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Struggling to Write Your Thesis? Consider the Challenges and Get Help from ⇒ HelpWriting.


Writing a thesis is undoubtedly one of the most challenging tasks that students face during their
academic journey. From conducting extensive research to crafting a coherent argument, the process
can be overwhelming and often leaves students feeling frustrated and stressed. One particular
assignment that many students find daunting is summarizing complex texts like Martin Luther King
Jr.'s "Letter From Birmingham Jail."

Attempting to summarize such a profound and historically significant document requires a deep
understanding of the text, its context, and its implications. It demands meticulous attention to detail
and the ability to articulate key points concisely and effectively. However, for many students,
navigating through the dense layers of rhetoric and analysis can prove to be a formidable task.

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It remains an important and influential document in the history of the civil rights movement and
continues to inspire people around the world to fight for justice and equality. Footer Picture
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Privacy Policy Area Volume Calculator. He continues that it is dangerous for the white community to
dismiss non-violent protest, as it would further drive desperate Negroes to black nationalism.
“Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever” - King repeats that as those in Africa, Asia,
South America and the Caribbean gain greater agency, the United States Negro is moving with an
urgency towards his own freedom. He counters this argument by pointing out that the real cause of
the chaos is the unjust system of segregation and discrimination, and that the civil rights movement
is simply trying to bring about change and justice. He stated that civil disobedience was not only
justified in the face of unfair laws, but also a person has a moral responsibility to disrespect unjust
laws Bordas 2007. This act of defiance was greeted by the immediate arrest of all of the protesters
Dr. But even if the church does not come to the aid of justice, I have no despair about the future.
African Americans have waited more than years for their rights. Here, King praises those taking the
risk to fight racial injustice and hopes that the rest of the church members will join. He also wanted
to let everyone know that him going to jail was not going to stop the civil rights movement. This
letter by King Junior is directed to the eight white clergymen, who had publicly condemned his
actions in Birmingham, in Alabama. However, upon reflection, King is satisfied to be called extreme,
and he reminds the clergymen that great biblical and historical figures were labeled as extremists too.
The contemporary church is a weak, impressionTABLE voice; and if it doesn’t recapture the
sacrificial spirit of the early church, it will lose its authenticity and be Semitism as an irrelevant
social club with no meaning for the twentieth century. Skillhub FZ-LLC, Service Block, B01-101, Al
Hulaila Industrial Zone-FZ Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates. If I have said anything in this
letter that overstates the truth and indicates an unreasonable impatience, I beg you to forgive me.
Comparing himself to the Apostle Paul strikes deep emotion in most people and is almost saying that
he is trying to do the work of God by trying to achieve true freedom. Law and order exist for the
sole purpose of establishing justice. King was one of the most influential men of his time. King
refutes the claim to change things in the future and insists “to create a situation so crisis-packed that
it will inevitably open the door to negotiation.” In other words, to experience freedom, demand and
pressure need to be applied. Sometimes Moderates Are Almost as Bad as Extremists. It is unjust to
enact a code that a majority group does not obey, but nevertheless forces on a minority group.
Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”. Birmingham became a hotspot of
civil rights in the 1960s. MILK has never written so long a letter, but he asks what else is one
supposed to do other than think long thoughts, write long letters, and pray long prayers when locked
up alone in a narrow jail cell. These are the morals that segregation is teaching the next generation; by
focusing on the mistreatment and inequality of children, King hopes his readers will feel empathetic
to the innocence of the youth and inspire action among the moderates. The rhetorical situation of
Letter from Birmingham Jail is that the author is addressing an audience of white clergymen who
have criticized his involvement in the civil rights movement. He wrote with the hope that things
would become better. He then uses logos to make sure that everything he is saying was warranted
and logical. The letter from Birmingham Jail concludes with “yours in the cause of peace and
brotherhood.”. You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. Does their
personal point of view, their commitment, their perspective change the way a thing is written about.
He subsequently expresses his wish to meet the eight white clergymen as a fellow clergyman rather
than a protester or an African American. King fought to end segregation, earn civil rights and led the
liberation movement. He also mentions how difficult it is for children to go through the
discriminations that the blacks go through. Report this resource to let us know if this resource
violates TPT’s content guidelines. Why direct action? Why sit-ins, marches and so forth. To illustrate
the perspective of MLK on white moderates, he refers to one of the letters to Birmingham Jail from
a white man.. I felt that the white ministers, priests and rabbis of the South would be among our
strongest allies. The Civil Rights movement has called on people like Dr. King to raise awareness of
injustice and mistreatment of black people. It was written on April 16th during the civil rights
protest. Equality was promised previously, which was later not followed. Therefore, some of these
memories could be faulty, or at least flawed, and yet, there is no mention of that in the book. MILK
has never written so long a letter, but he asks what else is one supposed to do other than think long
thoughts, write long letters, and pray long prayers when locked up alone in a narrow jail cell. This
shows how MLK (Martin Luther King) was put in prison for protesting black rights, some say that
he was an order for him to protest he would have to know what he was protesting MLK
had a PHD in Systematic Theology from. For an optimal experience, please switch to the latest
version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox. Martin Luther King in
his letter from a Birmingham Jail. In paragraphs 13 and 14 of Letter from Birmingham Jail, we reach
the expressive and climactic division of his essay. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to
disobey unjust laws.” Once again, King points to his strong religious faith in quoting St. If he hadn’t
taken a stand for what needed to be done, where would the people of our world, and nation be
today. A genius of the art of persuasion, King uses tremendously effective emotional appeal by
engaging his audience's patriotism, love of family, and auditory senses. King. But, many could argue
that some are limited to resources when it comes to surviving in this world. Here, King returns to the
theme of “timeliness” of protestors’ actions, and the concept of time in general. God lectures us to be
good leaders, and followers of his word, but in disobeying what is written in his bible, will result in
hypocrisy among the followers and believers. Sometimes Moderates Are Almost as Bad as
Extremists. King introduced a range of comparisons into his speech. King Luther’s handwriting was
described as “chicken scratch scrawl”. The letter claims that Martin Luther King white moderates
should consider the circumstances bringing about the protests rather than condemning them. King
then comes closer to the present day, mentioning the Boston Tea Party’s acts of disobedience, the fact
that the denial of liberty in Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany was “legal”, and that those fighting for
Hungarian independence from the Soviets in 1956 was “illegal”. He followed the word of Christ and
spread it as much as he possibly could. For an optimal experience, please switch to the latest version
of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox. He defends his right to be there
in an unemotional tone, explaining that the SCLC operates throughout the entirety of the South.
Waiting for time to take its course is a misconception.
His intention for this was to acknowledge those who had enslaved him in his own body but could
not keep him from braking out. Angry and eager for change, King responds to the claims made by
the Clergymen in his famous argument, “A Letter From Birmingham Jail ”. So I, along with several
members of my staff, am here because I was invited here. The latter, unfortunately, don’t care about
the Negroes. Bass, 2001 Initiated because of the response to the reluctance of the city to end
segregation, the Birmingham Campaign, established Birmingham as the hotbed of the Civil Rights
Movement in 1963. King Luther’s handwriting was described as “chicken scratch scrawl”. Pietersma
speculates that one expression is a second level, private communication from the marketplace and
public arenas. In the case of segregation, the minority group have not had the chance to vote on the
law, and have had no hand in devising it. ? The text continues with King questioning the legitimacy
of the “democratically elected” government of Alabama. He feels the need to work for justice
wherever injustice is prevailing. He describes with great detail an emotional situation of the police
force preventing violence and being commended for it. Furthermore, King makes the argument that
there’s never a better time for direct action and social justice. This label is applied to Martin Luther
King, suggesting that he is an outsider. This option enhances the consistency in the quality of your
assignments. Once MLK read this letter, he chose to respond with an extensive written letter, to help
everyone understand more about the situation, and protests, leading up to his placement in the
Birmingham jail. To support his argument, he uses the example of the countries fore fathers who he
says did not use good-faith conciliations in the fight for their rights and freedoms. Martin Luther
King is one of the most prominent speakers who used strong arguments to support his claims. In the
core of his letter, he uses pathos as a strong standpoint, particularly with his poignant illustration of
the treachery caused by segregation 256. King headed straight to Birmingham with the intention of
peaceful, yet effective, demand for equality. Society is always changing, so campaigns against racial
segregation were certain to happen eventually. Conclusion: Therefore, we must break unjust laws
because that shows the highest respect for law. All this happens before and on the Letter from
Birmingham Jail year, 1963. College, and education as a whole is extremely expensive, and those
who can hardly afford it, spend the rest of their lives paying off student debt to reach their life
aspirations, and goals. The deductive elements of the speech, therefore, contribute to the creation of
the sense of urgency, making Dr. The way he wrote this letter strikes very hard how shows the
suffering and humilation the african community has endured. The letter concludes with a call to
action, urging people of all races to work together to bring about change and create a more just and
equal society. He says that these men have goodwill and are sincere with their concerns. A just law is
a law that treats everyone the same and without segregation. The letter from Birmingham Jail
concludes with “yours in the cause of peace and brotherhood.”. Blacks have been waiting for 340
years for the “right” time to get justice. Answer: He was born in Atlanta, Georgia in the United
States. The letter, written in response to criticism, answers many of the objections that could have
been raised to the Civil Rights Movement.
King compares the early Christians’ fight for freedom with the African American’s call for equality.
The letter claims that Martin Luther King white moderates should consider the circumstances
bringing about the protests rather than condemning them. In today’s world, much of discrimination
is sort of diminished, but overall, it’s still present in every day lives. That's why our prices are one of
the most affordable on the market, and there are no hidden fees. The letter written during Reverend
King's time of confinement in Birmingham jail was rather long, and it expressed his deep sense of
frustration with the way the civil rights of African Americans were ignored, and segregation
continued despite it being unconstitutional. As in so many past experiences, our hopes had been
blasted, and the shadow of deep disappointment settled upon us. The primary purpose of King's
letter is to appeal to the humanity of his audience in the hopes of gaining their support for his cause.
But oh! How we have blemished and scarred that body through social neglect and through fear of
being nonconformists,” (King 9). Many would say this is a lasting and important text for today’s
American society. King reveals in the letter that the merchants in Birmingham had arranged an
agreement to remove racial signs from their store and demonstrations would cease. We are all
humans at the end of the day, and no one is superior than another. King rebukes the police for
applying “moral means to preserve immoral ends. Letter from a Birmingham Jail Dr. King uses logos
as a way to back his counterargument against the clergymen up. Sometimes Moderates Are Almost
as Bad as Extremists. Answer: The theme is about legal equality, economic and social equality.
Question 2. What was the name of the speech given by King Martin Luther Junior. A very popular,
and very famous speech was given by martin Luther King Jr., in August of 1963, called “I Have a
Dream” speech. Becker very carefully defines democracy as needing two things: material conditions
and people of high “capacity.” Is he correct in saying this. Many of his speeches or writings were
sure to be powerful and articulate. 'Letter From Birmingham Jail' written by Dr. He stated that civil
disobedience was not only justified in the face of unfair laws, but also a person has a moral
responsibility to disrespect unjust laws Bordas 2007. He says that these men have goodwill and are
sincere with their concerns. There is rampant mistreatment in courts and bombing of the Negro
homes and churches, pushing for non-violent demonstrations. In the letter, the writer responds to
criticism against him. However, he gradually gained a sense of satisfaction from the title after
realizing that Jesus was categorized as an extremist. King establishes that just waiting for their
freedom will lead them nowhere, but direct action will lead them to their constitutional rights. King
had hoped that the religious leaders would, with deep moral concern, serve as the channel through
which the Negroes attempts for justice loud reach the power structure. This text is free, available
online and used for guidance and inspiration. King states that “Birmingham is probably the most
thoroughly segregated city in the United States.” Horrific violence, including bombing of Negro
churches can no longer be ignored. It would also make the clergymen feel as though King is not
attacking them for their words against him.. Police dogs are used in the attack members of the black
community members engaged in the peaceful protests. Although slavery was now declared illegal,
the fight for equality was far from over. Negroes have experienced grossly unjust treatments in the
streets and in the courts that are widely known.

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