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Puerto del Rosario, October 7, 2020

Duration; 10-15min

Development: We all get on the yellow line and do joint movement:

ankles, knees, waist, arm and neck.

We then go around the court with a gentle trot. At the end of the round

we divide into two groups forming parallel rows and perform the

following movements:

1-Semi-flexed we move in a zigzag forward and back off.

2-Raising our knees we advance.

3-We advance bringing the heels to the gluteus.

4-We progress by opening and closing abductors.

5-We jump raising our hands three times.

6-We sprint is zigzag.

7-We put the two parallel we jump and when we touch the ground we do

a sprint towards the cone.

8-Standing shoulder to shoulder we advance a meter and do a sprint.

The warm-up is a phase prior to the training session that prepares the

body for the effort demanded by the activity we are going to perform.

It provides benefits such as:

Increase muscle temperature. A muscle with an optimal temperature

will contract more easily and with less tension.

Increase body temperature.

Dilation of blood vessels. Reducing the effort of the heart.

Activation of the perspiration mechanism. Heat activates the body's

cooling mechanisms, such as sweat, making them more efficient in

maintaining a stable body temperature..

Increase range of motion. After a proper warm-up the joints can

move more easily and with greater amplitude. In addition to avoiding

injuries due to muscle tears, the training will be more effective.

Hormone secretion. Many of the reactions that occur in the body are

due to hormones, with proper activation our body will be able to use

carbohydrates, proteins and fats more effectively.

Mental preparation Last but not least, it will help us to start training in

an adequate state of alert and with motivation and concentration at its

highest level.

The warm-up that I expose at the beginning can be used before carrying

out activities such as: athletics, soccer, basketball, handball, etc.

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