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Struggling with writing your thesis on Macbeth's downfall?

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with tackling such a complex topic. Crafting a thesis that effectively analyzes the factors contributing
to Macbeth's tragic downfall requires extensive research, critical thinking, and a deep understanding
of Shakespearean literature.

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throughout the play, every aspect of your thesis demands meticulous attention to detail. Moreover,
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At his wife’s suicide, Macbeth has already thrown away his conscience, so much so, that Macbeth
commits even more evil acts afterwards without even admitting to his conscience. In my opinion they
are the main evil in the play, as they appear to be evil incarnate and the main reason for everything
happening in the first place. In my opinion, had Macbeth not been so arrogant, he could have
deciphered the code, to work out not only was he vulnerable, but who was able to kill him. She is
manipulative and persuasive in corrupting Macbeth’s judgement. “What beast was’t then that made
you break this enterprise to me. It has been suggested that perhaps she is being controlled by them in
the same way she manipulates her husband. This doesn't mean to say that he would not have done it
at a later date. Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here and fill me, from crown
to the toe, top-full of direst cruelty!” this quote shows that she wants to be pure evil and as strong as
a man. This could be perceived as his guilty conscience, but I do not think he feels guilty, I believe
that he is more worried about being found out. She questions his manhood, and uses her womanly
charms to get him to commit the murder, she manipulates him. Him being crowned Thane of Cawdor
was inevitable which ever way you look at it, yet if Macbeth was a bit more skeptical then maybe he
might have seen it as pure coincidence, but he didn’t. The audience is left wondering, does she do
this for herself, or is she working for her husbands benefit. However, as the play progresses, and
Duncan is killed, Macbeth seems to become the dominating partner. Give us your email address and
we’ll send this sample there. Lady Macbeth attempts to conceal the truth, although she herself does
not know that Banquo has been murdered under her husband's instructions. This is very sneaky and
unfaithful, which is exactly the thing that Lady Macbeth does not want recuperated onto her by her
husband. Neither of these, it has to be said, can be entirely responsible for his downfall.
Unfortunately, one of these characters is a victim ofher own imagination. Also that he would be so
much better if he carried out the deed. Is Lady Macbeth responsible for the downfall of Macbeth?
They influenced Macbeth's first thoughts of killing Duncan as they first told him that he would be
Thane of Cawdor, and he already was but he did not know yet. The third apparition tells Macbeth
that he won't be defeated until Burneam wood walks up the hill and again this gives Macbeth much
confidence because he knew that it would be impossible for a forest to walk and I believe that this
makes Macbeth feel invinsible leading to his downfall. When Lady Macbeth influences him it shows
that Macbeth is a easily swayed man and he has no backbone. He is saying that the king will have
the heavens and their angels grieving for his death. The way Lady Macbeth constantly persuades
Macbeth to commit the murder conveys to the reader that Lady Macbeth is infact Macbeth’s source
of evil. The only other thing she does after the murder of Duncan that influenced Macbeth, was when
she went crazy and eventually killed herself. Conversely, it doesn’t often appear that she trusts or
particularly loves him. In Scene 7 Macbeth decides they would not kill Duncan because he is
Duncan’s “kinsman” and his “subject”, but also as his “host” he should prevent any harm from
coming across Duncan and not bear the knife to cause the harm. Her first sign of weakness is that she
would not actually kill Duncan herself, saying that,” Had he not resembled. How far is Macbeth
solely responsible for his own downfall. She allows her ambitions to get he better of her, and
believes that it is her responsibility to guide Macbeth to reach his destiny.
Macbeth had a mind of his own and he could make his own decision. In my opinion, Macbeth's fatal
mistake was the murder of Banquo. Lady Macbeth persuaded him to do it, for her own causes. What
influences are important in bringing about Macbeth's downfall? If Macbeth wasn’t so ambitious and
intrigued by the prospect of. Lastly Macbeth protects Lady Macbeth by doing all the murders on his
own after the murder of King Duncan so Macbeth is responsible for the blood not Lady Macbeth. In
addition he is told that he will not be defeated until the trees of Birnam Wood move towards his
castle. Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here and fill me, from crown to the
toe, top-full of direst cruelty!” this quote shows that she wants to be pure evil and as strong as a
man. After Duncan's murder, Lady Macbeth takes control of the situation, Macbeth is overcome with
what he has done. The next we see of Lady Macbeth is in Act 5 Scene 1, which shows just how
unimportant in Macbeth's life she has become. Therefore its Macbeth’s own fault for his own
downfall. He was fully aware of theconsequences of all the decisions he made. He’s convinced that
“two truths are told, as happy prologues to the swelling act of the imperial theme.” (Act 1. Sc. 3) the
dark forces “win us with honest trifles, to betray’s in deepest consequence”. A certain amount of free
will definitely plays a part in his downfall; looking back to when he first meets the witches, murder
immediately comes to his mind when they tell him he will be king. He doubts the witches but when
Ross arrives and tells him that he is now the Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth starts to steadily think the
witches far more and more. This is very unusual for the time in which the play was set; there would
usually be more dominance from the husband, whereas Macbeth and Lady Macbeth seem to be
equally powerful in the relationship, perhaps even Lady Macbeth has more of the power over
decisions. Banquo is told that his children shall be Kings but that he won't and that he will be lesser
than Macbeth but greater. Discuss the role that blood plays in macbeth particularly immediately
following duncan s murder and late in the play. The tragedy of Macbeth was written by William
Shakespeare. It can be mentioned that with out the witches the play might not continue or even be
produced. The moment Lady Macbeth receives the letter from her husband, she begins plotting the
death of the current king, Duncan. She feels that the only way through which she will obtain her
ambitions is to be sinister and evil. The fact that the Witches are in the first scene of Macbeth
confirms that they are important characters and main devices of evil. At the very beginning of the
scene, the first witchpunishes a sailor’s wife by tossing his ship about on the seas. He sees it as a sign
almost, telling him to decide whether to kill Duncan or not as the bell rings. Speech - who is
responsible for Macbeth's downfall? Macbeth - the downfall of macbeth and what led to it. The
mission of the supernatural forces witches and their role in the plot. The witches increase his ambition
drastically by the thought of kingship. Therefore we can see that the witches and Lady Macbeth have
been important aspects and accountable for the downfall of Macbeth.
During this she starts to have concerns about Macbeth’s kind nature and that he will not be able to
kill the king and claim the throne so she can become queen. Throughout the play, Macbeth ruthlessly
pursues his own interests. By saying his name they associate him with evil or the supernatural. He is
corrupt and slaughters all that get in his way, he is told that Banquo's sons will be kings so he kills his
close friend Banquo. And to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man”.
(Act 1. Sc.7) In this quote, Lady Macbeth is agitating Macbeth by saying he is not a man if he does
not murder Duncan. Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as a powerful character whose traits go
against the stereotypes of a Jacobean woman. The next we see of Lady Macbeth is in Act 5 Scene 1,
which shows just how unimportant in Macbeth's life she has become. Lady Macbeth attempts to
conceal the truth, although she herself does not know that Banquo has been murdered under her
husband's instructions. The mention of Macbeth in the scene puts Macbeth in a negative light as the
Elizabethan audience is greatly superstitious. His words suggest that he is already having dark
thoughts towards the King. She allows her ambitions to get he better of her, and believes that it is her
responsibility to guide Macbeth to reach his destiny. Lady Macbeth asked the evil spirits to assist her
in influencing Macbeth. The audience is left wondering, does she do this for herself, or is she
working for her husbands benefit. A deeper exploration of how mormons influenced settling in
america. This started from the witches’ first prediction of Macbeth being king, which made Macbeth
kill to become king. She is strong willed and knows her husband well enough to exploit his
sensitivity about manliness. Even stranger is the third witch calling to Macbeth,”All hail,Macbeth,
that shalt be king hereafter!”(I, iii, 50). Macbeth soon after got people to kill Banquo for several
reasons of fear. In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth unconsciously uses
Macbeth and others as a shield for guilt.When she wants something but doesn't have the guts to
perform the task herself, she calls upon anyone but herself to do it.She thinks that this will erase her
conscience of any guilt it. He is obsessed with power and has become increasingly evil. This
metaphor refers to the milk a child drinks when it is young and innocent hence Lady Macbeth
compares Macbeth’s innocence to that of a child. This statement said by Lady Macbeth also makes
Macbeth see murdering Duncan as being a minute act and not that, which is of great wickedness,
thus making Macbeth feel inclined to carry out the murder. It is this confidence in herself plus the
persuasiveness on her words that makes Macbeth act on her words without hesitating. They also
reinforce their predictions by saying that banquo’s children will be kings. A woman living in a time
when she know that she cannot advance much higher than her current status, seizing an opportunity
to better herself. The witches and Lady Macbeth influenced him and set him on the road to evil. This
is a very effective way of deceiving Macbeth into believing this, because he wants the third prophecy
to be true. But after the death of King Duncan it only spurs Macbeth on to more evil deeds. After
finding out that the first two greetings are truths, Macbeth expects that the third one will also
become true as well, unfortunately, he does not realise that he has been duped. He has a conscience
throughout the entire play as this is seen by the hallucinations of the dagger and the ghost of Banquo
and his vivid imagination and his constant worry also provokes him.
In a sense, the cave itself seems to show the loneliness and emptiness of the witches. These clever
and powerful mind games she plays with Macbeth finally convince Macbeth to kill King Duncan.
She begins to push Macbeth towards the act of murdering Duncan. He also murders his best friend
for know real reason and I think this is betrayl. He has to prove to his wife that he still is big and
masculine. He allowshimself to be swayed by the woman he loves. But Macbeth, making him
guiltier of the crime, did the actual murder. However, it can not be mentioned that they alone were
accountable for his downfall as Macbeth’s personal ambition and actions led to his tragic fall.
Macbeth is a fully cognizant person and not a mindless puppet of thesupernatural. Unlike the usual
woman of the Elizabethan times she plays a very large role in the household; she acts like the man of
the house making many of the chief decisions including to kill King Duncan however she only does
this for the benefit of her husband and to make him king. The first apparition which Macbeth
recieves warns him of Macduff and this I believe is what persuaded him to kill Macduffs wife and
child. This is because in the play, they, along with Macbeth’s ambition and at the starting of the play,
Lady Macbeth’s ambition and determination, drive the play. To what extent is Macbeth responsible
for his own downfall? We come to see how initially Lady Macbeth made Macbeth immune to
carrying out the murder of King Duncan; hence he sees another murder as being a normal aspect.
There is no way that Macbeth can quell Banquo's suspicions, and so to retain his rank Macbeth sees
no other option than to kill him. She says if he won’t do then he won’t be a real man. So it is evident
that before the murder Lady Macbeth has been a strong influence of making Macbeth breakdown
morally. By the time Macbeth has realised his mistake in trusting them it is too late. They show the
reader that Macbeth is suffering physically and mentally as a result of listening to the witches and
committing murders in order to gain more power even though he was very powerful in the first place.
The witches were twisting Macbeth about and watching him suffer and drown in his own guilt. My
guess is that William Shakespeare originally thought of this idea when writing the play. Critical essay
topics on macbeth macbeth as the antihero in the shakespearean play. Also no-one persuaded
Macbeth to kill anyone else so he thought of these murders himself so this is a big piece of evidence
of how he lead to his own downfall. This shows that Lady Macbeth realises the sudden change in
Macbeth's ways. And to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man”. (Act 1.
Sc.7) In this quote, Lady Macbeth is agitating Macbeth by saying he is. These apparitions make
MacBeth full of confidence believing that he can beat anyone. To what extent is Macbeth responsible
for his own downfall? He has put all his faith in these prophecies because he believes what the
witches have said must be true because of the outcome of the first prediction. That shalt be King
hereafter.” And the witches also make a prediction that banquo’s son will become king. We can see
how afraid he is of the ghost, because he does not know whether the others can see it or not at first.
From right here, it can be seen that he is falling, falling and will not cease as every thing has been set
in motion. They also reinforce their predictions by saying that banquo’s children will be kings. The
English army camouflage themselves using branches from Great Birnam wood so that it appears that
the forest is moving up to Dunsinane hill. As the play continues Macbeth slowly relies on the
witches’ prophecies. Macbeth: Theories on who is to blame for Macbeth's downfall. Take this
opportunity to get a plagiarism-free paper that will perfectly meet your requirements. The witches
never lie but, because they speak in puzzling riddles, it is possible for Macbeth to hear only what he
wants. From the start we learn that she is more powerfully minded than Macbeth is as she is.
Shakespeare describes the witches in this way to make them sound more evil so that the audience
would dislike them more. A deeper exploration of how mormons influenced settling in america. This
is shown when an injured and bloody sergeant says to Duncan “For brave Macbeth, well he
deserves that name” Soon afterwards it is shown that Macbeth is a noble and honourable Thane by
showing how much he respects king Duncan when he was angry at himself at thoughts of killing
Duncan when Malcolm is named successor to the throne. The witches’ prophecy, Lady Macbeth’s
influence and Macbeth’s own ambition all contribute greatly to his deterioration of character, which
results in his downfall. The readers are aware that Lady Macbeth does anything possible for her to
become strong within so she can engage in the murder. Him being crowned Thane of Cawdor was
inevitable which ever way you look at it, yet if Macbeth was a bit more skeptical then maybe he
might have seen it as pure coincidence, but he didn’t. Discuss the role that blood plays in macbeth
particularly immediately following duncan s murder and late in the play. The sisters tell Macbeth that
he is to become the Thane of Cawdor and soon after, king. I think that the witches are playing games
with Macbeth for the amusement of themselves. Once Macbeth had overcome his moral scruples in
killing Duncan then the subsequent murders were easy. This angers Lady Macbeth so she puts him in
a difficult position to make him reconsider. Lady Macbeth would possibly be a very beautiful person,
as she could use her beauty and innocent features to manipulate her husband. He knows that killing
the king brings him one step closer to the throne; but he also believes that that will not be the end.
She is very formal and acts as a lady with high principles. By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you
agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. This is also an important scene because King
Duncan decides to promote Macbeth from Thane of Glamis to Thane of Cawdor. Again, while his
decisions were being influenced by outside factors from the witches and his wife, he could have
chosen to ignore them and trust that none of his subjects would attempt to overthrow him therefore
keeping the people on his good side and still having Banquo as his friend. If he truly was morally
tough he would have acknowledged that killing your guest, especially the king, who in the medieval
times was thought to be appointed by god, was wrong. MacBeth killed Duncan and all those other
innocent people and that was a major contribution to his own downfall. When Macbeth is first
confronted with a situation where he will have to commit a murder to continue his rise to king, he
struggles with the idea. Macbeth at the start of the play is portrayed as a brave and courageous man.
Understanding what makes a good thesis statement is one of the major keys to writing a great
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Macbeth is affected by this immediatly by what they said. King Macbeth enters and they talk with
Banquo before he sets off with his son Fleance to go riding. They are the ones who made the
prophesy, which a catalyst to all events. They are not. It is admittedly strangethat the weird sisters
first address Macbeth with,”All hail, Macbeth. The witches always tell the truth, it is just Macbeth's
interpretation of the apparitions, although the witches do encourage him. The witches never lie but,
because they speak in puzzling riddles, it is possible for Macbeth to hear only what he wants. Thus I
feel that Lady Macbeth is the most influential person in Macbeth’s downfall. Lady Macbeth did a
little more than just talk about it though. We can see here the foundation of all of Macbeth's desires.
To my mind, Act 1 Scene 7, is pivotal in Macbeth's development as a psychopathic killer. These
apparitions lead to the downfall of Macbeth in a very big way. At this point in the play it is as
though Lady Macbeth has no conscience, it is as though she is cold. She used various techniques of
influencing Macbeth for instance, sexual techniques, gender techniques and even by telling him that
he is a coward even though she knows hes not. At the start of the soliloquy he is frightened but by
the end he, himself without Lady Macbeth, makes up his mind to kill Duncan; “I go, and it is done.”
After he kills Duncan and comes back with the daggers Lady Macbeth snatches the blood-dripping
dagger off him to plant them with the guards. Once Macbeth had overcome his moral scruples in
killing Duncan then the subsequent murders were easy. The fact that Shakespeare uses such an
atmosphere to present the witches, illustrates to the audience the witches are evil and sinister beings
in the play. In contrast, Macbeth is eager and wants to hear more. Also MacBeth chose to obey the
witches prophecies and fact commit and murder that would turn the moral orders of the world upside
down. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who
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terms and conditions. After he visits the cave, he is shown several issues, namely that Macduff is a
threat and that once Birnam Wood moves, Macbeth is doomed. But he does not think of what they
may really mean. The main characters that were at fault in Macbeth's downfall were The Witches,
Lady Macbeth and of course Macbeth himself but who is to blame the most out of the three. He
already has the title, The Thane of Glamis, how did they know that. In Scene 7 Macbeth decides they
would not kill Duncan because he is Duncan’s “kinsman” and his “subject”, but also as his “host” he
should prevent any harm from coming across Duncan and not bear the knife to cause the harm.
Discuss who is to blame for the murder of King Duncan and Macbeth's downfal. The witches told
Macbeth that he would be King in the future and this put the idea of him murdering Duncan in his
head. After Macbeth murdered King Duncan he became paranoid because he saw things that weren’t
actually there like at the party when there was an empty seat and he thought he saw Banquo which
he had recently murdered as well. Macbeth is told he cannot be killed by any man born of woman.
However, when Macbeth and Banquo hear the witches’ prophesies for them, he seems eager where
Banquo has reservations. It seems that fate has given Macbeth the perfect opportunity to fulfil his
ambition by putting Duncan into Macbeth's power.

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