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Heavenly Father, I call on your name through your Son

Jesus Christ. Our Lord and Savior, may your name be

lifted high. Thank you for your love and mercy. Forgive
us Lord for our trespasses and sins.
God, we’re so grateful to be able to meet here together
and be in your presence today.
We know it’s a gift. Help us never lose sight of that.
While we’re here together studying Your Word (the
Bible) we ask that You’d open our ears and our hearts
to whatever it is You are wanting to teach us.
Help us to see things through Your eyes and not the lens
of our own understanding.
We want to know You more, God.
Thank you for showing us who You are and helping us
understand and walk in Your love.
What we learn today we want to act on. Don’t let it
become mere head knowledge. Shape our minds, hearts,
and actions according to Your word.
Show us how to honor you and love others well with
what we learn.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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