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Physical torture originated many centuries ago and was the main way to obtain

the required information. In the modern world, where human rights and
personal boundaries must be respected, torture is illegal due to the cruelty and
pain inflicted on the victim. Some people argue that torture should be legal
since some individuals deserve it. Others suggest that torture is an excessively
bloody method of execution and should not be legalized.
Moreover, torture destroys the perception of the world not only of the victim,
but also of the executioner, forcing him to cross his own boundaries and
principles and commit terrible acts. This will probably have a detrimental effect
on the social life of many people, because knowing that torture is legalized, not
only the moral principles of people are violated, but also the degradation of
society occurs
Furthermore, in case of incorrect targeting, an innocent person who has not
even committed anything illegal may suffer. Tortures will lead to deplorable
consequences causing a vast number of mental disorders.
In contrast, proponents of the legalization of torture, as an exception, argue
that some criminals or serial killers deserve to feel what their victim felt.
However, such people are tried to the fullest extent of the law and in most
cases the offender will either be imprisoned for life or sentenced to death. This
is why there is no point in legalizing torture.
In conclusion, torture is an unreasonably cruel method of punishment or
obtaining information that leads to mental trauma for both the victim and the
executioner. Legalizing torture in today's time is taking a step back in social
development, violating almost all human rights

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