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Chapter 2:

Literature Review Introduction

The primary objective of this study is to investigate the factors that influence the academic
performance of criminology students in Binalonan. This chapter presents a comprehensive
review of the existing literature on the subject. The review includes a discussion of the
theoretical framework, academic performance, and factors that affect academic performance.

Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework of this study is based on the Socio-Ecological Model (SEM), which is a
conceptual framework that explains how individuals' behavior is influenced by their social and
physical environment. The SEM comprises five levels of influence, including the individual,
interpersonal, institutional, community, and public policy levels. The SEM framework provides a
useful lens for understanding the complex interactions among the various factors that influence
academic performance among criminology students in Binalonan.

Academic Performance
Academic performance is a measure of a student's success in their academic endeavors. In this
study, academic performance refers to the overall grade point average (GPA) of criminology
students in Binalonan. Academic performance is influenced by various factors, including
personal, family, school, peer, and psychological factors.

Personal Factors
Personal factors are individual characteristics that influence academic performance. These
factors include motivation, self-discipline, study habits, and attitude towards learning. Students
who are highly motivated, disciplined, and have a positive attitude towards learning tend to
perform better academically. On the other hand, students who lack motivation, self-discipline,
and have a negative attitude towards learning tend to perform poorly academically.

Family Factors
Family factors refer to the socio-economic status, parental involvement, and family support.
Students from low socio-economic backgrounds tend to have lower academic performance
compared to students from high socio-economic backgrounds. Parental involvement and family
support are also essential factors that influence academic performance. Students whose
parents are actively involved in their education and provide support tend to perform better

School Factors
School factors refer to the school's infrastructure, teaching methods, and resources. Schools
with better infrastructure, experienced teachers, and adequate resources tend to produce
better academic outcomes. Students who attend schools with inadequate infrastructure,
inexperienced teachers, and limited resources tend to have lower academic performance.

Peer Factors
Peer factors refer to the influence of classmates and friends on academic performance.
Students who have positive peer relationships and a supportive social network tend to perform
better academically. Conversely, students who have negative peer relationships and are part of
an unsupportive social network tend to have lower academic performance.
Psychological Factors
Psychological factors refer to the emotional state of the student, including their stress levels,
anxiety, and mental health. Students who experience high levels of stress and anxiety tend to
have lower academic performance. On the other hand, students who have good mental health
and are emotionally stable tend to perform better academically.

In conclusion, this literature review has identified several factors that influence the academic
performance of criminology students in Binalonan. These factors include personal, family,
school, peer, and psychological factors. The theoretical framework used in this study is the
Socio-Ecological Model, which explains how these factors interact at different levels to influence
academic performance. The findings of this study will be useful in developing strategies and
interventions to improve the academic performance of criminology students in Binalonan.
Chapter 3:
This chapter presented a description of the research design, sources of data, research
instruments research local and data gathering procedure.

Research Design
This study determined to factors affecting the academic performance of criminology student in
Binalonan, it is descriptively described the academic performance of criminology student that
being affected in Binalonan.

Source of Data
The study was conducted at the criminology student of Binalonan. Since the researcher used
analytical-descriptive method, we gained information from our respondents.

Research Instrument
The researchers used a survey questionnaire in gathering data information.On our study the
factors affecting the academic performance of criminology student in Binalonan the Survey
questionnaires were randomly distributed to the criminology students

Research Local
The study was conducted in Binalonan, Pangasinan.

Data Gathering Information

The researchers distributed the questionnaires to every criminology students of the
Binalonan.The respondents was given time to answer the questionnaires to prevent them to
give hasty response.

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