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Talking Bear
Bears are really cool. Just about the only thing that could
make them cooler is if they could stand on two feet, and
talk, and cast spells. Well, I suppose there’s actually
probably a lot of things that could make bears cooler now
that I think about it. You could make them breathe fire or
fly, or attach missile launchers to its back or something…
what was I talking about again
­ Bears

Really Cool
The talking bear race was just an idea I had out of the blue,
I just thought it would be really cool to have a race that’s
literally just a bear, not half human half bear, but just bear,
and he talks and functions just like a human, but he doesn’t
have fingers or thumbs, so he can’t open doors or use
weapons or wear armor, because no one makes armor
specifically for bears. As a result of this, they have natural
weapons in their bite and claws, and natural armor in their
thick fur and fat. I suppose this was heavily inspired by the
dovah bear mod in skyrim, which gives you a companion
who is literally just a bear, and it’s awesome. A barbarian
bear would be pretty cool, because you can make all your
friends cringe with your “barBEARian” puns. But a wizard like, but I really like the format in the Player’s Handbook, it
would be pretty dank too, cause it’s just this awesome bear looks so nice. So I am doing my best to mimic that format
throwing fireballs and stuff. Bears are cool. with google docs, which is harder than you would think.
You never know how limited google docs is in what it can
do until you try to do more with it than type a last seconds
Also Kinda Cute essay. But Microsoft word is like 100 dollars, I ain’t paying
While being menacing and dangerous, bears also manage that much for something I can do for free with the power of
somehow to be pretty adorable. I don’t really know exactly the internet. I’m terribly sorry if you’ve actually read all of
what it is about them, I really can’t put my finger on it. this, it’s really just to take up space so this thing looks nice.
They’re just so fluffy and chubby, and they have those cute
black noses and big eyes. If I had the option of getting Bear Names
mauled by a bear I’d probably take it, bears are freaking Male Names: A ​lan, Barry, Brian, Borris, Calvin, Connor,
adorable. I love bears. Dean, Greg, Jack, Kevin, Larry, Luke, Oscar, Smokey,
Tim, Victor, Xavier, Yogi
Female Names:​ Annie, Beatrice, ​
Beara​trice Carrie,
Bears Deana, Gina, Tina, Zina
Filling up all this space with role playing information about Family Names: ​ The Bear
bears is harder than I thought. I know I could just talk about
all their proficiencies and buffs and debuffs and things of
Talking Bear Traits
Your talking bear character has a number of traits in
common with all other bears.
Ability score increase. ​ Your Constitution score increases
by 1.
Age.​ Talking bears live a lot longer than regular bears
because they are a lot cooler. They reach adulthood at age
18, and live to be about 300 years old.
Alignment. ​ Bears are generally dank in nature and really
don’t care about anything, so they tend to be chaotic
Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 30 feet
Bear Resilience. ​ Your hit point maximum is increased by
one and it increases by one every time you gain a level.
No thumbs.​ Bears do not have hands, as such they require
special modifications be made to any weapons they wield,
such as leather straps that bind them to their paws, or
something else..
Bear Savagery. ​ As a bear, you have a bite attack that does
1d8 plus your Strength or Dexterity modifier. If your class
says you have a second attack, your next attack is claws,
which deals 2d6 plus Strength or Dexterity.
Bear Shaped Body.​ Special armor must be made for you
as well.
Languages.​ You know common, but you cannot read and
cuddly, they are an absolute menace in combat. They are
write. Bears do not read.
the second largest of the bears and their fur is brown.
Subrace.​ The four kinds of bear are grizzly, black, polar
Ability Score Increase.​ Your Strength score increases by
and panda. Choose one of these subraces.
Size. ​Grizzly bears are about 9 feet tall and weigh about
Grizzly 550 pounds. Your size is Medium
Grizzlys are the strongest kind of bear. While being cute
Ursus Horibilus​ You can spend your turn to let out a
terrifying roar. Every hostile enemy that can hear you must
make a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened.

Black Bears are the ninjas of bears. They are stealthy,
nimble and agile. They are one with the shadow. Always
watch your back, you never know if a black bear could be
following you right now… They are smaller than grizzly
bears and their fur is black
Ability Score Increase. ​ Your Dexterity score increases by
Size. ​
Black bears are typically about 8 feet tall and weigh
approximately 480 pounds Panda
Dark Fur.​ You have advantage on stealth checks in the Pandas are by far the cutest and the cuddliest of all the
dark or in caves bears, but don’t let their appearance fool you, they will
mess you up.
Polar Ability Score Increase. ​ Your Intelligence score increases
While Polar bears are the largest bear, they are not as by 2
strong as the mighty Grizzly, but they are still very strong. Size. ​
Pandas are about 6 feet tall, the smallest of the
They come from the frigid poles of the world, so they spend bears. They weigh about 250 pounds.
a lot of time thinking as there really isn’t much to do there. Delicious spear. Y ​ou have Proficiency in javelins and
As a result they generally tend to be very wise spears, only if they are made of sharpened bamboo
Ability Score Increase. ​ Your Strength and Wisdom scores shoots.
both increase by 1 Fifth Digit. ​
Pandas do have thumbs, as opposed to their
Alignment. ​ As opposed to the reckless grizzlies black grizzly, polar, and black cousins. As such they can wield
bears and pandas, the much tamer and more well meaning weapons without any special modifications made to it.
Polar bears tend to be Lawful Good. Power Nap.​ Pandas are expert nappers. You have one
Size. ​Polar bears tend to be about 9 and a half feet tall. extra hit dice for short rests. This hit dice is always d10,
They weigh approximately 580 pounds. regardless of your class. You gain an additional one at
Fur Coat. ​ Polar bears resist cold damage. level 11, and one more at level 18.
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Greater Skeleton
Spooky scary skeletons, send shivers down your
spine. Shrieking skulls will shock your soul; seal your
doom tonight. Spooky scary skeletons, speak with
such a screech. You’ll shake and shudder in surprise
when you hear these zombies shriek.
­ Andrew Gold

A cut above the rest

Greater skeletons are both mentally and physically
better than normal skeletons as they were created
with a more powerful kind of dark magic. They have
the ability to think, feel, learn and socialize, and they
have free will. They also have a life force different
from other skeletons so they are affected by healing

Dark origins
Greater skeletons are usually created with powerful
dark magic as an experiment by a necromancer. The
ability to think and feel and possess free will may just
Your greater skeleton character has a number of traits in
be a side effect that the necromancer did not expect,
common with other greater skeletons.
it also could have been intended. The necromancer
Ability score increase. ​ Your Dexterity score increases
could have intended to let the skeleton free as an by 1 and your Charisma score increases by 2.
experiment and is observing it to see how it learns Age. ​ Greater skeletons are created in adulthood and live
and grows and interacts with the world, or he could until their body is so destroyed that the dark magic can
have intended the skeleton to be a permanent no longer hold it together.
servant but he escaped. Alignment. G ​reater skeletons are typically brought into
the world with no experience in it just a general
Greater Skeleton Names knowledge of it, as such their personality has not been
Greater skeletons are generally not given names, just thoroughly developed and they tend to be true neutral
and they generally stay that way as that is how they feel
an understanding of a language and the world around
comfortable. However the people the skeleton interacts
them. As a result, they name themselves after things
with and the experiences it goes through do occasionally
they observe that they feel describes them. tip the scales in the direction of good or evil.
Unisex Names: ​ Bright Sun, Burning Tree, Crashing Size.​ Greater Skeletons generally tend to be human
Waterfall, Dark Shadow, Gentle Rabbit, Gust of skeletons, as humans are the most common race so
Wind, Mighty Oak, Ominous Raven, Swift Arrow, their bodies are the easiest to come by, so they tend to
Terrifying Monster be 5 to 6 feet tall and weigh only 40 pounds.
Languages. Y ​ou speak common and up to one other
Greater Skeleton Traits language that your creator might have spoken.
Hollow Ribcage. P ​eople find they have a difficult time
hitting you with bolts and arrows. Ranged weapons have
disadvantage on you and you resist piercing damage.
This does not include spells
Necrotic Life Force. ​ The dark magic that holds you
together gives you extra life. You have one temporary hit
point that you regain after a long rest and half as much
rounded up after a short rest. You gain one additional
temporary hit point every time you level up. For example,
at level 5 you have 5 temporary hit point. After you
complete a long rest, you get all 5 temporary hit points
back. After you complete a short rest, you get three
temporary hit points back.
Feign Life. ​The dark magic that holds you together is so
Greater it can trick healing magic into believing you are
actually alive. Healing spells work on you, regardless of
you being undead.
Skeletal Archery. ​ You have proficiency with shortbows
and longbows.
Skeletal Resilience. ​ You do not need to breath, eat or
drink, and you are immune to exhaustion and poison.
Fish people are like, super dope. The Kuo Toa look
so funny that they look cool. They’re also crazy…
crazy awesome that is! No but seriously, theyre all
actually insane.
­ Another stupid filler “quote”

Insane in the membrane

The Kuo­Toa are fish people who were enslaved by
mind flayers and they were mentally tortured. As a
result, when they were freed from the mind flayers
they were already all absolutely insane.

Natural enemies
There are many things that are a threat to the
Kuo­Toa race, the main one being the drows, or dark
elves. These evil elves slay the Kuo­Toa on site,
probably just because they are weaker then them
and very ugly.

Legit, a Lobster Lady?

The Kuo­Toa are insane and many are weak and Oomkaan, Poolidib, Poolp, Prin, Pripp, Prirr, Rripp,
helpless, so they create their own gods in their Rropp, Ur,lurg, Vuoor
imagination to protect them. Amazingly enough, if Female Names: ​ Bibble, Bilpli, Blipool, Lill, Lilli, Pliil,
enough Kuo­Toa truly believe in a god as hard as Pliili, Uustra
they can, they actually become real. The most Family Names: ​ Chose, Devout, Godessgifted, Holy,
notable case being Blipdoolpoolp the Sea Mother. Motherblessed, Seachild, Seakin, Undrowned
Blipdoolpoolp looks like a female human with the
arms and head of a crayfish. Kuo­Toa Traits
Your Kuo­Toa character has a number of traits in
Kuo­Toa Society common with all other Kuo­Toa
The Kuo­Toa society is a theocracy ruled by an Ability Score increase. ​ Your Strength and
archpriest, who so fervantly believes in his or her god Constitution score increase by 1
that he is embued with magical powers. He is able to Age. ​ Kuo­Toa reach adulthood at age 13 and live to
gift some of his power unto Kuo­Toas he calls be about 80 years old.
“whips”, some of whom are the archpriests children. Alignment.​ Kuo­Toa are all insane, but they have ​ no
Once the archpriest dies, it is the duty of the whips to good or evil intentions, so they all tend to be Chaotic
fight to the death to take his place. Neutral.
Size. ​
Kuo­Toa are about 4 to 5 feet tall and weigh
about 100­130 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Kuo­Toa Names Speed. ​ Your speed is 30 feet.
Male Names: ​ Drapood, Japaarg, Moolowik, Nibool,
Languages. ​ You speak common​ .
Amphibious. ​ You can breathe underwater.
Fishers of men. ​ You have proficiency with nets and
Imaginary God. ​ You call upon the help of a
nonexistent god you made up and through the
placebo effect you perform better. Once a day if you
get a roll you do not like you can reroll.
Slippery.​You have advantage on ability checks and
saving throws made to escape a grapple.
Sunlight Sensitivity. ​ While in sunlight, you have
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Sticky Shield. ​ If you have a sheild equipped, you
have treated it with a sticky goo made to catch
incoming weapons. If someone attacks you with a
melee weapon and they miss, you can use your
reaction to catch it with your sticky shield. They then
must make a DC11 Strength saving throw or the
weapon becomes stuck to your shield. If the wielder
cannot or will not let go of the weapon, the wielder is
grappled as long as the weapon is stuck. While it is
stuck, the weapon cannot be used. A creature can
pull the weapon free by taking an action to make a
DC 11 Strength check and succeeding.
Satyrs are raucous fey that frolic in wild forests,
driven by curiosity and hedonism in equal
­Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual

Party Hardy
Satyrs are partiers by nature. At any opportunity
they get, they will drink, celebrate a holiday, eat
decadent food, or celebrate or have fun in any way
shape or form. They will go to great lengths to have
fun, even if it means risking their life doing crazy
things such as infiltrating a well defended castle.

Getting Wasted on Labor Day

Satyrs will find any excuse to indulge themselves in
their insatiable desire to party. Any holiday will do, Age. ​Satyrs reach adulthood in their late twenties to
now matter how insignificant it is to them or anyone early thirties. They live for a very long time, almost a
at all. Luckily there seems to be enough holy days thousand years old.
and festivals and annual celebrations for them to Alignment. ​ Satyrs are avid partiers with no ill will or
justify their non stop partying. noble intentions. As such they tend to be chaotic
Satyr Traits Size. ​
Satyrs are about 5 to a little over 6 feet tall and
Your satyr character has a number of traits in weigh 120­160 pounds. Your size is Medium
common with other satyrs. Speed. ​ Your speed is 30 feet.
Ability Score Increase. ​
Your Dexterity score Horns.​ You are never unarmed, you have horns as
increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases a natural weapon. The damage dice for this is 2d4. .
by 1. Satyr’s Song.​ You are proficient in one musical
instrument, usually the pan flute.
Drunken Luck. ​ If you are intoxicated, you don’t
have disadvantage and if you roll a 1 on a d20 it
counts as a 20
Weapon Proficiencies. ​ You are proficient in
shortbows and shortswords.
Languages. ​ You know Common, Elvish, and Sylvan
Owl Folk Owl Folk Traits
All you boys in the new Toronto wanna be me a little. Your Owl folk character has a number of traits in
All your exes know I like my Os with a V in the common with all other owl folk
middle. You would love it if I went away and didn’t Ability Score Increase. ​ Your Dexterity score
say nothing else. How am I being real by keeping it increases by 1 and your wisdom score increases by
all to myself? 2.
­ Drake Age. ​Owl folk reach adulthood in their late teens and
live well into their second century.
Fresh Fowls Alignment. ​ Owl folk society usually goes by a strict
Owl folk are tall lean humanoids covered in feathers code of honor, therefore they are almost are almost
with the head of an owl and two large wings that end always lawful good.
in hands rather than arms and sharp talons at the Size. ​Owl folk are usually a little over 6 to 6 and a
end of large bird legs. They are fierce hunters and half feet tall. They are slender and have hollow
nomads that travel in packs. They are generally bones, so they tend to weigh 110­150 pounds. Your
peaceful people, but they will eliminate someone if size is Medium
they believe he is a threat, and they are good Speed. ​ You have a walking speed of 30 and a flying
combatants. speed equal to your walking speed.
Darkvision.​ You have darkvision of 60 feet.
Languages.​ You speak Common and one other
Night People language of your choice.
Owl folk prefer to travel at night to avoid attention
and be more effective hunters as they have good
night vision. They tend not to socialize with other
races, but this is not always the case. It varies from
person to person and from pack to pack. Some are
more hospitable than others.

Owl Folk Names

Male Names: ​ Ansgar, Avian, Avar, Cahir, Calanon,
Drake, Gilderoy Harbin, Mordecai Ovio, Usbeorn,
Female Names:​ Avia, Anna, Bianca, Evelyn, Hester
India, Laura Llyr, Meldiron, Melodia, Nanni, Tavia,
Summer, Ylver
Family Names: ​ Braveheart, Clearskies,
Cloudedheart, Honorbound, Oakensoul,
Skywardbound, Steelwing,

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