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BSMLS 2-Y2-2


The human body's immune system serves as
a defense system, keeping off infections and
illnesses. In the same way, real-world
defense and security systems are made to
protect people and groups from possible


The main pathways by which oxygen and carbon
dioxide are transported are red blood cells. In the
real world, resources and items are moved from
one place to another using modes of
transportation including cars, trains, and ship.
These vehicles are related to red blood cells
because they communicate carbon dioxide, a
waste product, back to the lungs for departure
while also carrying oxygen, a necessary
resource, to various bodily tissues and organs.

Extreme weather conditions such as high
temperatures, acidic or alkaline environments,
and nutrient-poor locations are among situations
they can withstand. Real-world organisms have
also developed to survive in severe or unique
environments; examples of these include hot
Serve as the body's protectors, much like real-world
security personnel. They detect and destroy
unwanted chemicals and invading bacteria, avoiding
infections, and preserving the body's general health.
Real-world security forces that defend nations and
communities from possible threats are similar in this

In addition to filtering blood, the spleen aids in the
elimination of waste materials including old or
broken blood cells. This function is comparable to
real-world garbage disposal systems, which gather,
process, and get rid of waste to keep things
hygienic and clean.

Bacteria can be capable of causing disease if they
have a bacterial capsule. It can help the bacteria
invade and colonize new tissues while shielding it
from the host's immune system. Similar to this, in
the real world, some traits or attributes of people or
entities such as particular traits or abilities linked to
criminal activity or evil intent can add to their
ability to cause harm or damage.

Receptors serve as crucial for directing and
managing cellular functions. They can regulate the
susceptibility of cells to specific signals. This
regulation and control are like those found in real-
world systems, which depend on feedback
mechanisms, control plans, or regulatory
procedures to preserve stability, balance, and ideal
Their unique structures, such dendritic spines,
enhance their surface area and promote the
development of connections, which are the points
where neurons communicate with one another.
This information gathering process is like real-
world situations where information is gathered for
decision-making from a wide range of sources.

The coagulation system, which is like systems
employed in the real world to seal holes or stop
leaks, depends critically on platelets. Platelets stick
together to form a clot when blood arteries break
down, covering the damaged area and stopping
further blood loss. The procedure of sealing or
filling leaks in pipes or containers to stop fluid
leaks is like this clotting process.

They facilitate immunological responses to
infections by delivering immune cells, such as
lymphocytes, to locations of infection or
inflammation. Immune surveillance has similarities
to real-world security systems, which keep an eye
out for dangers and take appropriate action to keep
people safe.

They maintain their eyes out for any signs of
abnormalities or infections in the body. Antigens are
compounds present on the outermost layer of
pathogens or infected cells that T lymphocytes can
As organic filters, our lungs help to purify the
air we breathe. Dust, allergies, and other
particles are filtered out of our lungs during
inhalation, keeping them from going further
into our respiratory systems. This filtering
method is like real filtration systems seen in
ventilation or air purification systems that
eliminate contaminants and enhance air quality.

Funnel systems, which are present in many
real-world situations, are like bronchial tubes.
Bronchial tubes act as passageways for air to
move between the trachea and the lungs, much
how conduits move materials or fluids from
one place to another. They guarantee that air
enters the lungs and exits the body smoothly
and effectively.

The mucosa covering the airways serves as a
barrier, just like physical barriers do to keep
dangerous things out. Particles like dust,
contaminants, and viruses are kept out of the
deeper sections of the respiratory system by the
mucus generated by the mucosa. Physical
barriers employed in many sectors to block the
entry of undesired items, such filters or sieves,
are analogous to this protective role.

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