubs. Don A. Hoglund (author) from Wisconsin Rapids
on December 06, 2011: Thank you Prasetio, your comment is appreciated.It is part of my own
attempts to understand history.Thanks for the votes. It is one thing to clear up historical inaccuracies
and another to engage in historical revisionism. I think that some new ideas in the 1960’s led to more
study of what is called “social history” which I find most interesting. According to PBS “Turner’s
contribution to American History was to argue that the frontier past best explained the distinctive
history of the United States.” His idea did not get immediate acceptance and was ignored at first.
The Turner thesis or frontier thesis, as his argument rapidly grew to become known, formed both
popular and scholarly views from the West (as well as anything else) for 2 generations. The rest of
the land was to be sold to white people to create schools for Native American assimilation. Thank
you, for helping us keep this platform clean. School desegregation occurred with Brown v. Board.
MLK was one of the key speakers for civil rights and lead protests and marches. The invention of the
elevator allowed construction of skyscrapers, which increased living space as cities grew upward.
This is actually the idea of successive frontiers. Following the Pearl Harbor attacks, the entire public
at the home front was mobilized to help. Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean.
Northerners who moved south were called carpetbaggers and southern white republicans were called
scalawags. By Prachi Sharma Feb 22, 2024 Hinduism How to Awake the Muladhara Chakra. Turner
graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1884 after deciding to become a professional
historian he went on to John Hopkins University in 1890 where he got his Ph.D. His thesis was on
the Wisconsin fur trade. It puts him in the log cabin of the Cherokee and Iroquois and runs an Indian
palisade around him. Frontier Thesis Turner gained influence in the history field from his interpretive
theories. His views on the subject can be summed up in this one statement from him: “The frontier
theory offered a reason for national uniqueness. Hoglund (author) from Wisconsin Rapids on March
21, 2013: aj, I never had much of an education in conventional history.The one professor that I took
several courses from would use literary works as well as history and other fields. These three essays
- The Significance of History, The Frontier Thesis and The Sectional Thesis - demonstrate Turner's
erudition, eloquence and foresight. Report this Document Download now Save Save The Frontier in
American History by Turner, Freder. He stated that different ethno-cultural groups had distinct
settlement patterns revealed in politics, economics, and society. In the census reports it is treated as
the margin of that settlement which has a density of two or more to the square mile. Essay on
Frederick Turner Jackson: Frontier Thesis - 1137 Words. I find myself writing more and more fiction
about early American history and the only way to write convincing historical fiction is to know
history. Explain why Turner's ideas about the frontier might be considered controversial in the 1890s
as well as today. 5. Does America have any frontiers left. Believe more emphasis should be placed on
teaching history in our schools. He believed that government aid should be minimal and any aid
should be temporary and mostly provided by state and local governments rather than the federal
government. Would Andrew Carnegie approve of your decisions?Slide16 Inequality is inevitable and
good. It had also constantly restored American ideas of democracy and individualism coupled with,
therefore, formed not only free airline however the nation in general. That suited me well, although
some students left class in a daze. Their brand of individualism had no place for small producers
who might become competitors. Theresa Goodrich A millionaire shipped in a rum barrel, the most
dangerous woman in America, and a park built on dead bodies. It had been titled The value of the
Frontier in American History. He believed that the government needed to play a big role in
controlling the economy. Stand at South Pass within the Rockies a hundred years later and find out
exactly the same procession with wider times between. Ferguson by stating that separation of
educational facilities is inherently unequal and abolished segregation in schools (but did no spell out
any method for ending racial segregation. My own college professor of American History was a
social historian and woke up my interest in history. The entire process of westward expansion had
transformed a desolate and savage land into modem civilization.

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