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➢ System Software
❖ Operating System
❖ Language Processors
✓ Assembler
✓ Interpreter
✓ Compiler
❖ Utility Software
✓ File Management Software
✓ Anti virus Software
✓ Encryption/Decryption Software

• System software refers to the programs that control internal computer operations and
make best use of the hardware. It is designed to control and work with computer hardware.
The two main types of system software are the operating system and the software installed
with the operating system, often called utility software. In some cases, the operating system
and utility software depend on each other to function properly.
• System Software is responsible for controlling a computer’s internal operations, handling
input/output devices and scheduling tasks. It acts as an interface between the device and the
end user.
• It also provides the platform for the running of other software.
• Example: operating systems, device drivers, antivirus software etc.
Features of the system software
• It is difficult to design.
• It is written in the low-level language, or you can say that it is written in
machine language which is only understood by the machine.
• It is difficult to manipulate.
• System software is very close to the system.
• The speed of the system software is fast.
• An operating system is the most important software
that runs on a computer. It manages the computer's
memory and processes, as well as all of its software and
hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the
computer without knowing how to speak the computer's
• An Operating System (OS) is an interface between a
computer user and computer hardware. It is a software
which performs all the basic tasks like file management,
memory management, process management, handling
input and output, and controlling peripheral devices such
as disk drives and printers.
• When computers were first introduced, the user
interacted with them using a command line interface,
which required commands. Today, almost every computer
is using a GUI (Graphical User Interface) operating
system that is much easier to use and operate.
Some examples of operating systems include versions of Microsoft
Windows (like Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and
Windows XP), Apple's macOS (formerly OS X), Chrome OS,
BlackBerry Tablet OS, and flavors of Linux, an open source operating
Examples of computer operating systems
• Microsoft Windows 10 - PC and IBM compatible operating
system. Microsoft Windows is the most common and used operating
• Apple MacOS - Today, the only Apple computer operating system
is MacOS.
• Ubuntu Linux - A popular variant of Linux used with PC and IBM
compatible computers.
• Google Android - Operating system used with Android compatible
phones and tablets.
• iOS - Operating system used with the Apple iPhone and iPads.
• Chromium - Google operating system used with Chromebooks.
• OxygenOS - OnePlus' proprietary operating system.

A computer understands instructions in machine code or Low Level Languages, i.e. in the form of
0s and 1s. It is a tedious task to write a computer program directly in machine code. The
programs are written mostly in high level languages like Java, C++, Python etc. and are
called source code. These source code cannot be executed directly by the computer and must
be converted into machine language to be executed. Hence, a special translator system software
is used to translate the program written in high-level language into machine code which is
called Language Processor and the program after translated into machine code is called object
program / object code.
The language processors can be any of the following three types:
• Compiler –
The language processor that reads the complete source program written in high level language as a
whole in one go and translates it into an equivalent program in machine language is called as a
Example: C, C++, C#, Java

In a compiler, the source code is translated to object code successfully if it is free of errors. The
compiler specifies the errors at the end of compilation with line numbers when there are any errors in
the source code. The errors must be removed before the compiler can successfully recompile the
source code again. Once all the errors are removed by the programmer, the compiler generates the
program in machine code.
• Assembler –
The Assembler is used to translate the program written in Assembly language into machine
code. Assembly language is a low-level programming language. It uses mnemonic words (like
ADD for addition, SUB for subtraction and EQU for equals to) to represent various
arithmetical and logical operations. The source program is a input of assembler that contains
assembly language instructions. The output generated by assembler is the object code or
machine code understandable by the computer.
• Interpreter –
The translation of single statement of source program into machine code is done by language processor
and executes it immediately before moving on to the next line is called an interpreter. If there is an error
in the statement, the interpreter terminates its translating process at that statement and displays an error
message. The interpreter moves on to the next line for execution only after removal of the error. An
Interpreter directly executes instructions written in a programming or scripting language without
previously converting them to an object code or machine code.
• Thus , an Interpreter is a language processor that translates a high-level language program,
line-by-line into a machine language program.

Example: GW Basic, Perl, and Python

Difference between Compiler and Interpreter –
A compiler is a program which coverts the
interpreter takes a source program and runs
entire source code of a programming
it line by line, translating each line as it comes
language into executable machine code for a
to it.

Compiler takes large amount of time to

Interpreter takes less amount of time to
analyze the entire source code but the
analyze the source code but the overall
overall execution time of the program is
execution time of the program is slower.
comparatively faster.

Compiler generates the error message only

after scanning the whole program, so Its Debugging is easier as it continues
debugging is comparatively hard as the error translating the program until the error is met
can be present any where in the program.

Generates intermediate object code. No intermediate object code is generated.

Examples: C, C++, Java Examples: Python, Perl
Utility software, often referred as utility is a system software that is designed to help analyze,
configure, optimize or maintain a computer and enhance the computer’s performance. It is a
program that performs a specific task, which is usually related to managing the system resources.
Utilities are sometimes also installed as memory-resident programs.
Some of the examples of the utility programs (Utilities) include: Disk defragmenters, System
Profilers, Network Managers, Application Launchers, Antivirus software, Backup software, Disk
repair, Disk Cleaners, Registry Cleaners, Disk Space analyzer, file manager, File Compression, Data
Security and many more. In addition, operating systems contains a number of utilities for
managing disk drives, printers, and other devices.
Advantages of utility software
• Utility software has been designed specifically to help in management and tuning of operating
system, computer hardware and application software of a system.
• It performs a specific and useful function to maintain and increase the efficiency of a computer
• Aids in keeping the computer free from unwanted software threats such as viruses or spyware
• Adds functionality that allow the user to customize your desktop and user interface
• Manages computer memory and enhances performance
• In general, these programs assist the user to make and run their computer better. They are also
used for password protection, memory management, virus protection, and file compression in
order to manage all the computer functions, resources and files efficiently.
• A file management system is an application that is used to store, arrange,
and access files stored on a disk or other storage location. The main
purpose of a file manager is to enable users to create and store new files
on a device (laptop or desktop), view all the files stored on the device,
and to organize files in different hierarchical arrangements, such as folders,
for easy classification. The basic operations possible with a file
management system include:
• Creating new files
• Displaying all stored files
• Moving files between locations
• Adding and editing basic metadata
• Sorting files based on criteria such as date modified, date created, file size,
file format, etc.
A file management system provides you with a simple interface that can be
used to browse through folders and access different files using dedicated
applications, such as Excel for .xls, Acrobat for .pdf, and Word for .doc. The
default file management system provided for the users of Microsoft
Windows computers is Windows Explorer. Some other Popular file
management software are :FreeCommander, Explorer++, Pathfinder,
Directory Opus etc.

Antivirus software also known as anti-malware, is a computer

program used to prevent, detect, and remove malware. This utility
program ensures virus-free work environment. A computer virus is
a computer program that can inject other computer programs by
modifying them in such a way as to include a copy of itself. A virus
not only copies itself but also makes the computer system behave
abnormally. For instance, unknown or unasked messages may get
flashed or unwanted music gets played or unwanted graphical
displays might occur.
An antivirus software scans your disk for viruses and removes
them, if any virus is found. Moreover some antivirus software
remains present in memory all the time so that they can detect
the viruses (as soon as they occur) and counterattack them.
Some popular antivirus software are Norton, McAfee,
Kaspersky, Quick Heal, Panda, Avast, AVG etc.
Encryption refers to the conversion of electronic data into another form, encrypted form called
ciphertext, which cannot be understood by anyone except authorized parties. Ciphertext is a term
used to refer to altered data (using an algorithm) so as to make the data unintelligible to unauthorized
users. The primary purpose of encryption is to protect the confidentiality of digital data stored on
computer systems or transmitted via the Internet or other computer networks.
Decryption is opposite of Encryption, i.e. converting cipher text to original form using correct key.
There are many utility software that provide facility for encryption/decryption of data. Some popular
encryption/decryption software are : LastPass, BitLocker, VeraCrypt, 7Zip, Symantec Endpoint
Encryption etc.

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