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REVIEW doi:10.


The different shades of fat

Vivian Peirce1, Stefania Carobbio1,2 & Antonio Vidal-Puig1,2

Our understanding of adipose tissue biology has progressed rapidly since the turn of the century. White adipose tissue has
emerged as a key determinant of healthy metabolism and metabolic dysfunction. This realization is paralleled only by the
confirmation that adult humans have heat-dissipating brown adipose tissue, an important contributor to energy balance
and a possible therapeutic target for the treatment of metabolic disease. We propose that the development of successful
strategies to target brown and white adipose tissues will depend on investigations that elucidate their developmental
origins and cell-type-specific functional regulators.

n the face of the modern obesity epidemic the previously prevailing In rodents, chronic cold exposure increases thermogenic capacity by
view that white adipose tissue (WAT) is a passive storage organ for increasing the number of brown adipocytes, thereby recruiting BAT
excess calories has been revised. WAT does have an important role mass9. As part of the same response, so-called beige or ‘brite’ (brown in
in buffering nutrient availability and demand by storing excess calories white) cells are also recruited in WAT, resulting in WAT ‘browning’16,17.
and preventing the toxic accumulation of excess nutrients in non-adipose Although there is significant overlap between beige and brown adipocytes
tissues1; however, WAT also communicates with metabolically relevant in their expression of UCP1 and the genes required for thermogenesis,
organs by secreting so-called adipokines as part of a dynamic endocrine beige adipocytes have distinctive gene expression signatures, indicating
system that regulates nutrient partitioning into peripheral tissues2. that they are a distinct type of thermogenic cell18–21. Unstimulated rodent
The recent confirmation that adult humans have brown adipose tissue beige adipocytes are similar to rodent white adipocytes in terms of oxygen
(BAT) has transformed our understanding of how adipose tissue regulates consumption rates and uncoupled respiration in vitro18. Compared with
metabolism and energy balance once again3–8. The primary function of brown adipocytes, however, beige adipocytes have a greater capacity for
BAT is to maintain core body temperature in response to cold stress by thermogenic stimulation, with greater inducibility of UCP1 expression
generating heat, a process known as thermogenesis9. Like the unilocular and proportionally increased uncoupled respiration18. UCP1 expression
white adipocytes in WAT, the multilocular brown adipocytes in BAT also and uncoupled respiration in stimulated beige adipocytes could equal
accumulate and store lipids9. However, brown adipocytes are distinct from that of stimulated brown adipocytes18,22. In summary, when consider-
white adipocytes in that their more abundant mitochondria are enriched ing adipose tissue involvement in the regulation of energy balance, the
with uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), which uncouples substrate oxidation contribution of three different ‘shades’ of fat — white, brown and beige
from ATP production so that heat is produced9. — should be considered.
The fact that heat production by BAT is an extremely energy-expensive The discovery of these different shades of fat has important impli-
process that burns nutrients has two important caveats. First, to avoid cations when considering the pathogenesis of, and treatments for, the
hyperthermia and to regulate energy usage by BAT, thermogenesis in obesity-related metabolic complications that characterize metabolic syn-
this tissue must be tightly controlled so that heat is specifically produced drome. WAT dysfunction is a key pathological phenomenon contributing
in response to thermogenic stimuli. Second, when stimulated to produce to metabolic syndrome. Although WAT is able to functionally adapt and
heat, the so-called activated BAT has an enormous impact on energy bal- expand in response to chronic calorie overconsumption, individuals seem
ance, at least in rodents. For example, mice housed at room temperature to have a set functional limit beyond which WAT fails to function prop-
(20–22 °C) would need to consume 60% more food to maintain their erly as a storage and endocrine organ23. This can result in the lipotoxic
body weight compared with mice housed at thermoneutral temperatures accumulation of lipids in peripheral tissues that contributes to insulin
(30 °C) to compensate for the increased energy expenditure as a result of resistance and dyslipidaemia23. Conceptually, this lipotoxicity could be
increased thermogenesis10. Conversely, even at thermoneutrality, BAT ameliorated either by increasing the capacity of WAT for nutrient storage
ablation or dysfunction in rodents decreases energy expenditure, causing and/or by eliminating these excess calories by increasing the activity of
an obese phenotype11,12. In addition to its thermogenic effects, activated BAT. In our opinion, the development of successful adipose-tissue-based
BAT has a large capacity for glucose and lipid uptake per gram of tissue, therapeutic strategies to treat metabolic syndrome is reliant on a good
as demonstrated by its ability to normalize hyperglycaemia and hyperlipi- understanding of basic adipose-tissue biology. We will discuss how rodent
daemia in mouse models of diabetes and dyslipidaemia13,14. In line with its models have deepened our understanding of the developmental origins
remarkable capacity for substrate oxidation, BAT is activated in rodents and cell-type-specific functional regulators of white, brown and beige
in response to excess nutrient consumption, such as eating a high-fat diet, adipocytes, and the current big challenge to translate this information
a process known as diet-induced thermogenesis15. Therefore, although from rodents to humans.
WAT far outstrips BAT in terms of percentage body mass, activated BAT
is an important contributor to nutrient partitioning and utilization, and The origins of adipocytes in rodents
body weight regulation. Following their establishment in early life, adipose-tissue depots undergo
The revelation that adult humans possess such a potent metabolic tissue active remodelling throughout adulthood. Both WAT and BAT have the
was accompanied by the discovery that UCP1-expressing thermogenic capacity to expand in response to calorie excess and chronic cold stress,
adipocytes can also be found in WAT in the form of beige adipocytes16,17. respectively. To enable this expansion, it is important that precursor

University of Cambridge Metabolic Research Laboratories, Level 4, Wellcome Trust-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science, Box 289, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge CB2 OQQ, UK. 2Wellcome Trust
Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SA, UK.

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cells with adipogenic potential are retained in adulthood24,25. We believe existing adipocytes can be labelled with β-galactosidase (β-gal) using
that understanding how the lineage origins of these adipocyte precur- doxycycline, so that any adipocytes generated de novo after doxycycline
sors biases their potential to adopt a brown-, beige- or white-cell fate on treatment are β-gal– (ref. 41). After doxycycline treatment, 3 days of cold
differentiation (reviewed in ref. 26) is essential for the development of exposure induces the appearance of multilocular β-gal– adipocytes in
therapeutic approaches that target these cells. subcutaneous WAT, suggesting that these are beige adipocytes produced
by clonal expansion of a precursor41. This is consistent with results from
Embryonic and adult origins of adipocytes another study that tracked beige adipogenesis using bromodeoxyuridine
Lineage-tracing studies have shown that both brown adipocytes and accumulation to show that beige adipocytes arise de novo in WAT in
myocytes derive from MYF5+ and PAX7+ progenitors that originate response to adrenergic stimulation42. Subsequent lineage tracing studies
in the paraxial mesoderm, and that brown adipocytes can also derive indicated that self-renewing PDGFR-α+ precursors were a significant
from stem-cell-like skeletal muscle satellite cells in adulthood27–30 (Fig. 1). source of these newly formed beige adipocytes42. These are ‘bipotential’
Moreover, brown adipocyte precursors express muscle-specific tran- precursors because they are able to produce both beige and white adipo-
scription factors, and it is known that expression of some myogenic cytes when cultured in vitro42. In addition to potentially deriving from
microRNAs (miRNAs)persists in mature brown adipocytes31,32. Given precursors with both white and beige adipogenic potential, beige adipo-
the absence of this myogenic gene expression signature in white adipo- cytes may derive from dedicated beige adipocyte precursors. In a study
cytes and their precursors, it was expected that white adipocytes would characterizing the in vitro adipogenic potential of immortalized WAT
derive preferentially from a MYF5– lineage30–32. However, this view was and BAT precursors, some immortalized WAT precursors differentiated
recently challenged when the conditional depletion of PTEN driven by preferentially into beige adipocytes18. These results suggest that differ-
MYF5-Cre caused overgrowth of BAT, but also a paradoxical overgrowth ent types of adipocyte precursors in WAT may vary in their potential
of specific WAT depots and a loss of others33. Subsequent lineage-tracing to produce beige adipocytes, perhaps due to their lineage origins. For
studies have demonstrated the presence of some MYF5+ adipocyte pre- example, PAX3– adipocyte precursors and MYF5– adipocyte precursors
cursors in WAT, indicating that white adipocyte precursors can derive isolated from WAT differentiate into adipocytes with higher expression
from both MYF5+ and MYF5– lineages33,34. Unexpectedly, lineage-tracing levels of thermogenic genes compared with PAX3+ precursors or MYF5+
studies using the endothelial marker vascular endothelial cadherin or precursors, respectively34,43. Taken together, these observations suggest
the pre-adipocyte marker Zfp423 also suggested that some brown and that the transcription factor networks that drive adipocyte differentia-
white adipocytes could have endothelial origins, despite a recent study tion towards the brown-, beige- or white-cell fate might be affected by
finding that multiple endothelial markers did not label adipocytes25,35–37. the specific lineage origins of precursor cells.
Given that beige adipocytes can be derived from white adipocyte pre-
cursors in vitro by chronic treatment with PPAR-γ agonists, it is likely Key factors driving adipogenesis
that beige adipocytes share the MYF5– lineage origin of most white adi- Despite the differences in the embryonic origins and physiological
pocytes20,21,38,39. In terms of adult origins, recent evidence suggests that functions of brown and white adipocytes, both cell types share a simi-
beige adipocytes can form either directly from white adipocytes or due lar transcriptional cascade that controls terminal differentiation into
to the proliferation of precursors18,40–42. For example, using mice in which mature adipocytes (reviewed in ref. 44). PPAR-γ and three CCAAT/
UCP1-expressing cells are labelled both permanently and transiently enhancer-binding protein family members (C/EBP-α, C/EBP-β and C/
with fluorescent proteins, beige adipocytes recruited by 7 days of cold EBP-δ) have a role in both white and brown adipogenesis by cooperat-
exposure were found to arise directly from white adipocytes40. Interest- ing to promote a transcriptional cascade that leads to and maintains the
ingly, these cells return to a white phenotype after warm adaptation, stable differentiation of the adipocyte44. This means that, for example,
indicating that this interconversion is likely to be bidirectional40. How- selective recruitment of thermogenic adipocytes requires the identifica-
ever, contrasting results have been found using a mouse model in which tion of specific factors that robustly drive a thermogenic brown or beige

lineage origins

Adult origins

WAT adipocyte Endothelial BAT adipocyte Muscle

precursor precursor precursor satellite cell

Mature WAT BAT


White Beige Brown


Figure 1 | Origins of white, beige and brown adipocytes. Brown adipose suggests that WAT adipocyte precursors can derive from both MYF5+ and
tissue (BAT) is characterized by UCP1+ brown adipocytes, whereas white MYF5– lineages, whereas BAT adipocyte precursors derive exclusively
adipose tissue (WAT) contains a mixture of UCP1– white adipocytes from a MYF5+ lineage. Beige adipocytes can derive from WAT adipocyte
and UCP1+ beige adipocytes. Adipose tissue expansion in adulthood is precursors and potentially directly from mature white adipocytes. Brown
achieved mainly by the proliferation and differentiation of adipocyte adipocytes can also be generated from stem-cell-like skeletal muscle
precursors to produce new adipocytes. WAT and BAT adipocyte satellite cells, and both brown and white adipocytes may derive from
precursors derive from mesenchymal precursor cells. Recent evidence endothelial precursors.

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Brown/beige In addition, SIRT1-mediated deacetylation of PPAR-γ favours beige adi-

6 , miR pocyte recruitment in WAT, and SIRT1-mediated deacetylation of the
C-1, P myogenic transcription factor MyoD might repress the myogenic gene
G C 1 -α, SR -193b-365
-α, P and m
iR programme during brown adipogenesis19,31,53,54.
miR-155 Finally, miRNAs have recently emerged as regulators of cell differentia-
tion and metabolism in multiple tissues, including BAT and WAT32,55.
PPAR-γ PPAR-α For example, in brown adipocyte precursors miR-155 is involved in a
C/EBP-β Mature feedback loop with C/EBP-β that regulates the decision to proliferate or
C/EBP-δ adipocyte differentiate56. Multiple miRNAs also fine-tune the fate of differentiating
C/EBP-α SREBP1c WAT and BAT adipocyte precursors. miR-27 is a negative regulator of the
brown and beige adipogenic programme in BAT and WAT that is down-
regulated by cold exposure, whereas miR-196a expression is increased
RIP14 in WAT precursor adipocytes by cold exposure or β-adrenergic stimu-
0, TIF
2, miR-2
7 and
lation to induce the recruitment of beige cells57,58. In addition, miRNAs
33 coordinate with PRDM16 to regulate the cell-fate decision to become
White a brown adipocyte rather than a myocyte. In this context, PRDM16
drives brown adipogenesis by inducing the expression of the miRNA
Progress of adipogenesis cluster miR-193b–365, which targets the brown adipogenic repressor
Figure 2 | Factors regulating white, and brown or beige adipogenesis. Runx1t1 (ref. 59). Conversely, miR-133 enforces myogenic commitment
Adipogenesis is driven by a cascade of transcription factors (C/EBP-δ, C/EBP- by repressing PRDM16 expression, and is downregulated in BAT and
β, C/EBP-α, PPAR-γ, PGC1-α and SREBP1c) that establish and maintain the WAT during brown and beige adipogenesis to allow increased PRDM16
stable differentiation of the adipocyte. This transcriptional cascade interacts expression29,60,61.
with other transcription factors, co-activators and microRNAs during the
decision to proliferate or differentiate and the decision to adopt a brown
or beige ‘thermogenic’ cell fate or a white ‘non-thermogenic’ cell fate. For
Regulation of adipocyte function in rodents
example, miR-155 is involved in a feedback loop with C/EBP-β that regulates Therapeutic strategies that increase the number of brown and beige adi-
the decision to proliferate or differentiate. During adipogenesis, PPAR-α, pocytes by driving adipogenesis towards a thermogenic cell fate might not
PGC-1α, SRC-1, PRDM16, miR-196a and miR-193b-365 drive a thermogenic elicit metabolic benefits unless these thermogenic cells are appropriately
brown or beige phenotype, whereas RIP140, TIF2, miR-133 drive a white activated. Although white, brown and beige adipocytes have divergent
phenotype. roles in terms of energy homeostasis, they are all functionally coordinated
by integrating sympathetic nervous and endocrine control.
phenotype during adipogenesis. Recent progress using rodent models
suggests that determining the brown-, beige- or white-cell fate during The role of the sympathetic nervous system
adipogenesis requires three levels of control involving transcription fac- In times of nutrient excess, energy uptake by white adipocytes is
tors and co-activators, epigenetics and miRNAs (Fig. 2). principally regulated by insulin’s anabolic role, mediating glucose
Although PPAR-γ is a key driver of the general adipogenic pro- and lipid uptake, lipogenesis and inhibition of lipolysis62. By contrast,
gramme, treatment of brown adipocyte precursors with PPAR-γ agonists the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) regulates responses to energy
potentiates brown adipogenesis and the same treatment biases murine deficits caused by energy shortages (for example, fasting) or increased
and human white adipocyte precursors towards a beige-cell fate20,21,38,39. energy expenditure (for example, cold exposure)63. The physiologi-
Other transcription factors and co-activators are known to drive adi- cal response to cold exposure requires an SNS-coordinated crosstalk
pogenesis towards a white or brown fate. For example, the corepres- between white, brown and beige adipocytes with respect to nutrient
sor RIP140 and the co-activator TIF2 help to drive white adipogenesis, release, partitioning and utilization (reviewed in refs 9, 64; Fig. 3).
whereas the transcription factors PPAR-α and FOXC2 and the PPAR-γ For example, increased sympathetic tone to WAT triggers lipolysis
co-activators PGC-1α, SRC1 and PRDM16 promote brown adipogen- so that intracellular lipid stores are released to provide nutrients for
esis44. Despite PGC-1α’s importance in regulating the expression of other organs, particularly for activated BAT64. Increased sympathetic
thermogenic genes in brown adipocytes, it also regulates mitochondria tone to BAT also triggers lipolysis, providing free fatty acids to locally
biogenesis and oxidative metabolism in many cell types and organs45. activate UCP1 and to serve as substrates for oxidation9,64. Importantly,
By contrast, PRDM16 seems to be a more specific driver of thermo- the substrate uptake machinery is also upregulated, allowing lipids
genic gene expression. PRDM16 is a co-activator that forms a complex released by WAT to be taken up by BAT9. Sustained SNS activation
with multiple adipogenic transcription factors, including PPAR-γ and will also result in increased thermogenic capacity due to increased
PGC-1α30,46,47. This complex may drive commitment to a brown adi- thermogenic gene expression and, in cases of chronic activation, due
pocyte fate (rather than a muscular cell fate) during brown adipogen- to proliferation and differentiation of brown adipocyte precursors9.
esis, but might be more important for beige adipocyte recruitment in Increased SNS tone to WAT also recruits and activates beige adipo-
WAT30,46–48. Whereas adipose-tissue-specific deletion of PRDM16 blocks cytes, which might contribute to increased total thermogenic capac-
the induction of thermogenic genes in WAT in response to adrenergic ity16,17. The functional importance of beige adipocytes is a burning
stimulation, paradoxically it has almost no effect on BAT development48. question that has yet to be compellingly clarified in rodents. This
It is also important to understand how specific transcriptional driv- could be because it is difficult to experimentally distinguish the ther-
ers such as PRDM16 and PPAR-γ integrate with other mechanisms that mogenic contribution of beige adipocytes from that of brown adipo-
regulate cell-fate decisions. For example, epigenetic factors can influ- cytes, and because the many factors — including cold exposure — that
ence the availability of the promoters targeted by these fate-determining recruit and activate beige adipocytes also recruit and activate brown
transcription factors. In brown adipocyte precursors, the lysine methyl- adipocytes. In support of a physiological role for beige adipocytes in
transferase EHMT1 drives brown adipogenesis by stabilizing PRDM16 energy balance, murine-strain-dependent differences in resistance
and regulating histone methylation at muscle-selective gene promot- to diet-induced obesity have been attributed to the inducibility of
ers49. Furthermore, transcription factors can be covalently modified to beige-adipocyte recruitment in WAT65. In addition, increased recruit-
regulate their activity. This mechanism is exemplified by the deacetylase ment of beige adipocytes has been shown to compensate for decreased
SIRT1, which targets multiple transcription factors such as PGC-1α and BAT thermogenesis, and the specific loss of beige adipocytes due to
FOXO1 to regulate oxidative metabolism and glucose homeostasis50–52. adipose-tissue-specific PRDM16 depletion causes obesity22,66.

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In any case, because activating thermogenesis could be of therapeu- NA

tic interest, strategies to optimize SNS-targeted activation might be
valuable. However, pharmacological strategies that indiscriminately
increase sympathetic signalling result in cardiovascular side effects
that are unacceptable when treating obesity67. The tissue-selective β3-AR
distribution of specific β-adrenergic receptor (β-AR) isoforms sug-
gested it was feasible to target adipose tissue specifically through the
UCP1+ mitochondrion
β3-AR isoform9,64. However, whereas in rodents β3-AR agonists mimic PDE 5′ AMP
the effects of the cold on BAT and WAT, a human β3-AR agonist that Heat
droplet cAMP Nucleus
is both potent and selective remains elusive68. This emphasizes the
therapeutic relevance of mechanisms that could increase adrenergic
responsiveness of thermogenic adipocytes, and of alternative, non-
PKA Thermogenic
adrenergic pathways that can activate BAT. HSL
Alternative pathways that activate thermogenesis uptake
It is possible to directly manipulate the adrenergic signalling path-
p38 MAPK
way to sensitize adipocytes to adrenergic stimulation. For example, FFAs
the transcription factor FOXC2 sensitizes adipocytes to adrenergic
stimulation by modulating the expression and activity of adrenergic
signalling molecules69–71. In addition, BMP8B is produced by brown Figure 3 | Regulation of lipolysis and thermogenesis in adipocytes
adipocytes in response to adrenergic stimulation, and increases the by the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system
maximal thermogenic response to adrenergic stimulation72. BMP8B triggers intracellular signalling events that lead to lipolysis (black arrows).
induces the phosphorylation of downstream adrenergic targets such Noradrenaline (NA) released by sympathetic nerve endings binds to
as hormone-sensitive lipase and p38 MAPK (Fig. 3) by signalling β-adrenoreceptors (β-ARs), which couple to Gα G-proteins that activate
adenylate cyclase (AC), increasing the cellular concentration of cAMP. This
through Smad1, 5 and 8 (ref. 72). This pathway acts in parallel to and activates protein kinase A (PKA), which phosphorylates lipid droplet proteins
synergistically with cAMP and protein kinase A (PKA)-dependent including hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) and perilipin, allowing activation
adrenergic signalling72. BMP7 can also drive brown adipogenesis and of adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL). The net result is the hydrolysis of
recruit beige adipocytes by activating p38 MAPK73,74. triglycerides stored in the lipid droplet to free fatty acids (FFAs), which are
Moreover, several alternative mechanisms that activate brown and released. This response can be attenuated (red arrows) by the activation of
beige adipocytes independently of the SNS have been discovered75. phosphodiesterases (PDE), which hydrolyse cAMP. In the case of recruitment
For example, stimulated brown adipocytes are a significant source of and activation of beige adipocytes and the activation of brown adipocytes, this
FGF21, a previously recognized liver product that is known to act on signalling pathway (blue arrows) also leads to increased expression of UCP1
the liver and WAT to regulate glucose homeostasis76. FGF21 released and other thermogenic genes through the p38 MAPK cascade. FFAs released
by lipolysis activate existing UCP1 in the mitochondria, and their oxidation
by brown adipocytes acts locally to further increase BAT thermogen-
produces heat.
esis, but also enters the circulation and acts systemically to induce
beige adipocyte recruitment in WAT by stabilizing PGC-1α post-
translationally76,77. In this way FGF21 can coordinate thermogenesis in Looking beyond brown and beige adipocytes
both BAT and WAT76,77. In addition, the adrenergic target PKA shares The discovery that macrophages within BAT are an alternative source
many intracellular targets with cGMP-dependent protein kinase G of noradrenaline highlights the fact that BAT consists of more than just
(PKG). As a result, cardiac natriuretic peptides (CNPs), which act brown adipocytes86. Given the dependence of optimal BAT activation on
through the cGMP–PKG pathway, can induce lipolysis and the expres- innervation and vascularization for gas exchange and heat dissipation,
sion of thermogenic genes in brown and white adipocytes, a response other cell types such as endothelial cells and nerve cells seem to be impor-
which is additive to that of noradrenaline78,79. Therefore, like BMP8B tant contributors to overall BAT function9. Therefore, the remodelling
signalling, CNP-signalling pathways could be manipulated to boost of vascular and nervous networks in adipose tissue could enhance the
the responsiveness of brown and beige adipocytes to pre-existing sym- therapeutic benefits of brown and beige adipocyte recruitment and acti-
pathetic tone, or even bypass adrenergic mechanisms altogether to vation. As well as recruiting thermogenic adipocytes, cold exposure also
recruit beige adipocytes. induces angiogenesis and increases the density of sympathetic neurons
In line with this strategy, the hormone irisin and the cytokine cardio- in adipose tissue16,87,88. Furthermore, transgenic rodent models have also
trophin-1 preferentially elicit a thermogenic response in WAT18,80,81. Car- demonstrated that thermogenesis and angiogenesis are coupled. Adi-
diotrophin-1 is secreted by the heart and binds glycoprotein 130 (gp130), pose-tissue-specific transgenic expression of FOXC2 in mice results in
a cytokine receptor that classically activates the JAK–STAT pathway80,82. WAT browning and increased vascularization in WAT due to increased
Irisin is produced by white adipocytes and muscle, and acts preferen- expression of the angiogenic factor angiopoietin 2 (refs 9, 89). In addi-
tially on white adipocyte precursors to recruit beige cells by activating the tion, adipose-tissue-specific transgenic expression of VEGF induces
adrenergic target p38 MAPK as well as ERK1/2 (refs 18, 81, 83, 84). The angiogenesis, but also increases energy expenditure and induces beige-
fact that inhibiting ERK signalling reduces the ability of irisin to increase cell recruitment in WAT90,91.
UCP1 expression highlights the importance of this parallel kinase cascade Up to this point, we have predominantly focused on thermogenesis-
in the thermogenic response84. based strategies that could ameliorate obesity and metabolic lipotoxic-
Finally, the regulation of mitochondrial dynamics is emerging as an ity by increasing energy expenditure and disposing of nutrient excess.
important pathway that controls thermogenesis. Adrenergic stimu- However, an alternative anti-lipotoxic strategy would be to increase the
lation of brown adipocytes was recently found to promote uncou- capacity of WAT for nutrient storage by improving WAT function and
pled respiration by inducing mitochondrial fission85. FOXC2 also enabling WAT expansion. Just as angiogenesis seems to play a key part in
increases thermogenesis, partly by increasing the expression of the BAT expansion and in WAT browning, this process is also important in
mitochondrial transcription factor mtTFA (also known as Tfam), WAT expansion, in the context of a positive energy balance. In line with
thereby driving mitochondrial biogenesis71. Overall, there are sev- this, hypoxia caused by inadequate vascularization of enlarged hyper-
eral ‘alternative’ pathways that regulate BAT activity, and that could trophic adipose-tissue depots is one mechanism that drives WAT dys-
be explored therapeutically. function in obesity92. Additional mechanisms include altered cytokine

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release leading to insulin resistance, immune cell infiltration, inflamma- models has greatly informed our current understanding of BAT func-
tion and fibrosis, and are reviewed elsewhere93. tion and highlighted BAT as a potential anti-obesity target, investiga-
Given the deleterious effects of hypoxia on adipocyte function, it is tions in human BAT are significantly less advanced.
intuitive to suggest that improving the vascularization of WAT could
improve WAT function. Experimentally, it seems that either promot- Molecular characterization of human BAT
ing90,91 or preventing91,94,95 angiogenesis in adipose tissue can improve As discussed previously, rodents possess two distinct classes of thermo-
the metabolic health of diet- and genetically induced obese mice. One genic adipocytes. Brown and beige adipocytes have distinct developmen-
hypothesis to explain this apparent contradiction is that blocking angi- tal origins and gene expression patterns and are not necessarily optimally
ogenesis in a state of pre-existing obesity improves WAT function by stimulated by the same activating molecules. Therefore, determining
inducing preferential apoptosis of hypoxic, hypertrophic adipocytes so which types of thermogenic adipocyte are found in human BAT could
that only smaller, healthier adipocytes remain, whereas promoting angi- have profound implications for the successful development of species-
ogenesis in the early stages of obesity enables healthy WAT expansion91. specific potent activators. UCP1+ adipocytes in adult human supracla-
In line with this, chronic treatment of obese rats with PPAR-γ agonists vicular BAT occur in clusters interspersed among white adipocytes, a
leads to increased weight-gain due to the accumulation of fat mass96,97. pattern that is reminiscent of the beige cells recruited by cold exposure
Paradoxically, this is associated with increased insulin sensitivity96,97. within the subcutaneous WAT depot in rodents5–8. On a molecular level,
WAT expansion can also be achieved by modulating the action of the adi- the expression of key thermogenic genes such as UCP1, PGC1Α (also
pokine adiponectin, by elevating its circulating levels or by adiponectin known as PPARGC1A) and PRDM16 in this and other human BAT depots
receptor agonism98–100. In diet- and genetically induced obese mice, such confirms the thermogenic potential of this tissue, but cannot discriminate
treatments further increase body weight and subcutaneous WAT mass, between a brown-like or beige-like phenotype5–8,18–21,103–105.
but also drastically improve carbohydrate and lipid metabolism98–100. Thorough molecular comparisons of rodent brown, beige and white
These metabolic benefits are associated with improved WAT function, adipocytes have identified several candidate discriminatory markers at
characterized by decreased adipocyte size (although increased number) the messenger RNA level (Supplementary Table 1; Fig. 4)18–20,31,46,106. The
and decreased WAT inflammation98–100. In an extreme example of facili- expression levels of these genes have been measured in multiple human
tating WAT expansion, ob/ob mice with adipose-tissue-specific trans- BAT depots in adults and infants18,20,103–105. Some rodent brown markers
genic expression of the mitochondrial protein mitoNEET gain almost are expressed in human WAT and therefore might not be discriminatory
twice as much weight as non-transgenic ob/ob mice101. Nevertheless, for human thermogenic adipocytes105. Nevertheless, overall these results
these mice have smaller adipocytes in subcutaneous WAT and main- indicate that human BAT depots contain both brown-like and beige-like
tain metabolic parameters comparable with those of wild-type mice101. adipocytes (Supplementary Table 2; Fig. 4)18,20,103–105. For example, the
Although reducing adipocyte size is associated with metabolic improve- infant interscapular BAT (iBAT) depot is dominated by multilocular
ments in obesity, allowing adipocytes to expand freely by knocking out UCP1+ adipocytes and separated from surrounding WAT by connective
the gene encoding the extracellular matrix component collagen VI also tissue, a structural arrangement like that of the rodent iBAT depot104.
reduces inflammation in WAT and improves whole-body glucose and Molecular characterization of infant iBAT indicates that this depot has
lipid metabolism102. Taken together, these mouse models demonstrate higher expression levels of the rodent brown-adipocyte marker ZIC1 and
that enabling WAT expansion to buffer nutrient excess can ameliorate lower expression levels of the rodent beige-adipocyte marker TBX1 com-
the lipotoxic metabolic complications of obesity. pared with adult human supraclavicular BAT, suggesting a truly brown
identity104. In comparison with other adipose-tissue depots, adult human
The relevance of BAT in humans supraclavicular BAT is particularly enriched with markers of rodent
Given that increased fat mass is central to obesity, it is intuitive to beige adipocytes18,20,103–105 (Fig. 4). However, evidence suggests that adult
target WAT to develop therapeutic strategies for the treatment of humans do possess a population of bona fide brown adipocytes in human
metabolic syndrome. Although the use of rodent cellular and in vivo deep neck fat105. In deep neck adipose tissue, UCP1 expression increases

a b c
Intermediate Deep neck fat
neck fat
Brown markers White markers supBAT


ScWAT SupBAT: Deep neck fat:
LHX8 TBX15 INHBB Periadrenal BAT
LHX8, miR-206, ZIC1, LHX8
miR-206 ZIC1
miR-133 miR-133, ZIC1,
CD137, CITED1,

Periadrenal BAT:
Intermediate neck fat:
CD137, SHOX2,
Beige markers TMEM26


Figure 4 | Assessment of rodent brown and beige adipocyte markers in in which the reliability of these rodent markers has been assessed in infants
human adipose tissue. a, Well-established rodent brown, beige and white and adults. iBAT, interscapular BAT; supBAT, supraclavicular BAT; scWAT,
markers. Both white and beige markers are found in subcutaneous white subcutaneous WAT. c, A comparison of the rodent brown, beige and white
adipose tissue (WAT) depots, but beige markers are upregulated after cold markers that have been found to be enriched in particular human adipose
exposure. b, Locations of the brown adipose tissue (BAT) and WAT depots tissue depots. See Supplementary Tables 1 and 2 for more detailed information.

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steeply towards the innermost layers accompanied by elevated expression a white adipogenic cocktail118. Furthermore, the oxygen consumption
of the rodent brown-adipocyte markers ZIC1 and LHX8 only in the deep- rate of the beige-like cells could be further increased on stimulation with
est locations105. By contrast, layers at intermediate depth with moderate noradrenaline118.
UCP1 expression are enriched with beige markers105. Second, in vitro models have already been used to demonstrate that
alternative activators of rodent thermogenic adipocytes could be relevant
Physiological importance of human BAT to humans. For example, CNPs induce lipolysis and thermogenic gene
Efforts to characterize human BAT on a molecular level have been accom- expression in human white adipocytes79,119. In addition, UCP1 expression
panied by studies investigating the role of BAT in energy balance and and uncoupled respiration can be increased in white adipocytes derived
metabolism. Estimates of BAT mass and activity from positron emis- from human subcutaneous WAT and neck fat by treatment with FGF21
sion tomography with 18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose integrated with or irisin118,120. These results suggest that these molecules are physiologi-
computed tomography (18FDG-PET–CT) suggest that humans have, cal thermogenic activators in humans, which is also supported by recent
on average, 50–80 g of BAT5,107. This figure divides opinions on whether evidence that circulating levels of FGF21 and irisin are increased with
endogenous BAT activity could be relevant to human energy balance cold exposure in humans120,121.
and metabolism. However, 18FDG-PET–CT does not directly measure Although primary culture and differentiation of human adipocyte
either oxidative metabolism or thermogenesis in BAT as it only reports precursors is the gold standard for interrogating adipogenic regulatory
the uptake of the minor oxidative substrate glucose. At room temperature, networks and testing agents that might modulate adipocyte function,
FDG-PET–CT usually detects BAT in less than 10% of adult humans, these cells are difficult to obtain and have a limited lifetime in culture.
but the detection rate increases following mild cold exposure before scan- Recent advances in stem-cell technology have allowed the field to move
ning6,8. Therefore, it is possible that 18FDG-PET–CT studies underesti- towards human embryonic stem cell and induced pluripotent stem (iPS)
mate the prevalence and volume of BAT in the population, particularly cell differentiation models, which can provide an unlimited source of
as some subjects do have UCP1+ adipocytes in their supraclavicular BAT human white, brown and beige adipocytes, and their intermediate pre-
despite not accumulating 18FDG108. Furthermore, this technique cannot cursors122,123. Such genetically engineerable models are valuable tools
distinguish clusters of thermogenic adipocytes in WAT109. for building a comprehensive picture of the regulatory networks that
Despite the limitations of 18FDG-PET–CT, BAT activity does seem to determine brown-, beige- and white-adipocyte fate in humans. Per-
have a positive relationship with resting metabolic rate (RMR) in healthy haps more importantly, they will enable high-throughput screening of
adult males, although only at cooler temperatures (22 °C compared with candidate agents for increasing BAT mass and/or activity, and for beige
27 °C)6,110, supporting a role for BAT in whole-body energy expenditure. adipocyte recruitment. Furthermore, adipocytes derived from clinical
In addition, multiple studies using this technique report that the likeli- grade iPS cells might even be reintroduced into the body. The use of
hood of BAT detection and BAT activity decrease with increasing body BAT transplantation as a method to increase BAT mass has already been
mass index, per cent body fat, age and plasma glucose levels6–8,111–113. In tested in rodent models, and could be viable given adequate innerva-
summary, it would seem that BAT activity is decreased in the metaboli- tion and vascularization of the transplanted material124,125. Therefore,
cally ‘unhealthy’ states of obesity and hyperglycaemia, whereas increased cellular models of human adipocytes are valuable tools that might help
BAT activity is associated with a lean, normoglycaemic, ‘healthy’ meta- to bridge the gap between rodents and humans, from drug discovery
bolic profile. However, in these associations it is unclear which is the cause to transplantation.
and which is the consequence.
Future perspectives
Activation and recruitment of human BAT We propose that the metabolic toxicity that drives the pathology of obesity
The short-term, mild-cold-exposure protocol (exposure to temperatures and metabolic syndrome could be reduced by improving the nutrient
between 15–18 °C for up to 6 hours) used by many human BAT studies storage capacity of WAT and/or by maximizing the energy-dissipating
has been shown to increase the skin temperature over the supraclavicular potential of thermogenic brown and beige adipocytes. In our opinion,
BAT depot, and to increase glucose uptake, fatty-acid uptake, oxidative progress in using BAT to treat metabolic disease requires a better under-
metabolism and blood flow in this anatomical area107,109,114. These changes standing of the molecular nature of the adipocytes in human BAT, which
are consistent with the activation of human BAT. Furthermore, two recent will provide valuable guidance for the translation of strategies to activate
studies investigated whether chronic cold exposure is able to induce BAT brown or beige cells in rodent models into a clinical context. In particu-
recruitment by measuring BAT activity in response to a single episode of lar, the development of appropriate human cellular models to enable the
cold exposure before and after cold acclimation115,116. Both studies showed screening of potential pharmacological activators is an important first step
that a daily regime of cold exposure — either 2 hours at 17 °C daily for on the predictably long and winding road to clinical success. ■
6 weeks or up to 6 hours at 15–16 °C daily for 10 days — increased glucose
uptake into BAT115,116, and one study even reported a 37% increase in Received 18 December 2013; accepted 26 March 2014.
estimated BAT volume115. Taken together, this is promising evidence that 1. Lelliott, C. & Vidal-Puig, A. J. Lipotoxicity, an imbalance between lipogenesis
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104. Lidell, M. E. et al. Evidence for two types of brown adipose tissue in humans. Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at
Nature Med. 19, 631–634 (2013). The authors declare no competing financial
Infant interscapular BAT was found to express markers of canonical rodent interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this
brown adipocytes, indicating the presence of bona fide brown adipose tissue paper at Correspondence should be addressed to V.P.
in humans. ( and A.V.-P. (

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