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Choose Your Words Wisely

Once there was an old man who spread a rumor that his neighbor was a thief. The young
neighbor got arrested by the police as a result of the rumor. After some time, the young
neighbor proved innocent and returned to his home. Learning that the old man had spread
the rumor, the young man got very angry and sued the old man.

In court when the old man was asked why he was spreading false information about his
neighbor the old man said with no regrets, “ I was just passing comments on him, it is not
that much harmful.” Before giving any sentence on that case, the judge asked the old man
to write down the comments he made about his neighbor on some pieces of paper and
throw them out on the way to his home.

The next day before giving the sentence the judge asked the old man to bring those
papers back. The old man replied, “ I can’t find them as wind may spread those papers far
away.” The judge points out, “Just like that, your comments may spread far away and
harm others,” The old man realized his mistake and apologized to the young neighbor.

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